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Hearts on Fire 9: Her Shadows of Light (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Let’s call right now. We have the names of three investigators involved. There’s a Trent Landers, arson investigator, a Detective Buddy Landers, and a Detective Tobin McQuinn. Let’s see what they have so far and maybe we need to head out there while the fire is still fresh,” John said and then made the call.

  * * * *

  Tobin sat in the conference room with Trent and Buddy Landers. Some state police investigators and an arson investigator were interested in details about the fire at the local gift shop. As they explained their cases and the similarities, Leisure Insurance Company came up again. That was where Brighid worked, and immediately his gut clenched with concern. Last night she’d said she couldn’t come over because she had a lot of paperwork to do and mistakes to correct. His investigative mind was starting to worry. When the investigators suggested they come out to have a look around, and hopefully be there when the forensic results came in, he was even more concerned.

  “Are you thinking somehow that this insurance company could be part of insurance fraud and this guy, this arsonist, is also connected?” Buddy Landers asked Investigator Gregory Voight.

  “We’ve been at this for months. Although it seems like two separate incidences, there are links between the two sets of suspicious fires and homicides,” Voight told them.

  “What’s this guy’s connection to Leisure Insurance?” Trent asked and glanced at Tobin. He could tell his friends were concerned to say the least and probably wondering about Brighid and who she worked for.

  “Not sure if there is one. We do know that the victims were in a relationship, though hidden, with this individual. Have you gotten any preliminary results of the samples you took from the fire at the gift shop in your town?” Gregory asked.

  “We should have them by tomorrow latest. We did notice some discoloration near the boiler system. There appeared to be some fuel leaking but nothing that could start that fire and cause such an explosion. We gathered samples of the silt around it and some white residue with ash.”

  The investigator was silent a moment.

  “We’re going to be heading down today. Should get there by tonight. Could we meet at the department in the morning first thing?” John Sanders asked.

  “We’ll be here,” Trent said, and then they disconnected the call.

  Tobin took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “Okay, sounds like they have more info and aren’t ready to put it out to us,” Trent said to them.

  “I agree, but I don’t like the fact that Leisure Insurance could be connected. They just moved their business into town, and a lot of people are going to them from this community,” Tobin said.

  Buddy leaned back in his chair and looked at Tobin.

  “You and your brothers just started seeing a woman that works there,” Buddy said.

  Tobin held his gaze and didn’t respond verbally.

  “Let’s look at this in as many ways as we can so we’re on the same page here. That business has had customers from our town for years. They were based in Connecticut, where these other fires occurred and payoffs were made. This guy, whoever he is, doesn’t seem to have a connection to the insurance company. The investigators said this guy was involved with every woman who was killed.. Had his car illegally parked a day before down the block from that fire’s location. If the two cases are connected, we need to find the common factor,” Trent said to them.

  “What if we get the name of the guy and a picture of him and ask the owners, the workers at the insurance company if he’s a client, if they know him, et cetera?” Tobin asked.

  “We could do that, or we sit tight until tomorrow morning since it’s after hours, and let these investigators share what they have, and we try to solve this and prove there’s no connection. I’d hate to think that Bricker Daily worked with an insurance company to get money. People could have been killed. Your brothers could have been,” Buddy replied.

  “I know, and it was pretty damn scary. Two other stores could have gone up in flames. Maybe I can ask Brighid some questions about that company she works for?” Tobin asked.

  “Not sure if that’s such a smart idea,” Buddy said.

  “Why not?” Tobin asked.

  “You don’t really know her, Tobin. None of us do, and the fact that she works for a company that could have a connection to two arson investigations in Connecticut, and now this one here in Treasure Town, isn’t something to take lightly.”

  “There’s no way Brighid is involved with this. I’m telling you I know people, and she’s a good person. Sweet, kind of sees the world in a positive light. It’s one of the things my brothers and I like best about her.” He shook his head.

  “My gut is never off. She’s not part of this, and asking her some questions could get us answers we need,” Tobin replied.

  “What if those questions lead you to thinking she is involved? Will you be able to handle it professionally?” Trent asked.

  Tobin thought about that for a moment, along with the fact that his brothers could have lost their lives the other day.

  “If she is involved, I’m the last person she’d want in a room alone with her. My brothers could have died.”

  * * * *

  Brighid ignored their phone calls and text messages, and now she was headed to work, hoping to get through the day. She couldn’t believe that the fire had been at the gift shop that it belonged to Bricker Daily. She had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that her bosses were up to no good and doing illegal shit. She thought about telling Tobin, but if her bosses were involved with insurance fraud, she wouldn’t want her boyfriend dragged into it and used by some judge as a reason to dismiss the case. She needed someone who didn’t know her or have a connection to her.

  When she thought about going to the local authorities, she felt sick. What if her bosses were legit? What if the circumstances were misconstrued by her imagination and love of mystery? Then, of course, she worried about her job and having no security. What would she do? Where would she work and get money? Where would she live? She hadn’t known the men long enough to crash into their lives, especially after the way they’d treated her and acted at the hospital. They wanted space. They wouldn’t ask her to live with them.

  Her heart felt heavy as walked out of her condo and over to her car. The last person she expected to see was Tobin.

  She unlocked her car door, opened the back door, and placed her bags inside. She closed the door.

  He stood there with his arms crossed, his badge, gun giving an instant air of authority and power. She swallowed hard as she absorbed his attire, dress pants, dress shirt, sporting his sexy good looks and sensational body. Her pussy throbbed. She missed him and his brothers.

  “We’ve been worried,” he said in that deep, hard tone that was all Tobin.


  He raised one of his eyebrows up at her. “It’s been three days. We’ve called, and we’ve texted. No response. What’s wrong?”

  She didn’t know why, but the tears filled her eyes. Her idea of being strong and ignoring the pull in her heart and in her professional life was taking its toll.

  “If you’re in some kind of trouble and you need help, I’m here for you.”

  Why would he say such a thing to her?


  He uncrossed his arms and reached out to take her hand.

  “You look about ready to burst into tears. It has to be bad, so tell me, and I’ll help you.”

  She shook her head. “It’s hard to just say it.”

  “Just do it,” he pushed.

  “I don’t want to come across clingy or needy because I get that you guys don’t want me to be so deep into your lives and that you want space. It’s just hard for me to not want to be with you and to care about you, and it hurts to know that you can so easily push me away and keep your distance. I was only trying to show how much I care and not be sappy. But I’ve never been involved in a serious relationship
, never mind with four men at once, and to tell you the truth, the four of you intimidate me. I don’t think I can handle a relationship like that.”

  “Whoa, slow down, baby. Jesus, what in God’s name are you rambling on about? Clingy? Not wanting you close, deep in our lives? That’s not true at all. Damn, my brothers weren’t kidding when they said they fucked things up with you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean they said they were trying not to make you feel uncomfortable with the reporters and the crowds of people at the hospital that day. They didn’t know if you wanted the relationship between us to be public, that maybe you had family and they might not be too keen on a ménage relationship. Plus, Pat was feeling vulnerable, and he doesn’t do vulnerable well, none of us do, and he didn’t want you to see him weak.” He cupped her cheeks and pressed her against her car. She held on to his waist as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Damn, they were being buffoons. We want you in our lives. We’re so pissed you haven’t called or texted back. We want you in our lives as much as possible. Hell, we want you in our beds and in our house with us, but we know it’s too soon to ask that kind of commitment from you.”

  “Really?” she asked, lip quivering.

  He smiled softly and then covered her mouth and kissed her deeply. That went on for minutes until they finally had to stop and breathe and remember they were in a parking lot.

  He pressed his forehead to hers while he kept his arms around her waist.

  “Is there anything else going on that has you concerned and not wanting to return our calls and text messages?” he asked, and she felt her heart racing. He pulled back.


  She swallowed hard.

  He clutched her chin and held her gaze with a firm expression.

  “It’s fine, Tobin. I’m just being silly, and I tend to see a mystery in things when there isn’t. Look what I did with you guys, thinking that you don’t want me so deeply involved with your lives.”

  “It sounds like more than that, and it’s not silly if it’s something that’s worrying you.”

  “I don’t want to get you involved if it is something.”

  “Hey, if there is reason for you to be worried or concerned, I want you to know that my brothers and I are here for you. We can help and work it out. What is it?”

  “I don’t want to make accusations that could get people into trouble. I’d hate to think that certain things are going on and shouldn’t be.”

  “Are you talking about work?”


  “Okay, are you having a hard time telling me because I’m your boyfriend or because I’m a detective?” he asked.

  “Boyfriend,” she told him.

  He released her and stepped back and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  “Okay, Miss Murphy, what seems to have you feeling concerned over work?” he asked, and she tilted her head sideways at him and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “Really, Tobin?”

  “That’s Detective McQuinn, ma’am. What are your concerns?”

  She stared at him and debated about telling him everything she feared and suspected.

  “I don’t want you involved, Tobin. If there is something bad, illegal, going on then a judge could find out that you and I are involved and get charges dropped if charges are necessary.”

  “Okay, listen, it sounds serious, and I get your worry for me, but this is my job. I have friends, other detectives that work with me. If you tell them what’s going on, and I agree that me being lead in this could be a negative, then we change things around and I introduce you to the right people. How does that sound?”

  “You can do that?”

  “Of course. Now explain.”

  * * * *

  With every detail of Brighid’s suspicions, he felt his gut clench and his heart pound. She didn’t know it yet, but she’d just provided a bunch of information that, if documented and copied, could prove that insurance fraud was indeed involved with the local fire and the others out of town in Connecticut. But how could he keep her from being pulled in as a co-conspirator in this, especially as she mentioned her password being used and items being changed.

  “I took some screen shots of everything and even the times that someone logged into my computer. Then I changed the password.”

  “Have your bosses asked you what the new password is yet?”


  He ran his hand along his mouth.

  “Okay, I don’t want you to do anything but your job there. Don’t ask questions. Don’t look for more evidence. Just leave that to us and the investigators. I’m going to talk to my people and see about setting up a meeting with you and them. But I would like for the investigators to run this like you’re a suspect. That way your bosses won’t be onto what’s really going on here.”

  “Will that work? I mean the last couple of days they’ve been out and about like they don’t have a worry in the world. I could be wrong and imagining all this stuff.”

  “You had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right when Bricker Daily showed up with a check at the office. You knew he was never a client yet connected the night someone logged into your computer and altered payments and added Bricker as a client for the past three years. You’re not imagining things. You’re giving the detectives the proof they need to ask for warrants, to come in and confiscate documents and computers to prove insurance fraud.”

  “Oh God, Tobin. I don’t know if I can handle this.” She covered her mouth with her hand.

  He pulled her close and gave her shoulders a squeeze as he held her gaze, her green eyes misty with tears. “You can do this because those men, and this arsonist, whoever he is, could have killed three of your boyfriends. We could have lost Pat, Rusty, and Reece. If that isn’t motivation to put these men responsible behind bars, baby, then I don’t know what is.”

  She looked so serious, and he watched the tears fall from her eyes.

  “I love them, and I love you. I’ll do it. I’ll help however I can.”

  He pulled her close and hugged her and prayed that he and the investigators could gather the evidence necessary to put the men responsible behind bars.

  * * * *

  It was hard for Brighid to play dumb the entire day at work, but she did it, despite having to file the documents and sign off on the material to put the insurance claim forward to the investigative department on the Bricker Daily case. She also needed to call the police department and talk with the investigators involved. A Detective Buddy Landers told her that they were still working on the investigation and that arson investigator, Trent Landers, was waiting on results from forensic samples left at the scene. She wrote notes and added them to the file and then placed it into the cabinet. As she closed up the cabinet and turned around, Lenny was there.

  “How are we doing on closing the Daily file?” he asked. She was surprised at how he’d snuck up on her.

  She gave him an odd expression. “Lenny, these things take time, sometimes weeks or months, depending on the circumstances. It’s nowhere near closed.”

  “Did you issue the temporary money to Mr. Daily while he waits for the process to complete?”

  “It’s been a little more than forty-eight hours. Money will not be released that quickly in a case like this one.”

  “Shit.” He ran his fingers through his hair.

  “What’s wrong, Lenny? You know how this works. Why would this case be any different?”

  “I was just hoping to get him and his family some money sooner than later. Maybe I’ll just loan him some for now to pay his bills and things.”

  “That’s very nice of you, but why would he need help? He ran a good business. The investigations showed he was up to date on mortgage payments and wasn’t behind in anything. The initial reports show decent income.”

  “Well, not everything is accurate on paper. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. I know there’s no way
to speed things up,” Lenny said.

  “I wish there was, but this is how the system works. Did you have anything else for me to handle tonight? I have plans.”

  “With one of the firefighters or the cop?” he asked, and her heart pounded.

  “Would you believe all three of them and a fourth older brother?” she asked and then began to walk past him.

  “Seriously, Brighid?” he asked and looked her body over in a different way than ever before. It made her gain such an attitude. How dare he judge her or question her love life?

  “Well, you told me to go out and get a social life. So I did.”

  “Four men, together, with you?” he asked. His eyes roamed over her breasts, and then he licked his lips and smirked.

  “Four very possessive, protective men, who don’t take a liking to any other men looking at me, never mind touching me. So, yes, four. I’ll see you tomorrow. Get a good night’s sleep. I have a feeling this week is going to be a long one.”

  She left him there looking like an idiot. She, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there and go home and change. As she went outside, she was surprised to see Tobin’s truck parked right next to hers.

  His window was rolled down, and he gave her body the once-over before he spoke. “I’ll follow you home and then drive you to our place. The guys can’t wait to see you.”

  She gave a wave and added a little extra wiggle to her walk, knowing that Tobin was staring at her ass. She hadn’t expected him to honk the horn, which was deep and loud, so she jumped and then gave him a sassy look.

  “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll be smacking that sexy ass in just a little while. We sure do need to talk about your wardrobe for work.”

  She waved her hand at him, as if indication of “whatever” then got into her car and chuckled. He revved the truck’s diesel engine, and she revved her convertible’s engine and off they went.


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