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The Seal of Solomon

Page 6

by Jeffrey Ellis

  Morgana was also in attendance of course. She would have liked nothing better than to be anywhere else, but her sense of responsibility would not allow her to run. She smiled and acted pleasantly but her eyes revealed her pain. Her long red hair was barely kept up anymore and her fine red silks, upon close inspection showed small blemishes that only she and Merlin knew were caused by her tears. The pain of her soul flowed in those tears and permanently marked that sadness on the silk.

  Merlin tapped his staff upon the large round table. "We all know why we're here. Ra, what is the latest from Giza?"

  Ra sighed. "The Sphinx is no longer its guardian. Mordred turned it permanently to stone during his siege and Giza fell soon after. Nefertiti and I only escaped by seconds. He will breach the Necropolis under the Pyramids soon if he hasn't already and once he does; the ancient knowledge of the Necromancers will be his for the taking."

  Merlin slumped a little in his chair. Giza fell too fast. They needed more time but wouldn't get it. "Socrates, what of your search?"

  Socrates shook his head. "If any of the ancient Titans still live, they are well hidden. My search has found no evidence of their continued existence and thus no access to their powers, assuming they would even share their knowledge if they could be found. The Olympians are gone."

  Merlin was dismayed at the news, but it was not unexpected. When Socrates had proposed the idea, it was a dim hope at best. The Olympians, also called Titans, were old Masters of ancient Greek magic but rarely communicated with those outside of their circle. Their desire to remain isolated from the world was probably their undoing.

  "Boudicca, what of your Druids? Are the cities for the Wardens complete?"

  She looked around the table. "My Druids have gouged mother Earth and she was not happy, but she will allow the grottoes to remain. Our reasons are valid, and she trusts us. She will not devour the Wardens."

  Alexander spoke up. "I don't speak primitive very well, but I believe that means yes."

  Boudicca glared at him. "I would use your entrails for divination if not for the protection of your teacher," she said looking over to Merlin.

  Alexander smiled and laughed. "No need for threats, it's only a jest but I doubt you have the intellect to process humor," he said. She started to leap at him, but Nefertiti grabbed her.

  Merlin tapped his staff again and it sounded like a blast. "This is not the time for bickering. We hurtle towards our own demise and don't have time for petty issues," yelled Merlin, his voice echoing around the room and everyone grew silent again.

  "Now that we have our daily aggression out of the way let's discuss the main reason for this meeting: The Wardens. Recruitment and training are nearly done. Mordred has the people of this world scared enough that volunteers were not lacking." He stared blankly as if lost in thought. "As our connection to the Arcane is to the point we cannot survive without it, they will be our eyes and ears throughout the ages. They will be our archivists and maintain our libraries. Most importantly, they will be your guardians and protect you while you slumber."

  The change from ‘our’ to ‘your’ was noticeable but no one remarked on it. Everyone knew Merlin was not going to be among them in their sleep but for those that cared it was too painful to acknowledge and for the rest, they simply didn't care.

  "They will also serve as executioners and jailers. There are things in the world that will not be stopped by the Seal. Those creatures will be captured and killed when possible, contained when they cannot. Boudicca and her Druids have been so gracious as to construct their subterranean cities and we thank you for that. We must soon prepare for the last actions of this Council so make your peace brothers and sisters. We don't know if or when you will awake."


  The surviving members of the Council took their seats. They were forlorn and quieter than usual. Even Alexander and Boudicca were silent and not bickering. Merlin looked around at his fellow masters. They had shaped the world for millennia and now would disappear as if dead, sleeping in hidden chambers, possibly for eternity. Merlin had prepared the tower. They had gathered the reagents and artifacts necessary. He worked tirelessly with Solomon and Ra to work out the nuances of the spell.

  "Those who sit at this table represent the last vestiges of good magic in the world. Mordred has corrupted or killed the rest. Now is the time we ask each other one final time do we do this? Do we take it upon ourselves to shape the world one last time? Our decision today changes the world forever. If we undertake this action, countless generations will live and die without the aid of magic. Disease and starvation will sweep the land. Weather will go unchecked and crops will wither in the sun and seeds will wash away in torrential floods as the weather returns to its natural state. Those who have depended on us for protection will have none. Bandits will rage across the land and tyrants will rise in power. Cults will usurp the will of the people and then they will turn on each other. We must be certain of this action. Normally, I head these Councils but considering the importance of what we decide today, I want everyone to have an equal voice. Please, speak your thoughts," he said, his voice quiet and his demeanor somber.

  Ra spoke. "We do not wish to undertake this action and before Giza, we refused to participate. But now, we have seen firsthand in our lands the impact of this dark soul. The gods shudder to think of the ramifications of our actions but we must do it. Not for us but for those who we agreed to protect. If my last act is sealing this beast away from his power, then so be it. I do it for Egypt."

  Nefertiti nodded in agreement. "My husband is one of the first pharaohs and was worshiped as a god among our people and I was heralded as a god-queen. We love Egypt and to see any more of its great cities broken and battered like Giza would be unthinkable. The beautiful Sphinx, lovingly crafted by me and Ra as the guardian of the Necropolis, is petrified and nothing but a statue now no longer able to return to flesh. The city is claimed by the sands of the desert. This man is a demon and must be stopped."

  Solomon looked down at the table. "I fear this choice is Pyrrhic. We might stop him but at what cost? It is with a heavy heart and great remorse for what this does to my fellow man, but it is our last choice.

  Socrates looked around. "I see seated here people from different cultures, different kingdoms, different generations, and different beliefs yet we are rallied as one. Humanity will follow suit. They will go through a difficult transition but will come out okay. This I know so I have no burden on my mind as I agree to this."

  Alexander was blunter. "I hear emotion and sadness and remorse and faith, but these are not the feelings that matter. It is with the hardened mind of a realist we must face this. All other options have been exhausted and we are left with this one last fleeting chance. We fight a battle we likely cannot win and let Mordred conquer or we Seal the arcane. We take this action not because we have a choice but because it is all there is. I will not cry or mourn. This must be done, and we are the only ones who can do it, so it must be done by us. This is war and more than anyone at this table I know war." At this

  Boudicca made a rude gesture. "This is a matter of tactics savage lady. While you have known combat and are quite good at it from what history records, not to mention what I have personally seen, this is a matter of tactics. That is my domain. A general must do what is best for the war and we are all generals." Boudicca made another rude gesture, conjured a piece of fruit and threw it at him. He dodged it and laughed.

  Ra spoke up. "Why do you two put on this pretense? We have sat as equals for some time and you still think us so naive we don't know that all the energy you put into hating each other at this table, you put even more into loving each other when away from it? Please stop insulting our intelligence by acting like spoiled children hiding secrets from their parents."

  Boudicca spoke up. "Ra, you don't know the women of my tribe. There is a difference between taking pleasure in a man and liking them. We take men like him for pleasure, not for companionship and while this one is pleasurab
le, he's an insufferable, pompous, egomaniac who I could never call a friend much less a mate. After I get my pleasure he is free to go about his business if he doesn't bore me with it. Besides, he is far too fragile to be a mate. I would break him before a moon's rebirth if he lay with me every night. He needs his baths and silk sheets to keep his delicate skin like a baby's."

  Nefertiti smiled and laughed a deep hearty laugh. "You and your tribe may have more in common with my own people than I suspected."

  Only Morgana had not voiced her opinion, and all turned to her. Morgana just nodded her head and said, "I agree to the Seal," then got up and left the room with tears in her eyes. Merlin followed quickly behind her.


  Outside the chamber, Arthur was preparing his knights to face the Tormentor and guard the ceremony. Their preparations were complete, and they were as ready as they could be. Catapults lined the castle walls, but no one expected them to hurt it. They were overseeing the evacuation of civilians from Camelot for their safety and the last wagons were loaded with the women and children. Only Guinevere was not yet on a wagon to leave and Arthur was escorting her to the last one.

  "My place is by your side my love, I can't leave you," she said with tears in her eyes.

  "You have to go. What comes is beyond anything we've ever seen, and we can't guarantee the safety of the Council and my knights as it is. We must get you and the rest to Caerleon. If this fails and Camelot falls, make for the nearest port as fast as you can and take a ship to the farthest place you can find and get out of Britannia," said her husband.

  "Will you come once this is over?" she said.

  "My love, space and time and all the magic in the universe can't keep me from your side and I swear on my life and by all of the gods in the universe I will be there for you and love and protect you until the end of eternity. Now go. For your sake and our child's get out of Camelot."

  She smiled and replied, “And I swear by those same gods I will be there for you until the end of time itself,” and they kissed one last time before she got on the wagon.


  Sebastian parried the attack and spun around, Chelsea's momentum driving her by him. He went to take an attack of opportunity at him but realized too late it was a feint. She ducked under the attack. He had overextended himself and she took advantage of it. She hit him in his abdomen with a knee. He coughed loudly and doubled over.

  “You have to learn to recognize feints better,” she told him as she ran at him and went to knee him again, this time aiming for her head.

  He grabbed her knee and twisted her leg, sending her to the floor. She grabbed him as she fell and the two of them hit the floor together. He was laying on top of her, face to face. He kissed her quickly and smiled. “I could say the same to you.”

  They stood up. “Good. You're learning. You might be ready for a real hunt in a few years at this pace,” she told him.

  They started fighting again. They two danced around each other, trading blows from several martial styles and he caught her in the shoulder with a kick.

  “What the hell do you think you're doing?” she asked. “You're taller than me. You have longer legs. You have the flexibility and skill you could easily catch me in the head. You pulled your shot. Don't ever do that. Always go for the kill. Didn't you learn anything in Canada?”

  “I learned a lot,” he said and walked over to her. “I learned you're a great leader, an incredible fighter and an amazing lover.”

  “You're just trying to get a free break to catch your breath,” she told him as she went over to the weapons. “I'm thinking we spend some time on the rifle range. Your scores are good, but you need more practice with targets that don't move like humans.”

  He walked up behind her and put his hands around her. “I have a better idea.”

  “Not now. I'm responsible for training you and getting you ready for the field,” she replied.

  “And according to you I'm progressing ahead of schedule and exceeding all the required metrics,” he replied as he slid a hand down her sweatpants.

  “You are doing well. I guess a little break won't hurt us,” she replied as she started to take her top off. She let out a low moan that was almost a growl as he started kissing her neck, then worked his hand further down her pants.


  Coordinator Anna and Facilitator William sat in the Coordinator's office watching a monitor.

  “They're being less discreet. That's a common training room,” said William. “What if they get caught? We can ignore this as long as it's not public knowledge but if they get caught by other agents and those agents file a complaint, it could mean the end of both their careers. He's in training and she's his trainer,” Facilitator William said.

  “Bill don't be so stuffy. That training room is only accessible by the senior agents. Do you really think any of them will care if they're having sex?” Anna said. “Besides, they're a cute couple. I would hate to ruin that. As long as it doesn't impact his training or hurt either of their performance then I don't see any reason to care.”

  “It sounds like their performance is not being hampered at all,” said William as the sound over the monitor became louder and more intense.

  Anna turned the volume on the monitor down as the sounds from the training room became much louder and more personal.

  “Still, we do have to be diligent. Let's keep a close on them and as long as their jobs aren't impacted, we can let them have their fun,” William said.

  “I'm okay with that. She's already shown her worth to the Wardens more times than I care to count, and he has real potential. Let's keep them on track. Their first duty is to the Wardens,” Anna told him.


  “A golem? Are you serious? There hasn't been a documented siting of a golem since the Renaissance other than the one we have in containment,” Sir Mason said to the group at the table.

  “That's what I said. The reports are verified. I want the three of you working together,” Facilitator William told them as he laid a copy of Mary Shelley's well-known work on the table.

  “We're hunting Frankenstein,” Sir Mason said.

  “Frankenstein's Monster,” Lady Chelsea said, correcting him. “Frankenstein was the lunatic that made it.”

  “Are we really sitting around here talking about a book, a fictional book, like it's a reference manual?” asked Sir Mason.

  “That book is not fiction, at least not entirely,” Facilitator William replied. “That book was written based on an actual event. The Wardens of the day convinced the author to treat it as fiction to prevent a public panic. It's not entirely accurate though.”

  “Popular culture has watered down how dangerous these things can be,” the Facilitator continued. “What actually happened was in 1816 was that Shelley was at a retreat near a village in the vicinity of Dr. Frankenstein's lab. He was a brilliant scientist and Dr. Frankenstein really did create the monster. He somehow managed to scientifically recreate the old magic of golem construction. To this day, no one has come close to reproducing his work. His genius died with him when his own creation turned on him. He recreated the process of building one but didn't have the magic spells to control it. It then turned on the village and the death toll was massive. A group of ten Wardens was dispatched to stop it and managed to do so but only at the loss of eight of them.”

  “It's just reanimated flesh,” Sir Mason replied. “How can a walking cadaver do that kind of damage?”

  “I'm curious myself,” Lady Chelsea said. “They're considered extinct, so they aren't covered in the manuals. What's the lowdown on the walking corpse?”

  “What we know is mostly from the magical version that existed before the Seal, but the one Dr. Frankenstein created was almost identical according to the eyewitnesses. It's more than a walking corpse. The reanimated body is immune to pain for one. Their thoughts are fragmented and chaotic making them unpredictable and wild. They kill anything they come across. The process and chemicals that were
used made them very durable, fast and strong. They also have a permanent electrical charge which discharges into anything nearby,” Facilitator William told them.

  “They sound like a real joy. It's just flesh. A few shots and it's down,” Sir Mason told the group.

  “You missed the part about durable. I'm guessing if this were just a run and gun there wouldn't be three of us sitting here,” Lady Chelsea replied.

  “You're right about that. They've never been tested on modern hardware, but the reports of past encounters have indicated that blades don't cut them, and one report indicated a ballista was fired point blank into and it shattered the arrow but otherwise did nothing. I'm sending you three,” Facilitator William told them.

  “I get why Lady Chelsea and myself are here but why the rookie?” asked Sir Mason.

  “Now you wait just one damn minute!” Lady Chelsea said to Sir Mason. “He's my trainee and goes where I go.”

  “He's right to ask. If this golem is as dangerous as Facilitator William says, and the boss isn't one that seems prone to hyperbole, then I might be in the way,” Squire Sebastian said to his trainer.

  “Squire Sebastian, you have performed very well so far. You've already exceeded the requirements for this Facility according to Lady Chelsea's reports. Would you concur Lady Chelsea?” Facilitator William asked her.

  “I would,” Lady Chelsea replied.

  “Exactly what the Coordinator and I concluded. It's still an unusual hunt so protocol requires a team of seasoned agents, so Sir Mason is joining you. End of discussion. Now, back on topic. Two days ago, we received reports matching the description of a golem and we were skeptical at first, but it's verified. We have visual confirmation. It's not in a populated area so we haven't rushed into this. I took the time to pull the old records and learn what we could about it,” Facilitator William said. “It took some time to research and I had to go through a few hundred pages of documents, but I have everything we could find on short notice.”

  “Two days of research and reading...that sounds like torture,” Sir Mason laughed.


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