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The Seal of Solomon

Page 17

by Jeffrey Ellis

  Coordinator Anna spoke up. “Merlin is it me or does some of this look recent?”

  “It is very recent. Those symbols are dark magic,” said Merlin and he started walking around the room. “Some I recognize as vampiric magic, but most are unfamiliar. This is making sense now. I understand how the Seal was broken. When the beast attacked me at the culmination of the final spell, the Seal was created but flawed. That’s why magic leaked, as the Wardens have described it. Minute amounts, not nearly enough for high powered magic but enough to feed the occasional fey or cause the occasional anomaly. The blood used to make these runes is fey blood. Someone channeled the magic essence of those fey to empower themselves and break the seal. This was intentional. The question is who? The Masters are still asleep, Mordred is dead, and I was a ghost. We need more information. We need to wake the Masters. Let’s go,” said Merlin and began to descend the stairs.

  “Weren't the Masters supposed to wake on their own?” asked Anna.

  “They were but apparently they did not,” Merlin replied. “I can sense no other great magic besides myself, Sebastian and Chelsea and they can't access their power. Yet.”

  As they left the tower, it was a bit darker than when they entered. “Must be getting cloudy above the tree line. It’s too early to get dark,” said Lady Bethany.

  Merlin looked around. “Prepare yourselves. We are not alone,” he said as mist started rising from the ground followed by creatures clawing up through the soil. They were gaunt and tall with pinpoints of fire inside empty eye sockets. Their long-emaciated fingers were tipped with claws and their gaping mouths were filled with pointed teeth.

  “Ghouls! Guard yourselves,” the wizard yelled.

  The ghouls surrounded the group and the Wardens formed a circle, drew their weapons and prepared to fight.


  Chelsea ran into the castle, Sebastian right behind her. “Wait, Chelsea,” he said as he caught up to her. “We need to talk,” he told her.

  “About what? About giant gold statues of us outside? About being some queen in a former life? About living who knows how many lives throughout the centuries? No. I don’t want to talk. I want to be Chelsea. I’m a Warden with Facility 14. I’m not anything more,” she said crying.

  “You’re so much more and not those past lives. You’re my partner here and now in this life and whether this is true or some weird dream or illusion or whatever, the one thing we’ve proven is we are able to handle anything if we are together,” he said as he held her.

  “This is insane,” she said still crying a little.

  “Is it? We’re Wardens. We’re part of a nearly two-thousand-year-old organization dedicated to protecting the world from magical creatures. Most people believe magic is real. We know it is. We’ve stood face to face with the monster’s people tell bedtime stories about or catch an occasional story about on their nightly news. We came here with Merlin, a man right out of legend. We just lived through the Seal of Solomon breaking. Is it really so crazy? With all the crazy and weird crap we’ve been through, that thought is comforting. I think how screwed up the world is and then I look at you and I think, fuck it, we can handle it,” he said.

  “You’ve got to admit, it is just a little crazier than the normal crazy we deal with,” she said as she calmed down at his words.

  “Yea, I guess it is. Just a little bit,” he said laughing as he held her.

  They looked around and realized they were in the throne room. Two thrones sat against the end of a long grand hall. The thrones were intricately wrought of metal, but they could not identify it due to centuries of neglect. Galleries lined the walls and decaying banners of the symbol of the Pendragon family hung in tatters.

  “I have flashes here, like fragments of dreams. You sat to my right, on that throne. We received dignitaries and judged disputes here. You were odd among kings of the time in that you let your queen have an equal say in things. It made other royals question your judgment at times, but the strength of our army and the love of our people made them dare not show it openly,” she said.

  “I remember, sort of. Like a hazy dream. Our children often played in the throne room when they were young. It annoyed the visiting nobles, so we encouraged it just to keep them off center. Our elite guard flanked behind us, ready to protect us with their lives but they never needed to,” he said running his hand along the throne.

  “Camelot was an island of calm in a sea of chaos following the Seal,” she said.

  “I wonder how our children flourished after we were gone and how many other children we’ve had throughout the centuries. I recall having grandchildren here,” Chelsea told him.

  “We could theoretically be descended from ourselves and that’s a weird thought,” he said laughing.

  “After we had the dream when the Seal broke, I did some research. The Pendragon name disappeared sometime during the Dark Ages. The early Wardens did what they could to preserve knowledge but they didn’t have magic to help them and computers wouldn’t be around for a long time, so records are sparse and incomplete. It could have been lost through marriage or conquest or maybe the bloodline simply died out. We will likely never know,” she told him remorsefully.

  “It could have been intentional, a way to hide from the past, blend into the future,” he said thinking out loud.

  They continued to walk throughout the castle, fragments of memories, dreams, visions, little pieces of their past were everywhere. They eventually reached their private chambers.

  “Our bed. You always slept on that side,” said Chelsea pointing.

  “And so did you, most nights at least,” he said smiling at her.

  “How many times have we shared a bed throughout time? Merlin’s vision showed us a number of lives, but he said there were likely more. In every life, we were together. Maybe Merlin is right and it’s because of some magical oath we took long ago but I don’t think so. I think if that oath never happened we would have simply been together forever in whatever comes after this life and the oath did nothing but bind us to this world. Either way though, it doesn’t matter. We’re together as we should be and that’s that,” said Sebastian.

  “I think you’re right. It’s hard to fathom existence without you,” she said. “We complete each other.”

  They continued, exploring the castle. The stone was in surprisingly good shape for its age. They came to a stairway spiraling down. He didn’t know how but he knew what was down there. This stairway would lead to a hall that would lead to storerooms mostly, but two passages led off to other areas. One would lead to the dungeons and the other would lead to a secret mausoleum.

  “We don’t have to go down here. Let’s go find the others. There’s no reason for us to see this,” he said.

  “I have to know. I have to see the tomb and see if we’re really...if Arthur and Guinevere are actually there…” she stopped a moment and composed herself.

  “I have to see if my tomb is empty or not,” she said and went down the stairs and he followed behind. They walked down the hallway, checking out the various rooms as they went, neither in a hurry to reach their destination.

  They paid a visit to the dungeons first and found the cells empty. “That’s a relief, in a way,” said Sebastian. “The thought that people had been left to die here when the castle was abandoned was disconcerting.”

  “Abandoned? You think it was abandoned? Why?” Chelsea asked him.

  “Look around. The courtyard still has the training equipment. The storerooms have rotting casks that held wine and decayed barrels of preserved foods. The castle itself has enough gold and jewels throughout it to finance a small nation. There is no sign of looting or fighting. Everyone left and considering the state of some rooms, it seems they left in a hurry,” he observed.

  “The inhabitants of Camelot abandoned the castle with enough haste to leave its riches behind and never returned to loot them and your thoughts are on some criminals suffering,” she said smiling at him. “You are a
rare man, Sebastian.”

  They left the dungeons and proceeded towards the mausoleum. They had put it off until last. As they went to the end of the hallway, it had a door on the left that led to a small storage area but otherwise was a dead end. Sebastian turned to the wall on the right.

  “Do you really want to do this? We can go up, find the others and forget this room exists. I doubt even Merlin knows it’s here, so it will remain undisturbed,” he asked her.

  “I should ask you that. You’re more hesitant than me. I need to know. I need to see. Even if we do find bodies, I’ll be okay. It’s just a shell and we already know we were reborn so whatever is there are empty remains, not us. The remains of the King and Queen of the Britons might very well be there, but we know that Arthur and Guinevere are right here, alive and well. We have new names and I have much better hair but we’re still them on some level,” she said and pushed on the hidden lever opening a door.

  They descended a long stairway that ended in a wide door. Torches that had long ago dried outlined the stairs. The walls and stairwell were otherwise plain and unadorned. They exchanged a glance and pushed the door open.

  Inside was a large circular room. The walls were covered in carvings showing Arthur and Guinevere in various activities. On the wall opposite the door was the grandest of these, a carving showing them sitting on their thrones. The carving was inlaid with precious metals and gems and reflected light from an unknown source around the chamber and the gems gave it a prismatic effect. The ceiling was domed and had a checkerboard pattern of various colors of stone matching the same pattern on the floor.

  Inside the room was empty other than four support columns and two stone sarcophagi in the center. They were carved from what looked like black granite with white veins in it. The lid of each contained a representation of its occupant in ceremonial armor.

  “Ra would approve of this,” said Chelsea. “He was always fond of the great tombs his people built,” she added.

  “He would probably want more stuff. You can’t take it with you if you’re not entombed with it, right?” said Sebastian forcing a laugh despite the eerie nature of standing in their own tomb.

  He walked over to the one with the representation of the king on it. The stone was carved to show a man in full battle armor with his faceplate up showing Sebastian’s features. The one for Guinevere was strangely similar, showing her in battle armor as well instead of the traditional lavish gowns a queen would wear. He pushed the lid on his coffin and couldn’t budge it. Chelsea helped him, and the huge stone lid finally slid away, crashing loudly to the floor. The noise echoing around the otherwise quiet chamber. Inside was the suit of armor portrayed on the lid, but the faceplate was closed. He reached down and opened it and inside was a skeleton.

  “Well, that answers that question,” he said breathing a sigh of relief. “I thought it would feel creepy or weird somehow, but it doesn’t. It’s just a skeleton, an empty shell like you said,” he told Chelsea.

  They popped the lid off the other one and the saw the same thing.

  Chelsea looked at the remains of her past self and grabbed the armored skeleton then threw it from the sarcophagus.

  “What are you doing?” asked Sebastian.

  “I don’t know why but I have to see under the body,” she said.

  She finished clearing it out and felt around the bottom locating a catch that opened a panel. Inside it was a shield and sword. Sebastian went to the other one and found the same thing. He picked up the sword and shield and held it. He could feel the power surging from the blade. Chelsea was likewise holding the ones from her alcove.

  “They’re identical,” she said.

  “Merlin made two blades. The legends only say one,” he replied.

  “The legends also say the queen didn’t wear armor or fight. Those stories are centuries old and from a time when the world was shattered followed by hundreds of years of the Dark Ages. Who knows what else is incorrect. Even the Warden’s records from their early days are at best partial. Considering how many enclaves were destroyed during the cataclysm of the Seal, followed by more being lost to religious zealots and purges, book burnings and the other nightmares of the Dark Ages it’s a wonder we have any information at all from that period,” said Chelsea.

  They stood to face each other, holding the shields and swords. “What about the armor?” said Sebastian.

  “It appears to be the normal armor of the period, nothing magical or special. It might be okay to stop a club, but I think I prefer the nanomesh bioweave of the Wardens to that clunky old plate. Our body armor is far superior and can fit underneath my outfit. That armor isn’t going to come close to that and you can’t see these curves through that tin can suit,” she told him.

  “You’re right. I do like the look of your body...armor. The blade and shield though, they hum. I can feel the energy flowing through them,” he told her.

  The shield was light for a heater of its size. It was trimmed in gold around the edges and a beautiful lion, posed as if it were leaping off the shield with its mouth open and ready to bite was painted on it. It’s companion, held by Chelsea, was the same except a lioness. The swords were also strangely lightweight.

  The blades were the normal blades one would expect on a medium length one-handed sword except for the color, a reddish-gold of a metal they could not identify. The hilt and pommel were unlike a normal sword. They looked like three claws extending from an eye, with the larger claw making the hilt and two smaller ones making a pommel. It was the same red-gold metal of the blade that neither could identify. The eye in the center was open showing a yellow reptilian eye.

  “If you two have a moment, we could really use your help,” said Coordinator Anna’s voice over the internal comm.

  “Where are you? replied Chelsea.

  “Northeast corner of the grounds, the base of that big tower. We’re under attack,” she told her agents.

  “On our way,” replied Sebastian as he broke into a full run up the stairs, Chelsea on his heals.

  He realized as he was running he brought the sword and shield with him. He looked back at Chelsea and noticed she did the same. They rushed out of the castle, navigating the corridors from memory they didn’t know they had. They sprinted through the courtyard and rounded the castle. As they ran across the grounds towards the tower, they saw the fight. Their friends were surrounded by the creatures. The dead things were focused on their prey and didn’t see the pair coming. They tore into the group of undead with their blades flying. The pair was a flurry of steel and the creatures fell before them as they dispatched them one after the other. Their friends rallied and within minutes the minions of death were again returned to its embrace.

  “Prepare yourselves, more will come,” said Merlin. “Those things don’t act alone. They have a master and it will show itself.”

  The Coordinator was pre-occupied trying to wrap a scarf around her hand.

  “Are you okay Anna?” asked Chelsea.

  “It’s minor but I can’t get the bleeding to stop,” she replied. “One of those things bit me and it won’t stop bleeding.”

  Merlin came over to her and looked at her hand.

  “This is bad. Their touch and scratches will heal on their own but their bite...that is something different. Those who are bitten and not consumed become one of them,” Merlin told them, sounding as if it were just another fact and it gave him no cause for concern.

  Anna was panicked. “Cut off my arm! CUT IT OFF!” she screamed.

  “That won’t save you,” said Merlin. “If I had more time, I could reverse the process but we’re not safe here. When their lord comes you’ll need my help to fight it.”

  “You can save her?” asked Sebastian.

  “I could but not without enough time to do so,” replied the old wizard.

  “Then do so. Save her,” he told Merlin as Anna started to weaken and fell, Xavier catching her.

  “No. When that beast comes...” started
Merlin but Sebastian cut him off.

  “NO. Save her. That is an order,” he replied.

  “Who are you to order a Master?” said Merlin.

  Sebastian pulled his sword and leveled it at Merlin.

  “For thousands of years, since before recorded history, the Masters have played with lives like they were toys. You have used people as pawns and treated us as pets. You have caused plagues and disasters and due to your arrogance and stupidity you have nearly destroyed the world, twice. We were the ones who picked up the pieces. We are the ones who buried the dead. We are the ones who rebuilt the cities. And why? So, the Masters can return and start the cycle again? NO. That stops. This world belongs to everyone, not just the powerful. There has been enough death because of the Masters and you will save her life, or I will take yours. I am Arthur, King of the Britons, Defender of Humanity, First High Lord of the Wardens and I command you and you WILL obey me!” he said. The sword in his hand was glowing with a red energy and his voice echoed as he spoke.

  Merlin stared at him a moment as if he were mentally struggling with something.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing. Help me get her inside the tower,” said the old man and Sir Xavier helped him carry Anna inside.

  Within minutes the area grew cold with a winter wind blowing even though it was summer. A voice whispered through the wind. “ it to me…feed me,” said the voice.

  “Show yourself fiend!” ordered Sebastian, his voice still echoing.

  A wispy black cloud came into vision a short distance from them. It congealed into a creature several meters tall. It was pale and its skin, where it had any, was dried and crumbling like that of a mummy. The creature was shrouded in a gray robe that hung in tatters. Its eyes were empty with the same fire that burned in the eyes of the ghouls.


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