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Megaship Maverick (Conquest of Stars Book 3)

Page 5

by Sid Kar

  “By the way, what have you done with my sixty battleships I had given to you?” Rolutan asked, “None of them traveled here with your Maverick.”

  “I sent them onwards to attack and conquer Nestor,” Valorun said with a grin of glee.

  “You are full of surprises,” Halan said, “Just now you wanted to conserve our strength for one big…”

  “Halan my dear, I can’t believe I taught you fellows,” Valorun guffawed, “The purpose of this attack is to draw out Starfirians and make them gather their fleet at one location. I can’t destroy a large number of their spaceships in one shot if they are scattered across tens and hundreds of light years.”

  “Grand Admiral,” Rolutan rose to speak, “while we have our doubt; we all have utmost respect for you and what you have done for our Empire. I will forward your plan to the Emperor with my endorsement.”

  The remaining three admirals also nodded their heads in support.

  Valorun got up and saluted them and they returned his salute. He turned around and walked out of the room. He planned to spend the remainder of the day abroad the space fortress and even intended to socialize with the high admirals over light banter for leisure later in the day. But first he had business at the communications center. He had to send the message to the forward fleet that their attack on Nestor was officially on.

  Chapter 5: Betrayal

  Col. Kartar Ryft cut power to the engines and reduced their speed as they approached the Starfirian fleet now parked in the orbit around Nestor. There were fifteen starships and innumerable starfighters, spy ships and transport ships were flying around every which way around them.

  “What the hell are they doing?” Col. Tollvyk asked. He was sitting in the co-pilot’s seat wearing shuttle pilot’s uniform but he had not touched a single instrument in their journey. All Starfire Army officers and soldiers received basic pilot training and were expected to be able to fly a spaceship in battle or distress if required. But Tollvyk was content to let one of their best pilots do all the flying.

  “Practicing,” Kartar laughed, “You command officers mostly see us on your scanners. But that’s how the space battle looks to us through our starfighter cockpits.”

  “Chaotic,” Tollvyk remarked.

  Commodore Raptor had given them one of the spy ships that every starship carried abroad for long range forward recon. They were unique spaceships that combined the speed and acceleration of starfighters with long range cruising ability of starships. However, due to their small size they could not accelerate to high velocities for long unlike the starships.

  Kartar and company were flying the latest Mystery class spy ship that only Conquistador had been supplied with outside of Army Investigations and SPASI which always had the first rights on latest spy spacecrafts. This ship had four seats in its cockpit and Alvina and Agnosis were sitting in the two in the rear. All four seats had a view to the outside through transparent diamond windows in the front, on top and on the sides but the rest of the ship’s hull was painted pitch black to blend with space. There was space behind the cockpit for four small rooms that mostly contained a bed, a locker and a small table. For this journey, the four strike soldiers accompanying them were hiding in there. Finally, all the way at the back was a single room that doubled as bathroom and storage.

  “Starfirian vessel approaching Starship Masterpiece, your call sign is of our Regional Command but you are not of our fleet,” their radio crackled, “Identify yourself and state your purpose.”

  “Starship Masterpiece, we are of Starship Conquistador, and travel under permission from our Commodore to ferry a Nestorian pilot back to Nestor,” Col. Kartar answered, “we also request to temporarily dock on Masterpiece for Capitan Alvina’s visit to your Commodore.”

  “Alright, forward your permission to us and wait to be assigned in the queue,”

  “I don’t think Commodore Segwyk will be very happy to know that you kept his fiancé Cap. Alvina waiting,” Kartar said.

  There was silence for a couple of minutes on the radio then it buzzed again.

  “Alright, we are giving you first priority docking, proceed to Bay #4.”

  Kartar maneuvered the ship towards the assigned bay while Tollvyk turned around to Alvina and asked, “Are you ready?”

  “No,” she smiled nervously, “I wish there was a better way.”

  “Just remember you have to get him to confess his role in the ambush,” Tollvyk said and Alvina nodded her head.

  “And if you think he is suspicious of you, press the small button in the inner part of your belt buckle,” Kartar said as he slowly docked the ship, “That will send us the alarm and we will come find and rescue you.”

  Alvina nodded her head hurriedly. She was too nervous to speak. Tollvyk handed her a glass of water and she drank it completely.

  “Act normal,” Tollvyk said, “And everything will be fine. Men tend to be off guard around pretty women.”

  Alvina chuckled at Tollvyk and said, “Laser officer and now a honeypot,” she said, “my army record will be totally bizarre.”

  Kartar landed the ship in the bay, turned off the engines and pressed the button to open the door on Alvina’s side. She exited quickly and walked towards the starship guards with the permission card for her furlough. But they didn’t scan it, instead chuckled at her, apparently they had been informed that she was their commander’s girl and he wasn’t far behind.

  Tollvyk slouched in the chair to make himself invisible from outside when he saw Commodore Segwyk walk into the bay from the far entrance.

  “Col. Toll, what are you doing?” Kartar asked.

  “He knows me from command officers’ briefings and banquets,” Tollvyk replied. Commodore Segwyk opened his arms wide, spit his cigar out of his mouth and said loudly, “Alvina, that’s my baby doll! Come to me.”

  Alvina was slightly embarrassed but she jogged to him smiling and they hugged for a few seconds then Segwyk quickly kissed her.

  “Arrogant ass,” Tollvyk remarked.

  “I have heard from the colonel commanding starfighters abroad Masterpiece that he is not popular even with his own soldiers,” Kartar said.

  “Few years back when we were of the same rank, I once threatened to sock him straight in the face,” Tollvyk said, “but look how he has climbed on the coattails of Commander Carvyk.”

  Segwyk’s sights fell on their spaceship and he started walking towards them.

  “Bastard is coming right to us,” Tollvyk rolled out of the chair and rushed into the storage at the back. Kartar rolled down the side window and crisply saluted Segwyk who leaned inside and looked around. He saw Agnosis who saluted him and Segwyk returned his salute absently and turned back to Kartar.

  “Why hasn’t your commodore sent his location to our Regional Command?” Segwyk asked.

  “Sir, we were taking evasive maneuver and maintaining silence because we were chased by Mercurian battleships and are flying through unknown space,” Kartar replied.

  “Alright fine, but tell your commodore to beam me his location as soon as you return.”

  “Yes sir,” Kartar replied.

  Segwyk turned around and left and returned to Alvina. He escorted her into the corridor where his hovercraft was waiting. They got abroad and Segwyk set the destination to his personal quarters and flicked on the auto-pilot.

  He then turned to Alvina and they kissed and embraced each other for much longer.

  “When did you reach Nestor?” Alvina asked slightly pushing him away.

  “Just two days ago. But I am surprised that your commodore gave you a furlough,” Segwyk said.

  “He is nice,” Alvina replied.

  “But not as nice as me,” Segwyk said and Alvina felt her stomach churn but she kept a smile on her face. Segwyk had a hard, rectangular face and was handsome with large eyes and sharp nose. He was fond of wearing large, square sunglasses and a cigar was often dangling from his mouth.

  “Segwyk, no one is as great as you,�
�� Alvina said.

  “Oh you bet doll,” Segwyk said.

  “But my commodore and the rest of us under him have a battle victory to our names, two actually,” she teased him. She knew from experience that annoying him was a way to get him to vent and open up. He was visibly vexed upon hearing this and sat up straight.

  “But he fucked up big time by appointing Solus the chancellor of Nestor,” Segwyk said, “Oh yes,” he grinned again.

  “What do you mean, Segwyk?”

  “Col. Jarvyk, your commander of Strike Soldiers whom you left behind on Nestor, has come across evidence that it was Solus himself behind the coup. My electronics section is evaluating the items right now,” Segwyk said, “Raptor made that popularist bastard Solus, the sworn enemy of the idea of rule by better men, the very originator of the coup into the leader of Nestor. Solus made an ass out of your commodore.”

  “What are you going to do?” Alvina was startled to hear this. She didn’t know whether Segwyk was making up lies or not. But she definitely was going to speak to Jarvyk when they stopped to drop Agnosis on Nestor.

  “But it is good for us that he did,” Segwyk said, “Raptor is becoming too popular back home. Every news channel wants to know of him. Hell, I even heard that Emperor and Head Constellars have asked Supreme Commander to have Raptor visit the Constellation. When he is free of his duties, of course. Fucking bastard,” Segwyk slammed his fist on the side of the hovercraft.

  Alvina was angry at Segwyk for his selfishness but then this side of his character was not a secret to her. She had hoped that his sense of responsibility to the Army would at least temper it but apparently to no avail.

  “But now he will be shown up to be a fool, I can’t wait to inform our political leaders of Raptor’s blunder,” Segwyk said, “And I am going to appoint VC Remus as the new chancellor and hang Solus around Raptor’s neck.”

  Alvina squinted at Segwyk with rage and he noticed the anger in her gaze.

  “What is the matter, don’t you want me to remain the Battle Commander?” Segwyk said, “House of War will want to override Carvyk when they hear that I am leading the fleet instead of Raptor. Do you want that for me? For your future husband?”

  “Segwyk, we need to talk,” Alvina said then added after a pause, “Privately.”

  Segwyk and Alvina walked into his personal room in the officer’s quarters. Segwyk went over to a panel board next to the door and turned on a switch to completely sound proof the room. The rooms were always automatically scanned for radio transmitters but Segwyk verified that it was operating properly. Then he turned to face Alvina whose face was steaming with anger.

  “Segwyk, what the hell?” she shrieked at him, “You were supposed to interdict us for inspection of smuggled goods, not attack us.”

  “I know Alvina, I know,” Segwyk replied walking close to her, “But your commodore wouldn’t have complied. Your starship had to be damaged and disabled.”

  “You almost killed me, your future wife,” Alvina said.

  “You can’t believe that, Alvina it’s me, Segwyk,” he said, “I was going to rescue you and others. It went wrong due to that blockhead of a commodore…”

  “You are lying,” Alvina said, “There are no corrupt officers, smugglers or contraband abroad Starship Conquistador. And you launched the attack without warning. You forget, I am the laser officer in the command room. I saw everything that happened. I don’t believe you or Carvyk, what is going on here?”

  “Forget it alright,” Segwyk said, “You are alive now and you are with me. When this is all over, there will be great rewards for us.”

  Alvina slapped him hard across the face.

  Segwyk was stunned. He touched his cheek with his palm then looked at Alvina.

  He slapped her back with a wide backhand sending her flying into the bed.

  Alvina sat back defiantly and wiped a stream of blood from her lip.

  “Raptor will kill you for this,” Alvina said.

  “Raptor will? Raptor?” Segwyk laughed.

  Alvina surprised herself that she had mentioned Raptor but she realized in that moment that she had now come to like Raptor far more than Segwyk.

  “He is a far better battle commander than you and far more decent,” Alvina said, “And I don’t know what you and Carvyk are cooking, but House of War will hear of it.” Alvina regretted uttering the last sentence as soon as she had.

  “You are going nowhere, I am detaining you,” Segwyk said.

  “You can’t do that, I have orders from my Commodore to return,” Alvina said.

  “I am the battle commander of the fleet,” Segwyk said.

  “But Starship Conquistador isn’t part of your fleet and not in Nestorian space,” Alvina replied, “you can’t contravene my Commodore’s orders, you will be violating army’s chain of command regulations.”

  “What is one more regulation after my attack on Conquistador,” Segwyk laughed.

  Alvina realized that this was the first instance in which he had implicitly confessed that his attack wasn’t proper and lawful. Segwyk turned around and walked to the door.

  “Why did you do it Segwyk? Why did you really attack Conquistador?”

  He didn’t answer and was about to open the door when Alvina asked, “Which was the unfortunate starship that we destroyed.”

  “Starship Hunter,” Segwyk said, “I will give Raptor credit: that was unexpected. I had planned a textbook attack first devised by legendary former Commodore Antrar. Three starships: Hunter, Masterpiece and Typhoon. I didn’t think it had a counter. But don’t get excited, next time I will kill him and that awful elephantine ship.”

  Segwyk walked out of the door while leaving instructions to the two starship guards outside to not let Alvina out or anyone in.

  A few tears rolled down Alvina’s cheeks. Not only was her engagement over and not only the man she had loved turned out to be an opportunist villain, now she was in danger for her own life. Then she wiped away the tears, rubbed her eyes and made a determination to fight till the last breath. Starfire Army expected no less of its soldiers and officers and she wasn’t going to concede defeat and surrender.

  The thoughts raced fast through her mind.

  Segwyk will arrest her companions and seize their ship. No, she countered, laser guns could not penetrate the spy ship’s armor. Segwyk was haughty but not a fool. A wild laser shootout abroad the bay was the last scenario he would want transpired. Word would get out and the spy ship could also send out distress signals and there were fourteen other starships out in the near space that would pick it up. Battle Commander or not, if fourteen starship commodores stood up to Segwyk and demanded answers the matter would escalate straight to Starfleet Command. Even Carvyk would not be able to control it then.

  No, Segwyk would work only with his stooges and they would try to quietly bring in a heavy laser cannon that could destroy her ship in one strike. But that meant Col. Tollvyk and company had some time to rescue her.

  She pressed the button attached to the inside of her belt buckle. It did not send any radio signal as unauthorized radio transmission was jammed. Instead it induced rapid radioactive decay in the nearly unstable metal alloy in its interior that was picked up by the extremely sensitive radiation detectors abroad the spy ship. That rang an alarm on the flight panel in front of Kartar and Tollvyk.

  “What we feared,” Kartar said checking his laser pistol, “Let’s go rescue Capitan Alvina.”

  “Location?” Tollvyk asked.

  “Mapping now,” Kartar pressed a couple of buttons then the computer pinpointed the location based on the data from the detectors. “Command officers’ quarters, looks like she is in Segwyk’s room.”

  “I will get the Strike Soldiers,” Tollvyk went back to the rear and knocked on the doors. Strike Soldiers came out instantly and saluted him.

  “You boys put on starship guards uniforms,” Tollvyk said, “meet us in front.”

  Tollvyk returned to the cockpit an
d saw Agnosis checking his pistol in the back seat.

  “What are you doing?” Tollvyk asked him.

  “You could use an extra gun,” Agnosis replied, “I am trained in laser combat.”

  “Joking fella?” Tollvyk looked at him wide eyed, “A Nestorian like you will stand out from a mile away and draw attention. You stay here.”

  Agnosis looked at Kartar.

  “He is right Cap. Agnosis,” Kartar said, “someone is bound to inquire about you if they see an alien out and about.”

  “Alright, let me at least prepare the ship for rapid take off,” Agnosis said.

  “I am not allowed to let you see and examine the flight system, but what the hell we are in an emergency,” Kartar said. Agnosis moved up front in the co-pilot’s seat and Kartar turned on the flight manual on a display screen. Meanwhile the four strike soldiers had dressed up in starship guard’s uniforms and reported to Tollvyk.

  “Alright, here we go,” Tollvyk said and put on sunglasses. Kartar opened a side door. Tollvyk, Kartar and the four soldiers exited.

  Tollvyk led the party and they walked crisply and swiftly. Tollvyk led the way, Kartar walked to his side and the soldiers marched behind them. No one stopped them as they exited the bay or in the corridors. The starship guards and other crew saluted them when they passed by and Tollvyk returned each salute promptly but he always looked straight ahead. He was unrecognizable in the sunglasses but no one was going to dare to stop a command room officer and question him. Depending on seniority and past record, a rocket officer of colonel rank could even be third in the starship’s chain of command after Commodore and Vice-Commodore.

  They were anxious till they reached a hovercraft stand and relaxed when they cruised in the hovercraft towards command officer’s quarters. They knew their way because Masterpiece was a starship of the standard Adventure class, presently the most common in Starfire Army.

  They disembarked in the open area outside the command officer’s quarters. But here again Tollvyk led the way inside, his uniform asserting his authority to pass unimpeded. The corridor to the Commodore’s personal quarters was in a semi-private area and two starship guards stood at the entrance.


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