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The Professor and His Obsession : A Forbidden Romance

Page 22

by V. F. Mason

  She has been mine for a month, and I already snuck cameras inside her mansion. Did I really think her brother would be any different?

  Throwing the gun away, I take a few steps toward him, and he does the same. We stand facing each other. “You knew?”

  “My sister is the most important person in my life. Did you really think I wouldn’t know she has a crush on her professor? The minute you accepted that job, I knew the attraction would be there. But I couldn’t predict the outcome.”

  “I don’t get it. We’re going to fight them with words? As in verbal battle?” Cillian asks and then groans when someone slaps him on the back of his head by the sound of it.

  “So you watched?”

  He nods. “As long as she was a willing participant in your obsessive and possessive tendencies, I wouldn’t interfere. Contrary to what people believe, I’m not a barbarian stuck in the Middle Ages who thinks he can order around her dating life. My reputation kept weak fuckers away though, and it suited me just fine. My sister doesn’t need a scared boy.”

  Just the idea of other men wanting what’s mine sends me into a rage, so I push the conversation back to the topic that matters. “And when she came home, you knew I spied on you.”

  “The cameras were not hard to find. Besides, it’s exactly what I would have done, so I didn’t expect anything else.” Warning laces his next words. “Have no doubt though, if you’d really hurt her, I’d cut you open and pull out your organs while you were awake for the entire process, lying motionless on my table.”

  Ah, so the rumors are true about his ways.

  “Then why the earlier show? Why lock her in her room?” And this time, steel coats my voice. “You ever do that again, I’ll be the one to cut you open.”

  Regret crosses his face, and he winces. “I had no other option but to hurt her.” He points at his scar. “She blames herself for it, and this guilt has been eating her alive, making her too attached to me. She has always thought first how I would react or accept something before thinking about her own feelings.” I already suspected it by how torn she was about succumbing to her attraction, even after having sex with me and staking her claim on me by clawing my back. “However, she had to choose herself when it came to a relationship, and this was a sign for me that she’s healed completely and let go. We Reeds never let anything we love or value slip past our fingers. I needed to see she was all in this with you.”

  “And then you tested me?”

  “Yes. If my sister is not a priority for her man, and he doesn’t give a shit about her pain, then he doesn’t deserve her.”

  At this, laugher escapes me, rich and true, because despite his young age, Octavius is one smart and cunning guy who managed to trick even me.

  But then, it makes sense, right?

  The stakes were so very high that for the first time in my life, I could concentrate only on Estella, my one weakness from now on.

  And I will guard her until my last breath.

  “She’s mine,” I simply say, and he nods, accepting the fact and not fighting me on it.

  I guess I will have to learn how to love my siblings from Octavius Reed, because he can write a whole book on it.

  “Let me get this straight,” Douglas interrupts our conversation. “All this—” He swirls his finger in the air. “—was a show? No one is actually threatening you?”

  Santiago replies, “Yes. A prince has to go through challenges in order to get a princess.”

  “Do they ever speak normally, or is it always some weird-ass metaphor with them?” Another slap on the back of the head follows this statement, and Cillian hisses angrily, “Jaxon, fucking stop that. A man can’t even voice his opinion these days.”

  “It’s because no one cares about it.” Florian lights up his cigarette, dropping the chain. “And try zipping your mouth for a change. Maybe then you’ll be less annoying.”

  Douglas laughs, and even Jaxon cracks a smile, but he still has a tight hold on his gun, ready to save me should Octavius change his mind or deceive us again.

  Is the guilt our father threw at me to save them all also eating him alive?

  “Thank you, Jaxon.” His eyes widen at my gratitude. “I really appreciate you coming here.” I gaze at all my siblings, who shift uncomfortably. “All of you.”

  Being an asshole to them had been easier through the years than potentially facing yet another rejection from my family, but now I see how unfairly I’ve treated them. Even as children, they never hated me and always included me in their games. And despite being raised by their parents, they have more compassion and empathy than most people I know.

  They just rarely have the luxury or opportunity to show it.

  Deep down, I always knew they had their own scars inflicted on them through the years, and if only I’d given them the chance, we might have discovered our pasts were similar.

  Because all of us have been abandoned or lonely at some point.

  If my heart is alive enough to love a woman… can it be gracious and brave enough to accept my siblings?

  For the first half of my life, I did everything in my power to become a true MacAlister so people would stop hurting me and give me the status that ensured a good life.

  And the second half of my life has been spent refusing to ever be associated with them as a punishment against people who never gave a shit about me anyway.

  The time has come to finally let go of the past and hold the hand my siblings have continued to extend toward me, building a family of our own where bastards and legitimate kids do not exist.

  There are only siblings.

  Jaxon clears his throat, holding my stare. “Always there for you, brother.” And by the way he utters the words, I know he means them.

  “If you need me, I’ll be there for you too.”

  It will take time for me to get used to it, but I can be the responsible older sibling Jaxon can finally lean on.

  God knows he has no one else.

  “Not to interrupt this family reunion or whatever the fuck it is, but we have a distressed lady inside right now.” Remi snaps his fingers. “So how about you both go and reassure her no one is going to get killed over your passionate relationship?”

  “Stop using that word,” Octavius snaps. And then he steps back and motions with his hand toward his house. “Go.”

  Before I can take a single step, my woman walks out of the house, holding a gun in her hand, and fires several bullets in the air, her fiery hair billowing backward from the wind while anger rolls off her.

  Gorgeous in her beauty and fury, she strolls toward us as Duncan asks in awe, “Is this our new sister-in-law?”

  Her melodic voice reverberates around us. “I’m not a damsel in distress!”

  And somehow I think this reunion won’t be as epic and loving as I originally predicted.

  * * *


  “I believe I used the term distressed lady,” Remi says, but he shuts up whatever else he wanted to add under my glare.

  Fury spreads through my veins so strong I can taste it while I look at the two men who think they can decide my fate for me and measure whose dick is bigger by creating various tests.

  Stepping between them both, I address Ryder, digging my fingers in his chest. “I’m not Persephone.” Amusement flickers in his gaze, and it only adds fuel to the fire, so I punch him in the stomach. Of course, he barely reacts. “Don’t ever point a gun at my brother’s head again.” I hope he can read the determination in my voice, because what I just witnessed horrified me. “I’m not a prize or a possession. Do you understand?” I remove the hair from my face. “They are my family. Don’t come inside their houses and threaten their safety. Because if you hurt them, then you’re hurting me.”

  “I know,” he simply says, rubbing my cheek, and although I want to hug him close, to feel for myself that he is all right, I can’t do it right now. “That’s why I stopped.” Sincerity coats his tone, and by the soft gaze he gives m
e, I know he’s being honest.

  Fisting his shirt, I drag him closer to me until our faces are inches away from each other. “Don’t scare me like that again.”


  He kisses me gently, his tongue barely grazing my lips, while butterflies erupt in me as this embrace and kiss says love in every brush of our lips.

  Collective groans fill the space.

  “Not in front of us, Estella. Come on,” Florian says, piercing the fog, and reminds me of their screwup.

  I spin around and transfer my fury to my brother. “Don’t ever take me somewhere against my will again or dare to lock me inside a room. Never strip me of my choices, Octavius.” He opens his mouth, but my splayed palm stops whatever he wants to say. “I know you love me. But you can protect me without hurting me.”

  “There was no other choice.”

  He repeated this phrase a lot back in the day, whenever he wanted to justify getting hurt and sending me somewhere away so I wouldn’t see.

  “I’m grown up. You have to let go.” He tenses, hating the idea, as it goes against everything he believes. “You want to set me free, but set yourself free too.” By the look in his eyes, I know my words didn’t hit the target, but someday I hope he does do it.

  So he can open his heart to a woman who will see beyond the harsh exterior and darkness.

  I cup his scarred cheek, my heart panging painfully in my chest at the contact with his puckered skin. “I love you. Thank you for being the best big brother a girl could ask for.”

  He welcomes me in his arms, hugging me so tight it’s hard to breathe, but I let him rock me in his arms from side to side, accepting all he has to offer.

  After a moment, he palms my head and smiles, peace settling in his gaze. “Be happy.” He presses a kiss to my forehead and then pushes me to Ryder, who catches me instantly.

  Octavius is letting me go.

  Ryder said during our first encounter that Persephone had the best of two worlds, and I disagreed with him then.

  But now I see how right he was.

  Destiny granted me an amazing brother whose love has made up for my parents’ indifference, and then… I met a man who would always love me obsessively, in a way most people wouldn’t consider healthy.

  And yet…

  I think there isn’t a happier woman on earth right now than me.

  Because I can’t wait to start my life with my man, and with a squeal, I circle his neck, and he hikes me up, ready to go build our life together.

  Where only happiness exists.


  “I love you to the point of insanity, my obsession.”


  * * *

  Chicago, Illinois

  Six years later

  * * *


  “Ha! I won.” A satisfied voice echoes in the air, the smugness evident in every word. “Just like I told you. Don’t play with the master if you can’t handle the heat.”

  Someone huffs in exasperation while another growls in displeasure, and I can imagine them crossing their arms while glaring at their opponent. “You cheated!” they say in unison, accusation lacing their tone, and a grin shapes my mouth.

  “Which doesn’t change the fact that I won.” A slapping sound reverberates through the space. “Ouch! That hurt.”

  “You deserved it, Raven.”

  “Don’t roll your tongue at me, Esme. You’re younger than me.”


  “So you can’t hit me.” Another slapping sound follows this statement. “Eve!” he exclaims, shocked. “Why did you do that?

  “I’m older than you. According to your rules, I’m allowed.”

  “By three minutes!”

  “Esme is younger than you by two.”

  Ah, the never-ending argument about their age that arises whenever someone wants to have the upper hand. Who would have thought having triplets would be so much fun?

  Certainly not me.

  I still remember the fear sinking into me, enveloping tightly around me when Estella announced her pregnancy six years ago, just after our wedding, with hope and a little distress shining in her eyes. We didn’t plan to have kids right away; she wanted to finish her degree first, but destiny had other plans for us.

  While I hugged her close, whispering that everything would be all right, the fear wouldn’t go away. My childhood had been so fucked up, and I was scared I’d be a bad father and somehow ruin my own child.

  I covered it well though, intending to do my best, but then at the first ultrasound, we found out she was carrying more than one, and the rest of the pregnancy was the longest and scariest time of my life.

  When a monster has something to lose, he protects it at all costs, because he knows better than anyone who hides in the dark, ready to strike at any time.

  Ironically, the announcement bonded me with Octavius, who brought a bottle of whiskey to celebrate, and we drank the entire thing in one sitting. He blamed me for us having triplets, because they run on my side of the family. However, he promised to be the best uncle anyone could wish for and help us out, since he had no intentions of ever having his own kids.

  All fear and uncertainty vanished though when Eve screamed her lungs out, announcing her arrival to us, and they placed her in my arms, my heart falling in love all over again. So much gentleness arose inside me I knew I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her.

  And my protective instincts multiplied tenfold, because if anyone so much as tried to hurt my flesh and blood, I would show them no mercy and torture them for eternity.

  Then came Raven… and finally Esme—a surprise none of us expected but welcomed nevertheless.

  Little hellions who argue all the time over leadership and constantly tattle on each other to us, wanting to get each other in trouble.

  Which doesn’t stop them from forming temporary collusions in order to participle in mischief that usually results in people questioning their family morals and giving us the stink eye, whispering around that it must be their MacAlister blood.

  If they only knew what the Reed part does, they wouldn’t be so quick to judge mine, but alas.

  Now, with strangers, they never open their mouths, and you would never know who came up with a plan or who made the first move. In this, they always show a united front.

  Octavius and I find their actions damned hilarious, but it doesn’t help the matter either, as they always try to outdo themselves. Just two days ago, they stole a rare parrot from their private school that cost a fortune and set it free, because they don’t believe in caging any wild animals.

  At least that’s the excuse they gave to the principal with a straight face while Estella watched them in mortification, blushing so much it highlighted her freckled skin, which only turned me on more.

  She’s so hot when she gets all frustrated, so of course I fucked her hard afterward, leaving my marks on her, especially after that fucking principal lingered his gaze too long on her breasts.

  Still after all these years, I’m hopelessly obsessed with my wife.

  Needless to say, I didn’t ground the kids for that parrot.

  The blinding sun greets me as I step out onto the terrace to the sounds of chirping birds flying high up in the clear sky as a warm breeze sends the curtains flying all around me.

  Tilting my head back, I close my eyes, enjoying the peacefulness in the air that calms the storm within me.

  At least for a while before my hands itch again to catch someone who should not roam this earth and threaten the safety of innocent people.

  After my marriage, and especially after the triplets were born, I stepped back from all my dark stuff. While I still hunted down their whereabouts with my resources and collected information on them, I just sent it all either to the police to deal with them, or Jaxon, who made sure they paid for it.

  Our relationship six years ago was awkward at first, as neither of us knew how to navigate our changed situation, but
slowly my bond with the siblings grew. We attended each other’s gatherings, called frequently, and should anyone need help, we always rushed to the rescue.

  We visit New York once a month, although I never allow my kids to interact with my siblings’ mother. No matter her reasons, I will never accept her. We never discuss her with my siblings, and she is not allowed to come to Chicago or even speak to my family.

  Oddly enough, they all prefer to come to our house, claiming our marital bliss speaks to their souls, which is funny, since they avoid marriage like the plague.

  Well, except the arranged marriage Jaxon got himself into to secure a territory, but that’s another story.

  “Daddy!” Eve exclaims, spotting me, and jumps from the table set for five people. Octavius should arrive soon for our weekly Sunday lunch.

  My brother-in-law is still a brooding barbarian who ignites fear wherever he goes, and I think his darkness has intensified through the years, but he does his best to interact with the kids, who love him to pieces.

  My three kids run to me, plastering against my legs, and tilt their heads, their identical green eyes staring at me in wonder, and my heart flips in my chest once again as it always does whenever I see joy on their faces.

  They know they are loved and express their emotions easily, basking in everything this world has to offer.

  “We love you, Daddy,” they say in unison, and I hug them close, running my fingers through their dark hair.

  “Raven cheated,” Esme says, and I laugh; the peacefulness of the moment didn’t last for long.

  “I did not.”

  “You just confessed.”

  “I did no such thing.”

  Before the argument can grow further, a soft voice from the doorway breaks it off. “What did I tell you about tattling on each other?” Estella asks, rubbing her bare feet against each other, then she walks to us and places a cookie tray on the table.

  My beautiful wife.


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