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Anarchy (Alfonzo)

Page 13

by Frank, S. W.

  Alfonzo was a good husband, no, he was wonderful. Her heart swelled, thinking about it. He tried to change, working forty hour days, spending time with family during the weekends, going about life in the same lane as other working stiffs. She’d seen him at his best and worst, and her love remained constant.

  It was tough watching him over the last few weeks fighting internal demons, not wanting to voice his concerns aloud, but she sensed his unease way before he suggested they cancel their trip to New York. In the course of their marriage, she gained her own type of sixth sense and could read his mood changes even if they were subtle. A slight twitch of his eye, a protruding vein, or the stiff posture were some of the clues to his inner turmoil.

  He spoke often about his gut instinct. Intangible and to others perhaps a sign of a paranoid personality –but his inclinations were always spot-on. Thank God, she listened to her internal warnings and brought Vincent out of retirement. If she hadn’t…she smiled at Allie…if she hadn’t they would be dead and their children …oh…the thought of it brought pain to her chest.

  Family. It’s all she had…they were her life.

  “Hey, what are you daydreaming about gorgeous?”

  Her head swiveled at the sound of a familiar voice and she squealed, “Nico, my God, it’s good to see you!”

  She paddled through the water pushing Allie safely in front of her until they reached the side of the pool where the tall darkly tanned man waited. His hair was jet black this time and not a horrendous blonde color when last she saw him. Nico’s tall body shot to the sky from her vantage point. The handsome Italian wore a casual short sleeve white shirt and those muscular arms were as big as her thigh. He bent down and took Allie out of the orange floatation device. “Hey cutie, I’m Nico. You can call me Uncle Nico, if you want!” He said to the frightened child.

  She cried and he laughed heartily.

  “You’ve scared her. You’re big and intimidating.”

  “No, I’m not. You’re not scared of me.”

  “It’s because I’m not a tiny kid.”

  He held the child in the air, blowing raspberries on her wet belly. The cries turned to giggles. He officially won the girl over with his jovial demeanor.

  Selange climbed out of the pool and he tried not to gawk but every time he saw her, his heart raced a bit too fast. She was somewhat thinner than he remembered but striking, nonetheless. She wore a striped bikini which displayed her svelte hour glass figure. Her wet black hair clung to the side of her prominent cheekbones, bringing his eyes lasciviously to her heart shaped lips. He truly loved his wife…without a doubt…but somewhere forbidden he wondered what it would feel like to have this young woman between his legs. The sinful thought was suppressed because he adored Ariana and considered Selange a mere fantasy. Besides, she considered him a father-figure and a sexual relationship was akin to incest in his mind.

  Her arms were around his waist and her wet bikini top saturated the front of his shirt as she kissed him on the mouth in friendly exhilaration. She’d kissed him like this before and he tried to hide its effect on his body. He hated he liked her greeting much better than his wife’s.

  Selange held onto his waist and he adjusted the kid to put an arm around Selange’s shoulder. One big happy family.

  “Wow, it’s great having you around but I always hate when you leave. You never say good-bye to me.”

  “I missed you kid –and the family.” He added the ‘and’ hurriedly in an attempt to disguise the more than friendly tone.

  “How long are you here this time?”

  “Not long. The wife and kids want me to hurry home.” He didn’t mention Alfonzo sent him to check the security.

  Her eyes were sad, or maybe he imagined it, “They’re lucky. They have a dad.”

  Was she tearing up? “Hey kid, what’s wrong?”

  “I was thinking about my parents and its crazy because then you show up.” She shook her head as if she could shake off the sadness, “I’m just so happy you’re here.”

  “Is it nearing the anniversary?”

  Her eyes ran tears and she had this little tremble to her bottom lip he found alluring. “I forget and then it sneaks up on me and…” she wiped at her eyes with her wrist and he pulled her closer. Sexual thoughts wiped clean. He understood. His role was the surrogate parent or wise uncle.

  “And it’s normal to have those feelings, love.”

  “Yeah, I guess. Are you hungry?”

  He rubbed his flat stomach, “Heck yeah. You have beer?”

  “All these guys around, we sure do.”

  Long after dinner when Anita retired to bed after preparing the spare bedroom, Selange and her guest chatted late into the night. Selange filled him in on what he already heard and some things he didn’t. She told him about the mess with Jessica and he frowned. Apparently, the young couple dealt with quite a bit. Of course, she had stress.

  Alfonzo called on her cell and she quickly blurted out Nico was there, which of course Alfonzo already knew. Nico tossed his arm over the side of the sofa, watching her animatedly describe Allie’s latest milestone and found himself smiling at how excited parents got when their child finally learned to poop on their own. Sort of the same excitement when you teach a dog to shit in a designated spot and when it does, hot diggedy-dog!

  After their conversation she passed Nico the phone.

  “How’s everything looking?” Alfonzo asked immediately.


  “Okay, thanks.”

  “Not a problem.”

  “See you tomorrow.”

  Their brief exchange ended and he handed her back the blinged-out device.

  That night, Nico lay naked beneath the thin covers watching the shadows from trees as they danced across the window. He listened to the quiet, thinking of Ariana and the boys until his eyelids grew heavy and he began to doze. In limbo, somewhere between sleep and wakefulness he heard the bedroom door quietly open. He distinguished the weight and gait of his visitor was that of a woman. His eyes followed the figure, his hand feeling along the edge of the mattress, and gripping the pistol secreted there. His arm went slack, the whiff of a familiar floral scent and the loose shimmery curls were the subject of his dreams. He became immobile as the figure settled beside him. Nico didn’t breathe, paralyzed by the sheer force of seeing such a lovely vision coming to him in this late hour.

  The woman’s head rested on his bare-chest and he inhaled the floral fragrance of her hair, felt the warm suppleness of her skin and closed his eyes. Perhaps, this was merely a night fantasy of a horny forty year old man. Then came the soft sobbing and wetness absorbed by his skin which told him otherwise. His head shifted, he wanted certainty, to see without sleep the woman whose hand scorched his abdomen through the cover was indeed a waking fantasy. The mane of long black hair; high cheekbones and heart-shaped mouth were not Ariana’s, but the fantasy.

  His voice was husky, “Selange, what are you doing in here?”

  “I’m sorry but I can’t…” she hiccupped through the tears, “I can’t sleep. The nightmares…” another hiccup, “I don’t want to sleep alone…I’m sorry…there’s so much blood when I close my eyes. Help chase them away.”

  Nico’s hands sought to soothe or so he told himself, a simple gesture of comfort but his body’s reaction hijacked his resolve. He caressed her arms, then her hair and soon he rolled over the woman, pinning her beneath him, hoping she stopped him because he didn’t have the strength to fight against what he secretly wanted.

  ‘Dammit Selange, don’t you know better? Never climb in a man’s bed, you’re simply asking for trouble! His mind chastised for the naivete. Was she thinking or had she gone mad for tempting him like this, Nico wondered?

  “Selange…go back to your bed, please.” He stressed as he stared down at his fantasy, his voice husky at the feel of her skin and the innocence of her eyes.

  “Make me forget Nico. I don’t want to remember anymore.”

“It’ll pass, you’ll see –this isn’t the way.”

  Her mouth opened, her lip vibrated as she spoke and she showed him her hands. They were trembling, “Freddie… shot her…he shot her….I saw her brain ….and…and….Nico….I tried to save her… Nico…I tried…” her entire body convulsed under the intense grief, “Nico, I don’t want to close my eyes anymore and see the blood, please…hold me…take it away!”

  “Dammit Selange,” his chest heaved. Alfonzo should’ve been here, not him, not on this day when Selange was extremely vulnerable.

  In the moonlight, her teary eyes pleaded. She was lost in the carnage. Many people were unable to withstand the sight of seeing such horror, this did not make her weak, it merely showed her humanity. The grotesque images were fierce and traumatic when they came, he had similar ones, in the beginning –but grew desensitized. As death’s agent he saw the worst up close, touched it, smelled decay and over time he and death were intimate friends. One day it’d come for him, violently, mercilessly and he’d smile at it, relieved his end came through the hand of a friend. –But killing was not Selange’s vocation, she was an innocent, the kind evil was determined to consume.

  Her slender hands, gripped his arms, holding so tight he suffered the most agonizing decision of his life. She wanted the nightmares gone. Bereft and alone, he was her life line, if only this once he’d toss her a rope.

  Casting aside his better judgment he kissed her. The kiss of a mature, experienced lover, filled with tender passion. Her young lips were soft, full, sweet…oh so damn sweet. He felt timidity there and it turned him on. She had yet to be acquainted with this body; the introduction would come soon enough once she got over her shyness. He’d go easy and let her body dictate the pace.

  Nico’s hands were at the hem of her silk gown, lifting it slowly over her waist then slipping it over her head. His eyes lingered to admire her shapely figure, far more glorious in its nakedness than he thought possible.

  In the bowel of his soul he loved her. He wanted to deny it but how could he lie to himself? There was a strong chemistry between them; innocent at first, then like her nightmares, the emotions snuck up on him, too. When she emerged from the pool today, his body’s response confirmed it. He stayed away for long periods of time, because deep down in his groin, Nico wanted the feelings to subside. But at this hour she came –to him. He was a thirsty man in need of drink and she sensed his need, offering more than sustenance, she made his dream come true.

  He would not turn back or have regrets. How could he ever have such compunctions, when it came to desire?

  Nico did not rush like a boy in heat; instead his fingers peeled the silk panties with their frilly lace down her thighs, calves and over her painted toes. Her eyes were on him, following his descent. He dropped them to the floor and spread her legs wide. Selange’s body arched like a bow when his mouth kissed the entry to her most sacred temple. She pushed forward as he orally pleased her; the soft moans drifting to his ears serving as confirmation of Nico’s expertise. Leisurely he moved up to her waist, giving her a chance to flee without guilt. He would never force himself upon a her but she remained and stayed the carnal course. Her fingers traipsed down his shoulders, becoming familiar with his body as he suckled, tugged and kneaded the points of her breast using the folds of his mouth. She clutched him, demanding more of it. His engorged penis throbbed, demanding its own relief. He sat up on his knees bringing her legs around his waist then guided her torso up with his hand and pressed against the base of her spine to have her closer. He eased the tip of his penis through her feminine walls and the tightness there cautioned him to go at an unhurried pace. A boy would have plunged ahead, ignoring her slight discomfort for his own immediate gratification, but Nico was a seasoned man and understood, inevitably pleasure would come. It always did.

  Even Ariana, an experienced woman required an interlude upon introduction to his large staff and Selange was no different. Her eyes fluttered rapidly, as he went further into her cushioning. She trembled from the fullness of him and gripped his shoulders, gasping. He flexed her forward some more, bringing her face to his and kissed her ferociously to remind her of the sexual request and his eagerness to give. The gasps were stifled, her fear lessening as he stroked her neck with his fingers, silencing her trepidation, bringing her to the present, making her feel the heat of life, stripping death’s hold from her mind and replacing it with the strength of love.

  Her vaginal muscles loosened, moistened, expanded in adjustment to his intrusion. His heart slowed, giving her the feeling of tranquility and building trust. His masterful control calmed her and the tension ebbed from her body as she clung to him.

  He was patient, although there was an urgency to possess her fully and satiate his intense craving. Selange’s hands traveled up his neck and her fingers raked through his hair. She was moving, responding, widening and beckoning him to enter. Natural lubricants washed over his penis, allowing a complete and thorough penetration. There was a whimper and a sharp intake of breath as he fully possessed her and her eyes opened in disbelief at how naturally they fit.

  Tonight, Selange would experience a different side of him; tonight she’d really come to know Nico the lover and the pleasure he’d bring.

  Nico lowered her down, her arms clinging to his neck as he forcefully invaded her mouth, niceties be damned! He would not rein in his wanton flesh or play the surrogate. This was the Nico she had yet to meet. He left no room for indecision, afterall, he was in too deep. His muscular body moved with such elegance Selange marveled at its grace. Every stroke, in and out touched every part of her walls and in ecstasy she cried into his mouth, quivering each meter. She climaxed so quickly, he actually smiled because he was only starting. She reached a hand to his chest to feel the contours of his muscles, using her fingers to travel across its ridges as if she were reading braille. He stayed within her, letting her familiarize herself with his body, to archive it, to keep as a pleasant memory. He would certainly do the same.

  Her eyes swept adoringly over his face and he smiled at her unabashed adulation. She stared at him as if he were some Greek God, when in fact he was mortal. A man with repressed nightmares of his own. Then she gave a seductive smile, squeezing him down there, sliding as she moved and the floodgates of hell and heaven collided. The demons she requested he chase away entered through his flesh and burned hellfire in his bones. He took pleasure in it. His mouth suckled hers and she pushed to him, small teeth biting his lip, drawing blood, releasing her pain and he took it gladly. The yearning escalated and she scratched his body, nails digging into his skin leaving angry red welts across it. The stinging reminded him this was no dream and his body welcomed the hurt.

  The overwhelming sensations from his powerful hands, to the heat of his firm tongue buckled her, but she did not retreat. She suckled his mouth, his ear, his throat in an effort to devour him. He desired this the moment he recognized it was Selange who entered his room. She should have fled, instead she lit a match to the fuel and the fire had to burn itself out.

  He absorbed the essence of this woman, taking what was not his, loving her with such ardor she bent forward pulling his head down, begging he stay, crying for him and promising to love him forever. In Nico’s maturity he dismissed her foolishness. He heard similar claims from other women, Selange’s enjoyment was enough.

  She asked for deliverance from the images of carnage. He banished it and in the course of this sexual exorcism Nico found nirvana in the folds of her flesh. He seized her legs, repositioned them, flexing her knees to her stomach determined she receive every inch of him, guiding her, lifting her buttocks, refusing to relent. Then it struck him, a powerful burst of flame that tore straight through his body and his head was forced to bow to her breasts in worship as if she were a feminine deity. His organ pulsed. The torrential liquid warmth ejaculating from him served as a sign of his devotion. She trembled, wiggled and he held her immobile until the orgasmic sensation subsided. Only then did his str
ength wane and he retract, dropping to her side. Utterly, fucked he shut his eyes trying to control the massive thumping of emotion. He hadn’t expected such an intense erotic attachment. Dammit, what he was experiencing wasn’t regret, hell no, it was total bliss!

  He reached to his side and brought Selange atop his body without strain and covered her. He wanted to feel the warmth of her body for the last time. He inhaled sharply, wrapped his arms around her waist and went to sleep knowing when he awakened the fantasy would end.

  Nico’s eyes opened at the crack of dawn. Selange’s face warmed his chest and there was a glorious phantom sensation from last night’s passionate love-making. This morning was either heaven or hell. Definitely, both. It was unbelievable, heaven couldn’t get any better. The hell was leaving, likely for good this time. Yeah, that’s the hell of fucking another man’s wife. He slipped his arm from around her waist and she awakened.

  “Are you going so early?” She asked at his back.

  “Of course I am,” he responded, taking control of his senses.

  ‘Reality check! Last night was great but, it’s morning,’ he told himself, ‘got to let her go!’

  He sat up and she followed, holding him from behind, “I’m really going to miss you Nico.”

  He stood laughing and she released him, “I’m going to miss the hell out of you, too but we both know you love Alfonzo.” Selange stood on the bed like a kid and he turned around to face her, “Don’t start looking for what you already have.”

  She caressed his face, “You’re my best friend.” She said then kissed him and she shouldn’t have because it made leaving harder.

  The pilot was prepping the plane and here Nico was delaying their departure for one last romp in bed with a sexy young woman who was not his wife. A woman Nico could not have but wanted to keep. A woman he admittedly loved deeply, maybe deeper than his wife!


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