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Some Like It Geek: A Really Big Set of Romances

Page 86

by Box Set

  “What the hell? I think one sex club adventure is enough for tonight–”

  Aaron gathered her into his arms, pulled off her mask, and pressed kisses all over her face.

  “No audience. Just you and me. I want you all to myself.” He nuzzled her ear and nipped at the lobe. “So, wanna go to my place?”

  Membership certainly had its privileges. The playrooms at Lux each had an en suite, and the staff had stocked it with all the amenities members might need for pampering and aftercare. When Aaron opened the door he found robes for both him and Katie, as well as matching slippers, and a take away bag of snacks and treats from Lux’s kitchen. When they went back into the playroom to gather their discarded clothes, they found the staff had already retrieved them and left a note that said the items would be dry-cleaned and delivered to Aaron’s penthouse the next day.

  So, dressed in fuzzy red robes and plush slippers, they took the private elevator up to Aaron’s penthouse, and sat on the bed in his sparsely furnished bedroom, with a bottle of Prosecco and a plate of cheese, charcuterie, and delicate fruit pastries.

  “Sorry,” Aaron said, gesturing to the coffee mug that Katie raised to her lips. “I haven’t had a chance to buy fancy wine glasses yet. Not very classy.”

  “Nonsense.” She turned the mug and read i’s front. “I’m sure The One Eyed Turtle in Tallahassee is a very classy place…wait…” She eyed him. “Is that a euphemism? Is it a strip club or something?”

  Aaron laughed. “Nope,” he said. “Rest stop. Run by a guy with one eye called Turtle. I mean, maybe he strips on the side or something. I don’t know the man well.”

  Katie smacked his arm and giggled and Aaron took that opportunity to capture her hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss.

  “Hey, so…you wanna talk? Unpack anything about what we just did down there?”

  “Do you?” Katie said, raising an eyebrow.

  “Yeah.” Aaron nodded, took the mug from her and set it down, then gathered both her hands in his. “Because I totally just had sex with this girl I really like, and I’m kind of freaking out about it.”

  Katie raised the other eyebrow.

  “In a good way,” he quickly clarified. “Definitely in a good way.” He smoothed his thumbs over the backs of her hands. “But I’m just wondering–”

  “I’m freaking out too,” said Katie. “Also in a good way.”

  Aaron sighed in relief and cupped her cheek with one hand, drawing her lips to hers for a soft kiss. When he broke away, Katie sighed.

  “I mean if someone asked me last week what my ideal first hookup scenario would be with a new guy I’m interested in…” She blew out a breath and glanced at him. “I really doubt I would’ve come up with what we did tonight.”

  “Right.” Aaron nodded.

  “Part of me thinks I should feel embarrassed or even ashamed or something,” she said.

  “But I don’t,” said Katie and Aaron snapped his gaze up to hers.


  “No.” She smiled and squeezed his hand. “I really don’t. I feel amazing. God I just…” she shook her head and rolled her eyes. “I feel so stupid, though.”

  Aaron frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Katie’s eyes glistened and began to well and Aaron realized with horror that she was going to cry.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” he said, gathering her into his arms. “I thought–”

  “No, it’s happy tears,” she said quickly. “I swear. Well and maybe a little bit of regret.”

  Oh shit. “Regret?”

  “Not regret for being with you, not regret for tonight.” She stroked his cheek. “Regret that I let my accident, and the loss of my company bruise my self-esteem. So much. I really didn’t realize it, or didn’t want to admit it.” She laughed, and the sound was bitter. “I haven’t really, well I haven’t really been with very many people since the accident.”


  “Like, any really.”



  “So…um…” Aaron spoke cautiously, cuddled her closer and pushed her hair back over her shoulder. “Then tonight?”

  “Was the first time I’ve had sex in about two years. Yeah.”

  “Wow, you really know how break a streak.”

  Katie laughed and then choked, wiping tears from her eyes, she smiled up at Aaron. “I’m doing a terrible job explaining this,” she said. “Here’s the thing. I let my asshole ex completely derail me career wise. And…” she pushed down one side of her robe, exposing the shoulder with the scar. “And, I let the accident, this scar – completely derail me as a woman.”

  Aaron brushed his fingertips over the scar, then leaned down and followed the same path with his lips.

  “You seemed anything but derailed tonight,” he said, ghosting his lips up her neck.

  “No,” she smiled. “I was fine. More than fine. I felt incredible. Tonight, all that other stuff, those fears and hang-ups – they just slipped away. The other men. You. I felt wanted. Beautiful. Like–”

  “A fantasy,” he said. “You were my fantasy, Katie.” He kissed the corner of her mouth, and she shivered, then moved over him so that she was straddled on his lap. Aaron slipped his hands inside her robe and let them roam, seeking heat and soft and naked. His lips crashed over hers, his tongue dove in to taste her and Katie moaned into his mouth, yielding to him, opening completely so that he could feast on her.

  “Why?” she asked, when they broke for air. “Why is just kissing you so good? It’s almost as good as sex.”

  He pressed her cheek to his and panted as he nodded.

  “I think it’s because our first physical contact was in the S-suits, and we literally couldn’t kiss, and so now–”

  She turned her head into his and cut him off with another kiss, dragging his lower lip between her teeth for a nibble.

  “So now,” she said, echoing his words. “It feels forbidden.”

  Aaron freed his lip from her teeth and used his own to scrape down the length of her neck.

  “It feels dirty,” he said.

  Katie moaned and arched her back, and he took advantage of her position to push the robe down to her waist, baring her breasts to his eyes.

  “God, you’re the most delicious handful,” he said. Palming her breasts, he sought the dark pink tips and pulled them, rolling them hard between his fingertips until she was writhing in his lap. “I just want devour every last inch of you…I want to–”

  He stopped talking when he caught the look in her eyes. Wicked and hungry.

  “Yes,” she said, her eyes gleaming. “We’ve had our snack, and it’s been about twenty minutes.”

  “You’re right.” Aaron narrowed his eyes, and then widened them again when he felt Katie’s fingers slip beneath his robe and fist around his cock. He inhaled sharply and pulled her into his hips so hard she squealed and laughed and then melted when he took her mouth again.

  “Oh, Beauty,” he spoke against her lips, and slipped his hand lower over her ass until his fingertips found her core. She was so wet, and so sensitive, she trembled as he stroked her. “Fuck Katie,” he breathed the words. “Let me have you again?”

  She nodded and ground her hips against his fingers.

  “No audience this time. Nobody else to get in the way. Nothing but you and me–”

  “Aaron,” she said. “I’m on the pill. And I really haven’t been with anyone in two years. And my last physical was totally clear.”

  She didn’t have to say anything more.

  “Also clear,” he said. “Had a physical two months ago. And I haven’t been with anyone else.”

  Katie’s eyebrows shot up.

  “I’m a workaholic,” he said with a grimace. “The HL2 launch has been a lot of work and–”

  She laid a firm finger over his lips. “I believe you. And while I love it when you talk geeky, if you keep it up right now, it’s gonna kill the mood.”

  “Shit.” He s
hook his head and talked around her finger. “Wouldn’t want that.”

  Aaron grinned and delved his fingers back into her folds, teasing her lips apart, circling her entrance, but taking care to go no deeper. He teased her until her hips were mirroring his movements, gyrating in time with the path he traced.

  “Totally naked,” he whispered in her ear. “Just you and me. No S-suit to keep me from kissing you.” He claimed her lips and kissed her till she was breathless. “No condom to keep me from feeling you.” She pressed her head into the crook of his neck and whimpered, pushing back against his hand shamelessly. “Just my flesh and your flesh.” He cupped her breast, found one nipple and pinched it. “My bare cock inside that tight, hot pussy.”

  “Fuck,” she whispered the words against his skin.

  “That’s right. Fucking you. Filling you. Spilling inside you.” He pinched her nipple harder, slipped one finger inside her hole and Katie cried out.

  “I want come inside you–”

  Katie lifted her head, mashed her lips to his, and then yawned.


  Her back arched and her eyelids fluttered as her mouth gaped open. When she was finished, she slapped her hands over her mouth and stared at him in horror.

  “Oh my god,” she said, her cheeks glowing pink. “I’m so sorry.”

  Aaron pressed a kissed to her forehead while Katie continued apologizing. He shook his head, trying to contain the amusement that was threatening to burst from his chest, but it was no use. Katie kept stuttering, and Aaron laughed, pulling her back on the bed with him so that they lay next to each other, face to face.

  “Sleep now,” he said, tapping her on the nose.

  “But I’m not sleepy…” she yawned again, rolled her eyes and groaned in frustration. “I can’t believe this is happening!”

  “Sleep,” said Aaron, pulling her in for a cuddle.

  “But we were going to have the sex again,” said Katie with another yawn. “And I really like doing that.”

  “I really like it too,” said Aaron, brushing his hand over her hair. “So I promise, we will have the sex again. Soon. But for now. Sleep.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  For about ten full seconds after she woke, Katie didn’t know where she was. But then she remembered.

  The club, the dress, the mask, the men.

  Oh god.


  Katie sighed and rewound the previous evening in her mind, her still half asleep imagination playing through the acts with enthusiasm.

  Aaron’s eyes. Aaron’s lips on hers.

  Hands on her body.

  Aaron’s hands on her body.

  Touching, kneading, exploring…

  Aaron’s cock…

  She stretched lazily and rolled over, ready to claim a kiss and the round two he’d promised the night before.

  “Hey there…” The words died on her lips.

  He was gone. Instead of the naked length of him she’d been anticipating, there was a single sheet of paper on his pillow.


  Thanks for an amazing evening. Sorry I had to go. Eleventy-billion dollar tech companies wake up early apparently, and are very demanding about their CEOs. :)

  Looking forward to round two,


  “Funny guy copying my note, huh?”

  P.S. Unfortunately, some urgent things came up at the office. I was reluctant to wake you. You’ll find bagels and coffee in the kitchen, and please stay as long as you like.

  In all seriousness, last night was epic. I’m very much looking forward to seeing you again, and I really hope that next time, we get to wake up together.

  She felt her cheeks flush hot and she pressed the paper to her lips, hiding her smile. From who? Aaron wasn’t here, she was all alone. But still, there was something about him that made her feel shy. Then again, there was something about him that made her feel bold too.

  Even daring.

  Last night was proof of that.

  Katie found her boots, skinny jeans, and red cashmere sweater sitting on the counter in Aaron’s master bathroom. Aiko must have dropped them off for her.

  It seemed a week since she’d last worn that outfit, not a mere twenty-four hours. The clothes felt like they belonged to someone else now, a Katie Martinez that hadn’t fucked a guy in a sex club with a bunch of strange men watching.

  She looked at herself in the mirror and squinted. Did she look different? Would this Katie Martinez wear the same outfit? She smiled at her reflection and shrugged.

  Yes, she was different, but cashmere was cashmere, so she got dressed.

  The bagels were waiting in the kitchen as promised, and from the temperature of the coffee she figured she had woken up just a few minutes after Aaron left. It was still early, there was time enough to speed home, change, and attend to a few things, and then maybe she’d come back, and surprise him with dinner.

  Popping the lid off the take-out cup of coffee she took a sip and swallowed. That’s when it hit her. Her throat felt sore and swollen, and now that the last remnants of her post-Aaron high were wearing off…damn…her body felt achey too.

  It was probably just a little bit of soreness due to last night’s acrobatics.


  She sneezed, and her sinuses stuffed right up as a dull thudding began behind her eyes.

  Great. She was getting sick.


  Round two would have to wait.

  “I don’t understand.” Aaron tossed the tabloid on his desk, and folded his arms over his chest. “Why does the press care what I do in my private life? They never have before.”

  Aiko, Malcolm, and Jack had joined Aaron in his office to discuss the morning’s headlines. Headlines that featured a grainy photo of Aaron and a curvy brunette walking through a doorway inside of Lux.

  “That’s not entirely correct,” said Malcolm. “You were in the gossip pages when you were with Carly Carpenter, but the focus of the gossip was on her, so perhaps that’s why it didn’t warrant your notice. Also, I’ll point out that Ms. Carpenter has been aggressively pursuing coverage lately and seems to have a PR team that is advising her to attach herself to HyperLyfe. Our understanding is she wants to be –”

  “The first virtual reality supermodel celebrity,” said Aiko, cutting Malcolm off. “The best way to sell that story is to hitch her wagon to you personally. So, Carly’s all over the place right now saying you two are dating again. But look, the press isn’t stupid, and she’s a bad liar. Her story didn’t ring true from the beginning. Add to that the fact that we fired your PR team after they gushingly confirmed a relationship, and well the whole thing stinks. The press smell a bigger story, so they’re digging.”

  Aaron picked up the tabloid again. The photo was low resolution and in dim lighting, his back was mostly turned and he was wearing a mask, but yeah, even he had to admit it was pretty obvious the guy in the photo was him. His height and his suit gave it all away. Once somebody made that connection, the rest of the picture was even juicier. The petite, sexy brunette beside him was definitely not Carly. And there was no mistaking that the two people in the photo were familiar with each other, intimate. Aaron’s hand was resting on bare skin, low on the woman’s back, and everything about his posture screamed attraction and not a little bit of possessiveness.

  “How did they even get this shot?” He sighed. “I thought cameras weren’t allowed in Lux?”

  “Lucky shot,” said Malcolm. “Hidden camera in a pair of glasses on a gentleman who accompanied a paid member. The member has been expelled of course.”

  “Wyatt’s team spotted the asshole within minutes,” said Jack. “They confiscated the glasses, but the frame was hiding a wireless connection.”

  Aiko nodded. “Guy managed to upload four photos to an outside server before we stopped him.” She pulled out her phone and flipped through a few images for Aaron. “See? That one’s blurry. Another blurry. Too dark, and…pay dirt. You and Katie h
eading back for the ole slap and tickle. Sorry buddy.”

  “I don’t care about me.” Aaron waved a hand. “It’s Katie. She doesn’t deserve this. Last night was an impulse. And, we thought, anonymous. It needs to stay that way. I don’t want her hurt because of this, because of me, it’s just…” Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned.

  “She isn’t recognizable in the photo,” said Jack. “And if we have to, we’ll set up a false story and have some Lux employees cop to it.”

  “They’ll say they’re the ones in the photos?” asked Aaron.

  “Absolutely,” said Jack. “And Lux will compensate them. It’s our fault the guy was able to get the shot.”

  “Thank you.”

  There was a knock at the door, and Gwenyth Hall, Aaron’s Head of Acquisitions peeked in.

  “Mr. Eldridge? I’ve got the updated reports you requested.”

  “Thank you,” Aaron waved the woman in and then looked to his friends. “Keep me posted. If there’s anything we need to do–”

  “You can rest assured it will be handled,” said Malcolm. Jack, Aiko and Malcolm, said their goodbyes and left as Gwen strode across the room and sat down, dropping a stack of folders on Aaron’s desk.

  “I’ve been watching your daily VR demonstrations,” she said. “And I think you’ll find ZumZum Games out of Illinois has been watching too.”

  Aaron cocked an eyebrow and sorted through the folders until he found ZumZum Games. Flipping it open he scanned the report and then looked up at Gwen with a smile.

  “This is impressive,” he said.

  “I agree.” Gwen smirked as she nodded in agreement. “They really seem to know what they’re doing. Have a good eye for what’s hot, and what’s going to be hot.”

  “This proposal they have,” said Aaron, pointing to the report. “To port Celestia outside of HyperLyfe, make it a multi-platform experience for cross-over gaming…it’s brilliant.”

  Gwen nodded knowingly. “Yep, I thought you find that particularly interesting. Like I said, I’ve been watching the VR demos. Celestia’s been a big hit with the viewers. And I pulled up the HyperLyfe stats. Celestia is already one of the most popular destination games inworld, and it’s only getting more popular with all the media exposure.”


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