The Cowboy
Page 16
Cassie couldn’t believe what she’d just said, but it was too late to take it back. Too late to try to salvage her professional image—at least with Dean McCabe, and, Cassie realized as she stared into the rugged cowboy’s blazing eyes, she didn’t care.
G oddamn, but it was all Dean could do to keep his hands on either side of Cassandra’s head and not on her beautiful tits or cupping her hot mound.
He still couldn’t believe what she’d just said, but the fact that she’d said it made his cock rock hard.
Cassie’s gloss-pink lips trembled slightly under his gaze, and Dean let her sugary scent fill his senses. His mind reeled with visions of what he wanted to do to her, right now, right there.
And what was one kiss? He would just have to make certain his hands stayed on the wall. Her face was already raised as Dean’s mouth descended. He captured her lips in a crushing kiss and then lightened the pressure as her mouth yielded to his. Their tongues met, and Dean breathed in her essence. Goddamn, she tasted as good as she looked. Dean shifted, his hands sliding down the wall.
He growled deep in his throat as he palmed the curves of her hips and drew her tight against his aching cock. Dean felt her gasp against his mouth as their bodies came together.
He heard Cassie’s pumps clunk to the floor, and it was at that point that Dean realized he was actually holding Cassie off the ground. His hands had moved to cup her ass; he’d lifted her up a good six inches. “Perfect,” he murmured. “A perfect handful.”
He had also lifted her skirt to her waist, and Cassie’s exposed, tanned thighs caught his attention; his heart skipped a beat as he thought of those gorgeous legs wrapped around his waist. “Sugar, I want to bury myself between those gorgeous thighs.”
Cassandra groaned, her blue eyes easing closed, and Dean nuzzled her neck, her skin silky against his rough chin. “What do you have to say about that, Cassandra Darling?”
Dean heard her sharp intake of breath and waited to be told to go to hell, but instead, he heard a throaty chuckle and pulled away to look at the blond bombshell who had somehow managed to make him forget everything except for how badly he wanted—no, needed—to fuck her.
Her smile was sinful, and Dean’s entire body thrilled at what her expression broadcast loud and clear. “I know I’ll regret this, but—” Dean felt fingers brush across his abdomen, and every muscle in his body contracted at her touch. “I want you, Dean McCabe. I want to wrap my legs around your neck and feel you deep inside me.”
Dean hissed between his teeth as her hand eased between their bodies to rub across the front of his jeans. His cock bucked in response, and with one hand he pulled off his shirt. She kept rubbing, and Dean kissed her forehead, her eyelids, each cheek. Nothing else mattered at that moment but how she tasted and felt beneath his hands. He eased her back against the wall, his body trembling in anticipation.
Like a goddamn schoolboy, Dean thought, but didn’t care. There was no other thought but her. Her golden hair, silky skin, and knockout curves. Dean’s mouth stopped at the swell of her breast beneath her silk top.
“I want you to take this off,” Dean said, his voice nearly unrecognizably thick with desire, and heat flooded Cassie’s pussy.
He cupped both of her ass cheeks again, freeing her hand from between them. Ohmygod…thought Cassie as she stared at Dean’s bare chest. The deep brown skin told her his shirt was off nearly as much as it was on, and the ripple of chiseled muscles from shoulders to abs reminded her that this was a real man. Not a gym-ripped stockbroker or mortgage banker looking for a three-month nooky partner and someone to pose with at parties.
Her fingers shook as she reached down and pulled her top over her head, tossing it aside. Every nerve in her body pinged with electricity. She leaned back slightly, her back touching the wall, allowing Dean a better view.
“Damn,” Dean muttered.
Cassie smiled, her heart thudding so hard she thought surely he could hear it. Her hands went to the tiny clasp at the front of the black lace bra.
“Wait,” Dean growled, and Cassie’s hands froze as Dean lifted her until her breasts were even with his face. “Now, sugar.”
She couldn’t believe she was doing this. While she wasn’t known for her good judgment with men, this had to take the cake. Even so, Dean’s hot breath brushing the sensitive tops of her breasts and the thought of what this man could—would—do to her blocked any other doubts she might have.
Dean leaned in and lapped at her lace-covered nipples. First one and then the other. Cassie gasped as bolts of pure pleasure arrowed into her pussy.
“Still want to tease me, sugar?”
Taking a deep breath, Cassie unhooked the snap and let the bra fall open. Cool air caressed her beaded nipples, and Dean whispered, “Goddamn beautiful.”
Cassie watched as Dean kissed the top of each breast. “I’m going to taste you.”
“Yes,” Cassie said, her own voice thick. “Please….”
She almost shouted as Dean’s mouth captured her entire nipple, pulling it into his warm mouth. His hands squeezed her ass as he kept her lifted, his tongue wrapping around her areola and pulling the diamond-hard tip in and out of his mouth.
“Jesus Christ,” Cassie gasped, her head falling forward to rest against the top of Dean’s head. His thick raven hair smelled like sun and wind and pine. Cassie squirmed as his tongue continued to flick and suck in a rhythmic pattern matched by his hips against the thin sheaf of her panties.
“Hmmm,” Dean said, his voice coarse with desire. “You taste as good as you look and feel. Makes we wonder how you taste in other places.”
An image of Dean’s head between her legs, his shoulder-length hair brushing the inside of her thighs, filled Cassie’s mind, and she groaned. “Now who’s teasing?”
Dean lowered her until they were face-to-face. His strong-jawed visage, along with the intimidating scar and those wild, wolf eyes, left Cassie speechless. That was what Dean reminded her of, something wild—untamed—exactly like the animals he had pitted himself against.
“Sugar, there’s something you should know about me.” His gaze burned into hers, and Cassie could only stare. “I never tease.”
Before Cassie could respond, she was upended and she found herself hanging over Dean’s shoulder, her face nearly even with his perfect butt. She heard the door slam closed behind them as a result of Dean’s quick kick. They were striding across the great room and through an adjoining doorway before Cassie could protest.
Not that she wanted to.
Her entire body was on fire, her panties soaked in anticipation, her heart hammering like a conga drum. “Dean McCabe, what are you—”
Cassie gasped in shock as she felt a calloused hand on her upturned ass. He’d stopped walking, and even from her topsy-turvy position, Cassie knew they were in a bedroom. His hand slipped under the thin silk of her panties and caressed her bare ass cheek, his thumb trailing ever closer to her throbbing lips.
“I have a mirror above my headboard, sugar, and I can see my hand on your firm ass.”
His hand moved up and down, sending chills throughout Cassie’s entire body. “Dean, please,” Cassie whispered, hating the desperate tone of her voice, but knowing that if he didn’t touch her there she would explode.
“I can see the outline of your swollen pussy beneath your panties, Cassie,” Dean said softly, and Cassie groaned louder. He drew his thumb down the edge of her panties, barely brushing the skin just beyond her pussy lips. “Hmmm…and I can feel how wet you are.”
“Dean!” Cassie said, her body shaking. “Please!”
“Please what, Cassandra?”
Cassie knotted her hands into fists and smacked them both on Dean’s hard ass. “Please touch me! Please use those long fi—”
A scream tore loose from Cassie’s throat as Dean’s finger slipped under her panties and plunged into her creamy hole. And he didn’t stop there. His finger slipped in and out of her pussy with
the same mesmerizing rhythm he’d used to attend to her breasts earlier, and Cassie bit her lower lip to keep from shouting Dean’s name with each magnificent thrust.
As the heat from her juices filled the room with the smell of sex, Cassie felt herself spiraling toward climax.
“That’s it, sugar, let me see your beautiful pussy come.”
Dean’s rough voice and gently twisting finger was all it took. The orgasm shook Cassie from head to toe, and she couldn’t help her scream or the sweet contractions around Dean’s still plunging finger. Her head spun as the waves crashed over her again and again.
“Ohmygod,” Cassie moaned against the muscled indentation at the small of Dean’s back. Gently she felt his hands move to either side of her hips and pull her over his shoulder and down in front of him. The room was still spinning as Dean laid her on the bed, her skirt still up around her waist and her panties askew.
“That’s what I want to see,” Dean said softly, and Cassie looked up. He smiled wolfishly, and Cassie couldn’t believe it, but her desire was as sharp as it had been two seconds ago before she had started orgasming all over the place. “Your eyes go smoky green, darlin’, when you orgasm and when you’re angry.”
Cassie blinked up at him. How had he noticed that? No one had ever noticed that before but her, and half the time Cassie thought it was a figment of her imagination. “I don’t think so,” Cassie said, feeling like his observation was too personal. Which almost made her giggle. Too personal…after what he just did to me? Am I crazy?
To her surprise Dean laughed and put his hands on his hips. Which was when Cassie got her first visual of the bulge in Dean’s pants. Cassie licked her lips unconsciously and almost brought her own finger back to her throbbing pussy. She came up to her knees, fighting not to act like a complete bubbleheaded tramp at the thought Dean’s cock in her hand and in her mouth.
“That was incredible,” Cassie said. She moved closer to where Dean stood at the edge of the bed. She placed a hand on the flat of his stomach and drew her finger down the ridges of his abs. A myriad of scars bisected the otherwise perfect flesh, but Cassie didn’t care about them. In fact, they intrigued her. She was certain they were born by a dozen interesting stories surrounding Dean’s rough-and-tumble life, and she would be thrilled to hear every one of them—at some later time.
But now, now all Cassie wanted to hear was the sound of her own lips touching his skin, tasting every inch of it. As she tenderly kissed each muscled ridge, her hands slid down the sides of Dean’s waist to hook into belt loops at the front of his jeans. She nuzzled her cheek against the bulge of his cock as her other hand cupped his balls through his pants, and she was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath.
With her other hand Cassie began to unbutton his fly, her mind so focused on her task she failed to notice that Dean’s own hands had moved forward to cup her swinging breasts. She hissed in pleasure as his fingers found her nipples and squeezed.
“God, woman, you’re going to make me come before my cock is even out of my pants.”
Cassie smiled against his bulge. “Oh, no, cowboy, we’re not having any of that. The only place you’re allowed to come is in my mouth or in my pussy.”
A growl reached her ears a fraction before Cassie felt hands lifting her up and bearing her back onto the bed. With one hand, Dean ripped down his jeans and his cock sprang free. Cassie’s eyes widened, and her mouth watered as she stared.
God, he was huge and beautifully proportioned. His cock rocked with the force of his erection, and Cassie reached out to caress the pearly bead that had formed at its tip.
“Darlin’, I need to feel myself inside you.”
Cassie lifted herself onto her elbows and raised up to kiss Dean’s neck, her tits pressing against his chest. “Then do it, cowboy.”
D ean could barely see straight as he stared at the nearly naked woman lying in front of him. Sure he’d had great sex before, but this was different. He was a schoolboy all over again. All Dean could think of was pleasuring her, making her come around his finger again, watching her eyes darken and change color with passion.
What in the hell was wrong with him?
He grabbed her around her waist and spun her around, facing away from him, exposing her beautiful ass once again to his perusal. With a quick yank he pulled her skirt past her knees and then all the way off, along with what was left of her lace panties, leaving her completely bare, her golden skin gleaming with beads of moisture. Now up on her knees, her ass pressed into the air and her hands flat on the bed in front of her, Dean couldn’t imagine anything or anyone more intoxicating, more fucking sexy.
Dean palmed his erection with one hand and ripped open a condom he’d grabbed off the bureau with other, sliding it onto his cock. He kissed her above the line of her ass and breathed in her musk, his heart hammering with anticipation, his cock so rigid it was almost painful. “Are you ready, Cassandra?”
Cassie tossed a glance over her shoulder, and Dean almost lost it right there as she smiled, her pink lips full and moist. “Fuck me, Dean.”
With one hand pressed against the small of her back and the other parting her damp, swollen lips, Dean placed the head of his cock at her entrance and slid in only a fraction. He felt Cassie press back, but he held her still with his hand. “In my own time,” Dean said between clenched teeth as he reveled in the sensations of Cassie’s hot, tight channel stretching to accommodate him. He slipped in a little farther, and Dean couldn’t believe how unbelievably tight she was.
He heard Cassie panting softly, her hands clutching the quilt. “I’m coming in all the way, darlin’,” Dean said with a growl.
Before she could respond, Dean gripped her hips and pulled back on her at the same time he lunged forward.
They shouted in unison, and Dean paused, letting the sensations of Cassie’s pussy gripping his entire length pulse through him. He pulled back slowly and then thrust forward, reveling in the feel of her sliding around his cock. Cassie absorbed his thrusts and met them by pushing back until their bodies were smacking together, and Dean’s balls were bouncing against her soaked pussy lips.
“Oh, god!” Cassie cried out, and Dean swore, sweat beading over his entire body as his cock pumped in and out in a manic rhythm.
He heard Cassie call out again, and Dean knew he couldn’t hold back. He roared as his own climax tore through him, shattering any thoughts and raising goose bumps on every inch of his skin.
He pumped until the spasms eased and then held himself slightly above Cassandra, one hand wrapped around her waist.
Dean didn’t know any other way to describe what he’d just experienced.
After another deep breath, he pulled out and checked the condom, relieved when he saw that it had held. Deftly he pulled it off and tossed it into the trash by the bed before rolling over and taking Cassandra with him. Dean was pleased to find that Cassie fit perfectly into the curve of his body, her firm ass pressed up against his groin, her fragrant hair nestled just beneath his chin.
Words felt out of place, but Dean knew one of them would have to say something. He just hoped it wouldn’t have to be him, as he knew he would likely screw things up the moment he opened his mouth.
As Dean caressed Cassie’s side, his thoughts replayed their incredible sex. Christ, Dean swore silently, I wouldn’t mind screwing her all over again. Right now. His cock started to harden at just the thought, and Dean smiled grimly. I’ve been possessed, bewitched by a five-foot-something, blond bombshell with eyes bluer than a sapphire lake and a smile wider than the Arizona sky.
He nuzzled her diminutive ear and then nipped the lobe and was rewarded by Cassie squirming her rear end tighter against him. Dean’s hand migrated to the flat of her belly. “Sugar, that was incredible.”
Cassie rolled over to face him, and her flushed features and open, honest gaze mesmerized Dean. “That was, hands down, the best sex I have ever had, Dean McC
abe.” They studied each other for a moment, and Cassie reached up to stroke the fine ridge of scar tissue that ran from his left ear almost to his chin. “How did this happen?”
Dean took her hand and kissed her fingers, his gaze never leaving hers. “You don’t want to know.”
She smiled, and Dean’s heart almost stopped. “I do,” she said.
For the first time that Dean could remember, he wanted to talk about it. “It’s not a pretty story.”
Cassie snuggled closer and kissed the scar before leaning back. “But it’s part of your story, and I want to hear it.”
The memory slid into Dean’s mind like it was yesterday, and only the sensation of Cassie in his arms kept his anger on simmer. “When I was seventeen my mom started getting sick. It was so bad one night I knew we had to get her to the hospital, but she wouldn’t go without…” He paused, fury burning in his throat at the memory. “She wouldn’t go without our dad. So I went to town to collect him.”
Dean rolled onto his back, and Cassie continued to gently stroke the side of his face and neck. “He was deep in a game of poker at the bar, as usual. Problem was, the asshole playing with him was convinced my dad was cheating and decided he couldn’t leave until he gave back all the money he’d won.”
“And did he?” Cassie asked.
“Fuck, no. It was more important to teach the asshole a lesson than just to give him his money and get the hell out of there to be with his wife.”
“What happened?”
“They fought,” Dean grunted. “But instead of gutting my father, the prick sliced me instead.”
“Jesus, Dean,” Cassie whispered. “What did your dad do?”
“He beat the guy to a pulp and then pulled me out of there, screaming that any normal dumbshit would have had enough sense to stay out of the way.”
Cassie gasped, her hand finding his and squeezing. “He was a complete jerk-off!”