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Hot Sex, Cool Erotica

Page 13

by Bebe Wilde

  Maybe because his girlfriend has a bad case of the wandering eye? That’s why not. But that’s all it was, a wandering eye. I wasn’t a cheater in any sense of the word. When I was in a monogamous relationship, I stayed monogamous. It was that simple. But I did like to look. What woman doesn’t?

  But why did I have to pick between them? Was it possible I could have both? Probably not. Not many women get that lucky. I didn’t think I would either. This didn’t keep me from fantasizing about Milo, though. And those fantasizes led to some amazing sex with Toby. And I mean ah-mazing! By the time we got though with one another, all we could do was lie on our backs, stare at the ceiling and try to catch our breaths.

  “That was fantastic,” Toby said and exhaled loudly. “What’s gotten into you?”

  Like I could divulge that bit of information.

  * * * * *

  The night I met Milo for the first time was at the club. I was up on the podium laying down some wicked beats when I glanced down and saw him. I had no idea who he was at the time. He was new to me. And looked so damned good. Who was this guy? And how could I meet him?

  At once, our eyes clicked. I think my heart skipped a beat. Again: Who was this guy? He stared back at me with a mixture of curiosity and interest. There was a connection, it was obvious. I felt it and I knew he felt it. We were strangers but somehow we were connected.

  From the intense gaze this good looking stranger was giving me, I could feel his fantasies about me taking shape. I could tell he liked what he saw. I was hot. I stood there with my light brown hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, my sun-kissed skin gleaming and my blue eyes meeting his. His eyes scanned over me, over my outfit of loose fitting black tank over a tighter fitting white one and my worn to death and perfectly fitted skinny jeans. He took a look at my black leather ankle boots and the mixture of bracelets on my arm and then he looked back at my face, to the headphones I was holding over one ear. Back down to my breasts which were slightly popping out of the fitted tank. I could feel his eyes there, on my breasts and I imagined him wanting to pinch a nipple before sucking it into his mouth. It was enough to make me go wet, that stare. It was enough for me to want to find him, get to know him better and fuck his brains out.

  Then I saw Toby step in beside him and yell something in his ear. They both laughed and Toby pointed to the stage and pointed at me. We knew at once who the other was. The reaction showed on our faces as Milo’s face fell, as did mine. The guy I’d been having wild fantasies about was Milo, my boyfriend’s best friend. It was over before it could have ever started.

  Of fucking course.

  He was off limits to me and vice versa. Whatever lust or connection we had felt was now null and void. There would be no quickies in the bathroom or even a mild flirtation. There would never be an “us” because there was a Toby and, truth be told, that’s the way it should have been. We both loved Toby and wouldn’t have hurt him for the world. He was too good of a guy and if you hurt someone like Toby, then you would just be a bad person.

  Soon enough, my time was up and another DJ took over. I made my way over to the bar. Toby glanced over his should just as I came up and broke into a big smile. He was so happy to see me; I could see the love in his eyes. So, yeah, no. There would be no Milo and me.

  “Hey, baby,” Toby said and slipped his arm around my waist, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. “This is the famous Milo.”

  I held out my hand to him and said, “I’ve heard so much about you. It’s nice to finally meet.”

  “Oh, you have an accent,” he said and gave my hand a quick shake. “Southern?”

  “Born and raised,” I said and smiled at him.

  “Well, nice to meet you,” he said and withdrew his hand.

  And that was that. I noticed he wasn’t saying much, let alone looking at me. I knew why. He didn’t want Toby to think that he might be interested in me. Well, I could play that game, too. I didn’t want him to think I was interested in him, either. We could play it straight. We would play it straight. No funny business, even if he was one of the best looking men I’d ever laid eyes on.

  “He just got into town,” Toby said and pointed at him. “And he drove to the house.” He paused to punch him on the arm in a good-natured way. “I told you I’d pick you up at the airport!”

  “It wasn’t a big deal,” Milo said. “Besides I had already booked my rental car.”

  I nodded. “Well, at least you made it though the traffic.”

  “I did,” he said and avoided my eyes. “But I’m used to it. New York traffic is hell. But then again, I rarely drive in it. I usually take a cab or the subway. I don’t even own a car.”

  “Parking is a killer, right?” I said, trying to make friendly conversation.

  “It is,” he said. “And expensive. A car just isn’t practical for a lot of people.”

  God, what a monotonous conversation, I thought to myself. Was this what it would be like between us? Having these inane discussions? Next thing you know, we’d be complaining about the weather.

  “Anyway,” Toby said. “Milo is going to stay in the Shack. That okay, babe?”

  “If he doesn’t mind lizards,” I said and smiled at him. But then I looked away quickly. I couldn’t get over how hot he was. He was so hot, he was smoking.

  “Lizards?” Milo asked.

  “Oh, yeah, we have these horrible little lizards in there,” Toby said. “But I had it fumigated last week, so they might have scurried.”

  “I don’t mind,” Milo said. “I just appreciate you two letting me crash there until I find a place.”

  “No problem, buddy,” Toby said and gave him a good-natured slap in the back. “I’ve been wanting you out here for years. Now you’re here. It’s gonna be awesome!”

  Awesome wouldn’t begin to describe what I wanted it to be. If only Milo would look me in the eye. And I wasn’t dating Toby.

  “Yeah, awesome,” Milo said and glanced at me, then away quickly.

  “Well, Holly,” Toby said and chuckled, then gave me a quick peck on the cheek. “It looks like it’s you, me and him. Think you can handle that?”

  To be honest, I didn’t know if I could.

  * * * * *

  Over the next few weeks, Milo settled into the little guest house, the one we’d affectionately dubbed the Shack, at the back of our house. It was small but had its own bath. Toby had once used it as a makeshift studio when he first started producing, but as his business got bigger, he outgrew it and began renting a larger space. But the Shack had a nice bed, a cool couch and a flat-screen TV. And being minutes from the beach didn’t make it suck, either.

  I rarely saw Milo as Toby had him out meeting people and booking gigs. They’d come home really late, later than me and I didn’t get home from my gigs until after two or so in the morning. We were like ships passing in the night. Oh, we still knew each other was there. We just didn’t make a fuss about it.

  Milo would come from the Shack into the house to get the occasional milk or beer. Sometimes he’d dine with Tony and me. Sometimes he’d come in to get Toby so they could go surf or whatever. We’d chat in passing, asking each other how it was going. He’d ask me about how I got to California. I told him I’d come out here to be a singer but fell in love with DJing. We had nice, pleasant conversations, yet neither of us dared overstep our boundaries. He was just a guy staying with his best friend until he found his own place. I was just the good girlfriend who allowed that.

  So, he and I didn’t connect. We kept our distance. We made it a point to stay away from each other. What else could we have done? I wasn’t about to fuck up my relationship with my awesome boyfriend for a fling and that’s what Milo would have been. And he wasn’t about to upset his best friend by sleeping with his girl. Why should he have? Any lust or feelings we might have had were pushed aside. We knew we both had it good with Toby and neither one of us wanted to rock the boat.

  That didn’t
keep me from fantasizing about rocking that boat, though. And those fantasies would come out full bore when I was having sex with my boyfriend. We got really loud and I sometimes thought about Milo hearing us and wondering how it made him feel. Jealous? Turned on? Maybe a little of both? But just thinking about him made the lust in me come out and if that meant I had to fuck my boyfriend’s brains out, then so be it. I just couldn’t contain it.

  However, as hard as we fought it, something was bound to happen. It had to come to a head. Milo and I had too much sexual tension for it not to.

  It happened on the day the air conditioning went out and the repairman couldn’t make it until the next. I was so hot, I had stripped down to my panties and bra and was doing chores around the house. I didn’t mind doing chores for our little beach house. It was the perfect home that we’d made ours. I loved its exposed wooden beams and the old wood floor and the curved archways. We’d made it cool and hip with flea market finds like the nearly worn out Persian rug in front of the midcentury modern soda and the chunky wood credenza that held our big flat screen TV. The art on the walls was eclectic and ranged from prints of famous works to local artists who sold their work along the beach. It was home and I felt so good here. I loved that it belonged to us, to Toby and I, and we’d made this home together. It suited us to a “T.” That’s why I didn’t mind cleaning it. I’d take my time and dust and vacuum and put things away. Because the house wasn’t that big, it didn’t take much time to keep it tidy.

  After I was done, I remembered that I’d just downloaded some new tunes, so I grabbed my MP3 player, sat down on the couch and put in my ear buds. Using the ear buds rather than the sound dock allowed me to get closer to the music and escape into it. It was just me and the music and there was no other place I’d rather be.

  I soon became enraptured in the music sitting on the couch. I was also getting very hot. Without the air conditioner, the house was really heating up. So, I got down on the cool floor and lay there, my feet flat on the floor and my knees in the air, enjoying the music playing in my ear. I smiled because this was the reason I loved DJing—music. There was something about a good song, a good beat, that made me feel so alive and invigorated. Being a DJ meant I could share that with others.

  I don’t know how long I had lain there when I saw Milo’s feet walking across the floor and into the adjacent kitchen. Toby was at work and he was practicing in the Shack. My heart began to race. I knew he was just there to get some cereal or whatever, but having him there alone with me while I was in my skivvies was a little unnerving. What should I do? Get up and race into the bedroom and throw something on? Or… Maybe I should do nothing.

  Nothing sounded like a good option but then I thought about Toby. I should get up and pretend to be embarrassed or something. But I didn’t move. Something made me hold out to see what Milo might do. I knew it wasn’t right, but I wanted to at least see if he was as interested in me as I was in him. I had it bad for him and I knew I should have just let well enough alone but sometimes… Well, sometimes a girl just doesn’t use good common sense when it comes to these things.

  So I just lay there and pretended not to notice him. I felt his eyes on me from across the room, as if he was ascertaining what, exactly, this situation was. Or, possibly, could be. I liked the way he intently held his gaze on me. I liked the fact that I knew he liked what he saw, just like he liked what he saw the other day at the beach when I’d been in my chocolate brown bikini, the one that was a little small on top so that my boobs popped out a little and gave me great cleavage. I’d caught him staring at me several times, at my cleavage. I knew he was looking at me, at my body, and thinking about what he was missing out on. All men do that. They always have and they always will. The grass might not actually be greener on the other side, but it certainly looks prettier.

  I felt that way from time to time, too. Especially right about now. The grass was looking mighty fine!

  Milo moved in a little closer. My heart beat even more rapidly, if that was possible. Now. Now was the time. But did I have the nerve? What was I trying to prove? This couldn’t go anywhere. But, somehow, I found myself wanting to do this, wanting to tease him a tiny bit, to show him a little of what I had. I parted my legs a little and slid my hand down my flat stomach and to the top of my panties. I was just about to put my hand into them when he spoke.

  “I know you know I’m here,” he said. “Don’t do that in front of me.”

  But I couldn’t stop. No, I wouldn’t stop. He had to see this; he had to see me pleasuring myself. I wanted him to see it. It wasn’t right and I shouldn’t have been doing it, but I wanted to so badly. I ignored him, and my hand slipped into my panties and went down and down until it was resting on the place where his eyes were. He could see the wet spot on them, on the panties. He could see my need for him.

  He walked out.

  Oh, fuck. Oh, no. What had I done? I took off the ear buds and threw them to the side, feeling the sting of embarrassment on my cheeks, heating up my body. Would he tell Toby? Fuck! I was up the creek and there wasn’t a damned paddle in sight. I was about to sit up when I heard something. His footsteps. What the hell? I froze.

  Our eyes locked as Milo came back in. Without a word he headed for me, towards me. He bent down to his knees and pulled my legs apart, slipping his body in between them. I started aching for his touch. Touch me, touch me, touch me. Touch me now; touch me everywhere and all at once. Let me feel you touching me. Kiss me a little while you’re at it.

  But he wasn’t that easy.

  “Want me?” he breathed.

  I moaned and nodded at him, sitting up to meet him. I could feel his body heat. He was hot, literally, quite hot for me. That made me even more turned on.

  “Want me?” he asked again, this time more loudly. “Tell me you want me.”

  “I want you,” I moaned and longed to pull him in close to me.

  He stared into my eyes, still not moving. Then he gently grabbed the side of my bra and pulled it back a little as if to get a better look at my breast. His finger slipped in and grazed my nipple. Ummm… Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck! I wanted to scream at him to suck on my nipple, on both of them, to devour my breasts and my body and me. But I didn’t move. I sat there and allowed him to play with me, to toy with me. To do whatever he wanted to do.

  His other hand was pushing the other cup of my bra back and he stared at my breast, just stared. It seemed to take forever for him to push it down and then reach in with his mouth and suck my nipple in.

  I moaned with pleasure and arched my back. I started to grab his head and kiss him but he gave me a look that told me to sit still. So I did. I sat still as he ate at my breasts, taking turns with each one to pleasure me. His hands were scooping them up and pushing under the bra and squeezing them tightly.

  He slipped his arm around my back and unsnapped my bra, setting my breasts free. There were there, in front of him, hanging softly and waiting for more. I thrust my chest out at him, inviting him in to do even more than he was already doing and he took his cue, bent down and gave me more sucking, more nibbling and a little biting. It was too much. I could have come just from that, just from him playing with my breasts, taking his time to really arouse me while he had his fun.

  Soon my pussy began to ache for a little attention. I sat up taller and spread my legs out wider. He settled in and I began to move my crotch against his shirt then right at his belt, then on his belt buckle. I liked the coolness of it grazing my clit, backwards and forwards and backwards and forwards. A simple yet so effective motion.

  He was hard. He was so hard. I could see the outline of his erect and quite yummy looking cock through his pants. I wanted to pull it out and suck on it, suck every bit of juice that was trapped in there wanting release. I moved my crotch down until it was against his dick and there I moved against it, feeling its hardness and it girth and length. He was packing, that was for sure. I could only imagine how good that thing would f
eel once it was inside of me, which, hopefully, would be soon. I’d have it. I’d have it all.

  I was caught up in the moment. Nothing could have stopped me. Nothing could have gotten in my way. Nothing stood between me and his cock. Nothing.

  That is, nothing but Toby taking an early day.

  Milo was still sucking at my breasts when I looked over his shoulder to see Toby. I was so startled I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t even gasp. I think my eyes might have popped out of my head, but then I noticed something odd. He wasn’t moving. He was just watching us doing the dirty little things we were doing. He appeared enthralled, in awe. It was odd. It was like he… Well, it was like he didn’t mind. I could tell he was aroused, too. His dick was getting hard and pressing against the worn-out khakis he’d had forever and refused to get rid of. I stared at his dick for a moment, thinking about how big and stiff it looked right then and my mind wandered to another scenario, where he wanted me like this in front of him, as if I were his favorite porn star or something. Did he imagine me doing it with another man? If so, what did he think about what we were doing right now in front of him? But I was probably just trying to figure out a way to make this okay. But was I imagining that? Was I imagining his arousal? His dick didn’t lie, that was for sure. Did I want to have sex with Milo so badly that I finding any excuse I could to go through with it? Maybe.

  But Toby… What was he doing? He just stood there and acted like… Well, like there was nothing wrong with what Milo and I were doing. He and I locked eyes and he nodded, as if he knew I would do this all along, as if he knew it would someday come down to this. And it had.

  As we stared at each other, I realized that this was embarrassing, too embarrassing. I was just so ashamed of myself, of my lust, I couldn’t stand it. Could the floor please just swallow me up now? Please?


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