The Professor and His Obsession : A Forbidden Romance

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The Professor and His Obsession : A Forbidden Romance Page 8

by V. F. Mason

  Only to jerk when he bites roughly on my nipple, trapping it between his teeth and pulling a little just as he slips my panties to the side and pushes his finger inside me, combining pain and pleasure together while sending me into a sensual spiral.

  I moan again when he shifts his attention to the other breast, repeating the action while his finger thrusts in and out of me. My core dampens more with each glide, soaking my panties and his fingers. “One of these days, I’m going to strip you naked and feast on your breasts for hours, making you come just from sucking them hard.” A hot flush zips through me; heady sensations surround me just imagining him doing it, and my legs around him tighten. “I’m going to corrupt every inch of you, my darling.”

  His lips travel up to my collarbone, neck, then reach my mouth again where he kisses me deeper than before, demanding I give him everything. Possession driven by lust fills every swipe of his tongue, mimicking the stabs of his finger pushing farther and farther while my heat consumes me.

  Moving closer to him, I angle my head for better access, and our tongues engage in the age-old dance as if forever gluing us together in an unshakable bond that nothing will be able to break.

  And despite feeling heartbreak peeking at me from the near future, I no longer have the will or desire to resist the urge, needing and wanting this madness to trap me in its hold and never let go.

  For in madness I finally find freedom.

  Hugging him closer, I sigh in the kiss, loving the hard muscle that’s like an unshakable structure that would always protect me.

  An art form that everyone should admire, but I’m too possessive to share.

  He continues to ravish my mouth, then my nails dig into his nape when he settles his whole palm over my pussy, squeezing it and then pushing two fingers into me, which only heightens my senses as the silky texture of the clothing nips on my nerve endings, shooting sensations straight to my clit, and my hips start to rock of their own accord, meeting his thrusts.

  I groan into his mouth when his thumb flicks my clit back and forth before pressing on it so hard I almost see stars. I tear my mouth away from him, gulping for breath. “Ryder, please.”

  Instead of listening to me, he lazily circles his thumb around my clit, his fingers stretching me as he shifts his mouth to the underside of my chin and peppers small kisses on it, which are followed by fire-like licks and bites. They’re designed to make me crave him even more, as thousands of sensations crash into me, one after another. “Please, Ryder.”

  “What do you want, my darling?” Thrust. Thrust. Thrust. My moans bounce off the walls. “To come on my fingers?”

  I nod, longing to grab his hand and keep it in one place so he can soothe the inferno pushing me toward bliss, a secret treasure only he can give me. And then I cry in despair when he chuckles, placing his mouth wide on my neck, sucking on the flesh.

  “I think you’d love my tongue more.”

  My thighs clamp around him while my pussy clenches his fingers. More wetness coating them is the answer he receives. Still, I whisper, “Please.” And then he agonizingly slowly removes his fingers, leaving me empty and craving him like my next breath. “No, no,” I groan when he pushes his cock against my core. The rough texture of his pants combined with my panties becomes almost unbearable, creating more friction on my clit. Roughly, he fists my hair, pulling the strands to the point of pain until our gazes clash.

  He raises his finger, still glistening from me, and then smears my lips with it. My bittersweet scent teases my nostrils; my eyes widen, because I’ve never tasted myself before. “Lick,” he orders, and I do, welcoming the taste and then gasping when he slams his mouth on mine, drinking from me and groaning while his body becomes rock-hard.

  Our kiss is hot and passionate, vanishing any previous doubts I might have had about us. Our tongues brush against each other in lustful glides, intensifying the need and electrifying everything around me.

  My nails scratch his nape; he inhales all my whimpers while my lungs beg for oxygen, but I refuse to break for it if it means ending our kisses.

  His palms drop on my hips, gripping them harshly as he drives into me again, and I tilt my head while opening my mouth wider, letting him deepen the kiss, flexing my thighs tighter around him. Pleasure slowly sneaks up on me, calling my name and luring me into its darkness… if only he continues to satisfy me in ways that guarantees my gratification.

  My loud protest echoes in the air when he snatches his mouth away, denying me once again, and we both breathe heavily as a wicked smile graces his lips and heat blazes in his brown orbs. “I want a real taste now.” He sends me flying backward until I’m lying flat on the table. Then he shoulders my legs farther apart, bending them so my heels rest on the wood. I sigh at the perfect, gorgeous, male beauty he represents, with his dark hair falling below his ear and his carved body visible even through the shirt. His brow cocks up. “Like what you see, darling?”


  “Want to stake a claim on it?” The air hitches in my throat at the thought of that. All the women out there knowing that he belongs to someone and not fawning over him?

  Sounds like heaven to me.

  An insane and unhealthy heaven, all things considered—nevertheless heaven though.

  Something inside me resists the idea of him knowing just how gone for him I am, so I shake my head, and he laughs, the sound caressing my skin.

  “Liar.” He gathers my skirt and pulls it upward, exposing me to his view and then ripping my panties away in one swift move, leaving me completely bare.

  My core becomes wetter at the display of dominance as tremors rush through me one after another. I clench my fists, my nails digging into my palms, when his hot breath fans my core, my insides squeezing as fire spreads in my veins, making me hate my own skin. “Ryder,” I cry out when he rubs his five-o'clock shadow over my flesh, inhaling my scent before sucking on the insides of each thigh, one by one, making me hiss. I dig my heels on the table harder as he slides his palms under my ass, lifting me closer to his searching mouth as he continues to nibble on my skin. “Please.”

  It seems I’m capable of only uttering two words.

  “What do you want, darling?” My fingers grip his hair tight as I hold him in place for fear of him going away again. He rubs his face against my wetness, fanning the blaze and doing nothing to extinguish it. “My tongue?”

  “Yes.” Anything, as long as it gives me pleasure.

  “Who are you asking?” I freeze when he bites my flesh, hotness enveloping me. “Answer me.”


  His breath tickles my core, and I wrap my legs around his neck, my heels moving to dig into his back, and he clenches my ass cheeks harder. “And who do you belong to?”

  Oh no.

  No, no, no.

  He cannot ask me that now!

  My eyes find his, and while possessiveness and desire shine brightly in them, there is a resolve too that lets me know he won’t give me what I covet unless I say the words out loud.

  After which there will be no turning back.

  Yet the idea of never finding the bliss his every touch promises me scares me more than indulging in this temptation.

  Swallowing harshly, I close my eyes and whisper, accepting inevitable doom, “Yours.” And I cry out when he places his mouth on my core, swiping his tongue over my folds and sucking them one by one. Heat surrounds me while fire spreads through my veins rapidly, awakening every cell in my body and filling it with hunger and need.

  He thrusts his tongue inside me, twirling it around, then pulls it back only to dive in again, all while his fingers dig in my ass harder, making me whimper and arch my back. My fingers pull at his hair so much he groans into me, the vibration adding to the sweet torture he subjects me to.

  He pushes deeper and deeper, my center stretching around the velvet texture of his tongue, and then he glides it over my folds again. When he bites on them, my hips shoot up, but he holds me in place, not
letting me escape his hungry mouth.

  He licks my lower lips one by one before skimming his lips upward, his teeth trapping my clit. His palms move to the inside of my thighs to spread me wider for him, and he swipes his tongue from top to button, feasting on me as my heels continue to dig in his back. I slowly start to rock, matching his rhythm and seeking the friction that will give me relief from this all-consuming madness.

  The pressure builds inside me; scorching heat rushes through me in waves from the pleasure. I’m in a bubble ready to burst at any moment and send me flying over the edge to find solace in the lustful sea he has cast around me.

  “Ryder, please,” I groan when he changes tactics, slipping his tongue inside me again, stabbing it deep while his thumb plays with my clit, flicking it from side to side before pressing hard on it. “Ryder.” My nails scrape his scalp while my breathing speeds up, and sweat breaks on my skin along with more goose bumps that pop up rapidly. So many sensations cascade through me all at once, drawing me into emotions that are claiming my soul.

  The relief is almost there, just one more thrust of his tongue and….

  I cry out when he glides it upward again, continuing to ravish my flesh as his fingers enter me, adding to the lust and bringing me closer and closer to the brink, only to deny it when he removes his finger and replaces it with his tongue again. “Ryder, please.” I pull his hair, keeping him in the same position as frustration fills me. “Please,” I beg him, craving pleasure and relief with my next breath—otherwise, I might die.

  One long swipe over my folds and he asks, “Please what?” Another long lick followed by him wrapping his lips around my clit and sucking hard. I roll my hips toward him, moaning and groaning in frustration. I’m hovering at the brink but never finding satisfaction. “What do you want, Estella?” He drives two fingers inside me, the double onslaught of sensations destroying me as the fire within me threatens to burst and turn me to ashes that will scatter around the library.

  I’d gladly accept my fate if it means getting the bliss my body needs.

  “Tell me, my darling. What do you want?” he whispers over my flesh, sucking on my skin while his fingers push deeper and deeper. But even I understand they are a poor substitute to him.

  And that’s my answer, isn’t it?

  He traces his tongue over me some more before I finally speak, barely believing the words are slipping past my lips. “You. I want you to fuck me and make me come.”

  He growls against my core, a hiss escaping me, and then he gives it one long kiss before straightening up and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, the action making me even hotter.

  He takes out a foil packet from the back of his pants, his mouth ripping it. With his other hand, he slides down the zipper on his pants, and my eyes widen at the sight of his thick, long cock with a pulsing vein and precum leaking from the tip.

  My core clenches just imagining having it inside me, and I lick my lips, which earns me a grin from him as he wraps the condom over his length.

  He crooks his finger at me, and I rise as he tangles his fingers in my hair and pulls me toward him, his dick rubbing up and down my folds. “Ryder,” I whisper, wrapping my legs around him as my arms circle his neck.

  “Who do you belong to, my darling girl?”

  What else is there to say? “You.”

  He covers my mouth with his, kissing me hard while sharing my taste, as he thrusts into me with one swift move, and my center burns from such powerful force that stretches me to the brink.

  And right in this moment, I truly understand nothing will ever be the same again.

  We swallow each other’s groans, stilling for a second, while connecting in the most primal way, and then he sways back and rocks forward again, thrusting into me hard. My thighs clamp around him, and my head falls back as he deepens the kiss, bruising my mouth in the process.

  I don’t care though.

  I don’t care about anything but the pleasure falling on me with each drive of his cock inside me, igniting my blood and ruining me for every other man in the future.

  For who will ever compare to him? He evokes electric volts of sensations in my body, and the bubble around me grows and grows, blocking the outside world away while the swirling blaze in the pit of my stomach spreads all over me, creating a friction and pressure that holds my passion and release.

  Snatching my mouth away from him, I gulp for breath while he shifts his attention to my neck, nibbling on the skin and sucking on it as his pace increases and his thrusts become deeper.

  Each drive of his hips claims me in its own way, staking his mark of ownership in every burning sting or clench of my muscles around him, and that’s a curse in itself.

  Because after experiencing it just once, I will crave it again and again, needing the satisfaction to sustain me, or I won’t survive.

  At least right now I don’t think I can without him making me come as scorching flushes start to hit me from every corner, pulling me higher and higher toward the invisible horizon.

  I place my lips in the crook between his neck and shoulder, breathing in his masculine scent as he continues his strokes. The sounds echo through the space, coating the library in something forbidden.

  God knows we both have already been soaked in darkness.

  His moves become more erratic, the drives more powerful, as my core clenches harder and harder around him until finally I cannot take it anymore and shatter in his arms, crying out as he continues to thrust into me.

  Breathing heavily, I rake my nails down his back, my pussy spasming around his length, and he growls into my neck before finding my mouth again, owning it as he fucks me so hard we rattle the table. The muscles under my palm become rigid.

  One. Two. Three.

  He shares a groan with me as he finds his release, spilling inside the condom while still pulsing inside me, and I tighten my hold on him, never wanting to let go.


  A smile shapes my lips, and I hug him close, completely sated from our encounter. I’ve never imagined sex could be this way.

  One lousy and rushed encounter a year ago where I barely felt anything besides pain could never compare to what Ryder has just made me feel.

  Magnificent and gorgeous man.

  I open my eyes and then freeze when the library comes into view, and with this, the lustful haze he put on me vanishes, leaving me cold and terrified of what I’ve done in this public place.

  With my professor of all people!

  Panic sinks its claws into me, disturbing my senses while my stupidity and naivety finally register in my mind. I push at his chest hard, making him step back from me as a concerned look settles on his features.

  However, I cannot look at him now or try to explain. Ryder has proven to be my undoing, a poison that pollutes my blood until no rational thought is left.

  A dangerous man who I should stay away from, because he threatens to break the status quo I’ve lived by for so long.

  “Estella,” he says, but I shake my head. I adjust my dress and then dart toward my shoes, quickly slipping them on. And then as if a thousand wolves are chasing me, I’m running outside without any sense of direction.

  I just know I have to get away from him.

  Because if he tries hard enough, he has the power to convince me to stay.

  * * *


  Mine can run from me.

  But I will catch her every single time.

  Because what a MacAlister claims… he never lets go of.

  That’s our most absolute rule.

  Chapter Six

  “Lust is a weapon.

  One should be careful when allowing it to rule their life.

  Because every weapon can be used against them.”


  * * *


  Clenching my fist, I bang on the door hard several times, not caring how the sound echoes or that it probably alerts Josephine’s neighbors in the luxurio
us apartment building designed by her family.

  One of the reasons why they own the entire thing.

  My clothes, soaked from the rain, drip water on the floor as I wipe my face and run my fingers through my messy hair.

  My body still burns from what happened earlier in the library.

  Where Ryder put his mouth between my legs and ravished me in ways I’ve only read about—where anyone could’ve walked in on us and seen us—my cries of pleasure filling the library.

  And some part of me thrills in the knowledge and wants everyone to know this man is claimed and mine, so they can keep their claws away from him.

  My core clenches at the memory alone, and air hitches in my lungs. My lips hurt from the countless kisses he bestowed on me, and a groan slips out.

  Come for me, darling.

  His hushed whisper tickles my ears still, and exhaling heavily, I bang on the door some more until it finally opens as Josephine snaps, “I’m here.” Her eyes widen when she sees me, scanning my appearance when I do the same to her, noticing her short, silky robe and tousled hair combined with the red lips. “Estella.”

  “We need to talk,” I say, entering the spacious hallway without waiting for an invitation.

  She closes the door after me and asks carefully, “Now?” She looks at the wall where a wooden clock hangs. “It’s ten o’clock. Aren’t you usually home by this time?” Panic laces her tone, and she tightens her belt, shifting from foot to foot nervously.

  This behavior contrasts so much with her usual confidence that it takes me several seconds to respond. “Yeah. Now. And yes, I’m usually home, but something happened. We need to talk.”

  “Yeah, you said that already,” she mutters under her breath and then motions with her hand to the living room. “Come on in, then. Just give me a second; I’ll put some clothes on.” She spins on her heel and marches toward the left hallway, leading to two doors, probably her room and a guest room, considering the size of this apartment.


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