Book Read Free

Miss Behaved

Page 2

by Milly Taiden

  He hiked to Luke and Kira’s cabin. He liked walks. They helped clear his mind and gave him perspective on what he could do about issues with his pride. Luke had just opened his kitchen door when he saw him.

  “Garrett, what’s up?” Luke called as he approached with a wide grin on his face.

  “Of course, you’re smiling. You’ve been…”

  Luke raised a hand in warning. “Don’t finish that sentence. She’ll kick your ass and I’ll sit back and laugh.”

  “Laugh about what?” Kira asked with a tiny frown that even Garrett had to admit was darn cute on her face.

  “Nothing, babe. Just giving Garrett a hard time as usual.”

  “How was your honeymoon? Did you see anything interesting? Did you even leave the hotel, or should I not ask that?”

  Kira laughed. “It’s okay. We did some sightseeing, yes, but we did stay in the hotel most of the time.”

  “Except for when we—”

  “Don’t you say it. I will shave your mane off,” Kira threated with a glare at her husband.

  “Enough said on that then. So, what’s new? Anything we need to know about? How have things been around here? Bastien already filled us in on what happened with Carly.”

  Garrett nodded and glanced around at the homes and trails that covered the mountain. This was a great place to live, love, and grow. He couldn’t imagine ever leaving here, but something was invading their home and it needed to be stopped.

  “I’m checking on something. If it ends up going where I think it might, then we need to have a meeting. All of us, I mean. Just give me a few days to nail down things first.”

  Luke and Kira shared a worried frown. “All right, just let me know when and we’ll get it set up. Do you need any help?”

  “No, you just got back. Get settled, handle any issues you need to within your pride, and we will get together end of next week.”

  They parted ways and Garrett continued walking, surveying the area for anything out of the ordinary. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but he hoped he’d know when he saw it. If he could keep his mind off Toni long enough.

  She was driving him crazy. She openly flirted with him and other guys in front of him and almost dared him to do something about it. She even flat out denied he could really be interested in her. She was the most stubborn, infuriating woman he had ever had the pleasure of knowing. Fuck, he wanted her so badly!

  As soon as he got the chance, he was pulling Kira and Carly aside and asking for advice. He wasn’t stupid. They both worked with her on a daily basis. They had to be able to give him tips on how to convince her he wanted her and only her for the rest of his days.

  His leopard was tearing at his skin, fighting furiously to get to their mate and claim her. He wasn’t going to pressure or force her. He wanted Toni to see the real him, behind the man-whore façade he wore to keep women at bay. She was his mate. He’d do anything for her. Anything. Even if it meant using the one word that scared the crap out of him. Emotions.


  “Weekends are never long enough,” Toni said as she plopped in a conference room chair and smiled at her friends sitting opposite her. They should be meeting and working out strategies for the new resort but instead, she knew personal talk came first.

  “Did someone have too much fun and is now paying for it?” Carly asked with a waggle of her eyebrows.

  Toni snorted. “Please, only if you consider cleaning the house and weeding the garden fun. Plus, the ex asshole stopped by with his boy toy. Said he had left things in the attic he needed to retrieve.”

  The two women hissed at the mention of the asshole. “Why didn’t you say something? We would have come over.”

  “Yeah, even if it meant leaving Bastien’s warm, naked ass in bed,” Carly said with a wink.

  “I really do love you guys, you know that.” Toni smiled weakly. “It wasn’t too bad. He got his stuff and the boyfriend was polite but indifferent.”

  “Nothing was said this time? He just came and left and no nasty comments or snide remarks?” Kira asked with a scowl as she stared at her cousin, daring her to lie to them.

  Toni sighed. “Just the usual rhetoric. ‘Still haven’t lost weight, I see.’ And ‘no man in sight, not that I blame them.’ And my favorite ‘frigid cow.’”

  Carly frowned, anger flashing in her eyes. “Why can’t we kill him?”

  “Stop. Let’s just forget I said anything and get to work. The agency is sending over a temp. We’re being flooded with work since the resort opened and people saw how amazing it is.”

  The next few hours flew by, and before Toni knew it, the temp was standing in front of her, hands trembling, and a weak smile on her beautiful full face. “You must be our new employee. It’s wonderful to meet you,” Toni said as she stood and offered her hand.

  “Yes, my name is Kasey Sanchez,” she replied as she darted a nervous glance around.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, sorry.” Kasey blushed as she reached up to push a lock of blond hair behind her ear.

  “Let me introduce you around and then we can sit down and get to work.”

  Toni wasn’t sure what was going on, but Kasey kept surveying her surroundings. Like she was waiting for an attack or something. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Kasey closed her eyes and shook her head with a small sad laugh. “I was keeping an eye out for anyone who would report back to my father that I’m working here. He’s controlling, you see, and didn’t approve this job.”

  Toni frowned and stopped in her tracks. “Why not? What’s wrong with our company? We’ve worked damn hard to get this far.”

  Kasey blushed and apologized. “I meant, I didn’t tell him I was coming here. I didn’t get approval to work at a place he hadn’t checked out first. He’s very over protective and…”

  “Is everything okay?” Kira asked as she approached the two women.

  “Yes, sorry,” Kasey said again with a deep sigh of resignation. “Fired before I even start. This is working out great,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “Sweetie, we’re not firing you. We just wanted to check in. We’ve had incidents in the past with some irate clients, and even an obsessed admirer or two. It’s nothing to worry about,” Carly said with a reassuring pat to Kasey’s shoulder.

  “Irate admirers? How did I miss that one?” Kira exclaimed in shock.

  Carly shrugged. “You were busy with the hubby on the honeymoon, and it’s no big deal.”

  “Guys, I’d like you to meet Kasey Sanchez. In case you didn’t figure it out, she’s our new temporary employee. Now, girls, play nice and say hello.” Toni smiled at Kasey.

  “Hi, Kasey. I’m Kira and this is my company. Toni is my cousin and soon-to-be ex-employee.”

  Toni laughed and shook her head to clue in Kasey that the boss was joking.

  “I’m Carly, and don’t worry. We’re a big family around here and you will love working with us. If all works out well, we’ll make your position permanent and you can join the family. In the meantime, why don’t we all go to lunch and relax. Mondays are always the worst.”

  Within minutes, the four were sitting in a booth at their favorite Mexican restaurant, talking and laughing like old friends.

  “Guys, do you know those men over there? ‘Cause they won’t stop staring and leering,” Kasey whispered as she discreetly pointed to the opposite side of the restaurant.

  Toni, Carly, and Kira shared a laugh. “Hold on one second,” Carly said as she flagged the waitress down.

  “Hey, ladies, welcome back. What can I do for you?”

  “We’d like to order a round of shots for that table on the other side of the room.” The waitress did a survey of the area and turned back, smiling. “You got it. Anything particular?”

  “Oh, I know the perfect thing,” Toni said excitedly. “Send them each a shot of blue balls and tell them that’s all they’re getting any time soon.”

  The waitress laugh
ed and walked away with a bounce in her step. The women laughed and high-fived each other.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on,” Kasey said. “And what is in a blue balls shot?”

  “It’s actually pretty good. It’s one ounce raspberry vodka, one ounce coconut rum and one ounce Blue Curacao liqueur,” Toni explained as they all watched the shots being delivered.

  The laughter from the table drew the attention of the whole restaurant. When the men stood and headed their direction, the attention was for a different reason entirely. Four of the sexiest men Toni had ever seen were striding toward them, and not a woman in the restaurant could take her eyes off them.

  “Ladies, maybe that wasn’t the best of ideas,” Kasey interjected wearily.

  Before they could explain, the men stopped beside their table and scowled at them. “That was mean, babe,” Luke said as he bent down to kiss his wife hello.

  “It wasn’t my idea to send that shot. I just suggested a shot,” Kira replied as she watched the men pull a table up next to them.


  “Come sit with me, love,” Luke whispered with a suggestive leer.

  Bastien’s eyes heated at seeing Carly. “I know you wouldn’t be so cold as to suggest that you’d suffer just as much as I would. Especially after this weekend,” Bastien growled as he moved in to take Kira’s seat. “I think you should kiss me and make it all better.”

  “Whatever, grumpy bear. You know you loved it. Plus, you know damn well I’ll make it up to you tonight when we get home.” Carly chuckled as she was pulled into a deep kiss.

  Garrett asked the temp, “Excuse me, but do you mind switching seats with me?”

  Toni gaped and grabbed on to Kasey’s hand. “You don’t have to move. Go away, Garrett, sit over there. You’re just fine where you were.”

  Garrett growled and gently pulled on the woman’s arm. “Please, switch with me. I will climb over you if I have to.”

  Kasey looked at Toni. “Sorry, boss, but he’s big and might squish me. I need to survive. I can find another job if you wanna fire me over it,” Kasey replied as she quickly slid out of the seat and sent her an apologetic smile.

  “Traitor,” Toni whined, trying to hide a smile.

  “Leave her alone. It was you. I know it was,” Garrett said. “That devious brain would have been the one to come up with a shot called Blue Balls.”

  “I’m debating if I should be offended by that or not.” Toni winked and took a small sip of the shot he brought with him.

  “You’re always giving me blue balls and now you take my shot, too. You’re a cruel woman, love.”

  “I’m sorry, Kasey. I hope we didn’t freak you out. We know these guys, obviously, and wanted to have some fun with them,” Carly explained as she leaned into Bastien’s side.

  “Well, I kind of figured that out, because otherwise I think I might need to quit. You guys are in a totally different line of work than I thought.”

  They all stared at her for a second before they burst into laughter at her words. Toni liked this girl. She was going to fit right in after all.

  “Kasey, let us introduce you to everyone. That is Kira’s husband, Luke. Carly is wrapped around her mate, Bastien. The gentleman next to you sitting oh so politely watching the shenanigans is Caelen and this furball next to me is Garrett.”

  “A furball? That hurts.” He chuckled and met her gaze, lowering his voice to a whisper. “I’ve been nice to you and treated you with respect. I’ve given you space. Which is hard because all I want is to get you in my bed. Yet, you still refuse to give an inch.”

  She gulped. “Oh, really? I hadn’t noticed.”

  Garrett turned and faced the table. “Ladies, help me convince Toni that I’m not as bad as she thinks. She flat out says no every time I even begin to ask her out, even if it’s for coffee or to walk her to her car after work.”

  All three women gaped at Toni in astonishment. Kasey leaned forward so she could see Toni better. “Wait, are you telling me this fine piece of…I mean, Garrett offered to meet you at work and walk you to your car and you refused? The man was going to drive all the way to your office to spend two minutes in your company?”

  Toni winced and nodded dejectedly.

  “That’s it. I gotta quit after all. I can’t work for someone who’s that stubborn,” Kasey said with a wink to Garrett. “Do you need an assistant?”

  “No,” Toni whined when she saw the gesture. “Don’t encourage him. He’s like those Gremlins. You can’t do certain things or he turns into a womanizing man whore.”

  The table once again erupted into laughter, this time at her words, and Garrett’s blush.

  “I’m not that bad,” he mumbled under his breath but blew a kiss in Toni’s direction.

  “Stop it. I’m not falling for that trick.”

  Toni tried to ignore him and the gestures from the three women trying to get her to agree to go out with him.

  “Fine,” she growled, “I’ll go out with you, but not alone. Since they’re all so eager for us to go out, they can come, too. It has to be group date.”

  “That’s perfectly acceptable terms. Ladies,” Garrett looked in turn to each woman. “Carly, Kira, and Kasey. I’d be honored if you’d join us for a date.”

  Kasey look panicked, glancing from face to face. “Please. I don’t…I mean, I just met…I can’t…”

  “It’s fine, Kasey. If you don’t mind, I’d be honored to be your escort for the night. No strings. Just a fun night out with friends as friends,” Caelen offered with a soft smile.

  “Are you sure I won’t be imposing? You guys don’t even know me really.”

  “We’re a good judge of character. Come out with us. Trust me when I tell you, you will be safe with this group. No one will dare even look twice at us,” Toni said with a wink.

  “Good. Now that is settled, I have one thing to say to you, Toni.” Garrett turned to face her fully one more time. “Believe it or not, but from the moment you rescued me at the wedding I haven’t thought of, looked at, or even dreamed about another woman. You’re the only one occupying my entire universe.”

  A chorus of oohhs and aaahhhs filled the air as the other women sighed at his words. “That was beautiful,” Kasey blurted and then blushed.

  “Welcome to the sweet tongues of shifter men. Let me tell you, not only do they know how to sweet talk with them, they make sweet magic as well. The things they can do will make you talk to God in tongues.” Kira winked at her husband as she said the words.

  Carly chuckled. “I’ll definitely second that. Makes me sweat just thinking about it.”

  Garrett shook his head. “Seems like we miss out when we aren’t with you guys if this is what you talk about. And they say only men think of sex all day.”

  Kira laughed. “Oh, honey. It’s not that we don’t, we just hide it better than you. When we’re all together, talk naturally turns to our partners. Where do you think we get the ideas we suggest in bed?”

  “On that note, I think it’s time we ordered so you ladies can get back to work. I’m afraid to find out anymore. I don’t want to think of Bastien next time I’m in bed wondering if he did that and Carly told you about it.” Luke shuddered at the thought of it.


  A knock at the door startled Garrett out of his thoughts. Something was going on with the younger ones, but no matter how hard he tried to find answers, he inevitably failed.

  “What are you two doing here?” Garrett asked as he opened the door to a grinning Bastien and Luke.

  “We’re here to humbly offer our assistance,” Luke said with a cheeky grin and a nudge to Bastien.

  “Yes, we’ve both had to woo human females and know the pitfalls better than most of our kind. We came to offer support and council.”

  Garrett rolled his eyes. “I assume reporting back to your mates of my stupid ideas and suggestions are included in that.”

  Both men nodded eagerly and pushed around Garrett to enter the
house. He sighed and shut the door. Some days it wasn’t worth fighting. They were not going to give up easily; he knew that much of his two friends.

  Luke grinned. “First things first, our group date. What’s the plan to win her over?”

  “Can I just say this is so unfair. I finally got Carly to agree to a date when I promised to wow her with this awesome romantic date,” Bastien grumbled.

  Garret smirked. “That’s because you aren’t as smooth as me. I make this shit look easy.” The two men groaned at his cocky comeback. “Seriously, I agreed to a group date because she wouldn’t feel as much pressure and I figured she’d give me a chance. A group date makes it easy to have fun and not be overly romantic. I mean, unless she’s a swinger, three other couples on the date makes romance a bit harder.”

  “All right, Casanova, what’s your big plans then? Oh, and I definitely plan to report back your comment about swinging to Kira.”

  “Same for Carly. They’re going to love roasting your balls over that one,” Bastien supplied with an evil grin.

  “Whatever,” Garrett grunted as he scowled at his former friends. “If you’re done busting my ass, I can tell you what I planned and you guys can finally be of some use and tell me what you think.”

  The two men agreed to listen and offer advice, but admitted they couldn’t promise they wouldn’t report back to their mates, laugh at his suggestions, and most importantly, ridicule him for anything that came out of his mouth.

  “I really need some new friends,” Garrett mumbled quietly as he glared at the two bastards sitting across from him. “Fine, there’s a carnival setting up for this weekend. I thought we could pick up the girls early in the afternoon Saturday. It’s about an hour away so we have plenty of time to talk on the drive. We can get there and go right to the carnival and snack. There’s a special event a few miles away, a benefit concert I think, but I heard if you sit just beyond the carnival lights on blankets, you can see the firework shows. I thought we could take some bottled waters and sandwiches and have a little picnic and watch the display.”


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