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Bondage a la Carte

Page 13

by Jurgen von Stuka

  “Well, yes, their technique is excellent though. I’ve done some work for Reef and Rendering, you know, and their ads get results. They only accept about 20 percent of those who respond. The rest get either rejected out of hand or passed along to the legitimate placement units.”

  “Your boss, Mr. Kilgore, is well, I assume,” said Gail. “If he’s making those kinds of discriminate calls, he’s got to be doing OK.”

  “Very well, which brings us back to your concern about distribution costs and your desire, I think, to shoot the messenger. You know that I merely carry his message and have no wish to cause you undue problems of any kind.”

  “Yes, Ralph. Of course. But the message is not acceptable and you’ll again have to be the carrier of bad tidings and tell Killy that I’ll work with someone else down under unless he’ll accept the usual percentages of mark-up, at least for the rest of this year. After August, we’ll look at the numbers again and be willing to consider his revised assessments then. What do you think he’ll say to that one, Ralph?”

  “The usual, Doctor. It begins with ‘F’ and ends with ‘U’,” Ralph grinned his cracked oriental grin and finished his decaf green tea. “I must get back to the hotel anyway. I have your message and the new catalog. By the way, when will this get on-line so we can work over the wire?”

  “Khan says the whole network will be up and running by the end of the month. We’ve had a lot of the usual annoying and expensive setbacks thus far, but I think that’s fixed now. Khan turned up two grade B subjects from the computer consultants we had working on the project. They were pissing him off with their nonsense about Y2K, so he set them up for a visit to the clinic and they are doing ‘other things’ now.”

  Ralph smiled for the second time that day. “I know. I saw one of them in the book. Only Khan, with his strange and cynical humor, would list her as ‘having additional value as a computer techie’. What a funny guy he is.”

  “Yeah, bimbos who cross him up or screw around with his computer network don’t think he’s too funny. Neither do their families when they find out their dear little liberal daughter has wandered off to God-knows-where without their knowing it. Those two are still trying to figure out what happened. The one in the catalog is probably going to end up in the North African circuit. She’s really ‘B’ material. No class, big ass. You know, too much below the waist and too little on top, plus marginal face and hair. We can only do so much to improve these things, you know. The other, her partner, is doing production work in Seattle right now while they improve her upper assets.”

  “Yes. Well, Doctor, thank you for the tea,” Ralph rose from his leather chair. “I’ll get on out of here and back to the hotel. Talk with you Monday, OK?”

  “See ya, Ralph. Use the front door, will you. We’re shipping this afternoon and the back lab area is busy. Stop in if you want though, on the way out.”

  Ralph left the room, entered the hall and turned left. He passed the receptionist, who buzzed him through into the lab area, then hit the elevator button and boarded the small car when it arrived. The elevator had a keypunch pad instead of the usual floor buttons and he punched up a five key code, faced the rear and walked into the lab when the door opened at the rear of the car. He walked into the lab, stopping now and then to observe some intriguing restraint device or uniquely painful training process or product. He was particularly fascinated with a subject on one table. The girl was having permanent rings installed on her face. The lab technician had just finished her work and the girl with long, dark blond hair bound in a tight ponytail lay strapped and gagged, with an even dozen new rings in her head. Stepping up to the tableside, Ralph noted the ring size and locations. The information would be useful later. In his tiny electronic notebook he wrote:

  Ears: 2

  Nose: 3

  Eyebrows: 2

  Tongue: 1

  Lips: 4

  Ralph wandered about for more than an hour. Before he left, he made mental notes of the product status display posted on the PC screens. He’d noted with interest the two young women who were listed as “ITI,” (in training, intermediate), #76A and #76B. The digital photos and specifications of both were on the display and Ralph considered that they seemed most well fitted for a particular client he had. With this information in his head and notebook, Ralph left the facility and drove to his hotel where he made several phone calls, had a short dinner in his room and went to bed.

  Ralph’s information served him well. In all, it made him an even $52,000 in US currency. Two weeks later, Marsha and Laura found themselves somewhere in the Pacific rim area, chained hand, foot and neck in steel cages, swinging in the hot, humid air, their naked bodies sweating profusely as they tried to adapt to the tropical environment and to their new home. Purchased from Dr. Gail, the two girls had been shipped together on a new luxury private jet, a Gulfstream V, after being loaded in special containers in Dr. Gail’s shipping area. They were not drugged, but they were bound tightly with leather straps and harness, gagged with inflatable rubber plugs and sealed in rubber suits for the forty-hour trip. They traveled in the rear of the aircraft cabin, strapped into the packing crates facing backwards, with black fabric hoods over their heads. They were fed several times and twice taken out of the coffin-like cases to the lavatory where they were allowed to use the toilet under close supervision. Their hands, arms and ankles were kept securely bound at all times. When the plane landed for refueling, they were strapped into the cases, the lids were sealed in place and the crates were kept closely guarded. A curtain was kept drawn between their area and the rest of the cabin. Once they reached their destination, it took them several days to recover, but they remained under heavy guard, bound and gagged at all times.

  Hanging in the suspended cages over a large garden with a high cement wall enclosing the area and the jungle canopy above them, the girls learned slowly what was to be their fate. They didn’t fare as well as the many wild birds and animals in the trees surrounding them. They were treated as domestic animals, watered and fed like the birds and the other breasts in the garden. Food was left in the cages and tiny, voluptuous, oriental girls in jeweled g-strings and incredibly high heeled boots on tiny feet provided water three or four times each day. Marsha and Laura were unable to communicate with each other because they were permanently gagged with a strange device that held their tongues immobile and allowed them to eat, drink and breathe, but not to speak in anything other than grunts and gurgles. The gags were made of stainless steel and had two mated bands that locked behind their necks and at the sides of their heads. One band was horizontal and held the gag in the mouth. A second band went entirely around their heads from under their chins, up past each ear and over the top of the head. The two bands were joined at the top of the head and locked on the sides and behind. The horizontal band held the gag in place as it entered their mouths from both sides of the jaw. It held a u-shaped mouthpiece with a plate that pushed down on the tongue, but allowed the jaws to move and the wearer to drink and eat with some difficulty.

  They could use neither their hands nor their feet because they wore heavy stainless steel sheaths. These metal devices held their legs in straight captivity from feet to knee and were locked just below the knee. At the bottom was a tiny capsule that held their feet in the ballerina’s “En-Pointe” position with legs pressed firmly together. Around their arms was a similar sheath, only smaller, that encapsulated their hands and lower arms up to the elbow where a locking band held the sheath in place. At times, the bottoms of both sheaths were connected by a short chain, placing the captives in a stressful hog-tie. This was further improved upon by the addition of a chain from the top of the head band/gag to either the base of the foot sheath or to the top of the arm binder. In either case, their heads were pulled back and the victims were rendered immobile. For entertainment purposes, both girls were occasionally slung from overhead tree limbs while in the hog-tied position, with heads pulled back sharply and metal clips attached to their nipp
les. At these times, they were endlessly berated and interrogated by their guards, a pointless exercise in pain and discomfort while the nipple clips were attached to small weights.

  On their fourth day in the new location, they were bound in the most onerous fashion with the hog-tie between arms and feet, plus the head-to-feet connection. They were removed from the cages and placed on a small stone dais in the garden with their necks locked in a single stock device that left them staring upward and slightly ahead, unable to move any part of their bodies. They lay naked, arms and legs shrouded by the sheaths and branks, in the tropical sun. They sweated and moaned. No food or water was provided. An hour passed before an old, but perfectly maintained American car, a black Buick Park Avenue, arrived. A tall oriental man stepped out, accompanied by a much younger American woman. She was clearly American from her dress, shoes, jewelry and hairstyle. Both the man and the woman were in business attire and wore sunglasses. They stepped up to the dais and studied the two young women held immobile by the sheaths, head harness and stocks. They conversed quietly among themselves in a language neither Marsha nor Laura understood. There was some pointing at the girls’ hair and noses and at both girls’ large breasts. They poked at the sweating nude bodies and the woman jabbed a white-gloved finger into Laura’s buttocks while making what sounded like a less than complementary comment to her male friend. The woman seemed to like Laura while the man was arguing, it appeared, in favor of Marsha. They argued loudly for a few minutes, then turned and got back in to the car and drove off. The two girls lay on the platform in the hot sun, slowly cooking. Eventually the tiny, large-breasted, oriental girls returned to free them from the stocks, give them water and transport them back to the cages.

  Nothing more happened that day. But the next morning, Laura was taken alone from her cage, blindfolded with a wide leather band, and carried to a van in the garden clearing where the dais had been the day before. She was transported to a building some distance away, removed from the van and taken inside. Three men in white smocks placed her on a metal table and began to unfasten the sheaths and brank.

  “You will be silent,” said one in English. “No noise or you will be punished. Pets are not allowed to speak, understand?” Laura nodded her head.

  “Pets?” thought Laura. “I’m a pet?”

  But she said nothing when the gag was taken out and her arms and legs were finally freed. Her entire body hurt from the bondage and her mouth was stiff and dry from the metal brank and gag. She let them do what they wanted. She was bathed. Her pubic region was once again shaved clean and she was returned to the metal table where she was provided with a new, leather-lined metal collar. Straps were used to bind her to the table top on her back with her arms over her head and her legs spread wide.

  “They’re going to rape me,” Laura thought, certain that the three western men were preparing her for a gang-bang as they pulled her legs apart and probed her pussy.

  They didn’t rape her, but using a sort of metal staple gun, they placed a single large ring through her outer vaginal lips. It was done so quickly that she didn’t have time to resist. She couldn’t resist anyway, bound as she was to the table. But they did it so quickly, they simply pulled the thin tissue of both lips out and away from her body, held it immobilized and applied the gun-like device to the skin. With one quick “braaappt”, the device perforated her lips and inserted the heavy steel ring. The ring was closed when the gun was withdrawn. She could feel its weight and the pain where it was emplaced. Laura struggled while the ring was coated with a gel that seemed to dull the pain and manipulated for a moment by one of the men, but there was nothing she could do. He placed his index finger through the ring and tugged firmly, pulling the ring and attached lips out and away from her body. She screamed and struggled in the straps. The man contemplated her for a moment and released the ring. A moment later, a heavy chain was attached to the ring with a large brass combination lock. The straps were released and she was told to get down from the table. Her original headband/gag was replaced; her wrists were secured with metal cuffs behind her and locked to the back of her collar with a short chain.

  “Madame Wo has decided to keep you in her house as a sex pet. You will do as you are told. If you disobey her or the servants, you will be placed in the snake pit and replaced by some other pet. If you fail to do exactly as you are told, your friend will be impaled and you will be butchered and fed to the hogs.”

  The two threats sounded real, but Laura also wondered how they could possibly carry out both. Either she went to the snakes or Marsha got to sit on the sharpened stake. Neither seemed like a good idea.

  “Aaate! Tooop. Eghaa oohhus eiwee enh eeeth…” mumbled Laura through the gag, shaking her head.

  “You do not have to understand this, just do as you are told,” said the man who led her out of the room by the chain connected to her ringed pussy. She was placed in the van and driven a short way while again blindfolded. Then she was led from the van into a building and taken up a flight of stairs, down a carpeted hall and into a large, bright room. The blindfold was taken off and she saw that she was in a lady’s bedroom, elegantly furnished with polished dark woods and silver wallpaper with red flocking. There was a massive canopied bed with four huge posts at the corners and several other pieces of heavy wooden furniture. In the center of the floor in front of the bed was a large square wooden post that ran from floor to ceiling. It looked totally out of place in the elegantly furnished bedroom, but Laura soon understood its function when she was pushed against the post and her chain was locked closely to a ring at the base. She had to kneel for the chain to be connected and after it was fastened, she could not stand up.

  “This is your new home,” said the man as he locked a second chain between her collar and the post. “You will stay here. When they tire of you, you will be taken away.” He looked into Laura’s bewildered eyes for a long moment, then left the room. She knelt on the carpet, her banded head held close to the steel post and her hip pressed up against the cold, hard wood. It had come to this. She had been taken captive, kidnapped from her apartment, tormented and abused by Dr. Gail and then sent to this place. Now here she was, in some foreign country where she couldn’t even understand the language, being kept as a house pet by some woman she hadn’t even seen yet. A house pet! It was unbelievable. Despite what she’s been through in the last several weeks, Laura’s mind remained quick and strong, but she could not really grasp any of what had happened to her. This is not something she had ever considered or prepared for. What would happen to her now? How could someone do this and get away with it. There were laws, but who would know she was here? Who were the people who placed her in the garden and then brought her here? Were they the same ones? What would happen to Marsha? Did anyone at home know what had happened to them?

  She had a thousand questions and no answers and she was kneeling on a white carpet, chained by her lower lips and her neck to a solid wooden post in someone’s bedroom. This wasn’t really happening. It wasn’t real. It was impossible!

  While Laura was enduring the pain and humiliation of the genital piercing, Marsha was being hitched to a plow. The girl was taken from her cage, stripped of the sheaths and outfitted in a heavy leather work harness that had obviously been used many times before. The leather was stained in many places where it touched her skin. The hard points, where rings and straps attached to the harness, were well worn and scarred. The harness had two wide straps that went over her shoulders, crossed between her breasts, passed completely around her torso and met again in front at her crotch. They then passed between her legs and emerged from her rear divide where they again became two and rose to the shoulders. Securing these straps were a wide, tight, waist belt, less wide bands above and below her breasts and other bands around her thighs. As the harness was fitted, she was forced to kneel with hands flat on the ground and legs wide apart. The individual straps were tightened with locking metal buckles. She saw and heard the locks being set. Each lock
clicked as it was tightened. When the harness was finally in place, she continued to kneel while two of the tiny servant women poked and probed her anus and vagina. They produced twin black leather phalluses, which they greased with a clear slippery substance from a metal tin. Marsha saw the probes and knew at once what the women were going to do with them. She had been through this before and she knew that to resist them would simply be more painful.

  The women were careful. They released the straps between her legs and eased the twin impalements into Marsha’s lower body slowly, making soothing sounds with their voices. The dongs were massive, bigger than most others Marsha had endured at Dr. Gail’s. They had small metal studs in them and she could feel each stud as the probes entered her below. When both plugs were almost completely inserted into their orifices, they were suddenly driven in to the hilt as the leather body harness straps were pulled up and tightly fastened. There were not only the many locks, but also metal clamps that secured the probes to the harness. Marsha was unable to do anything to resist the harness anyway, because her arms and hands were secured in another strap harness that held her arms horizontally across her back and bound each wrist to the opposite bicep. With this arrangement, her arms formed the three sides of a rectangle across her back, forearms horizontal and upper arms at her sides. This was not as uncomfortable as other bondage she had endured, but it nevertheless prevented any resistance. She was also fitted with a worn bridle and a complex bit that filled her mouth and prevented any conversation, but allowed her to drool and voice her discomfort. She was attached to a large plow with two of the small oriental women behind her, one to guide the plow and one with a long stick. There was no lesson in plow pulling; she was simply expected to begin as soon as she was hitched up to the ancient farm implement. The reins were pulled when she was to turn. The stick was applied to her back and thighs when she slowed down too much. The field was several acres and the sun was hot. Marsha had a new job.


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