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Superior Room Service

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by Joe Mudak

  Superior Room Service

  By Joe Mudak


  Copyright 2013 Joe Mudak


  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  These stories contain strong adult content and should not be viewed by anyone under the age of 18. All characters found in the following stories are 18 or older.


  This story is owned and copyrighted by author Joe Mudak.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner.

  Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


  Chapter 1

  Stella’s routine upon getting home from work was always the same: kick her shoes off and place them neatly next to the door before locking the door, turn up the radio, sprawl across the sofa in the living room of her modest condo, and read the newspaper in its entirety.

  She had just finished reading the Business section of the newspaper when the telephone rang. “Hello?”

  “Yes, hi. May I please speak to Stella Carmichael?”

  “This is she. What’s this in reference to?”

  “Well, Stella, I was wondering if you’ve made your vacation plans yet this summer?”

  She rolled her eyes and asked, “What if I have?”

  “Well, my name’s David, and I’m from Majestic Cruises and Vacations, International, or MCVI for short, and I’d like to offer you a chance to stay at our amazing resort, and we’d cover the airfare too. You don’t have to do it immediately; just come out some time in the next year and a half…”

  “I’m not interested,” Stella said curtly.

  Undeterred by her objection, the telemarketer asked, “Do you like going on vacation and getting away from all of the stresses of your day to day life?”

  “Not really,” she said flatly, fairly certain he wouldn’t have a good rebuttal to this line. She often found that saying she didn’t like saving money, having fun, or otherwise doing things generally accepted as “right” was the easiest way to deter the more obnoxious telemarketers. She occasionally spoke fondly of the time she told a telemarketer who was trying to sell her an extended warranty that “my refrigerator is a piece of shit and I can’t wait for it to break down, so I can get a new one.”

  “What do you mean, not really?”

  Thinking quickly, she said, “I prefer to sleep in my own bed, eat the food in my own pantry, and generally stay at home.”

  “So are you saying you lied to me before when you said you’ve made your plans for your vacation this summer?”

  “I didn’t lie. You asked me if I’d made my plans and I said, ‘what if I have?’ I never said I had or hadn’t made my vacation plans, and even if I had said I’d made them, that wouldn’t mean I’d actually, you know, be going anywhere. As I said before, I’m not interested.”

  “But you don’t even know where we have resorts you can go to!”

  Stella started to raise her voice in annoyance. “What part of ‘I’m not interested’ don’t you understand?”

  “Well, if you must know, it’s the ‘not’ part.” Stella couldn’t tell from his tone whether or not he was being sarcastic. “Everyone needs to get away at some point. Recent studies have even shown that we don’t get away as often as we should, and there are really big health benefits to taking even three days to go somewhere else, somewhere different. Both physical and emotional health, I might add. How could you not be interested in that?”

  “Oh, I’m hoping to either go insane or die in the next five years. So the health benefits would be wasted on a girl like me.”

  “I don’t believe you!”

  “That’s your prerogative, to be sure. Bottom line is, I’m not going to ….”

  Her words were cut off by a high-pitched sound that came through the phone. Despite the shrillness in tone, Stella didn’t and couldn’t move the phone away from her ear. Instead, she allowed the sound to interrupt, envelop, and overpower her.

  The tone lasted for about ten seconds, followed by a moment of silence between Stella and the telemarketer who had called her. The telemarketer broke the silence. “Bottom line, ma’am, is what?”

  “I… I’m sorry. I don’t remember what I was saying. Where were we?”

  “You were about to decide which of our resorts you wanted to go to.

  “Yes. Of course. What were my choices again?”

  “Stateside, our biggest resorts are in Las Vegas, Miami, San Francisco, Boston, and Seattle. If you’ve got a valid passport, we’ve also got resorts in Rio, Paris, Rome, Cairo, and Tokyo. We’ll cover your airfare to any of the stateside ones, and we’ll cover up to a thousand dollars for the cost of international flights.”

  “What’s the catch?”

  “We ask that you take an hour, the morning of your second day with us, to listen to our presentation about a timeshare with us.”

  “That’s it? That’s the only catch?”

  “That’s the only catch!” The telemarketer didn’t hide the pleasure in his tone.

  “Well, how can I say no?”

  “My question exactly! So where do you want to go?”

  “Hmmmm. I’ve never been to Seattle before. How about that?”

  “Of course! Now I’m going to pass you on to my boss, who will verify your identity and work out the details of your trip with you. I want to thank you for your time and I hope you have a great time in Seattle.”

  “Thank you!”

  Chapter 2

  The day after Stella received the phone call where she decided to go to Seattle, she asked her boss if she could take a week’s vacation for her planned date. She had made a point of planning her vacation far enough in the future (two months), that she knew there wouldn’t be any problems with taking the time off. She still found herself being excited when she got the formal approval for her vacation time.

  The wait for the start of her vacation almost felt unbearable but two months soon passed, and before she knew it, she found herself on the four-hour-long flight to the largest city in Washington state, known for its heavy rainfall and famous musicians. She wondered if there were any bars that still played grunge music anywhere in the city, even though that artistic style had died out with the death of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. She found herself wondering if kids today even cared about that musical style.

  She debarked from the airplane and headed towards the luggage carousel to wait for her suitcase. A young man dressed in a tuxedo held a small card with her name. She walked up to him and said, “I’m Stella.”

  “Hello, Stella. My name’s Peter, and I’ll be bringing you back to the resort. Are you ready to go or are you still waiting for your luggage?”

  “I’m still waiting for my luggage.”

  “Very well. I’ll wait here until you’re ready.” He gestured towards a small bench near the carousel.

  Peter waited patiently for Stella’s suitcase to arrive, after which she informed him that she was ready to go.

  “Very well, miss. Please come this way.” He took her suitcase and walked briskly into the parking lot. When they arrived at the stretch limousine, he held the door open for her and she climbed in. He loaded her suitcase into the trunk and returned to ask, “Would you like a glass of champagne?”

  “Oh, no. I don’t drink.”

  “I see. Do you mind if I ask why?”

  “I’ve heard too many horror stories of what can happen to people who get drunk. That’s not for me.”

  “Very well. Enjoy the ride. It’ll take about 45 minutes to get to the resort, assuming normal traffic for this time of day. Make yourself comfortable.”

  As the limo started moving, Stella opened the window that separated her from the driver, leaned forward, and asked, “Do you actually work at the resort?”

  “Yes, ma’am, my official responsibility is with guest services.”

  “Is it as great a place as the guy who called me a couple of months ago made it sound?”

  “I’ve never worked at a place that treats me better as a person or as a worker.”


  “Yes. If you weren’t a customer I’d almost recommend applying for a job with us. But officially, I’m not allowed to do that. Unofficially, though, there’s no shortage of people who work there who started out as customers like you. And there are some customers who’ve been lucky enough to meet certain … standards set by management. But don’t tell anyone I told you that, OK?”

  “Of course!” She giggled in recognition of this shared secret that she now had.

  “Now, if you don’t mind, I need to radio back to the base to let them know you’re on the way.”

  “Oh, be my guest.”

  He reached forward to a button below the radio without taking his eyes off the road.

  A garbled voice came through the tiny speaker below the radio. Stella could barely make out the sound of the voice on the other end. She was pretty sure that the voice said, “Driver ID number,” but she wasn’t sure if her confidence was the result of the driver saying “This is Driver ID 47” immediately after that, or if she’d actually heard it. The driver continued. “I have customer number…” He paused as he glanced at a sticker he had placed on the dashboard. “1326771. ETA in 40 minutes. Any road conditions I should be aware of?”

  The voice on the other end of the speaker was soft and garbled enough that Stella didn’t even try to understand what was said.

  The driver responded, “Roger that.”

  The person at the control station said something else.

  “Negative. Request permission to make the necessary alterations.”

  The garbled voice said, “Granted,” or at least that’s what Stella thought the voice said. Stella couldn’t figure out exactly what came after that, but the driver said, “Roger that. I’ll contact you if I run into any problems en route. Over.”

  Stella cleared her throat after the driver terminated his communication with whoever it was at the other end of the communicator.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes. I heard you ask about the road conditions on the way back but I couldn’t tell what they said.”

  “Oh, there’s some congestion -- maybe an accident but we don’t have that degree of detail -- at the nearest exist to the resort, so I’ll get off a little bit earlier. It should add about ten or fifteen minutes to the drive, but nothing horrible.” He glanced at his watch. “If we were to stay on the highway until we got to the exit, it’ll probably add closer to a half hour or forty five minutes to our travel. You understand, of course.”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “So I take it the ‘necessary alterations’ are the planned route?”

  The driver paused and grinned slyly. He knew that Stella couldn’t see his grin and hoped that his tone wouldn’t betray his thoughts. “Yes. There’s a GPS in here, so if, for example, I were to stop at a local shopping mall, they’d know.”

  “Oh, that makes sense. This must be an official company car, so…”

  “Exactly. Are you sure you don’t want a glass of that champagne? The glasses are in the small refrigerator by the door.”


  “Very well, then. If you don’t mind, I’m going to close this window between us so I can concentrate on the road. If you need me, of course, you can open it again, but I’m really not supposed to have any small talk with our clientele.”

  “Oh, of course!” Although Stella was conciliatory in her tone, she felt a bit sad that she couldn’t keep talking with the driver. There was so much she wanted to know…

  After the driver closed the window that separated him from Stella, a high-pitched ringing filled the limo. Stella raised her hands to her ears to block out the sound but this act did little to mute the sound to her aching ears. Her face slackened as the pitch -- much like the sound she had heard when she received the original phone call -- filled her very being.

  After a few seconds, the sound stopped and Stella lowered her hands. She looked around the limo and opened the refrigerator. When she saw two champagne flutes, she said to the limo at large, “Oh, why not? Nothing’s going to happen here.”

  She picked up one glass and drank it quickly. The cold liquid went down her throat and warmed her considerably. She began to giggle as the new sensation gave her a numb yet playful sensation on her hands and her legs. Without thinking, she picked up the second glass and decided to drink it as well.

  After she had finished her second glass, Stella began to feel dizzy. She leaned forward towards the window to talk to the driver but lost her balance and instead fell onto the soft seat. She hiccuped and fell asleep.

  The driver heard some movement in the back of the limo and opened the window. “Stella, can you hear me?”

  Despite her being asleep, she said, “Yesss…”

  “How many glasses of champagne have you had to drink?”


  “Very good.”

  “Is this the first time you’ve ever had alcohol?”


  “Interesting. Let me tell you something about alcohol. It goes straight to your pussy. It doesn’t take much drinking to get you very horny.”

  “It doesn’t take much.”

  “And how are you feeling right now?”

  “I need to get fucked so badly!”

  “That can be arranged once we get to the resort, you know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, our resort prides itself on being able to serve every need of its guests. In a few minutes I’m going to wake you up. When I do, you’ll still feel really horny, so you’ll ask me if it’d be all right to take off your clothes. That way, when we get to the resort, you’ll be able to take advantage of everything we have to offer. What do you think?”

  Stella paused for a minute before deciding that this sounded like a good idea. “All right.”

  “Excellent, Stella.” Now I’m going to count to three and you’ll wake up. One. Two.” The driver quickly closed the window before saying the final number, more loudly than the first two numbers. “Three!”

  She sat up, shook her head, and, upon finding the appropriate control, rolled down the window behind the driver. “Um… What was your name? Was it Peter?”

  “Yes, that’s my name. Is something wrong?”

  “Um… No. Not really. I was just wondering if you’d mind if I… Um… You know… Took off my clothes back here?”

  He paused before responding. “Thank you for asking. Would you mind please keeping your underwear on?”

  “I can do that. Thank you.”

  Stella stripped out of her clothes and folded them neatly on the seat beside her. “How much longer do you think it’ll be before we get there?”

  “I’d say maybe about fifteen or twenty minutes. Why don’t you just relax the rest of the way? Take in the sights of the city. Just … enjoy.”

  Stella gazed out of her window and saw the Space Needle looming above the greater Seattle horizon. She closed her eyes and imagined a strong guy whose cock was the size of the tower that once was the tallest structure west of the Mississippi, pounding into her with no mercy and no restraint. She exercised more restraint than necessary as she decided against fingering herself in the backseat. There’d be time enough for easi
ng her tensions once she got to the resort, she reassured herself.

  Chapter 3

  After the limo took Stella over a bumpy road (which only served to make her even more aroused than she already was), the driver announced, “We’re here. Let me just pull into a parking space and I’ll help you inside.”

  Stella was tempted to say “I need something inside,” but decided against it. Instead, she just smiled and thanked the driver for his kindness.

  “Think nothing of it,” he said as the vehicle came to a stop directly in front of the front door to the resort. The driver stepped out and opened the door for Stella.


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