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Dance with Deception: Scandalous Secrets, Book 1 - Exclusive Edition (Scandalous Secrets - Exclusive Edition)

Page 30

by Tracy Goodwin

  She stared at a watercolor painting at the far side of the room. It depicted a lake surrounded by flowers while water lilies dotted the clear water, reminding her of the lake on Sebastian’s property.

  Her eyes scanned the interior. Several other paintings of various sizes and colors decorated the walls, each bringing to life that same lake.

  It hit Gwen like a gust of cold air.

  This wasn’t a coincidence. This was the lake on Sebastian’s estate.

  Sebastian’s gaze followed hers, resting on the same portrait. He squeezed his eyes closed. “I have an idea. Why don’t we leave here tonight? To hell with your parents and this service for your father.”

  “I believe my parents are already in hell.” Her tone was as icy as she felt.

  He placed his strong hands on her shoulders. “Look at me, Gwen.”

  She complied, blinking to focus her weary eyes.

  “Please let’s go home.” His sapphire eyes beseeched her.

  “I must be there tomorrow.” Gwen placed her hand on his arm. “Don’t ask me why, I don’t quite understand it myself. I just know that I need to be there. We can depart right afterward, if you want.”

  “Then let’s switch rooms with Tristan for tonight. I’m sure he won’t mind.”

  “God, no.” The thought of staying in her father’s room chilled her to her core. “I refuse to enter my father’s room. Can’t we just remove some of these? Stick them under the bed or behind the wardrobe or something?”

  “I can do better than that.” Sebastian marched to each portrait in swift, determined strides then, after removing the pieces of art one by one, he walked to the closed bedroom door. “Would you mind opening this for me? My hands are full.”

  Gwen hurried over to the door and opened it with trepidation. “Where are you taking those?”

  Sebastian lobbed the paintings down the hall in two fluid motions.

  Her jaw dropped.

  “What?” he teased. “You said you wanted them out of sight. Now they are.”

  For the first time in what seemed like a lifetime, Gwen laughed.

  The crashing of the paintings and her subsequent laughter brought Tristan out of his room to question the commotion.

  “We’re redecorating,” Sebastian remarked, his tone unaffected, as if tossing framed works of art down a hallway was normal.

  Tristan later joined them in their suite for dinner before retiring early.

  “The strangest thing happened to me today,” Gwen began as she hopped under the covers and rested her head upon Sebastian’s chest. She could feel the rhythmic beating of his heart through the soft linen fabric.

  Each night that they’d spent together had followed the same routine. She fell asleep in his arms, awaking there as well. Not once during their journey had he done anything more than kiss her head or stroke her cheek, neck or shoulders.

  “What happened?” His smooth voice was accentuated by the crackling of embers in the fireplace.

  “Being in that classroom brought back a lot of memories.”

  “Before you go any further, I have a confession to make.” Sebastian traced the outline of her jaw with his thumb. “Tristan told me a story once, of you as a young girl sitting outside his classroom door.”

  “That’s one of the incidents that I recalled tonight. As I was sitting behind—”

  “Wait.” He gave her a confused look. “You’re not upset that I know?”

  “No, why?” Gwen narrowed her eyes. “Should I be?”

  Sebastian crushed her against him, “not at all. Please continue.”

  She smiled against his broad chest. “Well, I thought of that among other things and then I realized something. Confronting those memories, facing them, makes you immune to them.”

  “I’m glad.” He kissed her head.

  “You know how much I dreaded coming here, yet when I think back on what my brothers and I endured here, it just reinforces the fact that we survived.” Her tone then turned solemn. “Well, most of us.”

  “Are you referring to your father?”

  “No, Colin.” She traced a seam in the duvet with her fingertip. “I just wish I knew that he was safe.”

  Sebastian caressed her shoulder. “I’d like to think we will receive news soon. I hired a few of London’s finest investigators to track him down.”

  Gwen bolted upright. “You did?”

  He nodded.

  “Sebastian, thank you!” Gwen embraced him. “That was the most wonderful thing you could have done for me.”

  “Hey, it wasn’t entirely for you.” His tone was playful. “He’s my brother, too, so my motives weren’t entirely selfless.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You still receive full credit.”

  “Does it erase my lie?”

  She backed away from him, her joyous expression replaced by a much more serious one.

  “Forget I said that,” Sebastian insisted.

  “No,” she replied as she rested her hand against his thigh, kneeling on the mattress. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  His mood sobered and he propped himself upright against his pillow. “I’m listening.”

  “You should have told me, you know that. We’ve discussed it until we’re breathless,” Gwen paused before continuing, “but I have never thanked you, and I should have.”

  “Pardon me?”

  “Thank you.” Her voice was strong.

  His expression betrayed his confusion. She knew she had to admit the truth.

  Gwen bowed her head in shame. “This admission was much easier with Tristan. Lachlan was his father, too, after all.”

  Reaching for her hands, Sebastian assured her, “Gwen, I’m not going to judge you based on your father’s actions.”

  Tears stung her eyes. “The reason he wanted me to marry Keir is repulsive.”

  “It’s all right.” He wiped a tear from her cheek. “You don’t have to tell me. Don’t cry.”

  But she needed to tell him.

  Gwen inhaled a deep breath before her words escaped her lips in a ragged whisper. “Keir was his illegitimate son.” The tears flowed more freely with her admission. “If I had never met you, if you hadn’t fought for me, I am certain that my father never would have allowed me to break the betrothal on my own. Your lie was my salvation.”

  Her husband’s indigo eyes revealed his shock and confusion, but just for a moment. “You kept this to yourself for so long.” Sebastian wrapped her in his warm embrace, whispering in her ear as she cried in his arms. “Cry all you want. You don’t need to keep it inside anymore.”

  Gwen thought she had shed all of her tears during the days following her father’s admissions, yet upon her confession to her husband, hot tears flooded her eyes once more.

  She wept for herself because her father never loved her. The realization that she was nothing more than a pawn to him still stung. Gwen also wept because her husband didn’t expect her to be strong. Instead he shouldered her burdens, allowing her time to grieve for the father she thought she knew.

  When her sobs subsided, Sebastian still held her within his tight embrace. He hadn’t let go of her, not even once.

  “I’m sorry.” Gwen pulled away then blinked back her tears. “I didn’t expect I’d fall to pieces.”

  Sebastian wiped her tears with the pads of his thumbs. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  “I brought all of this vulgarity into your life.”

  “No.” His tone was fervent. “You brought love into my life.”

  Gwen shook her head, “How can you say that when everything has been so hard for us? For a while, you couldn’t stand to be in the same room with me.”

  “That wasn’t because of you, Gwen. It was due to my own cowardice.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Sebastian nodded. “It was easier if I didn’t see you. That way you couldn’t tell me that you no longer loved me.”

  The truth flew about the room. It had been
caged for so long and upon being set free, the air seemed warmer and the firelight appeared to be brighter.

  “I’ve never stopped loving you.” Her tone was raspy. “It’s one of the few things that has sustained me.”

  Sebastian kissed her forehead, cradling her face in his hands. “I love you so very much. Although I may not have always shown you, my love for you has been constant.”

  He brushed his lips against hers, the mere touch sending shivers of expectation throughout her body. She parted her lips, allowing his tongue immediate access. His kiss was gentle, as if he feared repeating their mistakes.

  “Make love to me,” Gwen whispered the four words that changed the mood.

  His embrace tightened as his mouth devoured hers. From that first fiery kiss, she gave into her desire, comforted by her overwhelming need to lie naked with her husband, wrapped within the warm cocoon of his arms. She combed her fingers through Sebastian’s thick black tresses and whispered his name.

  Each subsequent kiss became more ravenous, more heated, more persistent. His mouth besieged her senses. His thigh brushed against the sheer fabric of her chemise, sending a jolt of urgent need surging right through her veins.

  As his tongue explored hers, Sebastian began to untie the ribbons on Gwen’s nightdress. He then spread the fabric open with his soft fingertips, his mouth trailing a path of hot kisses down her neck as his warm, strong hands explored every curve of her body.

  His mouth encircled one of her pert, pink buds then his tongue flicked it. She arched her back, a raspy moan escaping her throat, in response. Sebastian’s mouth then retraced the moist path up her neck and to her mouth while he fondled her other pert nipple with his thumb and forefinger.

  Flames of desire licked at Gwen’s body. Breathless from his kisses, she unbuttoned his shirtfront then lowered her gaze, glorying in his rippling chest and stomach muscles.

  She removed his shirt, tossing the garment on the floor. Her hands then explored his bronzed chest, tantalizing every inch of bare flesh that they explored. She could feel how taut his muscles were, knew he was aching for release as his skin twitched under her touch.

  “Fill me, please,” her whisper was raspy with raw desire.

  His breath caught in his throat, conveying to Gwen that her words thrilled him.

  Sebastian led her hand to the waist of his bottoms. She needed no further encouragement before untying his waistband then pushing the silky fabric downward. Sebastian tore himself away from her for a brief moment while he removed them then sank back into the soft mattress, returning his attention to her nightdress.

  His dexterous hands inched the gossamer fabric up her legs, tantalizing her bare flesh. She quivered from the glorious sensations his touch invoked. He then reached for her bare buttocks and lifted her onto his hard shaft. Gwen straddled him, moaning with pleasure as she welcomed his full length.

  Although the position was the same as their last encounter, nothing else was. On this night, she felt joined not just in body but in soul as well.

  Straddling her husband, Gwen rocked back and forth, prolonging their release. They moved to the same harmonious rhythm until spontaneous tremors overtook them both.

  Afterward, neither wanted to break free from the other. Still intimately joined, together they collapsed against the fluffy pillows. Sebastian then reached for the thick satin comforter and covered them.

  Gwen buried herself within the contours of his glorious body. “Don’t let go,” she whispered.

  “Never again,” he promised, tightening his embrace, his voice rough with emotion.

  Hours later, Gwen awoke in her husband’s arms, his palm cupping her breast as relief washed over her. The emptiness she had felt during their last intimate encounter was nowhere to be found, replaced with love, pride, and an unbridled happiness.

  She smiled then cuddled closer to him, drifting back to sleep in his arms, thankful to God for salvaging their marriage.

  In the wake of malevolence, something good did survive.

  Gwen awoke sometime before dawn, the thought of the day that loomed before her making it impossible for her to fall back to sleep.

  Although the room was dark, moonlight trailed through a narrow opening in the drapes. She withdrew from her husband’s warm embrace, creeping out from underneath the heavy bedding before picking her robe up from the floor. Gwen shrugged into the warm garment, knotting the sash around her waist. The fireplace had since burned out, yet the room wasn’t as frosty as she expected. She snuggled in overstuffed chaise next to the bed with her legs wrapped underneath her.

  She couldn’t have asked for a more breathtaking view.

  Moonlight illuminated her husband’s flawless form as he slept. The sheet was pulled up to his waist, revealing the bronzed chest that just hours before she’d lovingly explored with her mouth and hands.

  Her admiring gaze drifted upward toward his face where several strands of raven hair fell haphazardly over his eyes giving him a boyish appearance. A sweet smile touched the corners of his lips and Gwen wondered what he dreamt about.

  Her heart was light, a dark cloud having been lifted overnight with a simple declaration of love and an admission of truths untold. It was amazing how suddenly one’s life could change both for the worse and better. She’d experienced the bad and it made her appreciate special moments like this even more.

  Secrets were so very intimidating. They festered into a mass larger than life. Once they were out of hiding, they were no longer menacing, no longer threatening.

  Sebastian’s eyes fluttered open. His voice, husky from sleep, stirred her from her thoughts. “Come back to bed, Duchess.”

  “I missed hearing you call me that.”

  “I’ve missed calling you that.” Sebastian’s husky baritone caused her heartbeat to quicken.

  He combed his long fingers through his wavy hair before leaning on his elbow. “You should be sleeping.”

  “I know, but my mind won’t let me. I keep dreading the events to come.”

  A lazy smile drifted across Sebastian’s full lips. “I know just what to do to take your mind off of things.”

  “You do?” Her voice was sultry. “What might you have in mind?”

  “Why don’t you join me and find out?”

  “Oh, I like the sound of that.” She stood then leapt onto the mattress beside him.

  Sebastian pulled her toward him then kissed the nape of her neck. “You’re overdressed.”

  His warm hands traveled downward, inching the robe from her shoulders. He kissed her neck then traced a hot path down to her breasts. Gwen soon forgot all about the day ahead as her husband made magnificent love to her.

  Afterward, Sebastian embraced her, kissing her head. “Are you certain we can leave for home today, after the service? Not that I haven’t enjoyed every minute we’ve spent in this bed, mind you.”

  Her hand rested on his chest and she coiled a curly strand of chest hair between her fingers. Gwen sighed before she spoke, her tone contented. “Seeing as we have beds a plenty at home, I am most certain.”

  “I love the way you think.” He caressed her shoulder.

  “And I love you, Your Grace.” She kissed his chest before snuggling closer to him.

  “That’s good, because you’re stuck with me for at least a lifetime.”

  They managed a few more hours of sleep before tackling the day. Gwen awoke to Sebastian stroking her face with his fingertips.

  “Are you certain that you want to do this?” Concern clouded his eyes. “No one would blame you for not going through with it.”

  Gwen kissed the warm palm of his hand. “I want to go through with it. We will leave right after the service.”

  “That is non-negotiable, Duchess.”

  He sealed their treaty with a tender kiss.

  Aided by their valet and maid, husband and wife dressed and joined Tristan for breakfast, before traveling to the service with Tristan in the Montgomery family coach.

p; Though the Duke and Duchess would depart for home directly following the service, Tristan would remain for a week or so to tie up some loose ends. Not only did he have legal matters to handle in regards to his father’s estate, but he also had to take control of his father’s properties until Colin could be found.

  Gwen looked out the window of the coach. Swirling gray clouds hovered yet no rain fell. “Do you think the weather will hold out?”

  “I don’t know.” Sebastian shrugged. “Either way, we’re leaving today. The servants’ coach will be ready and waiting for us back at the manor.”

  Gwen turned to face him. “Sebastian, we’ve already decided upon it.”

  “I just don’t want you to change your mind.” His voice was thick with emotion.

  She understood at last. Her husband wasn’t afraid that she’d change her mind about their departure; he was afraid that she’d change her mind about him, their marriage.

  Glancing in her brother’s direction, she noted with relief that Tristan was engrossed in some legal papers that he brought with him.

  “I love you with my very soul.” Her voice was soft and sincere as she leaned closer to her husband. “Nothing will change that.”

  “My heart understands but my mind …” He closed his eyes.

  Gwen cupped his chin with her gloved hands. “Please look at me.”

  Sebastian obeyed, meeting her gaze.

  “I’m so sorry that I hurt you,” she whispered, “and I’m sorry it took me so long to admit the whole sordid truth to you.”

  “You don’t owe me an apology.”

  Gwen couldn’t disagree more. “Yes, I do. I have tugged you about while I tackled one thing after another. First my father’s demand that I marry someone else, then his horrid admissions. Through it all, you waited for me.”

  Sebastian opened his mouth to speak, but she hushed him. “I won’t change my mind, not now and not ever. For the first time in my life, I know my heart and it belongs to you completely.”

  As she pressed her soft, full lips against his, Gwen could feel his fear dissipating. He kissed her as if he were offering his soul, which she was eager to accept.


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