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Cowboys Forgive (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 8)

Page 12

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  One hand braced on his thigh and the other clutching his balls in her palm, she gently squeezed. His body grew tighter. She loved seeing the changes in him.


  “Just relax and only feel. Let me take you to a place of nirvana.”

  He licked his lips as she eased down the waistband of his boxers, just enough until his cock was visible. He was fully hard and the head thick. She enjoyed that she could get him ready so quickly.

  “What the hell are you doing to me, woman?” His husky voice vibrated her nipples.

  She pulled the underwear lower. “What does it look like?” She leaned in and inhaled, then exhaled slowly, blowing her hot breath along the length of him. He groaned and she chuckled. “Now you’re understanding.” With the tip of her tongue, she dabbed at the head of his erection, licking up the salty flavor. Anticipation danced through her. “I could write a hundred songs about you and your body. It’s just that amazing.”

  “Torture. Sweet, sweet torture.”

  She looked up his body. “Should I stop?”

  “Hell no!” he groaned.

  “Didn’t think so.” No longer waiting, she jerked his boxers all the way to his ankles, then clasped his warm shaft in her hand. So hard. So warm. So damned perfect. She’d never get enough.

  Sliding her mouth over him, she sucked him in, easing him to the back of her throat. He jerked his hips forward as she clutched his thighs. The crisp hair tickled her palms.

  “Damn! Damn!” He seemed to have more words to say, but that particular one was the only one he could manage.

  She rolled her mouth to his plump tip. “Now, now. Are you relaxing?” she teased.

  “How. Is. That. Possible?” he said between pumps of his hips. “You’re like a honeyed electrical shock to my system.”

  She nestled him into her mouth again, wrapping her lips around his wide girth, taking on a rhythm that had him panting and sweating. Glancing up at him, grinning, she planned to make his toes curl. She’d give him something he’d never forget.


  If someone would have told Jace that one day beautiful Jessa Garvey would be on her knees with her lips wrapped around his cock, he would have laughed. But here she was, and doing a great job at showing him that her mouth not only sung melodic tunes, but could give an amazing, skilled blowjob.

  She stroked him with her lips and tongue, suckling and nibbling, pouring sweet torture through him. Her velvety mouth was warm and incredible. And when she grinned mischievously, he realized her goal was to inflict sweet, sweet havoc on him. He didn’t mind, not one bit, but when it came his turn, paybacks were hell. He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on her.

  He rode each luxurious wave, wanting to rip the T-shirt from his wrists, but he liked the game. She wanted control, and he’d give it to her.

  She shifted, changing her position, and rolled her teeth along his sensitive flesh. He clenched his teeth, thrusting his hips forward, and she glided him deeper. He loved how she surprised him by coming to his cabin, unveiling the naughty side of her. She sucked him so good with the right amount of pressure and rhythm.

  He was getting a good idea that she was multi-talented.

  Looking down at her, his breath hitched. Damn, the realization that he cared for her struck him like a flash of lightning. And it wasn’t because she was skilled in bed. No, the feelings had grown almost overnight.

  She peered up at him, her cheeks sunken and her plump, pink lips swollen around him. Her wicked grin made him tremble.

  How could he have not known that his feelings would grow for her? How did he think they could play house and not invest emotion?


  He was playing Russian roulette with his heart.

  She hummed around him and his thoughts shot back to the moment. The sensations rolling through him were raw and ragged…unbridled.

  His fingers ached to touch her. He started to move and she released him from her mouth, her eyes narrowing. “Be still, Mr. Jackson.”

  “It’s too damn hard not to touch you.”

  “In due time.”

  She kissed his erection, rolling her tongue along the slit and his heart almost stopped. There was nothing sexier than watching her lick his cock. She kissed it, stroked it, and treated it with such care that she almost drove him across the border into insanity. While stroking him with her tight fist, she kissed his stomach, his hips, his thighs, and he shivered.

  “You’re driving me crazy.”

  “Just as you drove me wild the other night?”

  Fuck! “Don’t think it won’t happen again,” he warned.

  “It better happen again.” She winked as she grabbed his cock tighter, stroking it with deliberate caresses. Then she drew him in again, with a faster pace that warned him what she wanted.

  She wanted him to come.

  He would, but for now, he had to have her.

  He ripped his hands from the T-shirt, grabbed her shoulders and lifted her to her feet. He bent in front of her and nuzzled his nose in her sweet-scented pussy. Slowly gliding the tip of his tongue along her clit and lips, he lapped up her delicate juices, until her hips jerked and her thick cream covered his chin.

  Standing, he wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. “Shit! Bad news, sweetheart. I didn’t restock my stash of condoms.” Damn. How could he have been so forgetful?

  She frowned. “You didn’t?”

  He gave a small shrug. “I didn’t have a chance.” He couldn’t believe he’d screwed up.

  “I thought you bought a box from the gas station?”

  “I did, but there were only three, and have you forgotten what we did before the cab driver arrived? And after?”

  Her shoulders slumped.

  “Don’t frown. You’re too beautiful for that.” He touched her chin lightly. “Please stay tonight. I want to sleep with you.”

  Together, they climbed into his bed, and he pulled her into his embrace. He kissed her hair and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Sleep, beautiful. Sleep in my arms.”


  Jessa looked at herself in the mirror above the bathroom sink and applied the lipstick aptly named “Caught up”. Since Jace had asked her out on a ‘date’, she’d been caught up in a whirlwind of raw feelings. She was grateful she’d thought ahead enough and brought the new dress. She loved how the blue fabric brought out the color of her eyes and showed off her figure. Here lately, she’d felt more beautiful than she had in all her life. Although she didn’t have big breasts, the deep cut of the top made her feel sexy and a thin belt made her waist look tiny. The black flats finished the outfit.

  When she stepped out of her cabin to meet him, he skimmed his blue eyes down her in admiration and she tried not to visibly shake. He always rattled her in a good way.

  “Because we’re out in the middle of nowhere, I hope you won’t mind that we’re not having dinner somewhere fancy.”

  She didn’t care where they had dinner as long as he was beside her, and she wanted to tell him, but her words were lost when he pressed his hand against the small of her back to help her inside of the Gator. He climbed in behind the wheel and she was finally able to find her voice. “Where are we going?”

  “A special place,” he said as he steered away from the cabins and into the wide-open space.

  “I like the sound of that.” Although she hoped she wasn’t overdressed.

  They drove through a wooden area and finally came upon a clearing. The spot overlooked the mountains. It was amazing. Jace had set out a blanket on the grass with candles and a scattering of rose petals. He’d thought of everything for a romantic evening.

  She watched him as he lit the candles, admiring how he’d gone to so much trouble to make this evening special. “You were listening when I said I’d never been on a romantic date.”

  “Of course, I was.” He sat down beside her on the blanket. “I had the cook make us some of the best food around.” He took out seve
ral containers, bowls, and two bottles of beer. “I wondered if I should have brought wine, but nothing goes better with this meal than beer.”

  “What are we having?”

  He popped the lid off a bowl of piping hot chili. “I know it’s not gourmet, but I promise, after you have a taste, you’ll understand why I chose this.”

  Her stomach growled as if in excitement. She dipped her spoon in and sampled the delicious smelling chili. “Oh my, that’s so good.”

  “The best around,” he said around a mouthful.

  The cook had also included cornbread and cheese quesadillas. Everything tasted wonderful and Jace was right, the beer made the meal better, but the best thing was sharing the dinner with him. He looked so good. He wasn’t wearing his hat and his thick, dark hair appeared damp from a recent shower. His eyes lured her and the intense crystal blue were made more striking by the dark stubble on his jaw, and the pale blue color of his shirt accommodated his broad shoulders. He was such a brawny man.

  Watching him made the butterflies flutter inside her stomach. Remembering how they’d made love, how he’d held her, made her tremble. Her body ached to have him hold her again, but tonight was something different, intimate and close. Yet, she hoped later he would kiss her breathlessly, rip her clothes off and bring her pleasure. She would surrender herself, knowing he held the strings to her heart. He inflamed more than just her body. He intrigued her mind too. His self-confidence wasn’t egotistical, but commanding and it compelled her.

  As they talked, she found she wanted to hear more about his childhood, what provoked him into joining the rodeo and then Nirvana. At times, she gathered that he was alone in a crowded place. She knew that feeling all too well, as if something was missing. He had a huge heart and it showed in everything he did.

  “This is amazing, Jace. The food. The scenery. You.”

  “You deserve someone who will treat you how you deserve.”

  She could be silly to believe something might come of this. They were two different people from two different worlds. What did a cowboy who loved his peace and quiet want with a woman who was in the spotlight? Every step she took. Everything she did seemed to be monitored by fans and the media. Problem was, there came a point when she’d have to make a priority list. What mattered most to her? Her career or love…not that she loved Jace.

  Not possible.

  No way.

  She just admired him. That’s all.


  There were moments in life when a person was faced with something they wanted and something they needed. Right now, she couldn’t tell which belonged in which category. “I see why you love it here.” She looked out at the last few rays of the sun painting the pale sky. “It’s beautiful. Addictive.”

  “Not everyone could manage living here. Some folks need a gourmet coffee shop on every corner and flawless cell service.”

  “I don’t even know what it’s like to walk down to the corner coffee shop and grab a latte. I’ve been on the road for so long.”

  “Then why do you do it, Jessa? You are in control of your destiny.”

  She shrugged and the strap of the dress fell down her shoulder. She didn’t bother fixing it. “It’s like a whirlwind. Once you’re in the eye, you can’t find a way out. I’m not saying that there isn’t some pleasure in what I do. I love my fans. The money isn’t bad.”

  “But money doesn’t buy happiness.”

  “True. I often believe it’s fear that keeps me frozen. What happens if the whirlwind dies? Where will I go? What will I do?”

  “What do you want to do?”

  Looking at the mountains, she sighed. “My oldest brother’s wife just announced that she’s pregnant. I’m happy for them, but I’m also envious,” she admitted that bit of information openly for the first time. “Am I terrible for feeling this way?”

  “Terrible for wanting more in your life? To share each day with someone who understands you? Supports you? Loves you? Yes, you’re terrible.” He laughed. “Give yourself a break, sweetheart. You’re human.”

  “What makes you jealous, Jace?”

  “Hell, maybe that I’ll never cook up a pot of chili as well as Cook can.”

  “Can you ever be serious?”

  “It’s not in my nature. So, what are you going to do about it? You know, the fact that you’re in a tug of war?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.” She placed the lid back on her empty bowl and sipped her beer, rolling his question around inside her head. The golden glow of the candlelight entwined with the shadows washing over the land mixing with the beer and making her relax.

  “Do you regret anything?” she asked.

  His expression went from open to guarded. “A few things.”

  “Share?” she coaxed.

  “Okay.” He rubbed his palms together. “I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but I wish I would have realized somewhere in middle school that all boys go through an awkward stage. It’s funny how we think we’re alone when actually all kids feel awkward, well, maybe most.” He gave her a side glance.

  “I wish you wouldn’t do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “Single me out as if I’ve never felt physically inferior. Believe it or not, I felt like I didn’t belong all through school. Even now, I can feel mediocre. New, younger, better singers come into the spotlight every day. I realize I’m in a career that has an expiration date.”

  “Does it bother you that much?”

  “Would it bother you if someone told you that you can only be a cowboy for so long, and then your hat and boots are taken from you?” she challenged.

  “I hear you. But what I’m asking, music is who you are, but not all you are. If you’re just putting all your eggs into one basket, that’s a problem, whether your career has an expiration date or not. I think you’ve placed an expiration date on yourself.”

  He was a brilliant man wo could see into her soul. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m missing the details of life.”

  His gaze held hers. Her womb clenched. Her core throbbed. Her heart did a triple flip.

  “We all have ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes,’ but neither of us will ever know where we’d be right now if we’d taken another path. We can’t beat ourselves up for our decisions.” He reached across the blanket and grabbed her hand. “What we can do is live for the moment.”

  She swallowed hard. “Not the future?”

  “Hell, who knows what the future brings. You’ll go home soon and forget all about your time here at Nirvana.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. This time here has been remarkable. Wonderful. I don’t want to leave, not really.”

  He let go of her hand and smoothed his palm down his face. “I’d consider buying Freckles’s place if…”

  “What, Jace?”

  “Well, a place like that needs a family. A couple holding down the fort. The light pattering of little feet running through the rooms. A heart of a home is made up of the people inside. You want to know why I drag my feet on buying the place?” His eyes turned lighter. “What if I buy it and I’m there all alone? Here, at least I don’t concentrate on not having all the things I want, but just as Freckles said, being there alone transmutes the feeling.” He blinked as if he couldn’t believe he’d revealed so much. “Enough of that.” He jumped up, holding out his hand for her. “I have another surprise.”

  She laid her hand into his and he helped her up. “Another surprise?”

  “Well, not really a surprise, but I thought you might be interested.” He blew out the candles, then guided her toward the Gator.

  “What about the basket and the blanket?”

  “I’ll grab them later. For now, there’s something I want you to see.”

  She could barely contain her excitement as they made their way to the sheep barn. She looked at his profile. “Are you surprising me with more work?”

  He chuckled. “No.” He parked and helped her out.

  Once insi
de, he led her to one of the pens. Inside she saw the ewe and its baby. “When was it born?”

  “This morning.”

  The baby wobbled on its feet as it drank hungrily from its mother’s milk. “It’s precious.”

  “I love that light in your eyes. This might knock my masculinity down a notch, but I find that I’m humbled when the babies are born. Guess what I named her?”


  “Miss Priss.”

  “You named her after me?”

  “I hope you’re not offended. She came out all sassy, just like someone else I know.” He winked.

  “I’m sure I shouldn’t be flattered, but amazingly, I am.”

  He stepped forward and pulled her against him. “I might be breaking the rules here at Nirvana by touching a guest, but I have to say, I’ve never been happier to step across the line.”

  She moistened her lips and he groaned. She liked having this power to make him want her. To make him crazy.


  He bent his face closer and inhaled her scent. She smelled good and he knew it was her natural perfume. The scent of her hair reminded him of fresh coconuts and lime. Parts of him below the waist stirred and hardened. He found it interesting how his body responded to her in such a strong way. Staring down into her dazzling eyes, he was morphed into her magic, consumed by her irresistible charm.

  “Be careful, cowboy. We might get caught, or is the risk what gets your adrenaline pumping?” She stood on tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her firm breasts pressed against his chest and he could feel her hard nipples through the material of the dress.

  “You’re what gets my adrenaline rushing.” He lightly tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. “And if I haven’t told you already, you look amazing tonight.” He noticed how his voice shook.

  A flush crawled up her cheeks. “Yes, you’ve told me, but it never gets tiresome to hear.” One corner of her lush lips lifted. “You’re going to make it difficult for me to go home.”


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