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Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)

Page 32

by White, Stella

  Mr. Grant still liked to tell it how it is.

  “They’re family; I can’t let ‘em go. Besides, it’s almost time for harvest, and I’ll need the extra people.”

  “Ya don’t need three people to work your farm, Mike.”

  “Okay listen, how much do I owe you.”

  Mr. Grant went quiet; he was still a shrewd businessman.

  “Mike, I’ve been lookin’ over your accounts. I don’t think you’ll be able to handle the fee this month if you still want to be able to eat.”

  Mike let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair. I could see he was forcing back a headache.

  “Can you give me a little more time to get the money together then,” Mike asked.

  “I can see what I can do, but at this rate, you have about two months before someone is going to send you a notice.”

  “They’re going to foreclose on the farm?”

  “They’ll do just that, Mike. It’s everything you got anyway.”

  “Then I’ll just have to find a way to come up with the money. Don’t suppose you know any rich ladies lookin’ to pay for a poke, would you?”

  “Ugh, you’re as incorrigible as ever, Mike. Get outta here.”

  With that, he ushered us out. I kept my mouth shut as best I could, but I doubt it really helped anything.

  “What else are we in town for, Mike,” I asked.

  “Well, I need a couple things for dinner for the next week, let’s get that and head on out.”

  I nodded and followed along like a baby duckling following its mother. The sun was starting to take away all the rain from the previous night; I liked the smell that lingered in the air. It was all so fresh.

  A few minutes later and we were back in the truck, ready to return home with our spoils, and possibly bad news. A short ways down the road, off the beaten path, Mike pulled over.

  “Don’t tell the boys about the bank meeting,” he said.

  He wasn’t even looking at me, almost like he was ashamed to say it.

  “I don’t talk about what you do in town, and I’m sure they’d be jealous to find out what we do on the way back.”

  I unbuttoned the top of my shirt, showing a little more skin and hoping that Mike would look over.

  “You got that right, Jennie,” he said, turning toward me with a hungry look in his eye.

  I hopped from the truck with a blanket in my hand and threw it out over the tall grass beside me. I doubted more than two people used this road on a weekly basis, us being one of them.

  I tore off my boots and threw them aside while Mike started pulling his still buttoned shirt over his head.

  I remember the first time we did this, I was a little drunk still a month back, but I knew that I wanted Mike the moment I saw him.

  He was blessed with good looks that he didn’t realize he had. His chiseled jaw could cut glass, and his muscular build would always make me a little wet when he would walk by.

  I even liked his tousled hat-hair when he threw off his cap. And I knew I liked him even though I did like to take poke fun at him for his reading glasses. It was a surprise when I found him peeking at me through a hole in the bathroom one day. I remember confronting him about it right away, but I never covered up the hole.

  I felt like I couldn’t undress fast enough, and I never minded the help. I undid the clasp on my jeans, and he struggled to pull them all the way off.

  I didn’t bother wearing underwear today since I knew we were riding into town. I liked to surprise him when I could. He could tell how turned on I was with just a glance.

  I leaned up and decided to help him out of his pants as well, but not before I stopped for a quick snack. I pulled his jeans down just far enough to pull his throbbing member from his boxers. He was already hard and ready for me, which was perfect because I didn’t know how long I was going to last.

  I licked along his shaft before pulling him into my mouth. I could tell he was enjoying it by the way he moaned softly. He got a little weak in the knees as I ran my hand along with my mouth.

  He clenched hard, and I could feel him start to squirt his seed down my throat. I suppose I’m too good at this, or he was just more turned on that I thought.

  I thought he might want to wait a minute, but he was still as hard as a rock. He rubbed along my slit with his hand, and I could feel myself oozing out for him, ready to take him in.

  “Don’t wait too long,” I said.

  He lay down on top of me, pushing my legs aside. I could feel him rubbing up and down my wet slit before he started sliding his beast into me.

  He felt enormous when he was inside, I wasn’t exactly a big girl, but I didn’t think that would make a difference. I felt both tense and relaxed at the same time. My muscles grabbed onto his member, trying to choke every last bit of his seed out of him.

  I could tell he really liked it as he began to thrust harder and harder with each passing moment. My chest became flush, and my sex was burning hot as he continued to pump.

  I couldn’t last much longer, he grabbed my butt and with one final thrust, I could feel a release. I felt waves of passion overwhelm all my senses as he shot more of his white fluid into me.

  Rarely in life have I ever felt such passion from a man or from anyone for that matter.

  “Tell me, Mike, why don’t you want the other guys to know?” I asked.

  “Jennie, those guys are like my brothers. Do you want to live in a household where your sisters know that you’re having sex with the only man in the house? I didn’t think so. It’s just best to keep it quiet.”

  I giggled, thinking about being with my sister again. She might be a bit of a prude, but I still wondered what she was doing from time to time, I’m sure she thought the same of me.

  “Mike, we’re running late. We should probably cut the pillow talk and get back,” I said while trying to hunt down my pants.

  Now dressed, and back in the car, we made it a quick trip back to the ranch.


  Buck and Larry stood at the front porch with expressions on their faces that didn’t instill confidence. A sour feeling came into my stomach as we walked toward the front.

  “What’s going on, Larry,” started Mike.

  “We lost almost half,” he replied.

  Mike’s mood seemed to switch almost instantly.

  “Are you kidding me?!” he shouted. A strew of expletives flew from his mouth for what seemed like a minute before he calmed down.

  “Okay, let’s have a look,” was all he added.

  The four of us hiked out to the field in the back. They weren’t lying at all. It looked like a good amount of the crops were uprooted and destroyed.

  I could feel Mikes rage building as he crouched down to inspect the ruined field. He looked defeated; there wasn’t any way to get out of this. I was sure that Mr. Grant’s words were weighing heavily on his mind.

  “What can we salvage?”

  “That’s just it. Buck and I have been working on that all morning. It’s slow going, but we might be able to get about a quarter of that back in the ground. A good sum of it is just too far gone to be of any use.”

  “Alright, guys get your hands in the dirt, let’s get this done.”

  I slopped around in wet fields, with fairly uncomfortable jeans for the rest of the day. I didn’t have any time to sneak off to change, even when I had a quick bathroom break. This field meant a lot to Mike, and I figured it meant a little more than my own comfort.

  I wanted to console Mike as only a woman could. But, I wanted to respect the distance he kept between us. I didn’t want to force anything.

  As night fell across the ranch, the hum of the lights inside sprung to life. Without any light, it was almost impossible to do much else. We all headed back inside for some food and shut-eye.

  I ate more than usual; I hadn’t worked that hard since my first day on the ranch, and it showed. My bruises had bruises, and I was still a bit weak in the knees from earlier. I waited f
or Buck and Larry to head off to sleep before I confronted Mike.

  “What are you goin’ to do, Mike,” I asked plainly.

  “I’m fixin’ to do what I always do, Jennie,” he replied.

  “Yeah, and what’s that?”

  “Pray to God for a miracle, and another month,” he let out an uncomfortable chuckle.

  I walked over to his side, and now that nobody was looking, I gave him a long embrace. I knew he needed it. He just leaned into my breast and held me in turn.

  After a few minutes, I let him go.

  “I’m headin’ off to bed. Lot of work waitin’ for us tomorrow.”

  He just nodded and leaned back in his chair.

  With the comfort of my bed and the weariness in my bones, I nodded off to sleep almost instantly.

  The next day was the same. We would wake up and eat as much as we could for breakfast before returning to the grueling work of repairing the field.

  For the next week, my muscles ached and begged me to rest, but I never gave in. I could see the rest of the group feeling the same way, and I didn’t want to be the only person to give in.

  Once we finished with the field, I could see a bit of hope return to Mike’s sullen face. I was glad that he was starting to get back to the way he was.

  The month flew by, and I could tell that he was still incredibly nervous. I started to get nervous as well when I was late for my period. When we went into town at the beginning of the next month, I ducked into the pharmacy store and bought a pregnancy test.

  I rode silently all the way back to the ranch house. I think Mike could sense my nerves.

  “You doin’ alright, Jennie,” he asked.

  “Oh, I’m just fine; I think it was the eggs Larry made for breakfast.”

  Mike laughed and understood. But, when we arrived, I rushed upstairs to the bathroom. I didn’t know what I was hoping for, positive or negative.

  Mike was an amazing guy, so having his baby would be an experience like none other. But, the idea of giving birth was scary. I wouldn’t be much help around the ranch, aside from being the cook and cleaning lady. Then to top it off, we’d have to tell Buck and Larry that we had been sleeping together for quite a while, which might rile them up a bit.

  I let out a sigh; I would accept whichever the outcome with a happy face and figure it out from there. I shook as I plucked the test off the countertop and looked.

  I was pregnant.

  I can’t say that I was sad in any way, just nervous. I couldn’t figure out what I would say to Mike when I told him I was having his baby. I wondered how he would react to me telling him. I wanted so bad just to slink away again, maybe be a waitress in a highway diner somewhere so I wouldn’t have to deal with this.

  In the end, I had to tell him, but I couldn’t decide when would be the best time. I figured it would be a while before I’d even start showing, anyway. I could wait a while before telling him.

  I also wondered a bit how things went with Mike and Mr. Grant this month. We had plans to harvest next week, so there was a good chance that he managed to eek away with another month cleared.

  I thought it best not to bother him about another serious matter.

  The week passed like a blur as my chores became routine. I spent a morning being quite sick, but I don’t think anyone thought much of it. I just used Larry’s eggs as an excuse and they all understood.

  I couldn’t help but laugh when Larry heard us talking about his world famous cooking in such a way. He was quite down and kicked back a few shots of bourbon before we talked him back into the house.

  As we started to harvest, things started looking bad. All the work that we put into saving the crops turned out to be mostly wasted. Our yield was small and was nowhere near enough to pay off the bills.

  Mike knew it, Buck and Larry knew it, and even I could tell that this might just be the end for the small farm. I took an afternoon and even packed up my things just in case we were forced off.

  Another two weeks passed, and Mr. Grant made a house call. He had a sad look plastered to his face.

  “Mike, I know how long ya’ll have lived here. I knew your dad quite well before he passed on. But, I can’t keep it going like this. This is costing me more money than I want. I need to cut you off.”

  “Mr. Grant, I appreciate all you done for me and mine. We appreciate your hard work. How long do you think we got?”

  Mr. Grant held out a piece of paper. Ninety days.

  I could feel the sting of defeat as he read it. Mr. Grant just said his goodbyes and went off on his way.

  We must’ve drunk every last drop of alcohol on the grounds that night, after the first few rounds of drinks, they didn’t even notice that I hadn’t touched a drop the entire night.

  As the sun began to peek over the horizon, I felt it necessary to go for another ride. I knew I’d miss my horse, and I’d miss the small ranch house. And my pregnancy was at in its early stages anyways.

  When I got in the stables, I happen to stumble over Mike, passed out from drinking all night. I crouched down over the top of him and tapped him on the cheek once or twice. He didn’t budge.

  I hauled a water bucket in from outside and took the liberty of waking him up the hard way. I drenched him from top to bottom, and I can’t say I’ve ever seen a man jump up from the ground so fast in my entire life.

  I laughed a much-needed laugh, and Mike did the same when he realized what was going on.

  “Morning, Mike,” I said between chortles.

  “Morning, Jessie,” he coughed.

  I saddled up my horse while Mike wrung his clothes out.

  “I see you’re going out for a ride again, mind some company?”

  “If you can keep up, you can keep me company.”

  He took it as a challenge and started saddling up his horse. I took off from the barn like a bullet. I think my horse was the fastest, and it had the lightest load. But, Mike kept pace behind me. I figured I wouldn’t try to outrun him, so I let him catch me from time to time just enough to let my horse relax a little, before lurching forward.

  “Jessie, this way,” I barely heard from behind me.

  When I turned, I could see Mike turning into a patch of trees over the side of a small hill. My curiosity got the better of me, and I followed him.

  When I caught up to him, I could see he was already off his horse and beginning to strip off his shirt. The area was romantic; it was a small pond, almost completely clear to the bottom and surrounding us was a bundle of trees that grew thick.

  I was feeling peaceful.

  “Mike, what is this place?”

  Mike was starting to strip off his still-wet jeans, and I hopped off my horse.

  “This is a pond that I found when I was twelve years old. I used to come out here sometimes when my chores were done and go for a swim. It’s fresh water, bubbles up from underground, so it’s really clean water. Thought you and I could have us one last swim, and maybe I could forget these past two months.”

  I started stripping off my clothes; the water looked inviting.

  “I have tried my best to forget a lot of bad things by running away from a lot of problems.”

  “Oh yeah? You don’t look like someone that has that many problems,” he said while stripping off his boxers.

  I paused for a second to get a good look at his naked butt running into the water. That was something I doubt I’d ever forget.

  “Everyone’s got problems. I’m no different,” I said while pulling off my underwear.

  “Well, at this point you know all of mine. Tell me one.”

  I didn’t want to share, but he looked so cute in the water.

  “My sister got married to a real creep, and she did it because my mother pushed her into it. I ran away because I think she was trying to do the same to me.”

  I could tell that he barely heard a word that I said. His eyes were staring at my naked body and the attention was turning me on a little bit.

�You have a sister?” he asked.

  “Just the one,” I replied, “I sometimes wonder what she’s gotten herself into in the city.”

  I slipped into the water. It was cool at first, but as my skin warmed up, it became quite refreshing.

  “Why don’t you call her, the phone works fine.”

  “If I tell her where I am, they might come looking for me. I don’t want to be found right now,” I said, “I like it here with you boys. You feel like more of a family than the one I left.”

  Mike smiled at me, a wide beaming smile, and then he splashed me in the face.

  “What was that for?!” I shouted.

  “Next time don’t splash a bucket of water on my face,” he said.

  I was shocked at his sudden playfulness. I started splashing him back, and he did the same. He fought his way over and lifted me out of the water, tossing me back far enough that I splashed into the water.

  “You jerk!” I screamed between laughs.

  He swam over closer and wrapped his arms around me, leaning in close for a kiss, which I eagerly gave him.

  I could already feel his erection poking me just below the stomach, and I could see where his mind was going.

  He again lifted me out of the water, but this time, he lifted me onto his shoulders. My hot sex was in his face, and he began to lick and play with my clit.

  I enjoyed the sensation, and even pulled his head in more, begging for him to keep going with my pants of pleasure.

  He showed no sign of stopping, tenderly laying me against the shore and supporting me in the water while continuing his motions with his tongue.

  I wanted him to keep going, but I also wanted him inside me as soon as possible. I bucked my hips up and down with the shocks of pleasure that shot up my backside.

  He lowered me back into the water, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel him pull me down onto his throbbing erection.

  He started working my hips up and down under the water, continuing to lower me more and more onto his manhood. I had to catch my breath more than once between moans.

  I could feel him building up inside me, and as he started to release I felt the same flow out from me. Wracking me with delight and taking away what little worries I had.


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