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Trapped in Time-Extinction

Page 19

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  Zeck led the fleet into the harbor and the crews anchored the ships close to shore while Andy’s ship was tied off at the pier. Andy walked down the ramp and looked at the smoke still rising over the city. Tyler had been brought on board and the doctors didn’t like what they saw. Mindy was still unconscious and did not appear to be getting any stronger. Olivia and Gordon were on board staying with their loved ones. Gordon had flown in and Olivia was rowed out right behind Tyler. She was holding up, but just barely. Gordon wasn’t doing much better.

  He took a deep breath and shook his head. He knew Rory was handling most of the cleanup and Andy wondered how he was holding up. The initial reports said that more than eight hundred fliers had been killed by the Destroyers firing up at them from the ground. The red beams made them a target and the enemy was very accurate with their guns. Many of the fliers died from crashing when they could no longer control their gliders. He looked at Zeck standing on the ship and said, “Let me know when Steve shows up.” Zeck nodded and Andy led the hundred ground warriors into the city. They fanned out around him and were determined that no surviving Destroyer would get a shot off at their leader. Johnathan met him onshore and embraced him, “It’s been a rough day.” Andy nodded and Johnathan turned and said, “The center is this way.” Andy’s group fell in behind him and headed toward the large smoke plume. They arrived and Andy was amazed at the noise emanating from the building. The babies were wailing and he wondered just how many were in the building. He was stunned to learn there were at least six thousand.

  Janet Worrell ran up to him and yelled over the noise, “The babies are hungry. I don’t know what they use to feed them. There was some kind of powdered food that they dissolved in water but we’ve run out.”

  Andy looked around, “Does anyone here know what that food was made from?” Janet shook her head. Andy shook his head and said, “Janet, go get Olivia. Tell her we need her, now!”

  Janet shook her head, “Andy, I don’t think she’ll come.”

  “Ask her what Tyler would want her to do.” Janet stared at Andy and then went over and put on her glider pack. She ran to the top of the tallest building and jumped off. Andy watched her gliding toward the harbor as Rory came out of the center shaking his head. Andy rushed to him and wrapped his arms around Rory’s chest and hugged him, “You made the difference with the spitters!”

  Rory shrugged, “How’s Mindy and Tyler?”

  “They’re both still unconscious.” Andy shook his head, “Rory, it doesn’t look good.”

  Rory shook his head slowly and said, “The hardest part of getting the spitters here was getting them off the wall and on a wagon to wheel to the center. Dodging the fire was no fun but my team really worked together to make it happen.” Rory paused and pointed over his shoulder toward the center, “I don’t believe we really thought this through when we decided to save the children.”

  Andy’s brow furrowed, “Oh, why not?”

  “How are we going to feed this many children on the voyage back?” Andy’s eyes opened wide. “Andy, our trip here took about four weeks with the wind behind us. Going home is going to take a lot longer. We don’t have nearly enough food to take care of ourselves and the children and God only knows what we’re going to feed the infants. Even in the community, the newborns are dependent on their mothers until they’re old enough to eat solid food.”

  Andy started shaking his head and after a moment looked up at the sky, “We’ve lost too many brave men fighting to save them and I’m not willing to allow them to just die.”

  Rory stared at him and shook his head, “It’s not a matter of what you’re willing to do; there are more than a thousand tiny babies in there that will die no matter what you want unless you can conjure up enough mothers to feed them. Their mothers are no longer available.”

  Andy looked at Maxius who was walking over from one of the skirmish lines and said, “I want all our fliers to go into every Destroyer home and search for food that we can use to feed the children on the voyage back. You probably need to go in the homes anyway to see if there are any Destroyers still alive.”

  Maxius nodded and said, “What about the infants?”

  “I’m working on it!”

  Maxius heard the stress in Andy’s voice and quickly left. He walked in the Care Center and saw the long line of cribs with screaming infants. Rory was right, they didn’t think this through. The infants would die of starvation, which was an awful, painful way to die. He knew the best thing to do was to kill them with the red beams but he knew who ever did that would carry a huge weight on their soul afterwards. So many died for his lack of foresight. What was he going to do? He knew if it had to be done, he was going to have to do it. He prayed Melody could forgive him if it came to that.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Andy saw the fliers in the Care Center doing their best to calm the children but it just wasn’t working. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he saw Olivia, “You wanted me.”

  She looked like hell. Andy slowly shook his head, “I would have never called you but it appears I am going to have to kill all the infants.”

  Olivia’s face suddenly animated, “For God’s sake why?”

  “We didn’t think this through, Olivia. We have no way to feed the infants, much less the other children on the long voyage home.” Olivia saw the pain in Andy’s eyes as he said, “So many brave warriors died to save them and it looks like it was all a wasted effort.”

  Olivia grabbed his chin and said, “Get every warrior available to come here now.”


  “Will you just do it?” Andy nodded and walked out of the Center. Janie Carraker walked up holding a young boy and handed him to Olivia. Olivia looked at her shaking her head and Janie said, “You were holding him when you left. He hasn’t stopped crying until this moment. Hold him, if for no other reason than to reduce the bedlam.”

  Olivia looked at the small boy and saw him smiling at her. She called a flier over and handed her the baby but it immediately started wailing. Olivia shook her head and said, “Give him back.” Olivia took the child and he smiled. He had to be about two. She blew out a breath and walked outside to find Andy had more than six hundred warriors gathered. Olivia raised her free arm and shouted, “Everyone listen!” The group grew silent and Olivia yelled, “Behind a large number of the Destroyer homes you will find small fields that have been planet with red, orange, and yellow pods. The yellow inside of the yellow pods can be ground up and made into a powder that can be mixed with water and used to feed the infants. The orange pods are used to feed young children up to the age of four. The red pods are good for anyone older than four. There are baskets outside those homes that you can use to gather the pods and I need you to bring the orange and yellow pods here now. You should also bring any water you find.”

  Andy looked at her, “Are you sure about this?”

  “Absolutely, how do you think those slaver ships could carry enough food for the large numbers on them.” Olivia paused and yelled, “You should also look for a large round metal bowl in those homes and a metal implement with a wooden handle. It has a grated face on it to grind up the pods.”

  Andy looked at the warriors around him and said, “Tell everyone you encounter what we’re doing and get them working on it as well.” The group dispersed and Andy turned to Olivia, “Thank you so very much from saving me from what I would have had to do. If you want to go back to the ship…”

  “No, grinding the pods must be done in a specific manner and I know Tyler would want me here making sure…sure that…”

  Andy took Olivia in his arms and held her as she sobbed. The young boy wrapped his arms around Olivia’s neck and squeezed. Olivia forced back her tears and looked at the boy as he stared at her wondering what was happening. Andy looked at him and said, “He looks like Tyler did when he was that age.” Olivia leaned away from the boy who tilted his head and she saw he did look very much like Tyler. His eyes
were the same color and his cheeks were high. His lips were full and he had the same lean look. His hair was a slight shade lighter but the resemblance was there. She pulled him to her hip and said, “When they arrive with the first grinding bowls and pods, come get me.” Andy nodded and Olivia went into the center. Andy knew how much she was hurting but she had the strength to do what had to be done. He prayed Tyler would live.

  • • •

  It took a week for Olivia to teach enough people from each ship how to grind and prepare the pods. Andy had enough collected to take back to the community as seed plants to start growing them for the community. The fliers collected enough for every ship and the infants and children were taken to the hundred and forty-five ships. One ship was dispatched ahead of the others. Zeck was ordered to take the most severely wounded and get back to the community as quickly as possible. Andy watched the last of the wounded brought on board and saw Olivia walking down the dock toward him with the young bow in her arms. Two warriors followed her carrying four large bags. Andy tilted his head and Olivia said, “He refuses to leave me. I just can’t bear to walk away with him screaming and his arms held out to me.” Andy looked at the bags and Olivia said, “This is enough food for him to make the trip.”

  “The doctors tell me Tyler is hanging on.”

  Olivia nodded, “I need to go to him.” Andy nodded and Olivia walked by him up the boarding ramp but stopped at the top, “Andy, no matter what the cost, this was worth doing.”

  Andy nodded, “Yes, it was, Olivia. I’ll see both of you at home.” Olivia turned and walked on board. The crew began casting off lines as six boats pulled the Storm Chaser away from the dock. The rowers tugged hard on their oars and the large ship moved clear of its mooring.

  Zeck set the steering sails and turned the wheel until the ship pivoted and headed out to sea. He tacked toward the southern mouth of the harbor and then turned north. Andy knew Zeck would make it home quickly. All extra weight had been removed and the ship began picking up speed as the main sails were deployed. Andy heard loud splashes and looked out toward the anchored fleet. All of the ships were rolling their cannons overboard to save weight and a recognition that at long last, the community would be at peace. Andy heard the first huge explosion echo out from the community and knew that the powder kegs taken off the ships were being used to knock down the forest wall and the remainder of the damaged coastal wall. The fliers had also put small pouches of gunpowder in all the homes and had set the city on fire with their cutters. The only building they left was the tall government building as a testament to their victory. The ships began moving and in four hours, the fleet was out of the harbor and starting the long voyage home. The warriors left behind with the task of destroying the city launched their gliders and joined four miles out at sea. The Destroyers were gone along with their cruelty and vicious ways.

  • • •

  The Commandant watched the fleet sail away from the top floor of the Government Building. He had hidden in an underground chamber when the coastal wall had been blown up. He stayed there and only came out at night to peer out the second floor windows to see what was going on. He’d take a look and scamper back to his cellar. He had an air duct running up into the building above him and no one had recognized what the purpose of the hole in the wall was for. He had two lanterns and enough fuel to keep them going for months. The pods that were stored were still good and he had enough to feed him for a year. He would jerk every time he heard an explosion and wondered if the enemy was going to collapse the building around him. But now they were leaving and, though there were still numerous explosions going off in the city, he was still alive. His destiny was to survive and start a new community. There were many small skiffs that he could use to sail south until he found a community to live in. There he would bide his time and he knew he would eventually take control. That enemy leader had failed on his promise to kill him. He laughed as he moved back in the cellar to wait for the explosions to stop. He didn’t need to run the risk of being hit by fragments flying through the air.

  Three days passed and he saw that the only thing that might cause him a problem was the thick smoke from the burning city. It was so thick, he could lose his way and smoke inhalation was not a good way to die either. He waited another four days and when he went to the top floor, the air was clear. There was some smoke but not enough to be a problem. He gathered up a large bag of pods and a jug of water and set off for the harbor. He walked out of the tall building and looked around at the destruction of a once vibrant city. He turned and took ten steps and suddenly noticed a shadow cover him. It had come from behind him and suddenly extended twenty feet beyond him. He heard a noise and slowly turned around.

  The T-Rex was staring down at him and hadn’t moved since it had snuck up on him. It appeared it was waiting for him to flee but the Commandant wasn’t going to run anywhere. He had the large bag of pods strapped over his shoulder along with the heavy water jug. He knew the giant wasn’t going to wait for him to drop everything and run. He realized three things in that moment. First, he forgot that the enemy had blown up the forest wall that kept the carnivores out. Second, he had thought of everything that could have harmed him except for the one thing he hadn’t had to worry about for many years, being attacked by a dinosaur. And third, his destiny wasn’t what he thought.

  The T-Rex heard a roar close by and he knew he couldn’t wait for this meal to run and offer him the joy of capture. He quickly lowered his massive jaws and heard the meal scream just before he bit it in half. The giant spit out the half in his mouth. The covering on the pods was the worst thing the Rex had ever put in his mouth. It shook its head and ran toward the stream running through the forest to wash its mouth out. The Commandant’s body was covered in juice from the pods and the carnivores that found it took one smell and left it alone. His remains stayed outside the government building to complete the testament of the destruction of this evil society. It was fortunate that Tyler had not killed the T-Rex during the many times it made him angry. Unlike the Commandant, this particular dinosaur did have a destiny and it left it lying in the sand outside the tall building.

  • • •

  Rory stood beside Zeck on the stern of the Storm Chaser and watched him turn the ship back and forth as it quartered into the easterly wind. “How long will it take us to get back?”

  Zeck looked up at the sky, “It took a little over three weeks sailing with the wind to arrive at the Destroyer’s land. It normally takes twice as long to cover the same distance into the wind.” Rory looked at the deck of the ship that was severely tilted and heard Zeck say, “However, if the wind is strong enough, and this wind is much stronger than the one that brought us here, you can make better time.”

  “Is that true, Zeck?”

  “Tacking against the wind is a slow process but if you have a good crew and trim the sails quickly with each tack, you can make good time. I’m hoping this wind holds.”

  “How long are you going to hold out?”

  “Long enough. Annelise will spell me when I can’t continue.”

  Rory shook his head, “I hope we can get them home in time to save them.” Zeck nodded and remained silent. “You’re not saying anything.”

  Zeck’s eyes were moist as he looked at Rory, “I think they’re only holding on to make it home.” Rory looked at him and lowered his head. Mindy was now fighting an infection along with her injuries and Tyler was not responsive. He sighed and looked up at Zeck, “If that’s true, you need to get them there quickly to end their suffering.”

  Zeck nodded and quietly said, “That is when our suffering will start.”

  Rory shook his head, “Mine started when I brought Mindy to the ship.” Zeck nodded and used his sleeve to wipe his eyes.

  • • •

  Harvey ran to Melody’s home and opened the door, “The lookout has spotted a ship.” Melody looked at Lyla and she said, “Go ahead, I’ll take care of the girls.”

  Melody ran
out the door and caught up to Harvey, “Just one ship?”

  “That’s all so far. It’s one of the ships we covered in camouflage and if I had to guess, I’d say it’s Zeck and the Storm Chaser.”

  “Why would he be coming ahead of the fleet?”

  Harvey shook his head, “It can’t be good news.” Melody nodded as they ran toward the cliff and watched the flag moved slowly up the mast. They arrived at the steps and a priest came running down the steps, “The ship has a red and blue flag flying! I’m going to get the doctors!”

  Melody stopped and bent over to catch her breath, “What’s a red and blue flag mean?”

  Harvey stood and took deep breaths, “It means there are injured on board.”

  Melody straightened and her eyes went wide, “OH NO!” Harvey shook his head but didn’t have a chance to reassure her. She was by him in an instant and he only managed to catch her on the pier. They put on their head coverings and they saw the ship was coming at full speed toward the pier. Harvey stared at it and said, “He’s not slowing down! GRAB A POST!”

  Melody rushed to a mooring post and wrapped her arms around it. She watched the large ship drop its sails and come barreling in along the pier. It continued until it ran into shallow water and came to an abrupt stop in the sand along the low tide line on the beach. Harvey shook his head. Zeck had beached the ship less than four feet from the pier without hitting it. A gangplank was thrown over the rail as the medical teams came rushing up. They sprinted up the ramp and Harvey and Melody followed them on board. Melody prayed, “Please don’t let it be Andy. God, please don’t let it be him!”

  • • •

  The main fleet arrived four weeks later and large numbers of the Community rushed to the shore to meet them. Melody met Andy with the two babies as he came down the ramp and wrapped them up in an embrace as he kissed Melody. They held the kiss for a long time until the babies started squirming. Andy broke the kiss and took one of them and hugged her as he kissed her on the cheek. The crew began exiting the ship carrying the babies they had saved and Melody smiled. Andy sighed and nodded, “We were able to do it.” He looked at Melody, “How are Tyler and Mindy?”


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