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Born to be My Baby

Page 12

by Lori Ryan

  Chapter Fourteen

  Thinking of spending a weekend on a warm, tropical island with Ben Sumner suddenly seemed like the most amazing thing Maggie had ever heard of. She squeezed his shoulder for balance, fighting the temptation to slip her hands up the hard muscle of his arms and into his beautiful dark hair. Molesting him on the dance floor in front of half the town was probably a bad idea.

  Maggie bit her lip as Ben pressed his hip firmly against hers. Hard. Everywhere.

  Her legs wobbled and she thanked the stars he was holding her tight as her body melted into his, some parts more than others.

  Friends. You’re just friends. Yeah, well someone needed to tell her body that. Traitor.

  Their kiss in the wedding barn had thrown her off kilter. Who knew Ben Sumner could kiss like an inmate fresh out of prison? Nope, she absolutely could not think of the way his lips had molded to hers, his tongue caressing—

  Maggie shook her head. She had to remember the goal—get Ben Sumner out of town as soon as possible. She had to stay focused, keep her eye on the prize. The sooner he left Canyon Creek and the lodge, the sooner she and Valerie could carry on with their dreams of renovations and further expansion without interference.


  She glanced up and stared into Ben’s hazel brown eyes.

  Yeah, a weekend on the beach sounded amazing. But she had a mission.

  “Everything all right?” He asked with genuine concern.

  “Uh, no,” she shook her head, “I mean yes. I just think I’m worn out from all the dancing.”

  Ben studied her face. “Maybe we should get you some water.”

  As much as Maggie didn’t want to relinquish her hold on his body, she nodded and let him lead her off the dance floor and over to the bar.

  Maggie turned and watched Hank place two glasses on the bar in response to Ben’s request. “Thanks,” she said, raising the drink to her lips and practically gulping. Her gaze cut to Ben’s from across the edge of her glass.

  He studied her mouth, his eyes half-lidded.

  “Hey kids,” Kayleigh said.

  Maggie choked on her water, surprised and disappointed to be interrupted while she undressed Ben in her mind.

  Kayleigh patted her back. “You okay, hun?”

  Maggie nodded and reached for a stack of napkins.

  “I think Lily’s pretty much shit-faced. She’s turned to country.” Kayleigh glanced over her shoulder.

  Lily was on the dance floor, singing to a sad country song blaring from the jukebox. By herself. Horribly.

  “You okay to drive?” Maggie asked Kayleigh.

  Kayleigh grinned. “Yeah, I’m good. I really need to get Lily home before she pukes though.”

  “She never used to drink like that,” Ben said, a concerned look on his face.

  “She still doesn’t.” Maggie said. “I’m not sure what got into her tonight.” Maggie stared at Kayleigh and they both smiled. “Ladies’ Night,” they said in unison.

  “How are you going to get home, Mags?” Kayleigh asked.

  “Where do you live?” Ben asked.

  “I live in town,” Maggie answered.

  “Why not on the land?” he asked.

  She didn’t have to question what he meant. He wanted to know why she didn’t live on his parents’ land near the lodge. There was certainly room.

  “Sometimes I need a little distance from the lodge.” She smiled. “Plus, it’s the house I grew up in. It’s paid for.” Maggie didn’t mention the mortgage had been paid off by her. “It’s small but it’s all I need.”

  “Where’s your dad?” Emmett asked.

  “He lives in Blue Falls.”

  “Oh, yeah, I’ve been there.”

  Maggie tried to think of a way to steer conversation in another direction. Any other direction.

  “Great skiing.” Emmett said, oblivious to her inner turmoil. Thankfully, he dropped the subject and Maggie released a deep sigh of relief.

  “Blue Falls is pretty far away from here,” Ben said, his brows wrinkled.

  “It’s not that far,” she said. Not far enough, she wanted to say. “Anyway, I can just grab a ride from one of the guys here. It’s no big deal.”

  “No.” Ben stood to his full height, and Maggie bristled at the domineering tone.

  “What the hell does that mean?” she asked.

  “It means I’ll take you home.” Ben glanced at his brother, holding out his upturned hand. “Emmett, give me the keys to your car.”

  Without hesitation or question, Emmett dropped them in his palm. Maggie was amazed by the gesture. She guessed that’s how brothers and sisters lived.

  “If we take Emmett’s car, who’ll take him home?” Maggie asked.

  “I can take him,” Kayleigh said. “It might not be a bad idea to have someone to help me with Lily.”

  “Where do you live?” Ben asked.

  “I live in town next door to my vet clinic,” she said, “but I’ll spend the night at the B and B with Lily. Your parents converted it to rental property when the lodge opened. Lily rents a room there. Said she can’t be in the same house as her mom. Sometimes I sleep there, too.”

  Ben and Emmett looked at her like she was an alien, her words foreign.

  “What?” Kayleigh asked.

  “They rent the B and B?” Ben asked.

  Maggie stared at him. “You didn’t know?”

  Ben shook his head.

  Maggie bristled. If he’d read her business plan, he would know that. He’d claimed he’d been studying the numbers for the lodge, but apparently, he only chose to study what he felt was relevant.

  Maggie mentally seized on the information. She’d needed a way to rekindle her anger so she could put some distance between them, and this was perfect. The jerk was only paying lip service to her and his mom. Meanwhile, he hadn’t even bothered to look at the big picture.

  Kayleigh looked to Emmett. “If you can help me get Lily home, I can take you up to the lodge after.”

  “Sure,” he said.

  Kayleigh turned and shouted across the dance floor. “Lily! Get your shit. We’re leaving.”

  Emmett covered his ears. “Damn, woman. Your voice sounds like a fire alarm.”

  Kayleigh laughed. “Have you ever tried to coax a stupid-ass calf out of a drainage pipe in the middle of winter?”

  “Umm,” Emmett stuttered, “can’t say that I have.”

  “Then don’t judge. Cows don’t respond to lady-like voices.”

  “Duly noted.” Emmett nodded.

  “God, she’s not going to leave easily.” Kayleigh sighed and shook her head. “Come on Mags, help me.” Kayleigh grasped Maggie’s hand before she could protest and dragged her toward the dance floor.

  Kayleigh grabbed Lily by the waist just as she tried to tug another man onto the dance floor. “Down girl. Time to go home.”

  Lily pouted. “I don’t want to go.”

  “I’ve got Hot Pockets at home,” Kayleigh said sweetly.

  Maggie laughed. Lily and her obsession with Hot Pockets.

  Lily’s eyes lit up and she clapped her hands. “Pepperoni?”

  Kayleigh looked at Maggie and shrugged. “Yep,” she answered with a fake smile that anyone other than Lily could recognize as a lie. “Pepperoni. Just for you.”

  “Allrighty then,” Lily slurred and pivoted toward the door like Hot Pockets were the answer to all the world’s ills.

  Lily wavered and Maggie and Kayleigh grabbed for her. Shawn was headed toward them, fear and concern marring his face. He stepped toward them but Maggie shook her head. She wasn’t sure, but she was almost positive whatever was going on with Lily tonight involved Shawn.

  Instead, Emmett made his way toward the dance floor.

  “Grab that side,” Kayleigh nodded toward Lily’s waist.

  Maggie slid an arm around Lily’s slender body.

  “Come on, sweetie.” Kayleigh said.

  “Come on Lily Pad,” Emmet
t reached out his hand when he came close, “let’s get you home.”

  “Lily Pad.” She giggled and hiccupped, then covered her mouth. “Do you want a Hot Pocket, Emmy?” Lily mumbled through her palm.

  Emmett turned to the group. “They still make those things?”

  “Sure do,” Kayleigh answered. “They sell a twenty-four pack down at the Kum-n-Go.”

  Maggie snorted. The name of the convenience store always made her giggle.

  “God, that’s just wrong,” Ben said as they all headed for the door.

  “Yeah, I know,” Emmett added, basically carrying Lily. “They should call it the Jizz-n-Jet.”

  Kayleigh threw her head back and howled with laughter. “Or wait, wait,” she worked to catch her breath. “How about, the Ejaculate-n-Evacuate.”

  Maggie shook her head. These two were trouble.

  “Night, kids!” Hank waved to them from behind the bar.

  “Night, Hank,” they yelled in unison, bringing a grin to Maggie’s lips.

  “What about Shoot-n-Scoot?” Emmett yelled over his shoulder as he and Kayleigh headed toward the parking lot.

  “No, no, I’ve got it.” Kayleigh raised one finger in the air as if she had the winning answer on Jeopardy. “The Blow Your Load-n-Hit the Road.”

  “Oh my God,” Ben shook his head, staring down at Maggie with a smile that stole her next breath. “She’s bad,” he said.

  “Yes,” Maggie answered, “very bad.” But in her head, she was chanting, he didn’t read the business plan, he didn’t read the business plan, he thinks you’re an idiot. It was all she could do to keep her walls up.

  “Come on,” Emmett yelled from beside Kayleigh’s car. “I think Lily is going to yack soon.”

  “No puking in my car, Lily or you’re cleaning it up, you got it?” Kayleigh said, racing around her.

  “Text me and let me know you got home, okay?” Maggie said.

  “Sure thing, sweetie,” Kayleigh called out as they slid Lily’s listless body into the car.

  Ben walked to the passenger side of Emmett’s car and opened the door. Maggie wasn’t entirely sure it was a good idea for her to go with him, but if she went with Kayleigh and Lily, they’d have to take her home before heading out to the lodge, and that was a long way. Lily probably wouldn’t do well on that drive.

  Maggie could handle a short ride with Ben, she thought.

  His body made a small triangle with the car as he held the door for her.

  Crap. She had no choice but to step into his space.

  “Maggie.” Ben’s voice was husky and rough.

  She turned, completely aware of her body as it hummed in response to his proximity. Good Lord, was that what he sounded like in the morning after—

  Ben lowered his head and leaned in closer. “Are you all right?” His breath washed warm against her face.

  “Fine. Perfectly fine.” She pulled out the blank face she’d mastered over the years with her dad. When she didn’t want someone to read her thoughts, she was pretty damned good at cutting off access. She slipped into the seat, staring straight ahead.

  Ben quietly shut her door and she hoped he’d gotten the message. She needed him to get the message and back off. Because business plan or not, her resolve was slipping.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ben stood on the small porch in front of Maggie’s door as she slid a key into the lock.

  Maggie pushed the door open but didn’t go inside. Instead she turned and faced him, blocking the opening. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. He could see the confusion in her eyes.

  Ben had to admit, going any further with Maggie Lawrence could complicate things. He was used to uncomplicated relationships, if you could even call them relationships. Friends with Benefits was the term Patrick used, and once-upon-a-time, both men had perfected it.

  Clearly, Patrick was past those days now. Ben wasn’t.

  Ben was only in town for a few months at the very most. Why couldn’t he and Maggie take things further? If they both knew this affair was temporary it could work, and getting her into bed would uncomplicate other aspects of this whole thing. He could convince her to see his side of things with the lodge, then enlist her help to move his mother’s mind.

  He shook himself. He had no interest in thinking about his mother right now.

  Ben let his mind fantasize. What would it be like to go inside with her? To shut the door and push her against the wall, his breath hot on her lips as he ran his mouth along her neck and down to her collar bone, feeling her press into him in response.

  “What do you want, Maggie Mae?” He would ask.

  “You.” She would whimper as she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him back to her so their mouths were a whisper away from touching. “I’m looking for this, Ben. No strings, no commitment, nothing but this.” Her lips would press against his, her mouth hot and wet, parting as her tongue darted inside.

  He would fist his hands into her long hair and tilt her face to deepen the kiss. Her hips would buck into his, lighting an all-consuming fire deep within him. He would claim control, pushing her legs apart, his erection pressing firmly between her thighs. His hands would slide along the side of her waist and along her backside, squeezing her plump ass as he slowly lifted her so his erection pressed into her, pinning his body against hers.

  Her soft moans would ring through the room as Ben swallowed her gasps, rocking his body into hers and feasting on her exposed skin. Maggie’s petite legs would wrap around his waist, her heels pulling his hips closer as her fingers tugged on his hair, her desperate cries for more making his dick swell to painful limits.


  His name on her lips spurred him on as he nipped at the smooth skin of her neck.

  “Ben!” Maggie’s voice cut through his fantasy.

  Ben jumped. Oh shit. Fantasy. He blinked several times, waking himself. His eyes slowly focused on her outstretched hand.

  “Thank you for the ride home.” She smiled politely as if they were mere acquaintances.

  Was she for real? She wanted to shake his hand? He looked from her hand to her face, her expression void of any affection. Shit, she was serious.

  A shrill tone filled the room behind her.

  Ben glanced over her shoulder. “Is that your home phone? Who would call you this late?”

  “Crap.” Maggie turned, not bothering to shut the door. Ben stepped inside as she lifted the receiver from its base and glanced at the illuminated number. “Really?” she asked to no one in particular.

  Ben looked at the clock and noted it was just after 11:30 p.m. Who could be calling her at this hour? “Is it Kayleigh?” he asked, trying not to focus on the fantasy of her naked body that was still trying to play in his mind.

  Maggie pushed a button on the phone and brought it to her face. “Hello?”

  There was a long pause. Maggie closed her eyes and released a heavy sigh. “Yes,” she finally said. “When?”

  Another heavy pause hung in the air.

  “Is it the lodge?” Ben whispered. He could barely think of any reason the lodge would call at this hour, but it could be an emergency with the facility. Slowly he moved in next to her, placing a reassuring hand on her back.

  Maggie flinched and glared up at him like he was a stranger.

  He ignored her.

  “Fine, I’ll meet you there,” she said, her tone curt. “Yes, that’s fine.” Another pause. “I know, I know, it’s not your fault. Thanks for calling me. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Maggie brought the phone away from her face and clicked the off button.

  “Maggie.” Despite her glare, Ben stroked her back.

  She stared down at the phone still in her hands.

  “Hey,” he slid a finger underneath her chin. “What’s going on? Is it the lodge?”

  She shook her head.

  “What is it? Is everything all right?”

  “No, it’s not,” she said shaking her head aga
in, breaking free from his hold. Her eyes cut to his. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.” And just like that, shutters slammed down on her eyes.

  “Where to?” Ben asked.

  The look she gave him as she tossed her purse on her shoulder and headed for the door said she wasn’t going to discuss it with him.

  Screw that. Ben followed behind her. “What’s going on, Maggie?” He caught her arm, turning her to face him. “Maggie,” he said gently. “What’s going on?”

  Her green eyes glazed over with what looked like unshed tears, but her look was fierce, defensive as she pulled away. “I’m sorry about all of this.” Her head down, she walked out of the door. “I have to go.”

  He followed her onto the porch. “Is it something I can help you with?”

  “No,” she answered as if annoyed by the offer of help. Her keys in hand, she waved him away from the handle so she could lock it.

  Mastering the workings of the female mind wasn’t something he’d ever accomplished, and she was proving him completely inept at the moment.

  Maybe she took pity on him, or maybe she just wanted to get him out of there. Whatever it was, she turned to him with a sigh, her hand gently splayed on his chest. “I meant, no,” she said softly, “but thank you.” Softer eyes met his and he thought maybe it had been pity winning out.

  “I’ll, um, see you tomorrow, okay.” She reached up on tip toe and brushed a quick kiss against his cheek. “I’m sorry, I have to go.”

  Without waiting for his response, she walked away into the night. Alone. The only noise left was his soft breathing. As he watched her go, Ben couldn’t help but wonder if Maggie Lawrence ever let down her walls long enough to let someone take care of her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Maggie rushed through the sliding glass doors. Given her speed on the highway, she’d been lucky to arrive without getting a ticket.

  A rotund woman in her mid-fifties looked up from her screen behind the counter. “Can I help you, hun?”

  “Yes,” Maggie said, out of breath. “I’m looking for Bill Lawrence, uh, William, William Lawrence.”


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