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Megaship Maverick (Conquest of Stars Book 3)

Page 18

by Sid Kar

  “He didn’t,” the doctor stood up and said to Raptor, “he just died.”

  Raptor knelt down to look at Stardjacker Capitan Kyrtar Prym. His armor had been cut off and machines were attached to various wounds in his body but it had all been to no avail.

  “I don’t see a through and through laser cut,” Raptor said, “What got him?”

  “Not any one injury,” Doctor said, “Too many strikes and blows, everything from punches and kicks to lasers and blasts. There is a limit to how much a body can stand, even with that specialized armor.”

  Raptor stood up and then shouted, “Attention.” The whole courtyard full of strike soldiers were brought to a standstill. Raptor saluted Stardjacker Kyrtar and all of his officers and soldiers followed suit.

  Chapter 16: Maverick Gambit

  Four commanders were assembled in Carvyk Botlar’s personal office inside his palace on planet Bravo. Besides Carvyk himself who was standing behind his desk with a frown on his face and his nose twitched inwards from either side in a contemptuous sneer; there was Commander Artvyk Torran, present in person, who was an Interior Commander and had brought 45 starships with him. Two commodores were present through full sized holographic displays beaming straight from their respective starships. These two were Commodore Bastlar Moyk of Starship Tornado, the commander of 15 starships of Fifth Frontier Fleet and Commodore Zarvyk Tykar of Starship Gallant, the commander of another 15 starships dispatched by Seventh Frontier.

  “Commander Carvyk, what is this delay?” Artvyk asked, “Why are you holding back our combined fleet here?”

  “As I have told you three and everyone else before,” Carvyk said, “Jak Fleet has shown up in Nestor’s solar system. There are political issues now.”

  “What political issues?” Bastlar asked curtly, “Jak Confederacy is our protectorate, we tell them what to do, not the other way around.”

  “Only reason they are a protectorate is because they are stuck between Starfire Empire on one side and vast emptiness of intergalactic space on the other,” Carvyk said, “But they are a great power and we award them special privileges accorded no other protectorate.”

  “Be that as may,” Zarvyk joined in, “What the hell are they going to do if we just ignore them and go ahead and throw out that Mercurian Fleet from Nestor’s space?”

  “What the hell are they going to do?” Carvyk scoffed, “Why, you would make a great strategist for the state, Commodore Zarvyk. We are staring at the dawn of a war against an Empire of unknown strength and you would alienate our most powerful ally.”

  Zarvyk grit his teeth in anger but said nothing. He was from a different frontier region but Carvyk was still higher ranked officer. And he had to concede Carvyk had a point there.

  But Interior Commander Artvyk was at the same rung on the army’s hierarchy as Carvyk. The commodores weren’t going to challenge him too much and Artvyk had to take the lead here.

  “I would have thought with your boy Segwyk in command, you would be the one most eager to send reinforcements.” Artvyk tried a different tack to try to provoke Carvyk a bit.

  “My boy?” Carvyk raised a brow, he didn’t like the insinuation, “Commodore Segwyk is a dedicated and skilled starship officer. I am sure he can take care of himself.”

  “Segwyk maybe a fine officer, but what I don’t understand is why haven’t you appointed Commodore Raptor as the Battle Star Commander?” Artvyk said, “Army always favors the officer with battle experience over one without no matter their scores in training exercises.”

  “Exactly,” Carvyk said and the remaining three looked at each other in confusion, “Commodore Raptor is making his way through deep space in operational silence. You all want him to lead our attack against Mercurians since he is the only one who has fought them but for that we have to wait for him to arrive.”

  They did not know what to say and looked at each other and Carvyk at turn.

  Carvyk grinned at them. He was fond of these cunning plays. They could not oppose an action that resulted in the outcome they demanded.

  “You were waiting for Raptor…” Artvyk started to speak but Carvyk did not finish his sentence. He stood back and enjoyed their befuddlement.

  The sirens started to ring on the two starships and the two holographic representations flicked on and off as the two Commodores attention was diverted.

  Artvyk was now even more bewildered but Carvyk looked annoyed.

  Then the sirens rang across the palace and Capitan Jontvyk burst into the room a few seconds later, saluted the two commanders and spoke to Carvyk.

  “Sorry for the intrusion, Commander, but this is an emergency” Jontvyk was apologetic, “Mercurian Fleet is fast sweeping towards Bravo from across the solar system orbit.”

  “Fuck this,” Artvyk stomped his feet and stormed out of the room to get back with his fleet.

  The two holographic representations were cut off and Carvyk was alone in the room with Jontvyk. He was shaken but Jontvyk pushed him to the exit and they headed for the palace elevators and descended down deep below the planet’s surface where a command room for planetary defense had been built.

  Grand Admiral Valorun had kept his battleships outside of Bravo system to avoid detection from the long range gravitron scanners while he spread them across in a spherical formation enclosing the solar system. Now that they were in position, they descended upon planet Bravo, as a sphere closing down on a smaller ball, leaving no escape routes open.

  Starfirian fleets positioned themselves defensively in and around the orbit of Bravo and its moon. They were outnumbered. There were 74 Starfirian spaceships against 300 Mercurian spaceships. They were going to take all the help they could get from the ground rocket and laser batteries on Bravo and on its moon.

  Mercurian fleet shrank the space and came closer and closer.

  Then the battle began.

  Thousands and thousands of rockets rushed out of the silos dug deep inside Bravo’s crust and into its mountains and a lesser number of rockets but still innumerous launched from its moon. They were joined by the rockets from Starships. The Mercurians opened up as well and rockets swooshed past each other exploding in space, against spaceship hulls and on Bravo’s surface. The lasers started shooting out when Mercurian fleet decelerated upon getting closer to Bravo and a torrential rain of laser and rocket firing consumed the space all around this frontier outpost of Starfire Empire.

  Megaship Maverick was not part of this fray. Valorun had kept his spaceship behind along with thirty others to observe and command the battle. He sighed satisfactorily if wearily and then ordered his flight crew to fire up the Maverick’s engines for the execution of the final segment of his grand plan.

  *** The End ***

  To Be Continued…


  Book Four: Conquest of Stars Saga

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  Major Characters


  Crew of Starship Conquistador

  Alvina Lytar: Capitan & Laser Officer

  Antrar Wyft: Ex-Commodore: Starship Thunder & Guest

  Avyk: Shields Officer

  Barryett Wuft: Vice-Commodore: Starship Conquistador

  Dorrvyk: Capitan & Communications Officer

  Flyptar: Capitan & Flight Officer

  Hedgewyk: Signals & Electronics Officer

  Horyett: Gravitron Scanner Officer

  Jarvyk Wilwyk: Colonel: Strike Soldiers (Commander)

  Legtar Pytar: Law Officer

  Overyk: Capitan & Navigation Officer

  Pulf: Assistant Laser Officer

  Raptor Warwyk: Commodore: Starship Conquistador

  Styx: Capitan of Starship Guards

  Tollvyk: Colonel & Rocket Officer

  Zurryvk: Artificial Intelligence Officer

  Garyett Tyf: Colonel: Secret Superweapons

  Aurvyk Tokar: Colonel: Chemical Weapons & Chief Chemist

  Hartar Pytar: Army Chief Detective: Starship Conquistador

  Kartar Ryft: Colonel: Spacefighters / Top Rank

  Maktar Wyft: Colonel: Strike Soldiers (Second-In-Command)

  Moltar Karan: Capitan & Plasma Officer

  Kyrtar Prym: Stardjacker: Starship Conquistador

  Gonzovyk Tulkar: Capitan: Electronics Section & Armored Suit Electronics Specialist

  Landtar Mykar: Corporal: Team Leader Heavy Laser Cannons

  Other Starfirians

  Carvyk Botlar: Regional Star Commander: Zarrvyk Province & Sixth Frontier Fleet

  Jiggermaster: Space Pirate

  Jontvyk Tubyt: Capitan: Palace Guards

  Magyar Harwyk: An Assassin (AKA The Silencer)

  Rockvyk Torryen: Chief Detective SPASI: Zarrvyk Province

  Dartar Myft: Commodore: Starship Victory

  Segwyk Raftar: Commodore: Starship Masterpiece

  Yarwyk Gyte: Ex-Commander & Founder/First Leader of Lambda Man

  Evyk Kyr: Army Detective & Antrar's Starship Detective

  Flyptar Lartar: Constellar - Warrior Class

  Portvyk Haryett: Constellar - Aristocrats

  Romvyk Nyk: Leader: Dark Star Company; ex-colonel Strike Soldiers; 'Renegade'

  Sayett Gallon: Star Fortress Commander & member of Lambda Man

  Aurvyk Toryett: Colonel & Army Judge & member of Lambda Man

  Hyttar Pype: Commodore & member of Lambda Man

  Jokevyk Naryett: Regional Star Commander & member of Lambda Man

  Lymtar Karwyk: Colonel: Strike Soldiers & member of Lambda Man

  Neryak Gherry: Vice-Commodore: Starship Masterpiece

  Omtyar Woohar: Law Officer: Starship Masterpiece

  Mr. Kavlar: Head Manager: Bank of Interstellar Trade Finance

  Hortar Aflavyk: Heir to Interstellar Bank, Yarwyk's Friend, Lambda Man's Banker

  Lantar Ryk: Ex-Colonel, Banker: Secret Account of Lambda Man

  Alvyk Gravitron: Scanner Officer: Starship Masterpiece

  Tulkar : Junior Detective under Rockvyk

  Sejavyk Pytar: Supreme Commander of Starfire Army; Head of House of War

  Artvyk Torran: Interior Commander

  Bastlar Moyk: Commodore: Starship Tornado; Fifth Frontier Fleet

  Zarvyk Tykar: Commodore: Starship Gallant; Seventh Frontier Fleet


  Augus Grave: Chancellor of Nestorian Republic

  Aurus Janus: Employee of Boutrous Golus

  Cloaked Man: Identity Unknown

  Hickus Tofus : Foreign Minister

  Horus Bors: War Minister

  Jag Manus: Capitan of VC Remus' personal guards

  Krotus Torus: Capitan of Senate Guards

  Lemon Bree: Interior Minister

  Nolfus Berrum: Commander of Republican Guards

  Remus Torus: Vice-Chancellor of Nestorian Republic

  Roofus Bolfus: Pilot: Spy Ship

  Solus Varus: Senator & Opposition Leader

  Tory Golus: Chief Executive of Boutrous Golus

  Oilus Barrlus: Capitan: Republican Guards

  Bakus Ferran: General: Battleship Fleet & Battleship Republic

  Porkus Bellus: Signals Officer

  Vegus Sukus: General: Battleship Fleet orbiting Nestor & Battleship Defender

  Tolus: Shuttle & Bay Staff Officer

  Joules: Second in Command: Battleship Defender

  Porus: Officer: Fighter Combat

  Tagg: Capitan: Scanner Officer

  Jovus: Communications Officer

  Agnosis Wornus: Capitan: Fighter Squadron 101 - 200

  Gorky Manus: Capitan: Fighter Squadron 01 - 100

  Xanus Torks: Capitan: Rocket Officer


  Tabulan Molan: Chief Scientist of Experiments abroad First Mercurian Fleet

  Rolutan Nall: High Admiral: Mercurian Expeditionary Fleet

  Albone Xul: High Admiral: Mercurian Regional Fleet

  Flybar Url: High Admiral: Mercurian Fortress Fleet

  Halan Ralt: High Admiral: Mercurian Home Fleet / Head of Fleet Spy Section (FSS)

  Xylum Phelon: Admiral: Mercurian Forward Fleet attacking Nestor (Megaship Maverick)

  Crew of Megaship Maverick

  Valorun Lynam: Grand Admiral: Megaship Maverick

  Tolan Hal: Capitan & Gravitron Scanner Officer

  Rols Vars: Capitan & Flight Officer

  Lewyn Mal: Vice-Admiral: Megaship Maverick

  Mylan: Capitan & Chemical Weapons Officer


  Karjax Jak: Baron; Commander Jak Forward Fleet; Head of Jak Spies; Younger brother of Lord Jak

  V. MISC.

  Nanja Panga: Second-In-Command: Dark Star Company; Rhinoid alien

  Star Map

  * Map Not to Scale or Accuracy


  Sid Kar is the author of this novel and of five other novels.

  Visit his website:

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  Author’s Other Books:

  1. Starship Conquistador (Conquest of Stars Book 1)

  When powerful and mysterious alien spaceships start attacking the exploration and mining vessels and abducting their crew, the Nestorian Republic realizes that it faces an enemy whose weapons and technology it cannot equal.

  But there may be hope. The faraway Starfire Empire has guaranteed protection but the journey is treacherous and there are forces both within the republic and the empire who don’t want to help the beleaguered Nestorians.

  But one Commodore Raptor is on his way with his Starship Conquistador. Armed to the teeth, built to conquer and carrying secret weapons even its crew doesn’t know about, it will have to dare the aliens all alone. But only if it can cross the vast swaths of deep space, for there are great powers waiting in ambush and the clock is ticking as a massive invasion fleet from the uncharted space prepares to descend upon the capital planet Nestor.

  Will Starship Conquistador fight its way and reach in time…

  2. The Storm Maker

  There are those who dream of reviving an ancient empire and one will dare hatch a secret plot to this end by starting the construction of a ‘Storm-Maker’: a super-weapon that can create hurricanes and tornadoes. And he will have the support of elite ranger units and spies who share his vision.

  They will stop at nothing to bring their plot to fruition. They will rob banks, they will kidnap scientists and they will engage in massive gunfights with anyone who stands in their path.

  But there are those who will confront this mad scheme at great risk to their own lives.

  Top Detective Sayett who has been assigned the out of control bank robbery cases, rising politician Slyntya Karwyk who is appointed to oversee the investigation and her husband who is a national hero: Colonel Sthykar of the Mountain Army.

  As their investigation turns deadly with ambushes and kidnappings, the dream of the plotters stands on the verge of becoming a reality. Boss Hantex’s Storm-Maker is rapidly approaching completion and if it goes live it will unleash the mother of all hurricanes - the likes of which has never been seen before.

  The only way to stop it maybe a helicopter attack right through the Eye of the Storm!

  3. The War Machine

  An Epic struggle for power between the world’s most powerful country – Narducat Empire – and the world’s most dangerous country – Starfire Kingdom – takes a terrifying turn into a mad dash to become the world’s first atomic power.

  As Narducat Imperial Fleet invades Karaln Nation, whose scienti
sts alone have mastered the deep mysteries of Atom; Starfire Kingdom’s only hope maybe finding a secret base of Karaln scientists, hidden inside an occupied territory watched over by fearsome Imperial Special Army.

  Colonel Sthykar of Starfire has been tasked to lead his Mountain Army for a rescue operation deep behind enemy lines, while Detective Sayett rushes to unravel a plot involving almost a hundred spies, a plot which threatens to morph into the largest act of sabotage on Starfire territory.

  4. One Man Army

  In this Second and Final Volume, the Narducat Empire launches the largest invasion fleet in the history to attack Starfire Kingdom and prepares an atomic strike on Starfire's experimental reactor.

  It is a race towards destiny, as Starfire's own program rapidly approaches completion and it gets ready for the epic battle.

  It is a titanic clash of armies and machines where the warriors will dare all for the victory; from aerial strikes on to the decks of the enemy ships to a mad plan to sink a gigantic six-decked airplane carrier, from the steel shattering showdown of the tanks to the booming battle of the artillery, and above all a test of mettle and a collision of will between the Empire Builders and the Steppe Warriors.

  And in this Panoramic War Epic filled with a Kaleidoscopic cast of characters such as Colonel "IronHeart" and "The Ringmaster"; Colonel Sthykar of Starfire is the most dangerous man in the world and with a half-million man army racing to stop him - he is coming to the Imperial Capital with the most dangerous weapon ever created.

  An Absolute Slobberknobber of a War!


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