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Cowboys Forgive (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 8)

Page 17

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  Pushing her thoughts aside, she left her car and stepped inside of the store. Jodi was wiping down the counter. Her blonde hair was pulled into a messy bun and she wore a colorful dress that she probably made herself. Harley realized she’d hit the jackpot when she’d hired the woman who was loyal to a fault. “Looks like you have everything finished. I’m sorry I’m late.”

  Jodi lifted her chin and smiled. “I didn’t expect you back.”


  “You seemed pretty bummed when you left earlier.”

  Harley nodded. “I did it.”

  “You actually went to his house?” Jodi stopped wiping the counter and tossed the towel to the side.

  Harley dropped down into one of the overstuffed, flowered chairs and dropped her keys on the side table where several books were laid out. “I can’t believe I did it. I showed up at Penn Jericho’s house. Why didn’t you convince me how crazy the idea was?”

  “Sorry, darlin’. I’m not one to talk someone out of doing something that she was bound and determined to do. That’s pretty ballsy.” Jodi grabbed the last cupcake from the glass case, poured the remaining coffee and handed both to Harley. “Your favorite, my dear. Vanilla Bean Supreme. We sold out before nine o’clock and that one was calling your name so I held it back for you in case you returned tonight.”

  “How’d you know I’d need calories?”

  Jodi shrugged. “What are best friends for? Tell me how it went.”

  Harley bit into the cloud of fluffy, buttercream frosting and rich, moist cake, licking her lips to get every last crumble. “Best decision ever to start selling Dinah’s baked goods here. These are fantastic. And to answer your question, not as I intended.”

  “I called the bakery and placed the order you wanted. Three dozen each of vanilla, chocolate, and hazelnut cupcakes. Another three dozen of fresh croissants. The delivery person also brought the turkey, salami, and buns to make sandwiches. I can stop and grab condiments on my way home. We’re almost out of mayo. Did Penn speak to you?” Jodi sat down in the closest chair.

  Connecting the words ‘buns and Penn’ made Harley remember just how good his looked. “This is going to sound crazy, Jodi, but listen before you freak out. Promise?” With the other woman’s nod, Harley sighed. “I kissed him.” She watched several expressions flit across her friend’s face before settling on one of confusion.

  “You kissed him?”

  “Well, actually, he kissed me, but I couldn’t help myself. It felt nice.” In every part of my body.

  “Okay. I’m lost.” Jodi tucked her sandaled feet up under her bottom, easing into the large chair. “You were supposed to go there and let some steam off. Show him the pictures. Prove a point. Maybe it wasn’t how you planned your visit, but sounds like things turned out pretty darn good.”

  “I should have pushed him away, but his lips were so soft. His scent was exotic. And he was naked.” She bit into her cupcake and it melted in her mouth. Jodi tapped the corner of her lips and Harley laughed as she swiped away a dollop of frosting from her own.

  “He was naked? Okay…I’m really confused now. And envious.”

  Shrugging, Harley groaned. “He was expecting someone else. Some woman by the name of Saucy. Some nickname.” Seconds passed and finally Jodi burst into laughter. “I’m glad you find this funny.” Harley stared.

  “Sorry, hun, but this is hilarious. You spent all afternoon giving yourself a pep-talk into following through, and you end up getting kissed from a naked man—not only a naked man, but a Jericho. Do you realize how many women would line up at his front door if they knew there was a possibility of this happening? The cowboy would never get any rest.” She waved her face dramatically.

  “I don’t know. How many?”

  Jodi shook her head in disappointment. “I often wonder how you’ve gone so long in your life without following current events. The Jericho brothers. The most wanted bachelors in Texas. Every one of them is better looking than the last. You’ve been in this town long enough to see them on occasion, although they don’t come around often.”

  “I don’t have time for that stuff.” Harley got up, started to throw her half-eaten cupcake away, but thought better of it. She popped it into her mouth. “I have a business to run here,” she said around her mouthful of cake.

  “Honey, when will you let me take you out? It’s not good for you to be holed up here, day in and day out. Seriously. Do this for me.”

  “I’m not your charity case, and I don’t want to go to clubs. I know I’m not cool and I’m fine with that.”

  Jody shrugged as if to change the subject. “So, the big question is, how does the man kiss? And what does he look like under his clothes?”

  Harley concentrated on cleaning out the coffee maker and prepping it for the next day. “I’m not going to talk about this.” She couldn’t without getting all bothered again. “The fact is and remains, he was wrong by infringing upon my privacy and taking pictures, especially for a man like Marshall.”

  “Sweetie, that’s Penn’s job. What part of private investigator do you not get?”

  She turned and leaned against the edge of the counter. “What gives anyone, even a PI, the right to invade someone’s life? If he’d done research before he took the job, he would have seen that Marshall is just a disgruntled man.”

  “Hey look, I’m not defending the guy. I’m on your side. I only worry about Marshall and his intentions for this place. You know he’s hoping you’ll cave.”

  “And sell?”

  “No, my dear. He wants you to come back to him.”

  “Why? He’s moved on with a blonde who has boobs that reside in two different zip codes.”

  Jodi cleared her throat. “Babes, have you checked yourself out in a mirror lately?”

  Harley pulled out her shirt and glanced down at her breasts. “Nope, their address is thirty-six C and they haven’t earned their own zip code.” She laughed.

  “Although they are ample and perky, that’s not what I’m referring to. You’re a beautiful, smart woman. You’re probably the first female that Marshall has spent any time with who has read a book. Oh, unless you want to consider porn magazines as reading.”

  Harley rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I get that he wants me to repay the loan immediately, but I don’t understand the pictures. The hang ups. And anything else he’s doing.”

  “Have you thought of asking your dad for a loan?”

  Harley’s stomach turned. “No.”

  “Come on…”


  “Okay. I’m sorry I mentioned it.” Jodi held up her hands in defense. “I know that is a bad idea. Heard from him lately?”

  “Just earlier. He wants me to show my respect for Monique by attending her birthday party.”

  “Oh crap.”

  Harley lifted a shoulder and let it drop. “I’d rather have my privates waxed every day for a month than spend time with her snooty friends.”

  “I’m sorry, Harley. I wish I could help. If I had anything in my savings I would give it to you. I shouldn’t have convinced you to go out with Marshall a second time. I-I just had no idea…”

  Stepping over to Jodi, Harley patted her shoulder. “If I didn’t see the warning signs, how would you? I was the one who said yes. I’m usually a good judge of character, but on occasion people are manipulators.”

  “You know I have your back. Anything you need, I’m there. I’ll follow him. I’ll sleep over at your house. You can sleep at mine.”

  “You don’t have the space at your place.” Harley chuckled. “No sleeping at my house. That’d mean I’d have to deal with Carlos’s snoring.” Carlos was Jodi’s boyfriend. Harley loved the man, but he snored loud enough to wake up the neighbors. She wasn’t sure how Jodi managed to sleep through the noise.

  “Hey, Carlos might be loud, but he has your back too. And he’s pretty handy with his tools.” Harley moaned. Jodi chuckled. “Hey, dirty girl. I’m referring to his plumbing
tools. A plumber who doesn’t show crack and is that handy with pipes is a keeper.” She wagged her brows.

  “I’m happy for you, but I also know how loud you two are behind closed doors. I’ll pass.”

  “Alright. Probably for the best because I bought new lingerie I’d liked to try out tonight.”

  Feeling her cheeks warm, Harley waved a hand through the air. “Why don’t you go home and let me finish up here?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Go now before I change my mind.” Harley shooed her off.

  When things were chaotic in her life, nothing soothed her better than being alone in her favorite place. Her bookstore. She situated herself in the comfortable chair and picked up one of the books from the table. Pride & Prejudice.




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