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Trapped in Time-Extinction

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  “Did you find out anything?”

  “No Sire. We’ve searched every warrior’s quarters that were on duty in that area of the city.”

  “It might have been a warrior from another area who went there when he was off duty.”

  “I also had every warrior’s quarters who was off duty that night searched as well. We’ve not found any evidence of the female slave.” The Commandant shook his head and the Commander said, “I also personally searched the two slaves’ quarters as well and there is no evidence of damage to them. I must say the male slave’s room really stank but it was not damaged in any way.”

  “What do you mean by it had a bad smell?”

  “I wish I could describe it. This slave wasn’t very clean and didn’t wash himself enough.”

  The Commandant stared out of the window at the harbor and after a few moments said, “I think I agree with your assessment; it had to be done by one of our warriors. I don’t know that we’ll ever catch who did it but we need to put our attention on our defenses. How long will it be before the new guns are on the back wall?”

  “Their installation started yesterday. I expect them to be completed by the end of next week.”

  “Once they’re in place, I want construction on the new gunships to commence. We won’t be able to use them this season but I want the new fleet ready to sail by the next easterly wind shift.”

  The Commander nodded, “The new cannons will be completed in time to arm the new ships.”

  The Commandant waved his hand at the commander dismissing him and wondered if the new enemy would attack with the next westerly wind change. If they didn’t…they would regret it.

  • • •

  Mindy turned sideways to the five targets along the cliff wall a hundred yards away and waited. Tyler shouted, “NOW!” Mindy had an arrow out in an instant and on the way. All five targets were hit in the bull’s eye in less than eight seconds. “Good shooting, Mindy. That’s excellent time, only eight seconds.”

  Mindy smiled, “That ties my best time yet.”

  They had been practicing for an hour and Tyler stood up and looked at the targets. “Mindy.”

  Mindy looked away from the targets and looked at Tyler, “Yes.”

  “I want to ask you a question.”


  “Do you ever see you and me ending up together?”

  Mindy’s tilted her head, “What do you mean by, ‘together’?”

  “You know, as mates.”

  “Why, are you asking me now?”

  “You don’t have to say yes. I just want to know if you can see it happening.”

  “Are you asking me if I love you?”

  “Actually, I’m just curious if you ever could love me.”

  “I love you now, Tyler.” Tyler smiled until Mindy said, “Like a brother.”

  “So you don’t see us loving each other as mates?”

  “Well, since you put me in this embarrassing situation, I’m going to answer your question honestly.”

  “That’s all I want.”

  “You could never be someone I would choose to be my mate. You’re handsome and a great warrior but I don’t think we’d work out together.”

  Tyler felt the instant pain of her words and could only say, “Why not?”

  “I wish you wouldn’t ask that question, but I’ll answer it. I just don’t see you measuring up to what I’d need in a mate.”

  “Measuring up?”

  “I have ambitions and the one I accept as a mate is someone that will be one of our Community Leaders. I mean, look at you. Your father is dead. The community is supporting your mother. You spent most of your time with that former slave. You don’t have much of a sense of presence. I need someone that is going to be at the center of the Community’s Leadership.”

  “Won’t you have to love them?”

  “I’m sure I can love someone who meets my requirements.”

  Tyler stared at her and said, “I suspect you’ve already chosen some likely candidates.”

  “No, I’ve not chosen anyone but there are some who have chosen me.”

  Tyler’s eyes narrowed, “Have you spent any time with them to see who might be the one that meets your requirements?”

  Mindy’s face turned red and she said, “While you were gone all that time I was asked out by a few.”

  “And you accepted their invitation?”

  “I did. Why are you acting like this?”

  “Mindy, you and I have spent our lives together since we were small children. We’ve trained together; we’ve almost lived together. And you’re not interested in me at all?”

  “Tyler, if I thought you had a better future, then I might be interested.”

  Tyler nodded and said, “What about Gordon?” Mindy stared at him and Tyler said, “You were out with him after the gathering, weren’t you?”

  “How dare you spy on me!?”

  “I didn’t. I just saw the two of you nod to each other after I told you I’d see you in the morning.”

  “Well, he’s already a wing commander and he’s headed for great things. A girl couldn’t find much better than him.”

  Tyler stared at her, “You’re not stupid, Mindy. When were you going to tell me?”

  “I guess when I had to.”

  “Don’t you think keeping your feelings from me wasn’t fair? You had to know how I felt.”

  Mindy shrugged, “It might not have worked out with Gordon and me.”

  Tyler shook his head, “So it would be a good idea to keep me around?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Well, if you’re going to be looking for possible candidates that would meet your criteria, don’t you think it wouldn’t be a good idea not to be seen with me too much?”

  Mindy tilted her head and said, “I really hadn’t thought about that but I think you’re right. I know there are a lot of men who stare at me.” She looked at Tyler, “Being around you so much probably does keep some away.”

  “Well, in an effort to help you accomplish your goals, I think you and I should stay away from each other.”

  “That’s a good idea. Thank you.”

  Suddenly, Tyler turned toward the five targets and ripped out five shots in less than five seconds. Mindy’s eyes went wide and Tyler put his bow over his shoulder. As he walked away he said, “Winning the bow competition might not be so simple next year.”

  Mindy watched him go and walked over to the five targets. All five of her practice arrows were split down the middle. Her eyes went wide and she jerked her head toward Tyler who was growing smaller in the distance. She looked back at the targets and shook her head, those shots were impossible; especially at the speed at which he had fired them.

  Then it struck her that if he could do this, he had probably let her win the archery competition. She looked back at Tyler and wondered if there were other things she didn’t know about him. But her self-love won out and she decided that he wouldn’t ever amount to much. She pulled the arrows out of the targets and went to find Gordon. He’d be happy to know Tyler was no longer an issue. Samuel would also be glad to hear it as well.

  Within two days, numerous suitors were asking Mindy out. She was thankful Tyler had decided to stay away. Life was going to start being fun.

  Tyler went to the Cursor pen and saddled Tipper. The Cursor was excited about being taken out. It had been a long time since Tyler had ridden him and his excitement was infectious. Tyler smiled and shook his head, there was no doubt about how Tipper felt about him. He pulled the saddle tight, strapped the glider pack on, and sighed, He didn’t have any doubts about Mindy until last night. He was blind to what was going on and if he wasn’t attracted to Olivia, he would have never seen it. It was only when he began mentally comparing the two that he saw Mindy’s attention laid elsewhere. But it still hurt so much. His childhood sweetheart had just told him he would never amount to much. The pain to his heart, and ego, was hard to bear. He walked Tippe
r out to the gate and told Riley, who was manning it, that he was going for a ride.

  “When will you be back?”

  Tyler sighed, “I honestly don’t know.”

  “You must have found out about Mindy.” Tyler took a deep breath and stared at Riley saying nothing. Riley grabbed Tipper’s reins and said, “Tyler, she’s not been very faithful while you were gone.”

  “I know.”

  “She’s not the right one for you. You deserve much better.”

  Tyler looked at Riley and said, “Thank you.”

  Tyler pulled the reins and Riley held on to them, “I’m serious. Most of us who have families know that she is not someone you’d want to spend your life with. You are far too good to accept someone you could never trust. We believe in you, Tyler and what you did on the scouting voyage only confirms our belief that you’re really going to be something special.”

  Riley released the reins and Tyler stared at the older warrior. “Thank you, Riley. Coming from you, it means a lot.”

  “I’m not alone, Tyler. Now go and deal with your demons.” Tyler nodded and turned Tipper to the north. The Cursor left in a burst of speed and Riley watched them disappear in the distance. A few moments later, the new girl arrived and looked around the Cursor pen. Riley walked over and said, “I don’t believe you have a cursor, Miss.”

  “I’m looking for Tipper.”

  “Tipper is gone.”

  The young girl shook her head, “Is Tyler ok?”

  Riley lowered his head, “Why do you ask?”

  “I just saw his girlfriend kissing someone else.”

  Riley saw her concern and said, “Tyler no longer has a girlfriend, Miss.”

  Olivia looked off to the north and shook her head, “He has to be hurting.”

  Riley saw the pain in her eyes and said, “He’ll be back when he exorcises his demons. He’s a strong man, Miss. He’ll be ok.”

  “I know he’s strong. But love can bring the strongest to their knees. Thank you for helping me.” Olivia bowed and turned to go. Riley said, “He deserves much better than his former girlfriend.”

  Olivia looked at Riley and said, “I know. She doesn’t know what she’s given up.”

  “No, she doesn’t.” Riley paused and said, “Do you?”

  Olivia looked toward the north and said, “He’s the best of what we are.” She looked at Riley, “Whomever he chooses will get more than he gets.”

  Olivia turned to go and Riley said, “I’m not at all sure about that, Miss.” Olivia looked back and saw Riley salute her.

  Chapter Eight

  Melody felt the babies move and gave a little yell. Andy looked at her and shook his head, “They’re fighting for space, aren’t they?”

  Melody sat down and nodded, “It does appear they are.”

  Andy came over and took her hand, “Are you ok to sit in this meeting?”

  “I’m fine, I’m fine.”

  Andy held her hand as Harvey, Maxius, and Mark entered his front door. Harvey looked at them and said, “Is everything ok?”

  Andy smiled, “Yes, the babies are fighting for room.”

  Harvey, Maxius, and Mark all stopped in their tracks. Maxius looked at the other two and then turned to Melody, “Are you having twins?”

  Melody smiled and nodded, “It appears I am.”

  Harvey looked at Andy and he said, “It’s known that twins are more likely to have twins.”

  Harvey stared at Melody and shook his head, “I hope and pray they’ll be just like the twins that preceded them.”

  Andy pulled up some chairs to his dining room table and said, “Take a seat. We need to decide what we’re going to do.”

  Mark sat down and picked up a piece of beef jerky off a plate on the table, “I’ve been giving this some thought and I think I agree with Andy. Once the Destroyers complete their defenses around their city, they’ll be coming to find us and they’ll be loaded for T-Rex.”

  Harvey nodded, “I must agree. However, we have some time. There’s no way they can come on the current wind. They’ll have to wait for the next season.”

  Andy nodded, “But that means if we want to take the initiative, we’re going to have to go as soon as the current wind changes. If we wait for the next one, we’ll be fighting them here.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  Andy looked at Maxius, “They’ll have those new spitter guns and they’ll be on their boats at sea. They’ll be much easier to defend than a city. The four barrels on that new gun worries me. If it can fire four times as fast as the old model, our fliers will be in great danger.”

  Harvey shrugged, “They won’t be able to see us.”

  “They’ll start firing as soon as they arrive and they’ll really kick it off if any of our fliers are hit and fall into the water. They can also bombard the city from outside the range of our cannons.”

  Harvey nodded and after a moment said, “So what’s the plan?”

  “I think Tyler said it. We’re going to have to get inside the city under those cables. Coming from the forest is the only way I can see that happening. Once we take out the spitters on the wall next to the forest, we’ll move in from behind and take out the cannons and spitters on the coastal wall. Once that’s done, our forces at the forest wall will cut the cables opening the city to our fliers.”

  Mark leaned back in his chair, “Andy those walls are more than ten miles long. How are we going to get our forces through the city to attack the walls without alerting the coastal defenders?”

  “We’re going to have to kill every one between our fliers and the coastal wall.” The three were silent as they stared at Andy. Andy rubbed the back of his neck and said, “You’re wondering how we’re going to do that?”

  Harvey nodded, “As a matter of fact, I am.”

  Andy took his beam gun out of its holster and turned it over so the bottom of the gun’s butt could be seen, “I think all of you have seen the notch on the bottom with marks around it.” The three nodded. “Currently, the notch is set about half way around the marks. I took this gun and went to an empty house on the edge of our community and turned the notch all the way to its highest setting. I had Melody watch the house, from a distance, through the open front door as I fired the gun at a wall. Melody saw the beam go through the wall.”

  “Are you saying it will penetrate the wall and kill everything inside a building?”

  “I don’t have anyone to put in a house to test it on but Melody says the beam was bright.”

  “It was actually brighter than normal. Our forces can fire at the buildings they pass on their way to the coastal wall. No one will be sounding an alert from those buildings.”

  Harvey looked at Andy, “Why do you think they were designed to penetrate walls?”

  “We’ll discuss this at a future date, Harvey. However, this is how we’re going to have to do it. Our fliers will fire their guns close to the walls and they won’t be seen by the defenders at the coastal defenses.”

  “Just how many fliers will we need to make this attack?”

  “We’re not going to be able to get enough in to attack the entire ten miles. We’ll need to get a thousand in and move forward on a front about a mile wide. I suspect most of the defenders will be at the coastal wall once our fleet is seen. Once the ground force arrives at the coastal wall, they’ll fan out and take out all of the coastal guns simultaneously. The signal used to start the fight will tell our forces remaining at the wall to cut the cables over the community.”

  Maxius shook his head, “It’s going to take about fifteen hundred to take the spitters on the forest wall and remain behind to cut the cables.”

  “I know.”

  “Who’s going to command the attack on the forest wall?”

  “I’m going to put Tyler in command.”

  Harvey shook his head, “Andy, he’s just a boy.”

  “Who went into those defenses and came out with Olivia. He’s been there and everyone else would
be flying in blind.” Andy looked at Mark, “How do our fliers see Tyler?”

  Mark tilted his head and said, “They respect him. They know what he did and the word of all he had to deal with in making his escape has made an impact on them. I think they’ll follow him if push comes to shove.”

  “You need to find out, Mark.”

  “I’ll check into it.”

  Harvey interrupted, “Just how are you going to get fifteen hundred fliers into the forest without being seen?”

  “Tyler is going to have to teach the Fliers how to land in a tree. Once they’re ready, we’ll start moving the ships that will carry them.”

  “How many ships will be taking them? The Destroyers will have pickets out and a fleet that large won’t go unnoticed.”

  “Three camouflaged ships carrying five hundred flyers each will take them in close enough to launch.”

  “Those ships won’t be able to carry all the provisions necessary to feed them on the voyage.”

  “The flyers will be on other ships in the fleet and will transfer to their transports when the fleet arrives a week out from the Destroyer city. They will board the camouflaged ships and sail to the north and approach the city from along the coast. They’ll launch from their ships and fly to the forest from beyond the Destroyer Picket ships stationed to the north.”

  “What about the timing of their attacks?”

  “That’s a minor detail we’ll work out later. This is the only way I see us doing this without tremendous loss of life among our forces.”

  “What about the cannons covering the Harbor entrance?”

  “We’ll fly over them and fire our red beams. I’m not willing to risk landing on those cliffs to try and take them.”

  Mark nodded, “Rory says that those cannons are in range of the coastal wall. You’re wise to hit them and leave them.”

  “What happens after the coastal guns are taken out?”

  Andy looked at Harvey and said, “Our ground forces will make a run for the forest wall where they will launch off the wall and get out of there.”

  Maxius’ eyes narrowed, “Why would they do that?”

  Andy looked at the three of them and said, “Because we’re going to launch every other flyer we’ve brought and they will fly over the city and hit everything in sight with their red beams.” Andy paused and said, “Those beams will be fired at their highest setting.”


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