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Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors Series Book 3)

Page 24

by KL Donn

  As they slowly walked towards her, her nerves started to get the best of her and she began fidgeting. When Creed grabbed her hands while Linc swept her hair off of her shoulders, he brought them to his mouth, kissing her knuckles lightly.

  “Mmm, you smell like strawberries, Sunshine.” Linc moaned into her neck, nipping her pulse as he did. She gasped in shock. Her pulse beat strongly between her thighs.

  “I have something for you, Sunshine,” Creed told her backing away. “Close your eyes.” She did as he asked. Hearing a drawer open and clothes rustling, she waited. When he was back, she felt a soft cloth cover her eyes and get tied in the back.

  Her breath stuttered in her lungs as he took away her sight. She was on the precipice of panic when he cooed in her ear, “Just feel, Sunshine.”

  They always knew when she was near panic, and that’s when they made their move. To comfort her, to ensure she felt safe with them. And she did. She’d never felt so safe and loved in her whole life.

  Roaming hands along her back stole her attention as they massaged her skin, digging into her tense muscles and helping her relax. “Gonna lay you down now,” Linc informed her as they maneuvered her the way they wanted.

  The bed shifted when they moved to lay beside her, their bodies pressed tight together. A cool breeze along her stomach had a shiver moving up her spine and her skin prickling in goosebumps. Light murmurs of reassurance and love permeated the air, but she couldn’t tell who was on what side of her as they ran their hands along her entire body.

  Massaging her muscles into compliance, a feather light touch on the heel of her foot had her giggling and Linc asking, “Ticklish?”

  “Yes,” she whispered back on a short breath when she felt a finger circle her nipple.

  She gasped as it was replaced by a warm mouth. She could feel her nipples perking up, begging for more attention. But the guys seemed determined to tease her. She was too curious about what they were going to do to beg for more.

  Hands gripped her thighs, pulling them apart. Exposing her most intimate of places had her tensing. “Relax, Kennedy,” Creed demanded. His voice dark with need and harsh with wanting her.

  Her limbs instantly complied with his demand. A kiss on her core was her reward. “Mmm,” she moaned, arching her back and lifting her hips, almost but not quite begging for more. She could feel her juices flowing, telling them just how much she loved their small touches.

  Her legs were spread wider and lifted up to her chest as high as they would go. “You trust us, Sunshine?” Creed asked her as a hand rubbed the back of her thigh.

  “Yes,” she replied. It wasn’t even a question.

  “You love us, Kennedy?” Linc asked her. A finger slipped through her center rubbing circles around her clit.

  “God, yes,” she told them as that finger began to press harder. Pleasure shot through her core and her breathing grew heavy with the need for release.

  “You ready to give us all of you?” Creed asked her as a finger ran down to her darkest opening; the place where she was hurt so badly she didn’t think she’d ever recover. But these men had shown her nothing but love and trust, and with this, she knew they would treasure her forever. They would give her the pleasure she’d heard so much about.

  So the answer was simple. “Please, Creed.”

  “Anything, Sunshine.” She could hear the smirk in his voice, but also the awe that she would give them that. She couldn’t think of a better way to express her love and trust for them.

  She wasn’t sure what to expect next from them, so when she felt a light touch against the back of her thighs softly running up and down her legs, she knew it was the feather again. They loved teasing her with it as much as she loved the feeling of the soft feathers against her sensitive skin.

  Goosebumps prickled her skin again. “You like it, huh?” Linc asked her.

  Nodding her head, she waited impatiently for them to stop the sexual torment and give them all what they so desperately craved.

  Fingers played around her rosebud getting her ready for Creed, when he told her, “This’ll be cold.” She let out a loud squeal as he rubbed lubricant into her with a finger. She didn’t feel the fear and doubt she had the first time they’d played with her ass. This time, she anticipated the pleasure they would bring her.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  She was the most magnificent creature Creed had ever seen. Splayed out on their bed completely naked except for the black silk tie covering her eyes. He was bowled over with the trust she placed in them.

  As he prepared her to be taken by both of them, Linc ran the feather he had across her most sensitive parts. Across her nipples that begged for attention, down the middle of her torso and around her belly button. She let out a full body shiver at that.

  “Oh my,” she whispered.

  Laughing, he bent down, blowing a cold breath on her wet center. Wanting to see her beg with her body for them to give her everything they could and more.

  Inserting one finger inside her forbidden hole, he slowly massaged the lubricant into her, stretching her at the same time. As he added a little more so he could slip another finger inside, she arched into him for more. He watched her face for any signs of distress while Linc started kissing a line between her breasts.

  The feather was discarded as Linc started sucking just her nipples into his mouth. His own cock felt nearly ready to explode with want for her. He was ready to share her, together, no barriers, no more nightmares. Just their love for each other.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  Linc was sucking on one pebbled nipple at a time, nipping them as he pulled away when he felt Kennedy’s hand grip his throbbing cock. Squeezing him then lightly starting a slow pump with her hand. Enough to get him worked up but not enough to have him needing to come just yet. Minx.

  Sliding one hand down the middle of her stomach he slowly made his way to her mound, ready to have her sweet taste on his fingers so he could suck it off. Feeling how wet she was with her need for them had his cock growing harder.

  “You ready for me, Sunshine?” he asked her as one finger slipped inside her slick pussy. Needing to feel her warmth wrapped around him, he started a slow caress of his finger in and out to match her own hand on his cock.

  “Please, Lincoln,” she begged him.

  As he went to pull his fingers out of her, he could feel Creed’s moving just on the other side of the thin membrane separating her entrances. A thrill shot through his spine of what it would feel like to finally have her together.

  Helping her sit up between them, her body was nearly lax in desire. Getting in behind her so he could lay down, he couldn’t help running a finger lightly up her spine from the top of her ass to her neck. Bending forward he kissed her erratic pulse, sucking hard enough to leave a mark.

  Smirking, he laid back down, helping Creed turn her around so she could straddle him. He watched in fascination as she slowly sunk down so her pussy was hugging his cock. Her swollen lips wrapped around him like a kiss.

  Seeing her petal softness compared to his rock hard cock had him nearly ready to explode as soon as she began to slide along the top of his shaft. “Fuuucckkk,” he moaned in pleasure. He wasn’t even inside her yet and she had him on edge.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  “I love the way you feel against me, Linc. I can feel every heartbeat pulsing into my skin,” she whispered in awe.

  She was vibrating with the need for them to fill her so completely they wouldn’t know where she began and they ended. The need to have them inside her was like a physical ache and the only way to have relief was for them all to be one whole.

  Hands on her hips had her sitting up a little bit. She whined until she felt the head of Linc’s cock against her entrance. Gently pushing up into her, she felt her insides stretch and burn in the most magical way with his girth. She craved the burn only they could give her.

  Needing more, she started pushing down onto him when another set of hands
landed above the first, holding her in place. “Our pace, Sunshine.” Creed bit her neck after murmuring those words to her.

  “Faster, please?” she panted. She’d lost her breath somewhere between Linc sucking on her neck and Creed biting her and had yet to recover it.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk, Sunshine. You’ll get what we give and at our pace only,” he growled against her neck.

  “But I need more,” she whined, squeezing her walls around the head of Linc’s cock hoping to entice him into going faster.

  “Damn,” he growled at her. “Hurry the fuck up, Creed. This girl’s gonna eat me alive.”

  A deep chuckle behind her was his only response as they slowly let her slide down a little more on Linc. When her pelvis finally met his, she sighed in relief. His mushroomed head kissed her cervix in a beautiful joining; she could feel him pulsing inside her. The need to ride him nearly overshadowed everything else inside of her. Her body was taking over and she just wanted to listen to it, to enjoy the sweet music that was making love with the men she loved so much.

  “Patience, Kennedy,” Creed whispered from behind her, his voice further away than before. A breath of air kissed the top of her ass cheeks just before he bit into her flesh making her jump forward, lodging Linc’s cock further inside her, bumping her cervix again and making him hiss out in pleasure.

  “Fuck, what did you do? She got so fucking tight I damn near came.” He sounded slightly remorseful that he didn’t get to and slightly in awe that she could make him.

  Creed laughed, pulling her cheeks apart and pushing her down to lay on Linc’s chest. “This,” he growled as he bit her other cheek. She wasn’t ready so she jumped slightly and tightened up around Linc again. She could feel his cock twitch inside her ready to take his pleasure.

  “Ouch,” she growled back at him.

  “You like it,” he teased. “Ready?”

  She was nervous having both of them inside her at once. They were both huge, and she was so small. “Will it hurt?” she asked him as he circled her rosebud with one lubed finger.

  “It’ll burn,” he told her honestly, “but then it’ll turn into the sweetest pleasure you’ll ever feel. We’ll rock into you slowly; Linc will pull out while I push inside you. You’ll be so full of us; you’ll never know who’s doing what. We’ll move as one, become one.” His silky voice wove an intricate spell around her. Soon she was stuck in a lust-filled fog only they could penetrate.

  Moaning her acquiescence, he began pushing his fingers inside her. Two, at first, stretching her so she was ready. When he took one hand away, she knew it was almost time. “Relax,” Linc soothed.

  She let her body enjoy the buzz she was feeling, taking everything in and concentrating on the way Linc’s heart beat, fast yet, steady and strong. It calmed her so that when she felt Creed’s cock against her, she didn’t tense up at his intrusion. She relished in it. In having them both inside her.

  It burned at first, but their soothing words helped her through it. When he was finally fully seated inside her she felt so full she nearly burst. Not just with them but with her feelings for them. Her love and trust.

  As Creed started to pull out so only his cock head was inside her, Linc pushed further inside her. They started a slow in and out motion, leaving her breathless. The pleasure running through her veins was mind blowing— like an electric current going from the tips of her toes and all the way up her body, blinding her in pleasure and focusing on her most sensitive areas. Her clit throbbed so hard it was a physical ache.

  “How’s it feeling, Sunshine?” Creed asked from behind her, pulling her back to his chest, fingers weaving together, and arms stretched out to the sides.

  “Sooo good,” she whimpered as he went deeper inside her than before. She was practically sitting on his dick as Linc pumped up into her slowly.

  “Magnificent,” Linc murmured as his hands wrapped underneath her breasts, holding them out like they were on display.

  “I wanna see,” she whispered.

  Without letting go of her, Creed undid the knot in the tie with his teeth. She watched as it slinked down her chest to land just above Linc’s pelvis as he rocked in and out of her. Finally picking up the pace, he rubbed against something inside her that had her arching her back in pleasure.

  She was so close to coming she could feel it. Her muscles started to tense up, her eyes rolled in the back of her head, and when Linc leaned up clasping one nipple between his teeth lightly and flicking it with his tongue, she went off.

  Her entire body lit up. If she’d been able to open her eyes she could have sworn she shot electricity through her fingers, her pleasure was so intense. She let out a loud scream as Creed started pumping faster inside her ass.

  They were in sync now, pumping into her at the same time and all she could think was if it were any more intense she’d pass out. When she felt Linc start to grow thicker inside her, she clamped down on him and started to grind between them, mimicking their movements. As Linc began to come, he sucked her entire breast into his mouth, or he tried to.

  He was sucking so hard she came again. Smaller but no less pleasurable. Eyes closed, she leaned back against Creed where he latched onto her neck, sucking as he growled his release into her.

  When all was said and done, they collapsed in a heap on top of Linc. Which made her wonder if he was still alive from their combined weight just as he wheezed out, “It’s cool, guys. No need to breathe down here.”

  She could feel Creed’s silent laughter at his brother while she tried to push up against him, but he wasn’t moving until he was good and ready. It wasn’t long before she was sleeping. Only waking when they pulled out of her to whine, “Don’t leave me.”

  “Not in this lifetime,” Creed vowed.

  “Never,” Linc promised.


  They’d spent the better part of the night watching Kennedy sleep after they’d knocked her out with pleasure. The way she’d accepted them both into her body was amazing and left Creed breathless with his love for her.

  They’d never really been sure they’d ever find a woman who was willing to share what they wanted and needed for a lifetime. And when they finally found a woman who might be ok with it, she was so broken he’d been terrified they would never make it to this place they were in now.

  But she was magnificent. She still had things to work through and they hoped to be with her every step of the way. The moment she woke up, she’d begged and pleaded with them to take her to get the tattoo she’d been talking about. So there they sat, in the waiting room of Lock & Key tattoo parlor where Emily had gotten her very first tattoo done the day they were taken.

  It was the first of two or three appointments she would need to finish the piece. Today was just the outline and shading; next time would be coloring. The following time would be any touch ups that needed doing. She’d wanted it to be a surprise for him and Linc so they sat waiting while some woman had their hands on her.

  It was their one stipulation; she wouldn’t be getting it unless it was a woman. They’d been in luck because they had a female artist start a few months ago.

  Two hours later, the artist came out telling them to come see. Getting up, they followed her to the room Kennedy was in lying on the table with a huge smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

  “You ok, Sunshine?” he immediately asked. The artist laughed as Kennedy said to her, “Told you so,” with a smirk on her face now.

  “Told her what?” Linc asked the question on his mind just as she stood up, showing them the outline of her tattoo.

  Two water lilies with vines attaching them in swirls around her back. They looked amazing. The detail alone was a work of art, but what stole his attention were the words.

  Sunshine on her right shoulder.

  Strength in the middle on her left side.

  Survivor at the bottom along the top of the vine, kissing her hip.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” Linc told her in awe. His sentime
nts exactly. Their woman was all of those things.

  The Sunshine to their dark.

  The Strength of their hearts.

  The Survivor for their souls.


  Dear Diary,

  In the last few months so much has changed for me. I was lost and alone. Broken. I didn’t think I’d want to come home, let alone have a relationship with not one but two men. Now I’m home. I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

  It’s been one year since I was taken and tortured. I live with the knowledge every day that I’m changed but feel like a better person now than I ever was. I used to think what happened to me was the most horrible thing in the world, but since meeting Creed and Linc and knowing their love for me and mine for them, I’ve got a new purpose in my life.

  Helping others just like me.

  When I started drawing to help alleviate my pain, it was just for me. I’ve since shared every drawing with my family, explaining what I was feeling in each one. They needed to understand. While it wasn’t easy for Momma to hear of the things I went through, she’s become my biggest champion. My own personal cheering team. She always was, but it feels different now. Like she’s amazed at what I went through and was able to be better for it. I hope I can continue to make her proud.

  Since I’ve moved in with Linc and Creed (Like they gave me a choice!), they’ve remodeled the small barn out back for me. Turned it into the most fantastic art studio I have ever seen. I swear these men amaze me more and more each day.

  I’ve opened an art workshop for abuse victims. I get all types of people coming in each week to relax and work through their feelings. Emily does amazing work with graphics and teaching new techniques to everyone on the tablets. Keeley’s now working on becoming a counselor. She started taking classes not too long ago. Turns out she aced her GED exams while I was gone. Said she needed to keep her mind occupied and what better way to do it. I’m so proud of her!


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