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The SEAL's Captive Bride

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by Sue Lyndon

  The SEAL’s Captive Bride

  by Sue Lyndon

  Copyright © 2016 The SEAL’s Captive Bride by Sue Lyndon

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Published in the United States of America

  Sweet Savage Press, LLC

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book contains descriptions of many BDSM and sexual practices but this is a work of fiction and as such should not be used in any way as a guide. The author and publisher will not be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained within. In other words, enjoy the book but don’t try this at home, folks!

  About this book:

  In the aftermath of a horrendous war, former SEAL Rick Stanford catches a pretty little thief sneaking around the settlement he’s been charged to protect. Rather than see the petite brunette tried for her crimes, he protects Ally in the best way he knows how—by claiming the reluctant young woman as his wife. He’s been longing for a female to call his own for quite some time, and now that he’s found Ally, he’ll never let her go.

  The whole world has gone to hell, and Ally can’t believe her only option for survival is to marry a complete stranger. She soon discovers her new husband is firm but fair. He promises to keep her safe, but he also promises to spank her bare bottom when she disobeys him. Though she wasn’t the most willing of brides, Ally can’t help but admire her ruggedly handsome and kind husband, and she longs for him to thoroughly claim her for the first time. But can she truly find love with the tough former SEAL who demands her obedience?

  Publisher’s Note: This book originally appeared in the box set Hero to Obey, but several brand new (and shamelessly naughty) scenes have been added for your reading pleasure.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Murmuring voices, laughter, and music carried across the Celebration Hall. Rick sat at the head table and watched happy couples dancing, his dark mood a stark contrast to the merriment around him. These sorts of festivities only served as a painful reminder of his bachelorhood, but as the commander of the Emerald Forces he needed to remain visible in the settlement. That meant attending birthday parties, hunting celebrations, and holiday feasts on a regular basis, whether or not he wanted to.

  He hid his scowl in his mug of beer. He had no one but himself to blame for his solitude. Young, single women arrived at Emerald on occasion. Why hadn’t he claimed one yet? Each time a new female arrived, he sat back and watched as another man volunteered to become her husband.

  Though he longed to leave this party—a celebration put on by the Elders after a successful hunt—he found himself reluctant to return home. The brick house he’d recently moved into was too large and too quiet. He’d argued against the move, but the Elders had insisted he deserved the honor after years of protecting the settlement. Disinclined to insult them, he’d finally agreed and moved into the ridiculously large house.

  Maybe it was the emptiness of his new home, or maybe it was because life had settled down in Emerald since their last large skirmish with the Raiders two years ago, but he was seriously considering taking a wife the next time he came across an available young woman. Violent chaos reigned beyond the walls of Emerald and other similar settlements, and outsider women never balked at the stipulation that they must marry an Emerald man in order to live here.

  Twenty years ago, this land had been a state called Pennsylvania. But now it was just a large stretch of forests and mountains, with no national government in control. Survivors of the great war had to band together in settlements, or else risk violence from the Raiders—the name given to the nomadic criminals who lived by no rules but their own and sought to ravage peaceful communities like Emerald.

  Rick finally left the party and returned to his large brick house. Though the downstairs woodstove kept his home warm, he started a fire in his living room hearth, planning to spend the evening reading by the fire. Before the war, he’d never read for enjoyment, but now that he had the time, he took the opportunity to lose himself in a novel every chance he got. The former hardass SEAL in him would have scoffed at his new pastime.

  But people change, and he would keep changing because the world demanded it.

  Despite the changing world, he still clung to notions of love and romance, because when he was a teenager, before the war, that was how couples joined together and got married. Though he considered himself adaptable to any circumstances, he had been shocked upon his arrival in Emerald to discover marriages were either arranged, or single women aged eighteen and up were simply claimed. A finder’s keepers sort of law. But then he learned of similar rules in other settlements, and the way Raiders treated their women was downright barbaric compared to places like Emerald.

  All the couples dancing tonight had looked happy, even though none of their marriages had been a result of a love match. Rick laughed at the ridiculousness of his thoughts. When the fuck had he become such a romantic? He supposed he wished any woman he laid claim to wanted him in return.

  None of that mattered though. What mattered was that he was part of a strong community, and he cared about the people of Emerald very much. Hell, he would sacrifice his life for any of them. He’d returned from the war to find all his family and friends had perished, and when he’d come across Emerald, he’d decided to make it his home and contribute to the community in the best way he knew how—protecting it.

  Fuck. He ran a hand over his face. It was past time he take a wife and start a family of his own. The world would never be what it once was, but that didn’t mean he had to spend the rest of his days wishing for the life he would’ve had if not for the war.

  He flipped open his book and started reading, though thoughts of taking a wife rested in the back of his mind with every turn of the page.

  Hours later, a sudden noise thrust him out of his musings. He jumped to his feet, adrenaline pumping through his veins. It was late. The party had ended long ago, and all of Emerald was probably snug in their beds.

  The faint creak of the garage door opening reached him. His heart pounded and his fists clenched at his sides. No one in Emerald, even teenagers playing a prank, would be stupid enough to sneak into his garage in the middle of the night.

  It had to be an outsider. Perhaps a Raider.

  Why hadn’t the safety alarms blared? Fuck, they were probably malfunctioning again. Once they found all the parts required, he would have his soldiers help him replace the whole damn system. Until then, he would put two men on guard duty each night. An intruder in Emerald, even one, was fucking unacceptable.

  He snuck out the back door, into the cold winter night, to investigate. If it was a Raider, he would fucking break their neck.

  * * *

  Ally crouched behind a large tree as she waited for the full cover of nightfall. She peeked o
ut from her hiding spot every few minutes to size up the tall wooden fence that surrounded the settlement. ‘No trespassing’ signs decorated the perimeter of the fence, but she resolved not to let the warnings deter her.

  She had to make it inside. There was no other option.

  Shivers racked her body, and she rubbed her arms in an effort to keep out the chill. Ribbons of smoke escaped the numerous chimney tops and curled into the darkening sky. What would it be like to sleep in a safe house heated by a warm, cozy fire?

  For the briefest moment, she heard the crackling of a well-tended flame. Nostalgia swept through her, and she was suddenly propelled into her grandparents’ living room. Pap was sticking a poker in the fire, rekindling the flames as a blizzard raged outside. Gram was knitting in her rocking chair, a vibrant quilt draped over her lap. Ally was stretched out on the sofa, reading the latest mystery novel.

  No. Don’t think about it. She bit the inside of her cheek when her eyes started drooping. A frigid gust of wind brought her reality crashing back and chased away the happy memories of her childhood. Focus, Ally.

  Wisps of white escaped her mouth with each exhale of breath. God, it was cold. So fucking cold. If she could find a vehicle in the settlement, she could travel south more quickly. The walls had been built up tall and sturdy for a reason. Food. Medicine. Clothing. This settlement possessed vital supplies worth protecting.

  She pushed down the pang of guilt that vibrated in her chest. She would only take what she needed to survive. If she didn’t travel faster than the Raiders, she might as well lie on the forest floor and let the coldness claim her in a forever sleep.

  When the sun finally dipped below the horizon, Ally hid her backpack in the shrubbery and crept toward the settlement. She fixed her gloves in place and retracted the spikes on the front of her makeshift climbing boots. Gulping, she placed her hands on the hard surface of the wall. The sticky rubbery surface of the special gloves gripped the wood.

  She listened for footsteps or voices on the other side. When only silence greeted her, she commenced the arduous climb. With quiet and sure movements, she scaled to the top in a matter of seconds. To an observer, she probably looked like a natural, but every muscle in her legs and arms protested. The will to survive guided her. By the time she reached the bottom of the other side, she ached from head to toe.

  The pain, however, thrust her into full alertness. She lingered in the shadows against the wall as she remained vigilant for signs of other people. Though it appeared the entire population was asleep for the night, Ally wasn’t about to let her guard down. Someone was likely on patrol, hidden in the shadows like her. She just had to escape detection long enough to gather supplies, search for a vehicle, and escape the walls of this place.

  Avoiding the faint porch lanterns and glow of the occasional torch, she made her way to a small outbuilding. Inside, she found dried meats and fruits. She shoved the food in her pockets and zipped them up. She also helped herself to clean bandages and a jar of healing ointment. Even if she never had a personal need for them, medical supplies could be traded for food, clean water, or other items of value—even her life.

  Once she had all her pockets filled and zipped shut, she exited the outbuilding and scanned the shadows for a vehicle. The smoke from the chimneys burned her throat as she slipped between houses and ventured deeper into the settlement. It was risky to stay here so long, but she couldn’t leave yet. Not if there was a truck, or even a small car, contained within these walls. In her present circumstances, a vehicle could make the difference between life or death. She’d worry about how to break outside the walls afterward. Perhaps if she found a large truck, she could drive it through the locked gates of this settlement and be miles away from Pennsylvania come this time tomorrow.

  A large brick home stood out amongst the other houses, and she almost gasped when she spotted a garage attached to it. Her heart raced and excitement churned through her insides. She crept to a side door and turned the handle, holding her breath and praying she escaped detection. After slipping inside, she closed the door with a quiet click and pulled a small flashlight from her pocket.

  She crouched on the floor and turned it on, keeping the beam of light low.

  It shone upon mud caked tires.

  Her breath caught in her chest. Holy shit. She’d actually found a vehicle.

  Upon further inspection, it appeared to be a truck. The sort of truck the army had used during the war. In fact, she found the US Army emblem on the driver’s door.

  Would it start? Did it have a full tank of gas? Or…was it a newer model that ran on solar power? After further inspection, it appeared to be a hybrid, with a gas tank and thin solar panels running over the sides and back. Probably the roof, too, but she couldn’t jump that high for a peek.

  She gazed at the massive vehicle, fighting down her trepidation. She’d only driven once in her life, but she was pretty sure she remembered how. Pap had given her an impromptu lesson on his long, dirt driveway, only two weeks before he disappeared. She smiled as she recalled the rush of freedom she’d felt guiding his 2028 Ford Solar Model pickup down the drive.

  She aimed the flashlight at the bottom of the garage door. Gripping the handle, she slowly lifted it up. Her heart skipped a beat each time the door creaked as she moved it higher. The chill of the night swept in once she had it fully opened. She hurried to the driver’s door.

  Except it wouldn’t open. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Why hadn’t she checked the truck door first? Hopelessness spread through her. She shone the flashlight around the garage in frantic movements, searching for a key. But there was no key.

  Her heart sank. She had wasted her time, and perhaps even drawn attention to herself. Flicking off the flashlight, she stowed it in her pocket and stood frozen for several long moments. Listening. Watching. She decided whoever was on guard tonight wasn’t very skilled at their job if they’d missed her flashlight.

  Well, she would berate herself for her foolishness later. Right now she needed to get the hell out of this settlement and put a few more miles between herself and the Raiders before she even dared to attempt a few hours of sleep. At least she’d found some supplies to aid her in her travels. Ignoring the exhaustion that weighed her down, she headed for the tall fence.

  But just as she stuck the spike on her boot into the wood, a hand clamped over her mouth. Her blood ran cold as terror seized her. She was dragged away from the wall, her captor impervious to her struggles. As she fought him, her gloves flew off and the cold air bit at her bare hands.

  Hot breath tickled her ear. “Cease your fighting now, little thief.”

  The deep rumbling tone of his command made her go instantly still.

  “Good girl. Now cooperate and this will go much easier on you. No screaming. Trust me, you don’t want to wake the Elders up.” He released her mouth and gripped her upper arm, leading her back into the settlement, toward the large brick house.

  Oh, God. What would he do to her?

  “Please,” she whispered. “I only took a little. I’ll put everything back.”

  “Quiet.” He paused and peered down at her, the lamplight from a nearby porch bathing his face in yellow.

  Her stomach flipped at the man’s stern expression, towering height, and dark unforgiving eyes. Would the Elders be lenient if she cooperated? She’d heard stories of settlements like this, strong settlements that were governed by Elders, and the stories frightened her now. Their laws showed no mercy to Raiders or thieves or troublemakers of any kind. In fact, Raiders and thieves were typically put to death.

  Coldness permeated her senses, but when she shivered, her captor pulled her closer. His dark eyes, visible in the light of the full moon, softened a few measures.

  “Let’s get you out of the cold, little girl.”

  * * *

  Rick led the young woman into his living room and guided her to sit in a chair by the fire. Tremors besieged her body, but he wasn’t sure if she was shaking due to her f
ear, or the cold. Well, probably both. She had to realize how much trouble she was in.

  All the pockets lining her pants and her jacket bulged. He figured she’d visited a storage shed before she tried to steal the Hummer. The sheds were supposed to be kept locked, but sometimes the Elder overseeing the supply storages forgot.

  Rick glared at the little thief. She lowered her head, as if chastised from his censuring look alone.

  “I’m sorry I stole.”

  “Are you really sorry? Or are you simply sorry you were caught?” Fuck, he couldn’t believe a woman had entered the settlement. He’d caught men before—most of them Raiders—but never a female. Females always knocked on the gates during the light of day and requested asylum.

  Startling blue eyes peered up at him. Her lower lip quivered and she blinked back tears. “I really am sorry. I don’t like stealing, but I ran out of food two days ago and when I saw your walls…” Her voice trailed off and her stomach chose that moment to rumble.

  Thief or not, he felt pity for the pretty girl. He crouched in front of her and reached for the zipper of her dirt-covered jacket. “Relax. Let’s get you out of these filthy clothes.” After he got her jacket off, he stroked an errant strand of hair behind her ear, unable to resist the impulse to touch her feminine softness.

  A strangled gasp left her and she flinched. “Please don’t.”

  “Please don’t what?” He looked at her with concern. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  He grabbed a thick fleece blanket off the sofa and draped it over her shoulders. Then he pulled another chair to face hers and sat down across from her, leaving enough space in the middle to give her a sense of safety.

  “What’s your name?”

  “I’m nobody.” Her eyes darted around the room. “Please, if you let me go, I promise to never come back. I’ll never steal from you or trouble you again.” Her stomach growled once more, prompting Rick to his feet.


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