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Payton's Woman

Page 6

by Marilyn Yarbrough

  He stopped in front of her. The gaze from his brilliant blue eyes wandered over her body. “You’re even more beautiful than I remembered.”

  Her cheeks warmed at the compliment. Men often remarked on her beauty, but she wasn’t prepared for the sincerity reflected in this one’s eyes. Nor his blatant hunger.

  The brilliance of his blue eyes seemed to give off a warmth. The heat from his gaze transferred to her body. A shiver rippled through her. She tried to suppress the feelings this stranger stirred within her and force some calmness into her outward appearance.

  One eyebrow arched in question. “I believe you have me at a disadvantage, sir.”

  He stroked his fingers through his short, neatly trimmed hair. “I suppose I do look a little different than the last time we met. And we weren’t properly introduced. Allow me to do so now. Payton Tyler at your service. Your slightest wish is my command.” He made a slight bow.

  “My, that certainly brings some rather fascinating thoughts to mind.” Sylvia’s voice took on a lusty quality. “I like a man who is eager to please.”

  She held out her hand. “I’m Mrs. Sylvia Morgan.”

  Politely, he took her outstretched hand and nodded over it.

  “And this...” She flipped her hand in the direction of Julia when he released it. “This is Miss Julia Anderson. But then you apparently already know her.”

  “Julia?” He stopped in the act of lifting her hand to his mouth. He peeled back the edge of the rose colored silk glove and exposed the skin on the back of her hand. “The name suits you. I think I’ll call you that instead of Angel,” he said just before pressing his lips to her naked hand.

  His name for her, along with the brilliant color of his blue eyes, jolted her memory. She felt like she’d just been splashed with ice cold water. Her hand jerked away in shock.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, but he didn’t look the least bit sorry. “Did I perhaps bite you by mistake?”

  “How exciting,” Sylvia murmured. “You barely know the man, and yet he’s already nibbling on you.”

  “No, he didn’ didn’t...” she stammered while trying to regain her composure. She took a long, deep breath and released it with a shudder. “I believe you were going to ask me to dance.”

  “I believe I was.” He held out his arm.

  As they stepped into the midst of the other dancers, he took her hand. His other arm slipped around her waist. “You seem surprised at seeing me again.”

  Surprised hardly described her shock. She almost laughed out loud, but stifled the urge and responded in a neutral tone. “It’s just that you look different with your hair short and no beard.”

  “Actually, I feel rather naked without so much hair.”

  Heat crept into her body at the thought of him in that condition. Many times this last week, her mind had conjured up visions of how he looked without his clothes. Now that he held her in his arms, her imagination ran unchecked.

  Beneath his white shirt, her mind’s eye saw the dark hair swirled across his bared chest. She also envisioned the rest of his body which she’d never seen. His arms, his legs, even his back would be hard, lean, and muscular.

  “At least you don’t look like a pirate anymore,” she said in an attempt to change the images popping into her mind.

  “Is that what you thought of me the other night in the tavern?” He threw back his head in laughter.

  Nervously, she glanced around the room. Several people watched them, including Sylvia. She tried to move Payton to the far side of the dancing area.

  “Would you like to lead?” he quipped as she maneuvered him backwards.

  “I need to ask you for a favor,” she said in a hushed voice. “Mrs. Morgan must not know I was in San Francisco. Nor anyone else for that matter.”

  His dark eyebrows rose, as if shocked by her request. “You’re asking me, a man of honor and decency, to lie to your friend.”

  Her lips twisted together as she studied him. Although she didn’t know him well, she doubted anything could fluster him. From his attitude, she guessed he intended to be difficult. “It’s very important that no one knows I was there that night.”

  “And why is that?” he asked in an innocent tone.

  “It’s a little complicated. Can I rely upon you not to say anything?” She held her breath and waited for his answer.

  “Another favor, Angel? You haven’t paid your last debt to me.”

  She cringed at the reminder. “I’m sorry. I treated you shamefully after everything you’d done for me. You most certainly saved my life and could’ve lost your own life by helping me, but it wasn’t possible for me to stay another day.”

  “You could’ve told me that at the time instead of running off without a word. What’s worse is you knew you weren’t going to keep your promise when you made it. You just stood there smiling, lying to my face.”

  “I know,” she said softly. “I behaved horribly. I don’t blame you for being angry.”

  “Do you have to be so bloody agreeable?” His voice came out gruff. “Most women I know would be falling all over themselves, making excuses, and telling more lies about how they’ll never do it again.”

  She smiled at his concept of how women were supposed to act. “Would you prefer that I behave like the other women you know?”

  “No.” His lips curled into a seductive grin. “I like you just the way you are.”

  “How did you find me? You didn’t even know my real name.”

  He stared into her eyes. “If someone owes me something, I’d track them across all seven seas to collect that debt.”

  Although his mouth formed a smile, something glinted in his eyes. She believed his every word. “What can I do to make it right?”

  “Right?” One dark eyebrow arched. “Pirates never worry about what’s right or wrong. But I do know it’s going to feel good—for both of us.”

  Her foot collided with his when she missed a step, but she recovered. “What do you mean?” She was suspicious of what he had implied. “I only agreed to have breakfast with you.”

  “It was suppose to be for the entire day,” he corrected. “That was before you reneged on your promise. You also want me to lie to your friend. Now the bargain has changed to include the entire night.”

  Her mouth dropped opened. She twisted her lips together as her temper flared. “You can’t force me to spend the night with you.”

  “Well, if you want me to lie to your friend...”

  Heat gathered in her cheeks from anger, yet her conscious fluttered with a twinge of shame. He’d saved her life that night and hadn’t demanded anything more than she’d willingly give. Her reward for his gallant behavior had been to deliberately lie about spending the day with him. But no matter what she owed him, she would not be coerced into a man’s bed against her will.

  “That’s blackmail,” she blurted out in a hushed voice. “I never thought you’d resort to forcing me to spend the night with you.”

  The muscles in his jaw bunched. His eyelids lowered as his gaze slipped away. “I’m sorry. I told you once before that I’d never force you. I meant it.”

  Startled by his apology, she stared at his face. Perhaps he truly was a man of his word. Her shame deepened, for she hadn’t kept her promise.

  “Did you understand what I said?” he asked when she didn’t answer. “I won’t mention anything to your friend about where we met. My only payment will be that you spend the day with me like you’d originally agreed.”

  “Thank you. It reaffirms my belief that you truly are a man of honor and decency. I’m only sorry I didn’t behave as honorably. You can be certain that this time I will keep my promise to spend the day with you.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “Now I’ll have to think of something to tell Sylvia. She’s bound to ask how we met.”

  “Tell her it’s none of her business.”

  Laughter bubbled from her lips. “Men always have such a simple solution for everything. Wh
en all else fails, be rude.”

  “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you laugh.” His gaze lingered on her face. “It makes you appear even more enchanting.”

  The dance ended, but he didn’t release her. Sylvia must have run across the dance floor, for she appeared beside them almost immediately.

  “Julia darling, you really shouldn’t encourage a man to hold you like that after the music stops. It borders on poor manners.”

  She glanced at Payton. “Mr. Tyler, since you are already acquainted with our Julia, you must know she is an accomplished tease, but she never follows through. I can only imagine what a bore that must be for a man with your obvious tastes.”

  “Not at all, Mrs. Morton.”

  “Morgan,” she corrected.

  “I don’t mind the teasing.” He gave Sylvia only a cursory glance before his gaze returned to Julia. “I find the chase can sometimes be as exciting as the capture.”

  “And just how is it that you came to know Miss Anderson?”

  Julia nibbled on her lower lip while waiting for his response. He gave her a reassuring wink before turning to Sylvia.

  “I have a confession to make. I’ve never met Miss Anderson before tonight. I only used that ruse to gain an introduction and a dance.”

  “Mr. Tyler.” She tapped him playfully with her closed fan. “You are a scoundrel. I would be worried about Julia if I didn’t know her so well. But I fear you will tire of the chase long before she allows herself to be captured.”

  “I don’t tire easily,” he said. “In fact I have a great deal of stamina.”

  A shiver seemed to overtake the older woman. She let out an audible moan.

  “Are you all right, Mrs. Munson? Shall I get you a glass of champagne?”

  “Yes, please. And it is Morgan,” she corrected again.

  “Certainly.” He retrieved a glass from a passing waiter.

  “Thank you, Mr. Tyler.” As Sylvia took the champagne glass, her fingers lingered over his. “I must return the favor sometime.”

  “No need. Now if you’ll excuse us, I must get back to the chase. I owe Miss Anderson another dance.”

  Chapter Seven

  Payton swept Julia up onto a waltz. He moved her across the dance floor until they neared a doorway.

  “Shall we go outside for some fresh air?” he asked even though he’d already led her through the double doors. “We can talk better out here.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Tyler,” she said when they reached a secluded area on the bricked terrace. “Or would you prefer I call you captain? I seem to recall you had that title.”

  “I’d prefer Payton. And may I call you Julia?”

  She nodded. “Thank you, Payton, for making up that story to tell Sylvia.”

  “It was my pleasure. I think I would’ve lied to her even if you hadn’t asked me. There’s something about women like her that really sets my teeth on edge.”

  His remark surprised her. “Most men find her very attractive.”

  “She’s about as attractive as a cat in heat. I’ve seen sharks go into a feeding frenzy at the scent of blooded meat. In comparison to her, the sharks seem almost subtle.”

  He so accurately described Sylvia that she couldn’t suppress her laughter.

  His lips curved into a smile as his irritation seemed to fade. “How did you come to be friends with a woman like her?”

  “She isn’t actually my friend. She’s a friend of my employer.”

  “You work?” His gaze scanned over the expensive silk gown she wore. “Exactly what kind of work do you do?”

  “I’m a secretary and companion to an elderly woman.”

  “She must pay you very well in order for you to buy all this finery.” He rested his hand on her bare shoulder. His finger jiggled the pearl dangling from her earlobe.

  The touch of his hand sent a flash of heat through her body. His nearness caused a fluttering in the pit of her belly. “The pearls belonged to my mother,” she managed to say despite her growing desire.

  “And the gown?” He turned his hand and caressed her skin with his fingertips.

  “The gown belongs to my employer. She lets me borrow them for these types of occasions.” She looked away from his face and stared at his white, knotted tie so she could concentrate on the words that came from her mouth. “She was injured a while back when she fell down her front steps. Now she has difficulty getting around. I accompany her on many of her social engagements. She insists that I dress accordingly.”

  “I see.” The back of his knuckles glided along her chin. He tilted her face upward so she had to look at him. “I’ve missed you, Angel. I didn’t realize how much until this very moment.”

  His admission startled her, but not nearly as much as the fire blazing in his brilliant blue eyes. She lowered her gaze to his lips only to realize her mistake. The memory of his kisses rushed back to her.

  Visions of him had invaded her dreams every night since they’d first met. Now he stood directly in front of her, warm and real. She wanted to reach up, thread her fingers through his dark hair, and pull him to her.

  She opened her mouth, about to blurt out her deepest longings when the reality of the situation hit her. This moment didn’t occur inside a dream. This man wasn’t a shadowy illusion she could vanquish simply by opening her eyes. She bit on her lower lip to prevent any words of suppressed desire from tumbling out.

  “You still owe me three kisses.”

  Her head jerked back up. “Not here.” Not anywhere. His kisses were far too devastating to her self control.

  “Then let’s get out of here.”

  “No,” she said quickly. “I can’t leave.”

  “And I can’t leave you alone.” He slipped his arms around her waist. His hands moved over her back until he touched her bare skin. He traced over the fine edge of her naked shoulder blade with his fingertips.

  The stroke of his fingers sent ripples of pleasure through her. A heat gathered low in her belly. Her body ached for his touch.

  “Payton, please.” She placed her hands against the front of his white, brocaded vest with the intent of pushing him away, but instead, her hands slid around his waist. She moved closer so she could feel the heat of his body penetrate through his clothing.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked in a voice that contained wonder as well as dismay.

  “Not nearly as much as I’d like to,” he said just before his mouth covered hers. His lips brushed over hers in a gentle kiss.

  “Can you get away later when the party’s over?”

  “No,” she whispered just before he kissed her again.

  His hand moved to the back of her neck. He turned her head, and the kiss deepened. He nibbled on her mouth until he captured her bottom lip. He held the tender flesh lightly between his teeth while he stroked it with his tongue.

  “Then I’ll come to you,” he said when he released her lip.

  “No,” she repeated in a stronger voice. “You can’t.”

  “You’d be surprised at what I can do.”

  He leaned down to kiss her again, but she pushed against his chest. “No, Payton. I can’t see you tonight.”

  “Then when?”

  “Tomorrow, late morning,” she said while gathering her thoughts. “I sometimes go for a walk. I’ll be alone.”

  “Where shall I meet you?”

  “In the park. We can talk.”

  He let out a groan before asking for clarification. “Talk?”

  She nodded.

  “All right. We do have some things to discuss.”

  When she felt him relax his embrace, she tightened her arms around him. “Aren’t you going to give me our last kiss?”

  “Last kiss?” His voice was tinged with bewilderment.

  “You’ve only kissed me twice. I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to kiss me in the park.”

  “Where would you like me to kiss you? Here?” He buried his face in the crook of her neck
. His lips nibbled on her warm flesh.

  She sucked in a gasp of air. His warm breath sent shivers of excitement through her. Her pulse raced, her knees weakened. Her hands slid up his chest and gripped at his shoulders for support.

  “Or here?” he said while moving his mouth down her neck and over her collarbone.

  She tossed back her head. Her spiral curls tumbled over her bare skin. The brush of her hair over the sensitive skin on her back heightened her excitement. Her head turned from side to side as if she could deny the heat gathering in her body. At the same time, she savored every kiss, every nibble, every lick of his tongue across her bare skin.

  His lips blazed a fiery trail across her naked flesh. His hand moved from her back. His fingers skimmed across her ribcage until he cupped her breast. She sucked in her breath at the exquisite touch.

  He edged his fingers beneath the bodice of her gown, but she didn’t possess the will to resist. A fire ignited in her body when he captured her nipple between his fingertips. She grabbed his wrist with the intent of pulling his hand away, but her thoughts scattered at the startling sensation. Instead, her hand merely encircled his wrist.

  He tugged at the bodice of her gown. His fingers pealed back the hemmed edge, exposing more of her breast. His tongue followed, seeking her out. His lips closed around the taunt peak. He sucked her nipple into his mouth.

  A white hot bolt of lightening pierced her body. Something melted in her belly. Her mind went numb, but her body came alive. She tingled all the way to her toes.

  “No, Payton, please,” she begged, but she couldn’t push him away.

  Her heart beat wildly. Her legs wobbled. A shiver rocked her body. She stood in the arms of the only man to ever make her burn. She slipped one arm around his waist to hold him to her while her other arm moved to his neck. Her fingers wove through his thick, dark hair.

  Suddenly, his mouth covered hers. His tongue parted her lips and thrust inside. Over and over he stroked his tongue into her mouth. She moved her own tongue across his and circled him. The texture felt like velvet, the underside smooth as silk.


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