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Payton's Woman

Page 13

by Marilyn Yarbrough

  She turned to Betsy. “I do love playing matchmaker.”

  “This isn’t my weekend to be off,” Julia said.

  “Don’t fret about it, Miss Anderson.” Betsy gave her a deliberate look, as if to warn her not to argue. “You know you can have time off whenever you want. An outing with the Baxter’s would do you a world of good.”

  “I’m so glad you agree.” Olivia looked pleased to have Betsy on her side. “Since Miss Anderson works for you, I wouldn’t want to match her to someone without first getting your approval. We’re leaving tomorrow for our ranch outside of town. The Duke and some of his friends will accompany us. Mr. Baxter is arranging an English style foxhunt in his honor. It should be quite an adventure. We’re using cattle dogs to hunt a fox.”

  “That sounds exciting, but I don’t ride very well,” Julia said.

  “Don’t worry. You can sit in the buggy with me. I’ll also act as chaperone so you need not worry yourself on that account.” She glanced around the room. “Let me find Mr. Baxter. I believe he’s gone into the billiard room with a few of the other men.”

  As soon as Olivia went in search of her husband, Julia turned to Betsy. “I wish there was some way to gracefully refuse Mrs. Baxter’s invitation for a weekend outing.”

  “You will not refuse.” She squeezed Julia’s wrist. “This is a very important opportunity for me—I mean, for you. The Baxters are highly influential people, and this could be the first of many important dinner parties that I, ah, we might be invited to.”

  “But what if I don’t like her husband’s friend?”

  “You will like him.” She adjusted her grip so her fingernails dug into Julia’s arm. “No matter what he looks like or how he behaves, you will be polite to him. You will also smile sweetly and bat those long lashes of yours at him. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes.” She pulled her arm away and rubbed at her skin that now carried the indentions of Betsy’s nails.

  “Is everyone ready to go into dinner?” Olivia asked when she returned to the room.

  “Mrs. Collins, I believe I’ll have the Duke escort you. He has such a strong shoulder for you to lean on.

  “Miss Anderson,” she said to get Julia’s attention. “My husband would like to introduce you to his very good friend.”

  Although the Duke stood between them, she heard Betsy suck in a loud gasp of air.

  “No need for an introduction,” Payton said as he stepped from behind Gerald Baxter. “Miss Anderson and I have already met.”

  Baxter gave him a good natured slap on the back. “I should have known, Tyler. You always did have an excellent eye. That’s why I used you as lookout on those foggy nights onboard my ship.”

  “How marvelous.” Olivia placed Julia’s hand on Payton’s outstretched arm before turning to Betsy. “Then you’ve met Captain Tyler also?”

  The shock on her face turned to a glare of contempt. “Yes, I’m well acquainted with the captain. It seems we have a mutual interest in one, or two people.”

  A cold chill crept up her spine when Betsy turned to her, for it looked like an evil smile smeared across her face.

  “I do hope you enjoy your weekend with the captain,” Betsy said in a haughty tone. “I’m certain the experience will do you a world of good.”

  “Then you have no objection to Captain Tyler seeking a friendship with Miss Anderson?” Olivia asked.

  “Of course not. After all, you are the one vouching for his good character.”

  “Yes, I am.” She waved her arm in the direction of the dining room. “Shall we dine?”

  Payton pulled back on Julia’s arm and allowed the others, including Betsy and the Duke, to leave the room.

  “And how are you this evening, my lovely angel?”

  “I don’t like this, Payton. Mrs. Collins knows you arranged this meeting.”

  “That was exactly my intention.” His jaw clenched. His eyelids narrowed to a squint as he glanced in the direction of the dining room. “I wanted her to see how relentless I can be when I go after something.”

  “Do you mean me?”

  The muscles in his jaw relaxed, and his lips curved into a smile. A sparkle glistened in his brilliant blue eyes. “Of course I mean you.”

  “I don’t believe that for a moment. And neither does Mrs. Collins. We both know Lawrence Dunbar is who you’re really after. That’s why I’m so worried. Whenever you see me, she’ll be close around. It could be dangerous for you.”

  “If you’re so worried about me, why don’t you quit working for her? Then I can see you without ever running into her.”

  “And spoil your elaborate scheme?” She made a scoffing sound. “If I quit working, you won’t be able to flaunt your victory in her face.”

  “If my victory is to have you by my side, then I don’t mind flaunting you to the whole world.”

  The sincerity shone in his eyes, but she knew he wanted more than just having her beside him. She wondered what he might demand from her in return. After all, she had promised him anything for his help.

  “I don’t know what you expect to gain from this,” she said in a subtle attempt to discover his intent. “You defied her direct order. There’s bound to be trouble.”

  “That’s why I’m keeping you close to me. Trouble seems to follow you where ever you go.”

  She arched one eyebrow. “The same way you’re always following me?”

  His mouth curved in a grin. “That’s the only way I can keep you safe.”

  “I’m still worried.”

  “There’s no need to worry. My plan worked perfectly. The Baxters are wonderful people. They wanted to help.”

  “I’m certain they are. Mrs. Baxter seems like a very sweet lady. I like her already.”

  “She likes you, too. Otherwise, she would’ve never consented to helping us.” His lips curved into a crooked grin. “And she loves playing cupid.”

  Curious about his remark, she watched his expression when she asked her next question. “Has she done this for you often?”

  “There’s never before been a need. But then I’ve never met a woman like you.”

  “You mean no other woman has ever told you to go away because she never wants to see you again?”

  “Ah, but I knew you didn’t mean it. But even if you did, you promised you’d do anything if I helped you keep your job.”

  A tight knot clinched in her belly when she heard his demand for compensation. Somewhere deep in her heart, she wanted to believe him a man of honor and decency, but she now feared she’d been mistaken. She hoped he didn’t expect her body as his reward. “And just what do you expect as payment.”

  “The payment I expect from you is the same as it’s always been.”

  One blonde eyebrow raised in question. “Which is?”

  “My reward for helping you is that you have to give me whatever I want.”

  She remembered making that promise the first night they’d met. “So you expect me to spend the day with you?”

  “Not just a day. This time it’s for the entire weekend.”

  “An entire weekend?” she questioned. “Is that all?”

  “That’s just the start. I also get to see you as often as I like. Doesn’t that make you happy?”

  “I’m thrilled.” She hoped he caught the sarcasm in her voice.

  “You should be. You get to keep working for Betsy. She gets to meet royalty. Everyone is happy.”

  “Not everyone.” She cast a speculative eye at the doorway where Betsy had disappeared. “Although I must admit, she did look happy to have the Duke on her arm.”

  “The only thing you have to worry about now is if Betsy begins to believe her sudden popularity has nothing to do with you. Then she might start leaving you at home by yourself.”

  “That’s not very likely. You see, Mrs. Collins isn’t very good with names and faces. She needs me to supply the pertinent information about anyone she thinks is important. Then she can start a conversation as
though they’re well acquainted.”

  “You’re overlooking another very significant purpose you serve and probably the real reason she brings you to parties. You have a radiant glow that attracts people to you like spellbound moths rushing to a shimmering fire.”

  “If that were the case, aren’t you afraid of getting too close? You might get burned.”

  His lips curved into a provocative smile. “Julia my angel, I burst into flames the first moment I saw you.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Julia had been at the Baxter’s ranch for three marvelous days. And most of that time had been spent with Payton.

  At first, she’d been leery of spending the weekend with him. She’d half expected him to remind her of the promise to do anything in exchange for his help, but he’d not done so.

  Olivia Baxter had been a wonderful hostess as well as chaperone. She’d watched over Julia as if she were her own granddaughter. Proper behavior was expected from all her guests. Any time Payton, or for that matter one of the Duke’s friends, had become overly familiar with her, Olivia had intervened. She would sternly tell that person Julia was her special charge and misconduct or lack of good manners was not allowed.

  If Payton had been the one receiving the reprimand, he’d graciously apologize to both Olivia and Julia, although he always seemed to have an amused look on his face.

  Olivia’s interference pleased Julia. There were times when she had difficulty controlling her own behavior. Payton could be so attentive, so protective, not to mention roguishly handsome and devilishly playful, that she’d found herself succumbing to his subtle advances.

  Ages had passed, or at least it seemed that long, since he’d taken her in his arms and kissed her in a way that made her melt into a pool of liquid fire. She craved his closeness and anticipated his touch. She’d even found herself wondering how it would feel to be in his arms as he made love to her, but she’d quickly pushed those thoughts from her mind.

  Tomorrow it would end. Monday morning she had to return to her work as Betsy’s secretary.

  Quietly, she moved around the room as she prepared for bed. She didn’t want to awake Melissa, the Baxter’s twelve year old granddaughter who shared the room with her. A short time ago, the young girl had fallen asleep.

  Just as she crawled into bed, light drumming of fingertips tapped at the door. In the dark, she managed to find her dressing gown. She slipped into it on her way to the door.

  To her surprise, Payton stood on the other side. He dressed casually with no jacket or tie, only a white shirt and black trousers. The shirt was unbuttoned at the throat, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

  She stepped into the hallway and pulled the door closed before she spoke. “What are you doing here so late at night?”

  “You’re leaving tomorrow to go back to town. Since we haven’t had an opportunity to be alone, I thought this would be the perfect time. I have something planned for us that I hope will prove to be a very memorable night.”

  A sparkle of anticipation gleamed in his eyes as he waited for her response.

  She wasn’t certain what he had planned, but she hoped he didn’t come to her door with the expectation of her fulfilling her part of their bargain. There were times when she wanted him as much as he wanted her, but not this way. She didn’t want to make love to him as payment for a debt.

  Unable to look at him, she stared down at the floor. She feared her disappointment in him would be reflected on her face. “I can’t let you in. I’m sharing the room with Melissa.”

  “I know. That’s why I found a quiet place for us outside where we won’t be disturbed by anyone.”

  Her head snapped up. She gazed into his eyes. The urge to give in to him grew so strong she actually felt her body tremble, but she held onto her last shred of resistance. “Mrs. Baxter takes her chaperone duties very seriously. She’ll be greatly upset if she discovers we’ve gone outside together—alone.”

  “I realize that.” He touched her hair that was fashioned into a long braid. He picked up the end and stroked the tip across his lips. “That’s why I’ve already obtained her permission.”

  “Her permission?” she repeated in disbelief. “And just how did you manage that?”

  “I simply told her everything I planned to do with you. She hardily gave her approval.”

  “I seriously doubt that.”

  His dark eyebrows rose. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask her yourself.”

  Without waiting for her reply, he grabbed her hand and pulled her in the direction of the stairs. She jerked back on his arm.

  “I’m not going anywhere dressed like this. I’m not presentable.”

  His gaze swept over her body. “You look fine to me.”

  “I’m wearing a nightgown and no slippers.”

  “If you’re afraid of going barefooted, I can help with that.” He swung her up into his arms.

  She gasped in surprise. “Put me down.”

  He ignored her demand. She struggled to get free, but he held her securely.

  When they reached the foot of the stairs, Mrs. Baxter walked into the entry way, a worried expression on her face. “Oh, it’s just you two. For a moment there, I didn’t know who was making all that commotion.”

  “Mrs. Baxter, this isn’t my idea. Payton picked me up and carried me down here.”

  “Her feet are bare,” he said. “And I don’t want her stepping on any stickers.”

  “My, isn’t he thoughtful.” She smiled sweetly. “He told me what he has planned for you this evening. Now, you two run along and enjoy the evening. Don’t stay up too late, though.”


  “Don’t argue with your hostess.” He carried her outside and across the yard.

  “Where are you taking me?” She squirmed around in his arms.

  “Not far. Just over there.”

  His head nodded toward the path he took, but when she looked in that direction, it was too dark to see anything well. The night gave little illumination. The sliver of moon barely flickered with light, although bright stars twinkled in the sky.

  On the far side of the barn, she spotted a wagon next to the corral. Hay covered the bed of the wagon. Blankets and pillows were spread over the top. It looked cozy and comfortable.

  He lifted her over the edge and dumped her in the center of the soft bed of hay. She sat up in the wagon and crossed her arms under her breasts.

  “I don’t like this, Payton. And I don’t believe you told Mrs. Baxter the truth about your intentions.”

  “But I did tell her.” He placed his hands on the side of the rail. With one powerful leap, he bounded into the wagon. He stretched out on the straw bed and patted at a spot beside him. “Come here.”

  He lay on his back, one hand behind his head. His other hand beckoned to her. His lips curved into a smile. His eyes sparkled from the starlight.

  The urge to surrender to him grew stronger. Her body shuddered in anticipation. He looked marvelous lying there with his white shirt glowing from the sliver of moonlight. The width of his shoulders, the swell of his muscular chest, were visible beneath the material. He looked so handsome, so virile that she wanted to fall into his arms. She wanted him to hold her. To kiss her. To touch her body and make her burn. But he expected her to give herself to him. No, he demanded she give him whatever he wanted.

  She shook her head.

  “I said come here.” He moved so quickly she didn’t have time to react. He grabbed her arms and pulled her down onto the bed so she lay flat on her back. He held her there, his leg across her thighs so she couldn’t wiggle out from under him.

  He leaned closer. His mouth pressed to her ear. “Do you trust me?” he whispered.

  Startled by his question, she gazed at his face, but the starlight behind him didn’t allow a clear view of his expression.

  “No, I don’t trust you.” Her hands pressed against his chest. She pushed at him even though he wouldn’t budge, but she wanted h
im to know her determination. “You just tossed me into a wagon. Now you’re holding me down so I can’t move.”

  “That’s because I don’t want you to fight me.” He relaxed his grip on her arms. His leg slid off her thighs. “If you’ll lie there quietly, I’ll tell you why I brought you out here.”

  “I already figured it out,” she said with a huff.

  “You did?”

  He rolled onto his back so he lay beside her. With his face turned upward to the night sky, the faint moonlight revealed the smile on his lips.

  “I’m going to show you something so spectacular that it’ll take your breath away.”

  His conceited attitude caused her to suck in a gasp of air. “You certainly are full of yourself.”

  “Give me your hand, and I’ll show you where to look.” He searched for her hand in the darkness.

  “I don’t want to see it.” She jerked her hand from him. “And I certainly don’t want to touch anything.”

  “I know this is your first time, but you’re going to have to relax if you expect to enjoy this.” Humor tinged his voice as a silly grin spread across his face.

  “You seem to be enjoying it already.”

  “I am. And I want to share that joy with you.” He took her hand again. “Look right there. There,” he said, the excitement rising in his voice.

  She struggled to pull free of his grasp, but instead of placing her hand where she expected, he stretched their joined hands upward to the sky.

  “A shooting star!” She quit struggling and watched the twinkling light sail across the night sky. When it faded from view, she looked at him. His knowledge of the heavens amazed her. “How did you know a star was going to shoot across the sky at that exact moment?”

  “It’s not a shooting star. It’s a meteor shower. I’ve seen this several times while at sea. It happens every year about this time. When I noticed it starting up tonight, I came to get you.” He rested their clasped hands on his chest. “I wanted to share it with you.”

  She turned her head to study his profile. “That’s the only reason you brought me out here?”

  His lips no longer contained a smile. “I know you thought I brought you here for another reason, but you must know by now that I’d never force you.”


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