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Jacked - The Complete Series Box Set (A Lumberjack Neighbor Romance)

Page 39

by Claire Adams

  “You mean my stunning good looks didn't draw you in on day one?” I rolled my eyes, and he grew serious.

  “There is not a part of you that isn't amazing, even your tendency to yell at me.” I pressed my lips to the corner of his mouth. I kept my eyes open and watched his pupils dilate. He moved over me, and I adjusted, searching for the right pressure. He settled between my thighs, and I pushed up against him as he kissed my jawline before covering my mouth. His tongue swept inside, and the kiss deepened.

  He pulled away from me and softly said, “We can't.”

  I pulled the back of his neck. “Can’t never could,” I grinned at him. “I want you inside of me.”

  The words were soft, and my voice sounded foreign so thick with arousal. He pushed up, shoved his boxer briefs over his hips, and laid back down between my thighs. His fingers traveled down and dipped inside, spreading me open. I felt his tip against my wetness, and I arched my hips to encourage him. He slowly started to push inside of me. I pushed back trying to get him deeper, but he was taking his time. He lowered himself down on top of me, his weight resting on his forearms. He dropped his mouth toward mine, but our lips simply touched, and our eyes met. He watched me, his eyes focusing from one of my eyes to the other. As he moved his hips, he never looked away from me, our lips never disconnecting. Each stroke was a promise, each movement solidifying our relationship. It wasn’t just sex. It was so much more than that. I had never experienced anything like it. I had never felt the intimacy that we shared at that moment with anyone else.

  He said softly against my lips, “I think I might love you.” I pushed my lips up and against his, but he pulled back and just kept staring into my eyes. I felt the familiar burning deep in my belly and tried my best to find the oncoming orgasm, but Luke held steady. As the building intensified, I felt him waver in his movements, each one becoming a little more forceful. I clamped around him, and the world spun. I pulled him against me, our lips mashed together, and I fell down the rabbit hole. I heard him grunt, and then my name floated across his lips as he buried himself deeper inside of me. I felt him swell with each thrust forward. When he released, my body clamped down around him, he jerked and cursed, then slowly slide out of me. I felt every inch as he slid out and then a wetness followed. He laid back over me and kissed me deeply, forcing my head back into the pillow.


  I woke a couple hours later to find Luke gone. As I walked to the bathroom to shower, I looked out the window to find him and Ryan working on his springboard. They would be leaving in a couple days for the next competition. I found my phone and called Rachel. With everything that had been happening, I hadn't had a chance to call her and let her know how things had progressed.

  “Morning, sunshine.” I could almost hear her smiling through the phone.

  “Good morning,” I replied.

  “Well, don't you sound chipper this morning? Oh my goodness. You finally had sex with him!” She yelled through the phone. “Charlie, she had sex with the lumberjack.” I heard her yell through the phone. “You owe me a massage and thirty minutes of oral!”

  I busted out laughing. “You guys had a bet on when I’d get laid?”

  “Not so much when, but with who. My money was on the lumberjack. Now, tell me everything.”

  The phone went silent as I tried to find the words. “I don't know what to tell you.”

  “Please. Spill it girl.” She laughed.

  “It was... amazing.”

  “And,” she prompted.

  “I don't know. It was different than any other time I've had sex.” I smiled, thinking about this morning.

  “Which was what, with one other guy?”

  “There have been two,” I protested. “Okay, so I don't have a lot of experience, but that doesn't mean I don't know great sex when I have it.”


  “It's just different. When I had sex before, it was more a means to an end, with Luke it's more of a means to a beginning. I don't know how to explain it. I just want to be connected to him all the time. When he kisses me even a simple peck, I want him so much it hurts.”

  “You got it bad, girl.”

  “I think I might,” I sighed. I knew this would happen. I knew I would fall hard and fast for him and then it would end up being a disaster.

  “That's how it is with Charlie. I know I tried to explain it to you, but until you’ve been there, you don't understand.”

  “You're right, I didn't.”

  “So give me all the gory details.” I heard her clapping through the phone. I went on to tell her everything, and she tisked at me when I told her that we had sex this morning without protection. I was on the pill, so I wasn't worried, but to be connected to him like that was sex on a whole other level. She oohed and awed. I told her about everything.

  “I may or may not be a little jealous of the orgasm count.”

  I heard Charlie say something in the background.

  “Yeah?” She giggled, and I knew I’d lost her.

  “I'll talk to you later, Charlie just promised me a few to make up for my jealousy. Love you.” And then she was gone.


  I worked on my research for the better part of the afternoon, taking the samples, putting them in the appropriate envelopes, and gathering everything I needed so I could send it all off Thursday in Portland. I changed my plans so that I would be in Portland while Chris would be gone from the office as well. Maybe I did it on purpose, and maybe I was adjusting my life to suit Luke’s a little more, but I wasn't sorry for it. And, I actually felt bad for giving Rachel such a hard time when she did the same things. As the month went on, I felt like I saw less and less of Luke, but we were both super busy. I had wanted to try and make his final competition of the year, but with everything going on at work, it just hadn't happened. He wasn't upset but seemed more annoyed that work was getting in the way of us. I was trying so hard to make time for everyone, but I couldn't, and it was starting to show.

  Chapter 33


  I finished the Spring Board and it put me in first place. I also was sitting in first place in the underhand chop and standing chop. If my times held, I’d be a champion for the first time.

  “Dude, that was amazing,” Ryan said as he found me walking out of the crowd.

  “Thanks.” I smiled and then moved toward the RV. I had bested all of my competition by more than a second, and I hoped the times would stand with only two competitors left, Chris being one of them.

  Emmy and I had been going strong for almost a month, even though I wasn't seeing her as much as I wanted to. It was hard not seeing her when I was gone since we lived literally three feet away from each other, and I’d gotten used to her being right there.

  I was looking forward to being done traveling and being at home more working in the shop. She had been a little preoccupied, but she had also been working really hard on her grant, and with the answers coming back, she was in the woods even more. She was gone to Portland at least two to three days a week every week. I knew we were fine, but it didn't help that everything had cooled a bit over the last two weeks. The first week she was in Portland almost the entire week as she moved everything from paper records to a computer system that would keep it all in line. Her grandfather had fought her over it, but she convinced him it needed to be done. We had dinner and shared a bed that weekend, but Monday she was in the woods all day and then had traveled back to Portland to go to her grandfather’s doctor's appointment. We talked daily about everything and anything, and she had often fallen asleep on me, but not in the way I preferred. Truth was, I’d have spent every waking minute with her if it were possible.

  “You got this, my man.” Ryan said pulling me from my thought. I sat in the chair outside the RV and emptied a bottle of water I pulled from the cooler.

  I watched the boards and waited to see how I would finish.

  When everyone was done, I carried my trophy to the RV and we packed to head for

  “You might think you have it all figured out.” I heard from behind me and knew immediately who it was. Fucking Chris. I turned to face him and he smirked.

  “You think she is saving her body for only you?” I turned because I wasn't going down this road again. She had promised me that nothing had ever happened between them, and I believed her more now than I ever had.

  “Have you found that cute little scar just under her left hip bone, the one shaped like a tiny crescent moon?” I turned and looked at him. How did he know it was there? It wasn't out in the open and was only visible if she didn't have on pants. I felt my body flood with anger.

  “Just move along,” Ryan said and shoved Chris away from me.

  “You keep believing you are the only dick she gets, and I'll keep knowing that it's better with me. Those little sounds she makes when you hit just the right spot are what wet dreams are made of.” I stalked toward him, but Ryan intercepted me.

  “Ignore him.”

  “That's right. Ignore me, Luke, and I'll ignore you every time I'm balls deep in her.”

  Ryan shoved me again. “Don't.”

  “I don't give a fuck, let me by,” I growled.

  “Not gonna happen, my man. He can't beat you on the field, and he can't beat you with Emmy. She isn't interested in him like that, and you know it.”

  Chris laughed as he walked away. “Believe what you want.” He tossed the words over his shoulder and then was gone.

  “He’s looking for a fight and will say or do just about anything to pull you into one.”

  “He knows about her scar. How could he know unless he’s seen her naked?” I yelled at Ryan.

  “I don't know, but I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation. Maybe a bathing suit. Stop letting him get in your head, damnit. Now let's get our stuff and go home. We should be able to make it halfway if we leave now.” I turned and slammed the door shut on the RV and then moved toward the truck.

  “You are not driving.” Ryan pointed toward the passenger seat. I sat in silence as my mind ran through the conversation over and over again. I didn't answer Emmy when she texted me other than to say I won. She called, and I didn't answer, blaming poor reception and that I would call her when it was better. She texted me a dozen more times, and I tried my best not to let my anger leak into our conversation.

  I laid in the RV that night and let my mind go on a joy ride with everything that was imaginable. I wanted so bad to believe her, but at the same time, my head was running away because of what had happened before. In my messed-up head, everything was pointing toward her cheating, and that was a problem. Her pulling away, talking less and less, less sex, and mostly more time in Portland... where Chris was. I needed to be grounded, and the only way that would happen is if I was inside Emmy. I needed to claim her.

  The next afternoon, we arrived home to her packing her truck.

  “Hey.” She smiled brightly as she jogged over to me.

  I pulled her against me and kissed her hard. I left everything behind and picked her up walking into her house. I heard Ryan behind me, “Don't worry I'll get it.” She laughed as I pulled the screen door open and pushed her against the first wall I came to, which happened to be the one behind the front door. I kicked it closed with my foot. After the last two days and everything that I had been feeling, I needed to be as close to her as I could be. I was trying to wipe the visions of Chris and her together from my brain, and the only way I knew how to do that was to create a new vision.

  “What is this?” She wiggled against me. I pushed her harder into the wall with my pelvis, and she shuddered under me.

  “I've been waiting days for this,” I said and started to pull her clothes from her body. I dropped her to her feet long enough to get her shorts and panties out of the way and then lifted her putting her thighs on my shoulders, so my mouth was on her core. I pushed my tongue inside of her, and she wiggled against my mouth. I worked her until she was on the brink of an orgasm and then let her slide down my body.

  “No…” she complained not wanting me to stop. I pulled my cock out and stroked it a few times before pushing inside of her. She squeaked when I entered her. I moved her to the couch and began to groan as I pushed deeper and deeper. I knew that this wasn't going to be the best sex we had ever had, but I needed her in that moment. When I felt her contract around me, I lost my control and shoved into her over and over until my orgasm ripped from my body and into hers. I was panting into her neck, sweat dripping from my beard and across her chest. I watched as a droplet landed on her skin and rolled down between her breasts.

  “What was that for?” Her voice broke me from my concentration.

  “I needed you.” I said dropping a kiss over her nipple. She wiggled under me, and I felt my cock slide out of her causing a sharp intake of breath to escape from my lips. I laid my chin on the top of her head and took a few deep breaths letting my body come down from its high. I turned over, taking her with me. She cuddled against me, and we lay there wrapped in each other’s arms.


  I was stuck somewhere between sleep and consciousness when her voice broke the silence.

  “I have to go to Portland for a few days, sweetheart, but I'll be back Friday to help you prepare for the fourth of July cookout.”

  “You just got back.” I said without opening my eyes.

  “I know, and I'm sorry. Transferring all this paperwork is taking forever, and I've had to hire an IT guy to make sure it's all in there correctly.”

  “I just miss you.” I hugged her to me and frowned.

  “Once this is all done, it will be fewer days. I've gotten behind on my grant work and I'm getting emails wanting to know where it is and I keep putting them off saying it will all be done by next weekend. I just have so much on my plate at the moment, but I promise I will make it up to you.” She kissed me quickly and then stood, reaching her hand out to me. I grabbed her undies and shorts and handed them to her as I stood. She pulled them over her hips and then looked up at me.

  “It's gonna be okay, I promise.” I extended my arms, and she walked into them, wrapping hers around me and pulling me as close as she could. With everything that had happened in the last hour, and the way she looked at me, I was doubting Chris’ story and that's exactly what I had wanted and needed.

  She waved at me as I stood leaning against the post between our front doors. I lifted my hand and waved back. I watched until her truck disappeared down the road and then moved into my house. Ryan was long gone, and everything had been unloaded except the coolers.

  I made busy work of that and then took a shower. I grabbed a few beers and went out to the workshop to finish a few projects that wouldn't take very long.


  “I don't know why you don't just see her. She’s been gone two days. She’d love it. Besides, the competitions are over. You won. It's not like we need to keep working out if you aren't going to hit the circuit next season,” Ryan said.

  “I don't want to crowd her.” I looked over the beer bottle.

  “Seriously? Women want to be wanted. She wants to be pursued. Get to pursuing.” He laughed. I thought about hopping in the truck in the morning and driving up. We could do lunch and dinner, and I could stay the night.

  “Okay.” I smiled, tossing another piece of wood in the fire barrel. “You talked me into it.”

  “About time I talked you into something,” Ryan mumbled.


  I thought about us a lot on the way to Portland the next morning. The drive was just over an hour because of the rain, which gave me time for some soul searching. Was I being stupid about this whole situation? She had been even more open with me about when Chris was around and had tried to limit their encounters to only business-related meals. I was just looking too far into this, letting him put doubt in my mind. I needed to let it go.

  I followed the GPS to the street her building was located on. I drove past where she worked and turned to try and find a
parking place close to her office. It was almost noon, and I wanted to surprise her and take her to lunch. I was just opening my truck to make a run for the front door through the rain when it opened.

  An umbrella popped through the door, and then Chris appeared with Emerson. His arm was wrapped around her waist as they walked out into the rain. My blood boiled at the sight of them. I watched in astonishment as they took a few steps then stopped, just after they did, he lifted her chin with his finger and looked her in the eyes then said something to her. I reached for the door to push it open, ready to confront them, but thought better of it and clicked my seatbelt back in place. I continued to watch as they walked to the coffee shop, laughing as they walked. I threw the truck in drive and drove straight back home.


  I skidded into the driveway, Ryan hot on my heels. I had driven through town like a police car was chasing me.

  “What the fuck, dude?” Ryan jumped from the truck, following me into the shop.

  “She was with fucking Chris.”

  “Wait, what?” Ryan looked dumbfounded. “What do you mean with, she works with him, right?”

  “Wrapped up under an umbrella laughing and being all intimate and shit.” I huffed out a breath and pulled a bottle of whiskey from the shelf. It was a bottle Ryan had given me for Christmas this past year, and it was for when I finally won it all and retired. Ryan watched me as I pull the red wax from the bottle and tipped it into the glasses that had been sitting beside it.

  “Let's have some fun. No lady talk,” I insisted.

  Ryan tipped his glass to me, and I agreed.

  “To friends.” Ryan raised his glass and tapped it against mine. The bourbon burned as it went down my throat. I reached for the bottle and poured another. Ryan grabbed another bottle from the liquor stash I kept in the shop, and we eventually moved our drinking party into the house.

  “To winning it all this year,” I said.

  We once again clinked glasses and poured the shots back.

  Within the hour, I was tripping over my furniture and laughing at Ryan as he danced around my living room. He was trying his best to keep my mind off Emmy, but as we emptied another bottle, my thoughts kept drifting to her.


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