Megaship Maverick (Conquest of Stars Book 3)

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Megaship Maverick (Conquest of Stars Book 3) Page 9

by Sid Kar

  Maktar was standing some distance behind with Hartar. He saw that none of his soldiers could fire in the confined space between the two large pipes. He aimed his laser gun at Stardjacker who spotted Maktar and sprang at him. Maktar fired a powerful laser bolt, Stardjacker turned around but the bolt blew a chunk of his armor off of his abdomen area. Then Stardjacker was onto Maktar who smashed his laser gun on Stardjacker’s head but it only broke the gun and not the helmet. Stardjacker kicked him in the gut, lifted him by his collar and threw him against the pipe.

  Hartar had pulled out his pistol now and had withdrawn into the side hallway leading back to the original plasma room. Looking to escape, Stardjacker too turned into this hallway. Hartar’s mind raced fast to evaluate his options and instantly realized he had only one: an accurate shot to the abdomen. He had seen how fast the Stardjacker really was.

  Stardjacker charged at Hartar at a furious speed of an animal like a Cheetah. Hartar aimed his pistol at Stardjacker’s helmet to confuse him and prevent him from realizing and covering the hole in his armor. Then suddenly Hartar dropped the pistol lower, aimed at Stardjacker’s abdomen and squeezed the trigger. A single laser bolt struck him in the gut through the hole in the armor and then he was on Hartar and had slammed him to the ground. Stardjacker started to rise but could not, then held his stomach and yelled in pain and then fell down unconscious.

  “I am glad I kept up regular pistol practice,” Hartar let out a sigh of relief.

  Col. Maktar and his soldiers had recovered and arrived. They helped Hartar to his feet, “of all the thousands of strike soldiers hunting him, a detective got him.” Maktar chuckled.

  “What is going on there?” Raptor asked.

  “Stardjacker is down. Send over medicals and plasma staff to shut off the leak,” Maktar replied. There were cheers and claps in the command room.

  “On their way,” Raptor said, “is he dead?”

  “Not yet,” Hartar said, “but he might not make it. I had to fire my pistol.”

  Capitan Moltar and his technical staff rushed to the plasma section and went to work closing the leak. Two medical doctors also arrived who were already prepared in plasma suits and then gave a shot of emergency medicine to Stardjacker, loaded him on an air board and took it to their hovercraft. A few minutes later plasma sparks and lightning had stopped zapping around and Moltar entered the secret room and looked around in awe.

  “Commodore, I think you better come take a look,” Moltar radioed Raptor, “And bring VC Barryett along. We have just found his hidden treasure.”

  Barryett and Raptor looked at each other then hurried to take a hovercraft and reached the plasma section accompanied by guards.

  “Where is the Stardjacker?” Raptor asked Hartar.

  “Medicals took him away,” Hartar said.

  “Alright, let’s hope he lives,” Raptor said, “I don’t want him to die if he thought he was just following orders and doing his duty. And we could use a witness against Carvyk,” Raptor patted Hartar on his shoulder, “I will recommend you for a medal.”

  Hartar nodded his head and smiled. His back was still in pain and a medical technician was spraying a pain killer on it.

  “This way, Commodore,” Moltar motioned them over with his palm.

  Raptor and Barryett walked over to Moltar who was standing near the pipe whose panel Stardjacker had ripped off.

  “What are these pipes for?” Barryett asked.

  “Fuel to heat plasma,” Moltar replied, “but come follow me.”

  He led them through a small maze of pipes and then into a tall, open space and there was a giant wheel in the center, hundred meters tall and five meters thick, made of a shiny gray, metallic alloy, held in place with large chains, bolts and wheel locks.

  “I don’t believe it,” Barryett said straining his neck looking all the way up.

  “Your hidden treasure,” Raptor said, “Is it what I think it is.”

  “Yes, Plasma Wheel,” Moltar replied, “a much superior weapon than Plasma Arc. It spins a million times in a second at its peak.”

  “At that size?” Barryett looked at him incredulously.

  “Indeed,” Moltar said, “it superheats and turns into plasma as it is launched out at the enemy starship. But I thought it was an experimental weapon projected to be functional in fifty years.”

  “Maybe it is an experimental prototype,” Raptor said.

  “I doubt that, all the instruments are those for a live weapon,” Moltar said waving his hands pointing at the equipment arrayed against the walls.

  “There is something strange about our starship,” Raptor said, “first we learn that its max-speed is far higher than we were led to believe and now we discover a new superweapon. I wonder how many more secrets it holds.”

  “At least this one is a good secret,” Moltar said.

  “But it portends bad news too,” Barryett said.

  Raptor and Moltar turned to look at Barryett.

  “Secret weapons abroad starships are never concealed from Commodore or Vice-Commodore,” Barryett said, “Com. Raptor we don’t get our starship specifications from our superior. We receive them directly from the House of Arms where even a Regional Star Commander has no standing. For sections of our ship’s technical specifications to be omitted implies…”

  Raptor and Moltar opened their mouths and gasped in horror as they realized the ramifications of Barryett’s line of reasoning.

  “…there is someone much higher in army hierarchy behind the treachery.”

  Chapter 8: Ambush

  Ex-Commodore Antrar Wyft turned the knob and opened the hotel room door while holding his laser pistol in the other hand. Rockvyk Torryen, a chief detective from SPASI walked in and Antrar quickly closed the door and Antrar tucked his pistol right back inside his coat.

  “We have everyone we were expecting,” Antrar said then pointed to the SPASI detective, “Detective Rockvyk from SPASI. I have decided to involve him because if Army chain of command has been compromised, we will need him to go to his bosses.”

  “Com Antrar, you have done a great feat getting the Department of Army Investigations and the Secret Politics and State Investigations to work together,” a man sitting on a single sofa seat chuckled as he threw down his cards.

  “That’s army detective Evyk Kyr, formerly of my own starship,” Antrar said pointing to him and then he pointed to an older man sitting to his side in the larger sofa, “And that’s Commander Yarwyk Gyte, he was the founder and first leader of Lambda Man and a good friend of mine. And myself, you all know.”

  “You told the SPASI Man about Lambda Man,” Evyk laughed offering a pack of cigarettes to Rockvyk who took one and said, “Thanks, but he had already told me earlier.”

  “Alright, today I want us to compare notes and get started on a plan to investigate and expose the nefarious plot,” Antrar said, “Make yourself comfortable, I have booked the room for the night.”

  “Before we get started, let’s get some whiskey and snacks,” Evyk said.

  “He who can put it on the government tab calls the room service,” Antrar said looking to Evyk, “I have already paid for the room out of my own pocket.”

  “Not me, I am retired, all I get is a pension,” Yarwyk said.

  “Hey, don’t look at me, I am not supposed to wine and dine in civilian hotels,” Evyk said turning to Rockvyk, “He has an expense tab too.”

  “Alright, I will pick it up,” Rockvyk said, “There isn’t much to spend it on that godforsaken planet I am assigned to.”

  Rockvyk walked over to the telephone and dialed room service and ordered a few bottles of whiskey and rum along with a few plates of appetizers. They relaxed back in the room and did not talk of their topic because they did not want the room attendant barging in on their conversation. Rockvyk and Evyk walked over to the large, glass window that made up their wall, looked outside to the bright lights of cities tall skyscrapers and smoked cigarettes and acquainted themselves with
each other’s particular detective work. Antrar sat down next to Yarwyk and inquired about each other’s families.

  Antrar had rented this room in Hotel Ruby Spiral on planet Rainmar, which was also the headquarters of 2nd Starfleet Command and main basing location of the 2nd Core Fleet. Regional Commander Carvyk was under the authority of this Starfleet Command and Antrar had fixed this planet as a meeting place because in case one of his associates had discovered sufficiently incriminating evidence on Carvyk, he could directly approach the Starfleet Commander with it. He had chosen this particular hotel because it had a rich clientele and thus the hotel staff understood and respected the expectations of discretion and privacy of its guests.

  The room attendant brought their drinks and refreshments on a large air-tray and set them down on the center table. Around the table were arranged the red colored sofas, the room floor itself was covered wall to wall with maroon colored carpet and the walls were painted light purple except for the large glass window in front that doubled as the fourth wall. When the attendant had left, all of them sat down on the sofas, pouring themselves drinks and taking bites.

  “I have told you all what happened on Starship Conquistador, and the coverup of the second assassin,” Antrar said, “But to make sure we are all on the same page, I am going to give a thorough statement to you all, everything I know.”

  Antrar told them once again but this time in great detail his story from the start when he boarded Conquistador all the way to his journey’s end today. The other three listened intently and silently.

  “I had asked you all to make some inquiries,” Antrar said, “Commander Yarwyk, let’s start with you because you might have some names for us.”

  “I do,” Yarwyk nodded his head, “For the benefit of Mr. Rockvyk, the SPASI man here, I was tasked by House of War to start and lead a secret organization within the Army that would hire rogues and ruffians from galactic underworld for operations that we did not want traced back to Starfire Army. I named it Lambda Man and Commodore Antrar suspects its involvement in this plot. I asked around my contacts for names. I have six: Star Fortress Commander Sayett Gallon, Army Judge Colonel Aurvyk Toryett, Commodore Hyttar Pype, Regional Star Commander Jokevyk Naryett, Colonel Lymtar Karwyk of Strike Soldiers and finally it should come as no surprise, Regional Star Commander Carvyk Botlar.”

  “That confirms my suspicion,” Antrar said, “what commands are the other officers from?”

  “None except for Col. Lymtar is even part of Second Starfleet Command,” Yarwyk said, “but even he is not of the Sixth Frontier Fleet.”

  “Do we have any reason to suspect any of these other officers?” Evyk asked.

  “None, nor do I believe so many senior officers would even contemplate an attack on one of our own for any reason whatsoever,” Yarwyk said.

  “I agree commander Yarwyk, however there is the matter of finances,” Antrar said, “you must remember as you had made the rule. At least four members of Lambda Man had to enter their unique codes for money to be released from a secret bank account. I know the assassin Silencer’s fee is too high for an officer’s salary.”

  “You are right, Antrar,” Yarwyk rubbed his chin, “I suppose the seventh, silent member who is always from House of War could authorize the release of funds.”

  “The thought is scary but that would make more sense,” Evyk said, “A Regional Commander of some far flung frontier isn’t going to indulge in grand political conspiracies unless he has a powerful patron.”

  “Who is the seventh member on Lambda Man?” Antrar asked.

  “That name I couldn’t get,” Yarwyk said, “yet. He is the most secretive member. My contact in the Bank of Interstellar Trade Finance, who hails from an old and illustrious banking family and was in the army with me, retired from the bank. He was the one with whom I had set up the secret account where House of War deposited funds for our secret operations. I have contacted another mutual friend of ours and as soon as I get his contact I will ask whom he handed over the account.”

  “Once we get that information, me and Rockvyk can put him under watch,” Evyk said and Rockvyk nodded his head.

  “What do you have Evyk?” Antrar asked.

  “Strange tidings from Jak Confederacy and from our own home planet,” Evyk said, “Those who don’t know my role and let’s keep it in this room, I run spies in Jak Confederacy; they have been reporting that Baron Karjax, the younger brother of their ruler Lord Jak, has been cultivating a powerful Starfire Army officer for an unknown end.”

  “Roll that back,” Rockvyk said waving his fingers, “I don’t see how that connects to matter at hand. Baron Karjax runs the Jak spy department and SPASI has been busting the Jak spies forever. You might be mixing your personal interest in Jaks with Carvyk’s conspiracy.”

  “Detective Rockvyk, your political knowledge wants in acumen,” Evyk retorted, “otherwise you might have been promoted to SPASI’s own Spying and Counter-Spying Department.”

  Rockvyk scoffed and shook his head vigorously in protest by Evyk continued.

  “Jaks have always salivated like dogs with tongues hanging out of their mouths at the prospect of conquering Nestorian Republic and the space around it. It would finally allow them to expand into the galaxy, whereas now they are stuck to a small outer sliver of it,” Evyk said, “they have the perfect motive to prevent Starfire Fleet from going and parking out there around Nestor. They could have financed Silencer through Carvyk.”

  “Look Evyk, having these new players, the Mercurians, grab Nestorian Space serves Jak’s purpose even less,” Rockvyk said.

  “Take it easy you two,” Antrar smiled at them, “this isn’t Army Detectives vs. State Detectives competition. You are partners.”

  “Alright, forget that for a while, but here is a really strange matter,” Evyk said, “I have been hearing rumors that Starfleet Majestic has disappeared.”

  “What?” Antrar and Yarwyk uttered simultaneously.

  “No one knows where it has been sent but no one has seen it lately,” Evyk said, “It is our main strike fleet with most starships and best officers. Rumors are flying that it has been sent out to the outer regions of the galaxy to deal with a heretofore unidentified danger.”

  “These rumors are circulating where?” Yarwyk asked.

  “Within Army Investigations Department right now,” Evyk said, “one of our directives is to keep track of the locations of starships: ours and enemies. Those detectives responsible for that task are saying nothing – they have had a silence order slapped on them from the very top – but a few leaks are out.”

  “Very strange, but could be for a secret battle exercise to prepare for possible war against Mercurians,” Antrar said, “But I don’t want us distracted. We have enough on our plate. Detective Rockvyk, have you uncovered anything?”

  “No sir, us SPASI men aren’t allowed to go snooping on army affairs,” Rockvyk said and Evyk grinned but Rockvyk answered with a sly smile, “but don’t forget I am the SPASI’s chief detective for Carvyk’s frontier region and I have spies amongst smugglers and pirates. I set my juniors to turn them out for any tidbits from deep space and many juicy tidings have shaken loose.”

  “Go on, don’t build suspense for us,” Antrar said.

  “Rumors amongst smugglers that ferry the routes through deep space that a starship with signals resembling Conquistador’s has ticked off their scanners,” Rockvyk said.

  “If Commodore Raptor is bringing it back to Starfire, he is taking a roundabout route to avoid Carvyk and whoever is working for him,” Antrar said, “That is good news. But any scoop about the other side?”

  “Supposedly the Dark Star Company is asking around about the same…” Rockvyk started speaking when he suddenly stopped. Was he hearing faint footsteps outside the door, like someone sneaking up on them?

  The gate to their room slammed open and two laser gun toting helmet clad shooters dressed in all red barged in the rooms with their laser guns drawn. Rockvy
k jumped towards the door, grabbed it with his large palm and slammed it right back at them, taking it off its hinges and sending the second intruder flying back across the hallway and crashing into opposite wall. Rockvyk had taken out his laser pistol with his left hand and he shot the first intruder in the belly, threw his pistol to his right hand and fired over his shoulder into the second gunman. Someone else fired laser bolts into the room and Rockvyk pushed the broken door forward to close the opening.

  At the exact moment of intrusion, six gunmen dressed in all red, helmeted and bearing laser guns had slung down outside their large glass window from somewhere above. Holding their rope with one hand and laser gun with the other, they shattered the glass with laser fire. Everyone else in the room pulled out their laser pistols and scrambled for cover or to return fire.

  Warwyk was hit first and multiple lasers penetrated his chest and abdomen but he managed to get a laser shot off at one gunman just before his fall and knocked him dead and sent him crashing down over seventy floors. Evyk had jumped over the sofa and he turned and aimed his pistol and shot a second gunman in the face sending him flying. Then he ducked down but the sofa wasn’t hard enough to stop lasers and Evyk realized his mistake one second later but right then a couple of lasers penetrated through the sofa and into his shoulder and chest.

  Antrar had ducked forward into the ground and the first round of lasers passed over his head. He leaned on one elbow, aimed his pistol and fired two laser shots in quick succession, knocking dead a gunman with each hit but the remaining two gunmen adapted quickly and shot lasers into Antrar’s face.

  Rockvyk had turned around as fast as he could after he had heard the glass shatter and his first reaction was to kick a table flat that was hard enough to deflect incoming laser. Rockvyk took cover behind it just as Antrar was struck. He quickly went to one knee, looked over the table, aimed his laser pistol at the remaining two gunmen just as they spotted him and swung their laser guns towards him. Rockvyk fired two laser shots finally dropping them to the streets below.


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