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Page 5

by Rachel Kramer Bussel


  Karenna Colcroft

  The front door closed with a bang, startling Alia from sleep. That damn door. Landlord’s never going to fix it.

  She didn’t really mind the sudden awakening, though. The slam heralded Reyn’s return from work. This time of year, he put in such long hours they barely saw each other. If he woke her when he arrived home, it gave them time together, which didn’t bother her at all. At least she might get a hug and kiss from him before he headed to his computer to unwind before trying to sleep himself.

  After a moment, the bedroom doorknob clicked. Alia burrowed farther under the sheet and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. If Reyn believed her pretense, she’d miss her affection from him, but she rarely fooled him this way.

  “Hi, honey.” The mattress shifted slightly as he lay beside her. “I’m home.”

  “Hi,” she murmured.

  “Snuggle with me?”

  She rolled onto her side facing him, and he put his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “You woke me up,” she said accusingly.

  “You mean, you weren’t awake masturbating?”

  Her face heated and she swatted his chest. He chuckled. Ever since she’d admitted to him a few days earlier that masturbating had always embarrassed her, he’d teased her about it. Not in a mean way, of course. Reyn was never mean to her. Since they’d met, he’d always used humor to try to help her deal with the issues she hadn’t realized she had until she’d found herself with a safe man, a man who loved her unconditionally.

  “I thought you always masturbate if I’m not here to help you out,” he went on, laughter underlying his voice. “Isn’t that what that conversation was all about a couple of weeks ago?”

  “That conversation was about me trying to write a masturbation scene in a story,” she corrected. “As you very well know.”

  He lightly rubbed her back. “Am I upsetting you?”

  “No, you’re just being a pain in the ass.” She kissed him. “You tease me a lot.”

  “If I didn’t, you’d think something was wrong.” He nudged her. “Turn over. I want to spoon with you.”

  Slowly, she turned onto her other side. He wrapped his arms around her, and she shimmied back against him. His hard cock pressed against her ass. As she registered his arousal, he covered her breast with his hand and squeezed gently. She moaned. She’d expected only a kiss goodnight. Apparently he had more in mind.

  Which didn’t bother her in the least. She could sleep anytime. During the summer, the time she had with Reyn became so limited they barely had a moment to kiss, let alone fuck. She’d forgotten how many days had passed since he’d last come to bed with her, and her body responded eagerly to his advances now. Clutching his muscled arm with one hand to keep him from holding her too tightly, she rubbed her ass over his cock.

  He slipped his hand down the neck of her nightshirt and tweaked her taut nipple between his thumb and forefinger, making her jump. Laughing, he did it again, with the same result. She couldn’t help laughing herself. He’d discovered how sensitive her nipples were purely by accident, and he delighted in her response when he played with her this way. To her, the tweaking and pinches almost hurt, but the pleasure outweighed the pain.

  As did having Reyn take over and do what he wanted to her. She hadn’t yet admitted to him how much his domination turned her on. He wasn’t a dom, by any means, just far more aggressive in bed than any man she’d been with, and a submissive streak she hadn’t known about had arisen in her because of it. Even though she had yet to let him take complete control—no matter what he did, she held on to at least a vestige of control, unwilling to give it up entirely—knowing he would if she allowed it turned her on.

  He nipped her earlobe and squeezed her breast more firmly. She gasped and writhed against him, not sure whether she wanted him to play more with her breasts or touch other parts of her body; not really caring what he did, as long as he didn’t leave her in this state. She’d already been horny before he’d walked through the door, and now her clit throbbed and her pussy moistened in preparation for the fucking she hoped he’d give her.

  He took his hand out of her nightshirt and ran it down her side to her thigh. She shivered and moaned again. Teasing her, he rubbed her ass, then brought his hand over her hip, not quite touching her pussy. “Are you wet?” he whispered into her ear.

  “Find out for yourself.” She grabbed his wrist and tried to move his hand where she wanted it.

  He shook his head against her back and grasped her hip, nuzzling her neck. His teeth grazed her skin in just the right spot, and she cried out. Just being in the same room with him turned her on. His touch pushed her arousal to the boiling point.

  She wanted him. Wanted his cock pounding into her, fucking her so hard the bed banged against the wall. Wanted his hands on her body, his fingers playing between her asscheeks as she rode him. Wanted anything he would give her, but she was damned if she’d ask for it. She knew if she begged, he would fuck her hard and fast. Hearing her need always drove him to take her that way.

  Even though she wanted him to take her, the game wouldn’t work nearly as well if she started pleading with him this soon. He’d have to work for it.

  His finger skimmed the top of her panties. Again she tried to steer his hand down to her clit, and again he refused to let her. Instead he teased her by tickling the skin just above her panties. She tried to pull away from him, and he tightened his other arm around her, holding her in a near headlock so that he forced her head back against him.

  For just a moment, she thought she might choke, an instinctive reaction that she quickly quieted by reminding herself that Reyn would never truly hurt her. She relaxed and discovered that although she couldn’t move her head, he didn’t have his arm tight enough to prevent her breathing.

  Panting, she closed her eyes. In that position she could see nothing other than the window and seeing nothing at all heightened the sensations of Reyn’s touch. His hand roamed from her pelvis up underneath her nightshirt to caress her breasts again. He squeezed so tightly she cried out.

  “Am I too rough?” he murmured.


  “I didn’t think so.” He tweaked her nipple, laughing when she jumped again. “I can’t be too rough with you, can I? Or at least, you’d tell me if I was.”

  “I’d tell you,” she whispered. She didn’t mind a little roughness, though. Not from him.

  He let go of her and nudged her to sit up. When she did, he knelt beside her, grabbed the hem of her nightshirt and yanked it off over her head. Tossing it aside, he gazed at her with lust-lit eyes. “That was in the way. Now I can see your gorgeous tits. And now I can do this.”

  Bending, he closed his lips around one of her stiff nipples and sucked hard on it. His hand kneaded her other breast. Discomfort and pleasure went to war within her, and her pussy clenched in arousal.

  Only the flimsy fabric of her panties separated her wet cunt from his cock now. She started to slip them off, but he grasped her wrist and lightly bit her nipple. A protest squeaked from her throat. “Not until I tell you,” he growled. “I have plans for you tonight.”

  A thrill ran through her, caused by both his tone and his words. She barely restrained herself from asking what kind of plans he meant. He probably wouldn’t tell her, and she didn’t want to know in advance. Most of the time, their lovemaking was predictable. On occasions like this, when he wanted to surprise her, wanted to be in control, she’d learned to wait and see what happened. Anticipating the unknown was so much hotter than knowing what to expect.

  With his hand and mouth on her breasts, he lowered her onto her back. She tried to pull her pillow under her head, and he snatched the pillow away and threw it on the floor. His free hand cupped the back of her head instead, relieving the strain on her neck without allowing her actual comfort.

  He switched breasts, sucking and nibbling now on the opposite nipple. He slipped his hand in
side her panties, and she let out tiny sounds of pleading arousal, asking him without words to touch her this time. His lips curved into a smile, and he dipped one finger into her wetness.

  His finger grazed her swollen clit and she hissed in a breath. “Oh, you are wet!” he said, sounding pleased.

  “Yes,” she whimpered.

  Watching her face intently, he slipped his fingers along her slit. She moaned and raised her hips, trying to make him press his hand harder against her. She needed his touch. If she didn’t come soon, she would scream with frustration. Only he could bring her there.

  If he would stop teasing her and touch her.

  He crushed his mouth against hers and nipped her lips with his own as he continued his exploration of her pussy. Two of his fingers slipped inside her to rub her sweet spot, and she arched her back to give him better access only to have him withdraw. He met her attempt to protest with a more forceful kiss, taking away her breath long enough to prevent her from speaking.

  She opened her eyes to find him looking at her with a mix of love and possessiveness so intense it sent chills through her. With his hands, he pinned her shoulders to the mattress. “Mine.” He kissed her forehead with a tenderness that stood in stark contrast to his aggression. “Mine.”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  He rose onto his knees again and stripped off his shirt, revealing his muscled arms and chest, then his shorts, leaving him in only the boxer briefs he preferred. His cock tented the front of them, and she reached for the bulge, mouth watering at the thought of sucking him dry.

  He swatted her hand away and took hold of the waist of her panties. Without a word, she lifted her hips to let him remove the garment. He yanked them off so quickly he nearly ripped them and threw them onto the floor with her nightshirt.

  The only sounds in the room now were Alia’s gasps and Reyn’s heavy breathing as he turned her onto her side. Again he wrapped his arms around her as he had when they’d spooned. This time, though, he forced his leg between hers and rolled back, pinning her partially on top of him with her legs spread wide.

  He reached one arm around her back and fondled her breast with that hand. His other hand again crept between her legs, and he slid his fingers back and forth in her wetness. Each time he brushed against her clit, she cried out. That small nub had swollen nearly to the point of pain, and her desperate desire for climax added to the ache.

  “So wet,” he murmured.

  Suddenly he pressed his finger so hard against her clit that she had to swallow a scream. With his other hand, he pinched her nipple. She whimpered from the pleasure of finally having him touch where she wanted and the pain of his rough, strong strokes.

  Then he stopped, and she moaned her disappointment. “Just a minute,” he told her. He pulled his boxer-briefs down enough to reveal his hard, thick cock standing against his abdomen. “Put your hand on my dick.”

  She followed his command and squeezed him lightly, beginning the rhythm he liked. He gripped her wrist. “No. Don’t play with me. Just keep your hand there while I get you off.”

  Obediently, she stopped moving her hand and relaxed it. “That’s it,” he murmured. He pressed his finger against her clit, and she cried out. “That’s right. You keep your hand on my dick, and I want you to remember this, Alia. I want you to think about this when you play with yourself. About you pinned this way, with your hand on a man’s dick. I want you to feel it when you rub your clit.”

  “Yes,” she hissed, not sure and not caring whether he heard her.

  He increased his pressure. Her swollen nub ached from his touch, but she didn’t want him to stop. Ever. In her core, her climax built to a peak she knew would overwhelm anything Reyn had ever done to her. The sweet pain he brought joined with intense pleasure to wipe all coherent thoughts from her mind. She usually tried to avoid this place, the purely sensual part of her she mostly hid even from him. The part that would let him control her fully.

  A tiny part of her mind gibbered for a moment at the realization that Reyn had taken over. With the last of her rationality, she soothed herself with the reminder that no matter what Reyn did, she was safe with him. He would never hurt her.

  Unless she wanted him to.

  She shuddered and let out a low moan that rose to a growl. Chuckling, Reyn nipped her earlobe. “That’s right,” he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. “Let go, Alia.”

  Her desire built even higher. Strong flame centered in her core, consuming her lower body. Every inch of her skin tingled from his touch, and she bucked against him. Not yet, she thought, trying to regain a modicum of control. She wanted to come for him, hell yes, but she wanted this beautiful torture to go on just a little longer first.

  “How does it feel?” He pressed his finger even harder against her clit. She shouted out something that didn’t quite make it to word status and squirmed against him, begging him with her movements to hold her tighter. He kissed the side of her neck. “How does it feel to have your hand on a man’s cock while he gets you off?”

  She shook her head. She couldn’t speak, and she had no need to. The exquisite throbbing in her cunt defied description. She struggled, and he merely tightened his arm around her and shifted the leg he’d pinned her with higher on her own leg. “You can’t get away,” he said gruffly. “You’re stuck here with my hand in your pussy.” To punctuate his point, he rubbed her clit so firmly she yelped in pain.

  “Tell me if I’m too rough,” he said softly.

  Again she shook her head. Not too rough. Rough enough to cause her pain, to bring tears to her eyes. But under the pain lay such huge pleasure she refused to stop him. He’d brought her to climax before, of course, but what awaited her this time would be stronger than anything she’d ever experienced.

  She whimpered and her hand clenched reflexively on his cock. He grabbed her wrist. “Just keep it there,” he reminded her. “You don’t get to jerk me off this time. This is all for you, Alia. Because you’re going to learn there isn’t anything wrong with touching yourself, and you’re going to remember this every time you masturbate from now on. Aren’t you?”

  “Yeah,” she gasped. “Oh, fuck, yeah!”

  He laughed. For a moment, his finger left her clit to thrust abruptly inside her. He rubbed her sweet spot nearly as hard as he had her clit, and she writhed as an explosion built in her core. Her entire being focused on his touch and on the ache in her pussy, an ache equal parts pain and desperate desire for him to thrust his cock into her.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  “Please what, my love?” He returned his finger to her clit and stroked it in fast circles. “Tell me. Do you want to come?”

  “Please!” she cried, unable to form any clearer words.

  “Please do this?”

  He flicked her nub with his thumb and finger. She shrieked, not knowing whether in pain or ecstasy, and lifted her hips to push against his hand. Taking her hint, he stroked her harder.

  She screamed, and the sound combined with his touch shoved her over the brink. Her body and mind were overwhelmed with wave after wave of pleasure so intense it stole her breath. She closed her eyes tightly, tensed against complete loss of control while knowing how futile the attempt was.

  She bucked and writhed, trying simultaneously to pull away from him and to move closer to him so he would keep doing this, keep forcing the climax from her. Her clit had become so swollen and sensitive now that his strokes truly hurt, and she didn’t care.

  She wanted more.

  And he gave it to her. As she gasped and shouted through her orgasm, he kept playing with her, prolonging the ecstasy until tears streamed from the corners of her eyes.

  “Look at me,” he commanded hoarsely.

  Breathing heavily, still shuddering with the force of the climax that hadn’t yet abated, she opened her eyes and stared into his. Triumph and lust mingled in his eyes with love so strong her heart ached.

  Another spasm took her, and she was
unable to keep her eyes open as she screamed again. “Please!” At least she managed a real word this time. “Please, oh, god, Reyn, please!”

  “Please what?” Finally he stopped stroking her and let go of her.

  She flopped limply against the mattress, panting and sobbing. Until then, she hadn’t realized she’d begun to cry. With his hand, he tenderly brushed the tears away. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “Fuck.”

  He smiled smugly. “Is that what you want?”

  “Please.” Words. She needed words. “Reyn, god…please fuck me!”

  His eyes lit up. Abruptly, he rolled onto his knees and stared down at her with possessive pride. He slid one hand over her skin, and she moaned another plea. “Mine,” he murmured.

  “Yes,” she gasped. His. Only his. He’d proven that already. No one else would have been allowed to touch her that way, to pin her down and force her to climax. She would have stopped anyone else at the first slight twinge of pain.

  He could be rough with her, because she knew he didn’t do it to cause her pain. He did it because she enjoyed it; and because she knew he loved her, the enjoyment was heightened.

  She reached up, and he took her hand and pressed it against his cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered.

  With a grin, he released her hand. Grasping her ankles tightly, he yanked her toward him and brought her legs up against his chest. When he bent forward, she bent with him, exposing her sex to him. Despite the discomfort from having her legs bent back so far, she smiled at him. “Fuck me,” she begged again.

  He thrust into her, holding her still against the force of it. She gasped as his cock filled her. In this position, each move he made brushed against her still-swollen clit, bringing more pain to the overly sensitive nub.

  He drove into her hard and fast, and the bed banged against the wall. No sound came from him. Teeth gritted, he stared down at her in triumph as he fucked her.


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