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Neon Nights

Page 6

by by: Anthony mayfield

  'Whew.' he thought, 'She still has it bad. No thanks to Porneo. Porneo!' The name rang out in his head. 'What happened? Was he stopped?' He didn't know. He fell to his knees and began to pray. After a short while, the Spirit Of The Lord whispered to him, 'All is well. Porneo has been vanquished.' Johnny breathed a long deep breath of relief. 'Thank you father.' he said aloud as he reached for the ringing telephone.

  'Hello.' 'Hello Johnny. It's me again. Boy you must be psychic. It's a good thing I didn't come over there, Michael just woke up. I told him what you said, and he asked me to call for him.' 'Is he nearby?' Johnny asked. 'Yes he is, just a minuet. Michael: Honey, it's Johnny. I've got him on the phone for you.' There was some background noise and faint voices before Michael finally answered the phone. 'Johnny, ole buddy. How are you doing?' 'I'm fine, Michael. How are you?' 'Oh, I can't complain. Say, Nancy tells me that she had a fantastic time with you at the mall today. Thanks a lot for going with her. I really appreciate it. It saved me a lot of time and trouble, if you know what I mean.' 'Yeah, I know what you mean.' Johnny answered. 'What's this I hear about you taking us out to dinner?' 'Well, I'd like to, that is if you aren't too tired." 'Man, I'm never too tired to eat.' Michael said laughing. 'When do you want us to be ready?' 'Is an hour to soon?' Johnny asked. 'No. An hour is plenty of time.' Michael said. 'We'll be waiting for you.' "Alright, I'll see you then.' Johnny said. 'Bye.' Michael responded, 'Bye." and hung up. 'Click. Buzzzz.' The sound of the humming phone brought Johnny out of a deep thought

  that he'd quickly slipped into. He had been pondering how he could be effective in restoring Nancy's and Michael's marriage. A wide smile spread across his face. He leaped up, shouted 'Hallelujah!' and went to shower for dinner.

  'Diiiing Dooooong.' The door bell announced Johnny's arrival. 'I'll get it, honey!' Nancy hollered. Beaming, she swished open the door. She had an expression on her face that was identical to someone greeting a lover returning from an extremely lengthy trip. She was dressed rather spirited. She wore a red, strapless dress and black pearls. The hem of the dress stooped just above the knee; and, as she moved, it flowed provocatively about her. 'Hi, Johnny.' she said in a tone filled with excitement and anticipation. 'Come on in.' Johnny stood there a moment, unsure. He thought that if he stepped through the door she'd try to seduce him, and as tempting as she looked, he might not stop her. Just then, Michael rounded the corner. Feeling easier, Johnny whispered, 'Thank you, Lord' and stepped in. 'Va, va, va, voom.' Michael said. 'Wow babe, you look awesome! I haven't seen you in that dress since... why I can't even remember its been so long." She thought, 'Don't get excited chubby, it's not for you.'

  'Well, are we ready to go?' Johnny asked. 'As ready as we'll ever be.' Michael answered. 'Alright then,' Johnny continued, 'lets go." Michael asked, 'Whose car are we taking?' 'Since I'm taking you out to dinner, it's only fair that I drive.' Johnny said. 'Sounds fair to me too.' Michael said with a chuckle. They walked over to Johnny'S driveway to get in the car. Johnny opened the passenger door for Nancy, she got in. As she was reaching to unlock Johnny's door, Michael slid in beside her and shut the door. Stunned for the moment, Nancy quickly composed herself. Choosing her words carefully, she said, 'Honey, I don't think it's proper for all three of us to be riding in the front, especially since there's room in the back. It makes me look cheap. This isn't a pick up truck, you know. Wouldn't it be more comfortable for all of us if you sat in the back? Unless of coarse you'd prefer me to?' 'Oh babe. Not at all. You're absolutely right. I don't know what I was thinking of.' Somewhat embarrassed, he clumsily found the door handled, wobbled out and plopped down on the back seat. While Michael was changing seats, Nancy reached in her purse, found a stick of lipstick, and conveniently dropped it on the driver's side of the car. 'Would you get that for me Johnny?' she coyly asked. 'Sure.' he said while unbuckling his seat belt. He bent over, ran his hand underneath the seat until it made contact with the lipstick. 'Here it is.' he announced. He was straightening up and had come half way up when he looked over at Nancy. She had pulled her dress up to the point where it looked like a micro mini skirt. Her legs were slightly open, and Johnny saw more then he wanted to. He looked at her face and with her lips she was mouthing the words, 'I want you', and rotating

  her hips in small circular motions at the same time. Johnny bolted up, as he did, he hit his head on the steering wheel. Nancy giggled. 'Are you ok?' she asked. 'Yeah, I'm fine. Here's you lipstick.' At that moment, he had a deeper appreciation for Jesus and every Godly man and woman. He thought, 'Lord, this flesh is truly something to deal with. Now I know why Joseph had to run. It seems that it would be easier for a man to be thrown into the middle of an ocean and told to swim to dry land without getting a drop of water in his mouth, than to be put in the room with a voluptuous temptress without succumbing to her. Yeah, no doubt about it, Joseph had to run.'

  The remaining portion of the evening went fairly well, with the exception of Nancy's pouting. She had become irritable because Johnny had refused to respond to any of her advances. After a splendid dinner, exceptional service, and a good, hearty conversation, between Johnny and Michael, they were ready to leave. Johnny excused himself and went to the restroom. While he was gone, Michael slipped his hand under the table and gently caressed Nancy's thigh. 'I know the perfect way to end the perfect evening.' he said. She picked up his hand with her thumb and forefinger, as if it were some detestable road kill, dropped it by her side, and coldly proclaimed, 'Not tonight, I have a headache.'

  Michael's adrenalin began to rush through his body. 'A headache!' he shouted under his breath. 'Is that the same headache you've had for the past month?" 'Lower your voice.' she snapped, 'you're making people stare.' Michael glanced around the restaurant. Some people were laughing, others were repulsed, and everyone knew what they were discussing. Nodding nervously to the onlookers, Michael eased back into his chair. He didn't even remember standing. By now, Johnny was weaving his way back through the throng of people and tables. 'All set?" he asked. Michael's face was flush. Both he and Nancy were quiet and staring in opposite directions, like two children upset with one another. Abruptly, Michael stood and said, 'I've got to go to the restroom, I'll meet you at the car.' Before Johnny could say anything, Michael had turned and was walking away. Turning toward Nancy, he said, 'Well, I guess we can go to the car." He tried to assist her from her chair, she resisted, rose, and strode off leaving him behind, with a sheepish look on his face, holding an empty chair.

  Once outside Johnny asked, 'Hey, what's wrong with you?' 'You know darn well what's wrong with me, Johnny Angel. You have been deliberately avoiding me all night and I don't like it, not one bit! If you're trying to play hard to get I'm a real good player, just ask Michael." 'No, I'm not playing hard to get." Johnny said. Softening just a bit, she asked, 'Then what's wrong?' He looked her straight in the eyes and said, 'You're wrong.' Tears

  welled up in her eyes, she snatched open the car door, got in and slammed it shut. Johnny stood outside of the car until Michael arrived.

  The ride home was deathly quiet, and most uncomfortable for everybody. The car hadn't come to a complete stop in Johnny's driveway before Nancy flung the door open, jumped out and headed for home. Michael wearily climbed out of the back seat, gently closed his door and Nancy's. 'Thanks for dinner, Johnny.' he said. 'I really appreciate it." 'You're welcome Michael. Will you and Nancy be alright?' 'Oh sure. She says she has a headache. Hmph, as much money as I've spent on aspirins lately, I ought to buy stock in the company.' 'Listen Michael, you don't have to go home just yet you know. You're more than welcome to come over and talk with me about anything that may be troubling you.' Johnny said. 'Thanks ole buddy, but I don't want to burden you with my troubles, I'm sure you have your own.' "No. I don't.' Johnny said rather matter of factly. Michael drew back his head in dis­belief and said, "You mean to stand there and tell me that you don't have any problems, not even one?' 'Not even one.' Johnny answered. 'Yeah, right.' Michael sarcastically said. 'And I'm and
angel in an overweight body.' Johnny laughed, walked around the car, threw his arm around Michael's shoulder and said, 'Come on in, ole buddy and I will give you the keys that will unlock any problem, revolutionize a drab marriage, and fill your life with unending bounty. Are you interested?' Bewildered, Michael nodded yes, and they went inside.

  It was a placid windless day. Nancy was at the local farmer's market doing some grocery shopping. People, strange people, that she didn't know began to stare at her and point stiff fingers at her as she passed by. They were saying, 'No, you're wrong. No. You're wrong.' Over and over again. She hurriedly moved away from them. They followed her chanting over and over, louder and louder, 'NO YOU'RE wrong!' She tried to run but her feet seemed to be mired in a thick muck that soon covered her legs. She moved in slow motion despite how hard she tried to do otherwise. Blurred, wrenched faces with toothless sneers zoomed past her. They began to throw paper, cans, and rocks at her. She cried out and pleaded for help and mercy, but her hecklers were relentless.

  Suddenly, the earth shifted, opened up and she was spiralling downward at the speed of light; tumbling end over end, she was falling toward a pile of jagged rocks as unfamiliar faces danced round and round in her mind to the sound of heinous laughter. Screaming, She bolted up. A hot sticky, perspiration that ran loosely about her head, chest, and back, had caused her nightie to cling to her body. The room was quiet and dark, too dark. There seemed to be a face darker than the dark, yet distinguishable, peering out from the corner of her room. It was smiling. There was no body attached, only an erie large ebony face. It

  came out of the corner towards her. As it got closer, she could make out two enormous warts on the top of its head that closely resembled horns. It opened its mouth to reveal sharp pointed teeth and a two headed snake for a tongue. It was coming for her even faster now, just before it got to her face, she clicked on the light and it disappeared. She looked around the room, it was gone. She was alone. There were no noises, and all faces had vanished into the light. Trembling, she thought, 'It was just a dream. She looked at the clock, it was 5 a.m. Michael hadn't come to bed. She threw back the covers and went looking for him. 'Michael?' she called. There was no response. After she had searched the house, reluctantly, she decided to call Johnny. 'Hello.' 'Hello, Johnny. This is Nancy. I'm sorry to bother you but Michael isn't here and he didn't come home last night. Did he say where he was going?' "Don't worry Nancy, Johnny answered, Michael is fine. He's over here. Would you like to talk to him?' 'Yes.' she said. 'Hello." 'Hello, Michael.' 'Hi honey. Listen before you say anything, I'll be home in about ten minutes; we need to talk, ok?" 'He has never wanted to talk before, why now.' she thought. 'Alright.' she gingerly said. 'Is there something wrong?' 'Yes, there's plenty wrong.' He said. 'What is it Michael?" 'We'll discuss it as soon as I get home, alright?' 'Oh, I'll see you when you get here. Bye.'

  She slowly hung up the phone. Thoughts crowded and paraded up and down her mind one by one. 'Does he know about Johnny and me? Is he angry enough to do bodily harm? Does he want a divorce? Divorce? Oh, please God, not that. I know that I've been thinking about it but I wouldn't want him to dump me before I can dump him.' 'NO. YOU'RE WRONG!' The voices from her dream rang out in her mind She began to mumble, 'No No, it's not my fault it was...' 'Nancy?' It was Michael. Had ten minuets passed already, she thought? "Nancy, where are you?' She quickly gathered herself and answered, 'I'm in the family room, Michael.' With slow heavy strides, he walked into the family room.

  Nancy could hear him coming. It seemed as if it took forever for him to get there. Physically, he looked like he'd fought all night. His face was ash white, as if it had been stained by a flood of heavily, salted tears; his eyes were fixed and piercing. He looked as if he'd either seen a demon or an angel. His presence unnerved Nancy. Without reason, she became afraid. She tried to take charge by attacking him before he attacked. 'Where were you all night, Michael?' She asked as forcefully and demanding as she possibly could. Seemingly impervious to her question, standing with a combination smile and sigh on his lips, Michael asked, 'Nancy, do you still love me?' Shaken, Nancy said, 'Don't change the subject, Michael. Where were you all night?' 'I spent the night at Johnny's house.' he calmly answered. 'Now, do you still love me, yes or no?' 'That's a stupid question, Michael. Why are you asking me something like that at a time like this?' 'What do you

  mean, at a time like this? What's wrong with my timing? This is all the time that I have, the next minuet isn't even promised to me.' His suaveness was overbearing. Rattling she said, 'Look I'm tired. I'm going back to bed.' She started for the door. He grabbed her arm and said, 'Alright, you can go back to bed, but before you go, please, answer the question.' 'What question?' she said absentmindedly. 'Do you still love me?' he asked again. 'I want the truth Nancy.' She slowly pulled her arm free and said, 'I'll answer, but first, tell me what were you doing all night at Johnny's house?' 'Talking.' he replied. 'Talking?' she repeated incredulously. 'You were talking all night?" 'Yes, we were.' he answered. 'About what?' 'About you and me, God, and a host of other things.' Afraid again, she asked, 'What about me?' 'Oh, just about our marriage and if I thought it was working or not and why.' 'What did you tell him?' 'I told him that we had the usual problems, nonetheless, our marriage was working.' 'Figures.' she whispered to herself. 'Did you say something?' he asked. 'No. go on. What did Johnny say?' 'Mostly he just listened to me talk, which is unusual in itself because you know that I'm not all that talkative.' 'That's the understatement of the year.' she mumbled. 'What?' he asked. 'Nothing, go on."

  'I have never been so open with an individual in all my life. With Johnny, it was easy. I mean, he listened intently and I could sense that he was really concerned. Like I said earlier, he didn't say much, but when he did talk, it came at me from all angles.' A bit agitated, she asked again, 'Well, what did he say?' 'He told me about the many marriages that he'd seen break up and what had caused them to break up. Then he told me all about successful marriages and what made them work. He said that he was going to give me specific instructions on how we can make our marriage and everything else work out right.' 'For the umteenth time, Michael, what did he say?' 'First, let me tell you this, at one point in our conversation, I started to cry, and he consoled me.' 'He consoled you? What do you mean, he consoled you?' she asked. 'He put his arm around my shoulder and consoled me, that's what I mean.' She eyed him suspiciously. 'Listen, Nancy, nothing unusual, strange, or queer took place, understand?" 'Alright, don't get excited, I understand." Michael continued, 'The only reason that I mentioned that is to let you know that the events of the night were anything but usual for me. And I hope that you will remember that and not consider me a fruitcake when I begin to change for the better. Anyway, after I had said all that I had to say, and he had said all that God had laid on his heart, he prayed for me and you and our marriage. I have never experienced anything like that before in my life. I am a changed man. I actually felt the presence of God." As Michael talked about his experience, there seemed to be a glow about Michael's face.

  Nancy's mind flashed back to the paper man the day she first met Johnny and how he changed when Johnny prayed for him. Michael was still talking, 'After the prayer, we talked some more. He asked me if I felt any different. I told him that I did. He got up and left the room, when he returned, he had this gigantic key ring. It was as big as a hula hoop. I asked him where in the world had he gotten all those keys from?' He said, 'These are the keys needed to unlock mystery, confusion, and problems. They are needed to bring heaven down to earth so that heaven can invade the problem areas in your life.' I said, 'If it takes that many keys to achieve happiness, then no wonder people are still in a mess.' Johnny laughed a deep sincere laugh that echoed throughout the room. 'It doesn't take all of these keys.' he said. These are just many duplicates of the needed keys.' I asked, 'Well, how many keys does it take?' He answered, 'At this point, that doesn't matter. Only concern yourself with five, two of which you have earned tonight." Then he unlocked
the key ring and pulled off those two keys. Michael held them up for Nancy to see. They shone brilliantly as the morning sun bounced from one key to the next. 'See, look. They're solid gold!' he exclaimed. 'What's that written on them?' she asked, while squinting to make out the letters. He held out one and said, 'On this one, the word confess is written on it.' "What does that mean?' she asked. 'Well, Johnny explained the importance of the words that we speak. He shared scriptures with me that showed how life and death are in the power of the tongue, and since all of the worlds troubles are directly linked to words, then words could also be used to destroy trouble. So, the first order of business was for me to confess, which I did when I poured my heart out to him. Next, I repented, which I did when he prayed. This other key has the word 'pray' on it. Which is what I reaquainted myself with last night. After I get these concepts in me, I'll get one of the other keys.'

  'I understand why you have the prayer key, but why do you need a key with confess on it since you've already done that?' she asked. 'Most people believe that confessions are bad, however, there's much more to confess than negatives. For example, I'll confess my future expectations, health, prosperity, happiness, and all that's important to me, and in all things, I will pray.' 'That's it?' she asked with a blank expression on her face. 'Name it and claim it, huh?' 'No.' he said, 'That's not it. I have to live up to the words that I speak everyday. Faith without works is useless. I realize that things won't happen over night, therefore, I will persist until I succeed, or until the coming of the Lord Jesus, or until I die, which ever comes first. And now, I confess to you. I have not been the husband or man that I should have been for you. I have been egotistical and insensitive, for that, I ask your forgiveness.'


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