Megaship Maverick (Conquest of Stars Book 3)

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Megaship Maverick (Conquest of Stars Book 3) Page 8

by Sid Kar

  “If you ever let out that we carried the operation, I will release your personal code implicating you in the conspiracy from the start,” Romvyk said.

  “This will be the last time I hire you,” Carvyk said, “Await my encrypted transmission of code and data at the agreed upon frequency and location.”

  “And we will await the transfer of our money, all paid in advance,” Romvyk grinned slyly.

  Then Romvyk and the alien turned around and walked back to their spaceship. Carvyk and Jontvyk returned to their own ship and launched off from the comet back towards planet Bravo.

  “Why did you agree to that last part?” Jontvyk asked Carvyk.

  “I trust those ruffians no farther than I could throw a rhino,” Carvyk scoffed, “But they are the only ones I can assemble on short notice who can pull it off. By the day, Jontvyk, do you remember I had mentioned that some ex-army men were snooping around asking questions of Lambda Man?”

  “I do and I have put some of our people on to them, tracking a couple of them as we speak,” Jontvyk replied.

  “I want you to take care of them personally…for good,” Carvyk said.

  “Consider it done,” Carvyk said then added after a pause, “I wanted to ask, this isn’t your usual spaceship, is it?”

  Carvyk laughed, “It is one of eight newest spy ships of Mystery class that were assigned to Conquistador’s inventory. I stole this one for myself.”

  All of them guffawed at this revelation. Suddenly a small ‘beep’ went off from the flight panel.

  “What is it?” Carvyk asked.

  “Commander, your palace com staff has forwarded the message from the 3rd Interior Fleet headquarters: planet Bravo is chosen as the staging space for all the starships that will reinforce our fleet as Nestor.”

  “Good, finally a good news,” Carvyk said, “I can hold and delay them till the very last moment. Let’s get to Bravo, fast.”

  The pilots added more power to the engines to accelerate to the max-safe speed for the spaceship.

  Chapter 7: Hunt

  A great many days had passed since the hunt for the rogue Stardjacker had begun and thousands of Strike Soldiers had been running all around Starship Conquistador. But even with thousands of hunters it was not easy to find a single individual who did not want to be found in a starship this large. A single individual who was specifically trained to hide and trained to fight his way across a spaceship, a one man army type.

  Stardjacker was one of the most secretive and superlative units of Starfire Army. One Stardjacker was assigned to one starship. His sole role in his many years in the army was to become an expert on the architecture and blueprint of one particular starship. He was the soldier of last resort. If the starship fell to the enemy hands it was his task to destroy it so the enemy could not learn about the starship technology, weapons secrets and army plans. If he couldn’t take out the whole starship, then he had a list of equipment to destroy in a priority order. If the starship was abandoned in haste by the crew, he was to stay behind till he had finished his task of destruction.

  He only answered to the Commodore or Vice-Commodore of the starship.

  But this one had gone rogue.

  Commodore Raptor walked into the command room from his personal quarters and relieved Vice-Commodore Barryett who went back to his seat after supervising different sections and coordinating the hunt for Stardjacker.

  “Any progress,” Raptor asked Barryett as he walked up the stairs to his personal section. He had already guessed the answer as they had been alternatingly directing the hunt nonstop for days but to no avail.

  “No sighting yet,” Barryett replied with what had become the standard answer, “But we have reduced the space he could utilize to shelter himself.”

  “We need a break soon,” Raptor said, “This atmosphere of lockdowns and curfews across wide swaths of starship is bad for crew’s morale. Capitan Zurryvk,” Raptor spoke to his artificial intelligence officer, “Is there any AI Program loaded on this starship’s computers to locate a Stardjacker.”

  “No sir,” Zurryvk said, “My section has been reading AI program manuals last few days since this Starship has many new programs uploaded we were never trained for or even briefed on. But there is an AI program called ‘Rogue Hunter’, supposedly to identify enemy infiltrators.”

  “I would like to see what it does,” Raptor said, “Zurryvk upload AI known was Rogue Hunter.”

  “AI program known as Rogue Hunter uploaded, now active,” Zurryvk replied.

  Rogue Hunter reporting for duty, Commodore sir, a voice boomed from the speakers.

  “Rogue Hunter, can you locate our missing Stardjacker for us abroad this starship?” Raptor asked, “It has gone rogue and is in a state of mutiny.”

  Rogue Hunter: Negative Commodore, I am not allowed to search and locate for Stardjacker.

  “I am giving you a direct order and authorizing overrides for any contrary directive in your program,” Raptor said.

  Rogue Hunter: Sorry sir, it is not a matter of a directive. The sensors that might allow me to detect a Stardjacker’s presence are not connected to my database. My creators feared that if an enemy seized control of my computers, they could searc…

  “I know, I know,” Raptor said then exclaimed, “back to the manual search. How is that going?”

  Army Detective Hartar Pytar, the chief of army detectives abroad the starship and Col. Maktar of Strike Soldiers walked over to Raptor from a temporary station that had been set up for them in the command room for the specific purpose of the hunt.

  “What is the progress report?” Raptor asked absentmindedly.

  “63% of starship’s space will now be inaccessible to the Stardjacker,” Maktar said.

  “Great,” Raptor said, “it was only 61% last time.”

  Maktar detected a tinge of sarcasm in Commodore’s voice. He too was impatient, “Commodore, unfortunately the Stardjacker can hide in the smallest of the corners and his special armor, created by the best engineers of our own army, allows him to survive literally any environment abroad the starship, from radioactive to scorching hot to blisteringly cold to zero gravity.”

  “We have ten thousand strike soldiers looking for him,” Raptor said.

  “We do. But they have to individually check each section, then lock it down, then check any paths leading to it, lock them down and so on,” Maktar said, “we have to follow a systematic and thorough search and lockdown procedure because if he slips through our net even once, we will have to start all over again from scratch.”

  “Col. Maktar I am not angry with you or blaming your soldiers or procedures,” Raptor said, “I know the Stardjacker is an evasion specialist. I just wish…” Raptor looked to detective Hartar, “chief Hartar, your detectives are supposed to use their brains and not brute force. Does your section have any clever method to flush him out?”

  “I have been thinking myself,” detective Hartar said, “our guest Com. Antrar tangled with him first when he tried to infiltrate the plasma weapons section. And if his primary goal is to undermine us then there is no better way than to disable our superweapons.”

  “That is why I have put superweapons sections under strict protection,” Raptor said.

  “But Stardjacker knows his time is limited,” Hartar said, “He does not know that half of our strike soldiers are deployed at Nestor or that we are traveling through deep space far from any reinforcements. He has no access to this operational data.”

  “Where are you leading with this?” Maktar asked.

  “Stardjackers are specially chosen from amongst the most determined and motivated soldiers who will finish the task even if there is a hundred percent certainty of death,” Hartar said, “He will want to use his limited time to try to destroy as many of our superweapons as he can.”

  “Col. Maktar I want a hundred more strike soldiers on each superweapon sec…” Raptor started to speak when he saw Hartar shake his head in opposition, “you don’t agr

  “Commodore, use a trap to catch a rat,” Hartar smiled.

  “Right…you are right,” Raptor said then hesitated, “but I can’t risk a superweapon. I have seen with my own eyes how fast the Stardjacker can move. By the time the trap encloses upon him, he might have done the damage.”

  “Commodore,” Hartar kept smiling, “True, he could damage the plasma section’s controls and equipment but we have already used the Plasma Arc. But he doesn’t know that.”

  “Brilliant thinking,” Raptor said, “But why Plasma section, he has already attempted there.”

  “Exactly,” Hartar said, “in our detective work we build profiles on individuals. The type of men who become Stardjackers have an ego that lives on their sense of competence. He will be itching to make up for his failure the first time and we use that to bait him.”

  “What I want to know, detective Hartar,” Maktar chipped in, “how do you propose to remove security and broadcast it to Stardjacker without making it obvious that it’s a setup.”

  “Easy, you provided the answer earlier,” Hartar grinned, “a fake plasma leak and an alarm and announcement of likewise warning the crew to stay away. Starship guards and strike soldiers don’t walk around in plasma-protection suits, but like you said Stardjacker’s special armor protects him from even hot plasma. There will be a response time and it won’t be less than fifteen minutes.”

  “More like twenty-five if a real, unexpected plasma leak happens,” Maktar said.

  “Even better, then the Stardjacker will definitely attempt to grab the opportunity,” Hartar said.

  “I like that,” Raptor said gleefully, “I will approve it. Rogue Hunter, you can’t identify a Stardjacker, but can you identify the presence of a single individual at a particular location?”

  Rogue Hunter: Of course sir, there are sensors all over the place to scan for biologicals.

  “Capitan Dorrvyk,” Raptor called to his communications officer, “Have Capitan Styx report to the command room immediately.”

  “Yes sir,” Dorrvyk replied and opened a channel to Styx’s office. Styx was the commander of all starship guards abroad Conquistador.

  “I am going to take Styx in confidence on this one,” Raptor said to Hartar, “He will work with you and Maktar. How long to set this up?”

  “Four hours perhaps,” Maktar replied.

  “For an alarm?” Raptor asked.

  “With your permission Commodore, I would like to create a small but real plasma leak, just to make sure Stardjacker doesn’t get suspicious before he bites,” Maktar said.

  “Plasma section will hit the roof when they hear that,” VC Barryett chimed in walking over to them and Raptor guffawed.

  “But I will authorize that. I will give detective Hartar supervisory authority over the Plasma officers,” Raptor said, “too bad Col. Tollvyk isn’t here, he would have enjoyed this and wanted in on the trap.”

  “I will personally lead the strike soldiers,” Maktar said.

  “Now listen, I don’t want him dead if it can be helped,” Raptor said, “can you arrange that?”

  “Yes sir,” Maktar replied, “we have special laser guns with high enough intensity to penetrate Stardjacker’s armor, but they are really heavy and discharged after just one shot. I can adjust their setting so that he is not killed from the shot.”

  “Do that,” Raptor said, “Alright then, we are on.”

  Maktar and Hartar saluted him and walked down to the command floor to await the arrival of Capitan Styx.


  The announcement repeated every half minute while the alarm went on continuously. As planned, the strike soldiers and starship guards protecting the plasma section along with the technical personnel rapidly evacuated that area of the starship creating an atmosphere of bedlam as they came out of the hallways.

  “Rogue Hunter, any personnel remaining inside?” Raptor asked.

  Rogue Hunter: Negative sir, plasma section full evacuated.

  “Alert us as soon as anyone enters,” Raptor said then asked on his radio, “What is your position detective Hartar?”

  “Me, Maktar and his ten strike soldiers with their special laser guns are hiding inside an electrical conduit next to the hallway leading to Plasma room,” Hartar replied.

  “Let’s hope your plan works,” Raptor said. He knew it was too soon but he was getting impatient.

  Five minutes passed and nothing happened. There was tense silence in the command room.

  Rogue Hunter: Entry of a biological detected in the plasma section.

  “That’s it,” Raptor said on the radio, “Hartar, that might be him. Take your chance.”

  “On our way,” Hartar replied and Maktar slid open the door of the conduit and they jumped into the hallway.

  All twelve of them were dressed in special plasma suits. Although the leaked plasma itself was not too hot – the Stardjacker would not have been able to detect the difference through his armor – it was still capable of causing burns on exposed skin. The strike soldiers walked in front carrying the special laser gun. Their usual laser long gun could be held with one hand and only required the other hand for steadying it for proper aim. But this one was large enough that it was mounted on their shoulders and required full support of both hands to keep it steady along with a back strap to keep its weight from throwing them off balance. It was fully charged and customized to deliver a single powerful laser bolt, although Maktar had dialed down the intensity to cause only an injury.

  Detective Hartar alone was carrying his laser pistol and he walked in the back. He had no training with those guns and he felt more comfortable with his regular sidearm. They walked down to Plasma section and the door was already open. The soldiers walked in first keeping their guns aimed in different directions and they examined the room. The bright, multi colored plasma bolts were sparking all around them in a display akin to a brilliant light show.

  The strike soldiers took a few minutes to check out the room and one of them approached Col. Maktar.

  “The room is all clear, no sign of Stardjacker,” he said.

  “Did you hear that Com. Raptor?” Maktar asked on his radio. The command room was linked into their team radios.

  “How can that be?” Raptor said, “Rogue Hunter, is the extra biological still there?”

  Rogue Hunter: Yes sir, thirteen biologicals still on my scanners. The extra has stopped moving and I am transmitting exact location on starship blueprint to Col. Maktar.

  “Received,” Col. Maktar said. He looked at his handheld display and saw a bright red dot in the blueprint. He looked up in that direction and walked forward.

  “What the hell?” Maktar said, “Stardjacker is inside the wall.”

  Rogue Hunter: sir, there aren’t scanners inside the wall.

  “What is behind that wall?” Raptor turned to the Plasma Weapons Officer who had been ordered to the command room to aid the operation and asked him, “Capitan Moltar, what is behind that wall?”

  “Nothing sir,” Moltar was himself perplexed, “perhaps the AI program is malfunctioning.”

  Rogue Hunter: Negative.

  In the plasma room, detective Hartar stepped up and looked at the wall. He saw a small closet in the wall and tapped a soldier on the shoulder, “Open that.”

  “It’s a supply closet,” Maktar said.

  “Perhaps he is hungry,” the soldier said opening it up.

  “Not if he eats electrical components,” Maktar scoffed.

  “There is a gateway to the other side,” the soldier said stepping back.

  “Impossible,” Moltar exclaimed over the radio, “we have been storing supplies in it for months. Just a wall on the other side.”

  “A secret passage like an ancient fortress,” Barryett
smirked, “perhaps we will find hidden treasure on the other side.”

  “Get in there fast and smoke that bastard,” Raptor said getting annoyed at the slow pace of the operation.

  The soldiers walked through the secret door inside the supply closet followed by Maktar and then Hartar. They stepped into another large room with panels and equipment similar to the one they had come from but everything was new and shiny as if nothing had been touched let alone used. Hartar was surprised because while secret sections were built into starships, they were never unknown to the Commodore.

  “Stardjacker,” a soldier whispered over intercom radio and a total silence fell amongst them and in the command room.

  The soldiers rounded the corner of a large pipe and turned around and spotted the Stardjacker knelt down at a panel and pulling out wires beneath another large parallel pipe. They were wearing special shoes that made very little noise and Stardjacker saw them only then and stood up in surprise. The soldiers aimed their laser guns at him.

  “Don’t take a head shot,” Maktar whispered over their radio then yelled out to Stardjacker, “you are ordered to surrender.”

  Stardjacker saw the special laser guns aimed at him and dutifully raised his hands. The soldiers walked towards him and he seemed to be complying or so it seemed.

  Suddenly, he dropped down to the ground and the three soldiers in front fired their one laser shot and missed. Stardjacker quickly jumped up, leaped on the pipe on the side and then vaulted onto the soldiers taking four down to the ground. The rest could not fire their large guns at such close range and started pummeling the Stardjacker with it.

  Then it was brawl and bedlam.

  Stardjacker fought his way to his feet with hard punches and kicks to the soldiers. He was breaking the guns with each of his punch.

  Raptor twisted and turned in his seat hearing the commotion on the radio and yelled over starship speakers, “Strike Soldiers, converge to the Plasma section, I repeat converge on the plasma section.” Officers in command room twisted and turned in their chairs biting their nails.


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