Jude's Salvation: This Love Series

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Jude's Salvation: This Love Series Page 1

by Smith, Nicole


  This Love Book One


  Nicole T Smith

  * * * * *


  Nicole T Smith


  Copyright © 2015 by Nicole T Smith

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

  No Part of this book can be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without the permission in writing from author. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote short excerpts in a review.

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  Chapter Titles:


  Chapter One: Perfect Match

  Chapter Two: Collide

  Chapter Three: Promises

  Chapter Four: Butterflies

  Chapter Five: Truth In The Lie

  Chapter Six: Fireworks

  Chapter Seven: Always Paris

  Chapter Eight: Just Before Midnight

  Chapter Nine: Closer To The End

  Chapter Ten: Trust Issues

  Chapter Eleven: Don’t Go Slowly

  Chapter Twelve: Threats

  Chapter Thirteen: There's Always Hope


  I walk around the outside of her apartment building, my feet so light the fall leaves that have littered the lawn don’t even rustle. It’s a cool evening, my breath visible as I sink back into the shadows. I’m not stalking her, rather I’m waiting for fate to find her. How she’s managed to evade it for so long, I have no idea. My only desire is to keep it from her, forever.

  She's inside alone now. Safe. I saw her soon to be ex boyfriend leaving hours ago. I don’t want to hurt her but she will find out about him soon enough. He doesn’t deserve a woman like her. I listened briefly to her shower running and her light jazz music playing softly in the background. I wonder if she remembers that her mother used to sing jazz many years ago.

  When I began digging up information on Eden and her mother, I discovered that Marisa had sung jazz at a number of high class clubs in New York City. The woman was stunning and had a voice that could wrap you in velvet, at least that is what the reviewers had said. When I met her she wasn’t singing. I couldn't help but wonder why she let herself get involved with Lexter Lewis. Their arrangement started shortly after Eden was born. I guess Marisa needed the money since Eden’s father wasn’t in the picture. He wasn’t ready to disclose his extramarital affairs to his wife at the time. Lex must have offered her an amazing deal, an offer so good she couldn’t say no.

  If she had only known what kind of a man he was, no not a man, he’s an animal that preys on the weak. I'll give Marisa credit though, she held on for a long time, almost fifteen years as his favorite. Lex is known for his lucrative deals and as a bonus for doing business with him he offers only the classiest escorts New York City has to offer. He had made a lot of money off of Marisa’s ability to please the customers that came to him from all over the world. She became asked for by name.

  In my search for information about her I discovered medical reports that someone tried to hide years ago. Reports that mention broken arms, head traumas and brutal rape injuries. He made all his girls live in constant fear. I shiver at the thought of what Marisa’s daughter may have seen before she was taken by Daniels.

  I also uncovered reports from a Dr. Michaels, Eden’s psychologist for the past six years. He described Eden's ‘amnesia’ as trauma induced. Her treatment is considered experimental and unconventional. The medications are questionable and as far as I can tell her memories of her life before that night her mother died are still buried deep inside her, at least that is what I have determined after watching her live this new life. A life her mother would never have imagined for her, a life her father denied her until he had no choice but to take her.

  The street is strangely quiet considering it’s a students residence neighborhood. I investigated the neighbors and thoroughly scanned her entire unit before she arrived. I'll be here for a few more days now that she has moved in, just to see who comes around. Once I deem her safe, at least safe enough for one of Mr. Daniels usual guards to monitor her, I'll go back to my other obligations. I intend to return periodically to check on her now that I have found her again, to make sure no one of interest is eying her. She interests me though. From the moment I met her in Lex’s warehouse six years ago she is never far from my thoughts. Even though I've had my share of women, it is her I crave. I keep telling myself someday, maybe she'll see me, maybe she'll remember me. It is wishful thinking that she'll ever look my way, even if she did remember me she would also remember that I didn't save her. I was one of the bad guys that held her captive.

  I can’t take my eyes from her now, she’s standing in front of her bedroom window and looking up at the night sky. Her long wavy hair that I once ran my fingers through is hung over her shoulder. So many nights I have wished I was up there with her, holding her in my arms, brushing her hair back from her face and looking into those deep sparkling green eyes. I held her once and she slept in my arms. She made me feel like I was hers and she was mine. Something inside me still believes this. A part of me that continues to love her still believes she will return to me. I will watch out for her until then, from a distance. I will make sure her dark demons never find her again, regardless of my deep buried desire for her I will stay hidden. At least that is what I planned but sometimes fate has other ideas.


  Perfect Match

  “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this. I’m the oldest. I’m the wild one. I should be going with you at least,” my sister pouts, her perfectly manicured nails tapping on my dresser as I roll clothes into my backpack attempting to hold back a laugh.

  “Your form of wild and my form of wild are two totally separate things Bethany,” I inform her. She stops tapping her nails and stares at me as if shocked.

  “It’s true, come on, you think putting on a glitter covered mini dress and three, wait no four inch stilettos is wild,” I say, holding up my fingers to emphasize my point. Her stare holding, not a hint of amusement so I continue.

  “You think staying out dancing in Las Vegas until four in the morning then crashing in the limo on your way to the penthouse suite at the Bellagio is wild. I think jeans, tees, flip flops and sleeping in hostels as I take trains across Europe is wild. You wouldn’t survive more than two days without a warm shower and crisp Egyptian cotton sheets to sleep on. God only knows what I’ll be sleeping on,” I explain, hoping to make her feel better about not inviting her to come along on this trip, although that last thought even made me a little nervous.

  Beth’s engaged to be married in a month and sometimes I think she really doesn’t want to go through with it. She’d never admit to it though. Gregory Pullman Jr. is her perfect match according to our mother. He comes from the right family and graduated from the best school, Harvard alum just like our father and his father before him. They get along smashingly together, drinking scotch and talking business. I usually roll my eyes and excuse myself from their company with my sister chasing after me, begging me not to leave her with them.

  “If you can’t stand his company than why are you marrying him?” I asked her once and I will never bring the subject up again. She cried then refused to talk to me for days. “I love him, I do,” she finally told me, trying to convince herself more than me. I will never ever put myself in her position. If I marry, it will be for love not status.
br />   “I guess you’re right. I can’t exactly run for a train in Manolo Blahniks on a cobblestone street without twisting an ankle or something,” Beth said, finally smiling. Admitting in her own way that she doesn’t really want to go on a backpacking trip with me after all.

  “No, you certainly can’t,” I reply with a smirk. The image of her trying though almost makes me laugh out loud.

  “I’ll leave you to the rest of your packing. There is a pitcher of Sangria calling my name out by the pool. Come join me for a drink at least before you leave,” she orders, sounding a lot like mother.

  “I’ll be down in a bit,” I smile, but it doesn’t reach my eyes. She closes the door behind her and I flop down on my bed for a moment of quiet solitude before the adventure of my life begins.


  Holding the credit card my father gave me to pay for my flight, I wait patiently for my boarding pass. “Use it for emergencies too Eden,” he had said with a wink this morning. He was dressed in his tailored navy blue suit, polished black shoes and a silk tie, looking fancy even for a Sunday morning. He ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair, something he does when he's anxious. My father knew how to look powerful but I could tell he was nervous about something this morning. He had made his feelings perfectly clear about this trip I'm taking as soon as I suggested it and everyday since. He wasn’t happy I was going. My father has scared off several of my would be boyfriends with just a look, not even a word muttered and they ran but I wasn’t afraid to stand up to him.

  I sigh thinking about him as I wait for everyone to check in, feeling a tightness in my chest at the fact that my father never seems to approve of any of my personal choices. Especially my choice in potential boyfriends. Even though I went to a private school, I still managed to seek out the scholarship boy, with his tie askew, his hair disheveled and eating with the wrong fork. I always found it endearing, comforting, refreshing even.

  My father didn’t approve of us staying in hostels either. “Or use the card to stay in a five star hotel when you realize hostels are not as romantic as you seem to think they are,” he had said frowning. When I just shook my head he sighed then held his arms out for me and I snuggled into his warm embrace, his couture aftershave assaulting my senses. This is my daddy, my daddy war bucks I often called him because sometimes I truly believed I was little orphan Annie. I must have been adopted or switched at birth.

  My sister and I are polar opposites, not only in shoe choices, but in boy’s, food and appearances too. Her hair is dark brown, straight and always combed to perfection. Mine is golden blonde with a few lighter pieces scattered around and always wavy. Beth tried to get me to use a straightener once but it was too much work. A ponytail and headband suited me just fine I told her, feeling frustrated. Beth had the bluest eyes I have ever seen, just like my mothers. Mine were a strange mix, my mother had told me once that they were hazel but all I saw was bright green with a hint of honey drizzled around them just to throw you off. Beth burnt in the sun and I tanned instantly. My father used to joke that I was the Spanish pool boy’s daughter. It took me years to understand what he meant by that and why my mother always fumed when he said it. Sometimes I wondered if it wasn’t really a joke but not when my father hugged me like he did this morning before I left.

  “Eden, darling use the card for anything that catches your fancy, have the time of your life and promise me you will be safe. We all love you very much,” he told me with one last squeeze. He picked up his suitcase and walked to the front door. His car was waiting for him. I raced to the door watching him walk down the steps.

  “I love you too daddy,” I told him. I caught his nod but he didn’t turn around. He gave me all the emotion he dared show and I wouldn’t pressure him for more. It was enough. My father has never liked goodbyes, he doesn’t like not being in control of everyone and he knows he can’t control me, not now, maybe not ever.

  The flight attendant hands me my double shot of vodka and cranberry juice, my drink of choice now that I’ve recently turned twenty-one and can drink legally. Mixing my drink with a straw, I listen to Mariana go over the rules of the buddy system. She’s one of my best friends and has taken on the role of ‘mother’ for this trip, to all of us.

  “We must always travel in two’s, seeing as there are four of us this will not be a problem. No wandering off on solo excursions. Eden, I’m looking at you,” she says, her large blue eyes piercing me, her eyebrows raised looking more like she’s seen a ghost then projecting sternness. I salute her, a grin escaping my lips.

  “Yes sir,” I say taking a big sip of my drink. Angie laughs. She’s another rule breaker like me. Her parents were furious when she told them she was going on this trip, even threatening to cut her off which almost worked. She’s determined to become an actress for as long as I've known her. Only recently she made it into her first big budget movie and has since passed an audition for her first major motion picture role, which begins filming two weeks after we get back. She stood up to her parents, her confidence in her ability to support herself restored and they took back their threat.

  “I want to be Eden’s buddy,” Angie squeals. Mariana scowls at her before responding.

  “No way in hell will I let either one of you out of my sight,” she said, her eyes landing on Sophie now, the quieter one of our little group. She’s coming along more for the museums, culture and history than the pub crawls. She is pursuing a career as a Professor and wants this experience to draw on when she’s lecturing. I think all of us feel protective of her but something tells me she’s probably stronger than the three of us combined. Her wit, intellect and shockingly amazing mental compass will be invaluable on this journey.

  As the flight continues on through the night we all attempt to get some much needed sleep. I switch off the light above my head and turn on my ereader, dimming the back light. I open to a romance, one I recently added specifically for this journey, titled “One night in Paris.” I have no idea what it is about but lately I have just been consumed with romance, mad passionate sex and love at first sight. I really want to believe that all of it is possible. None of which I have experienced yet.

  That’s not to say I’m a virgin, I lost that at a resort in Hawaii when I was seventeen to a very hot deep sea diving instructor. His golden tanned skin, long curly dark hair pulled up in a Beckham style ponytail, with all the self confidence of a man living his dream and taking what he wants along the way, especially doe eyed teen girls. He knew what he was doing even though I didn’t but I was so scared and it was over sooner than I expected. After the initial pain I only started to feel some kind of pleasure when he finished, leaving me flustered and confused. In his defense he said he was afraid of getting caught. By my father I assumed as he met him before we went out for my first lesson that week. I'm sure my father must have warned him to keep his hands off me, I've heard him say it before. I was left with an ache I didn’t know how to put out.

  Beth, being the big sister she is, filled me in on the art of self pleasure when she bought me a vibrator for my eighteenth birthday. I think I almost broke it the first week. “Best present ever,” I remember telling her over a pitcher of Margaritas in the Cayman Islands. Family trips always included all inclusive, five star resorts. My mother went her way, to spa’s and shopping, my father to the golf courses and clubhouses, leaving Bethany and I to find ways to amuse ourselves, which we always did.

  I must have fallen asleep soundly for the next thing I remember is Mariana jabbing me in the ribs and mentioning something about breakfast being served. I sat up straighter and wiped the drool from my cheek causing Mariana to sit back from me with disgust on her face.

  “What, you don’t drool in your sleep, shocking!” I laugh.

  “We’re almost at Heathrow,” Sophie beams. She has a thing for adding airports to one of her lists of things to do, see, hear, eat, etcetera. She has a list for everything. I’m surprised she’s never been to Heathrow yet.

  “My parent
s always fly into Gatwick,” she moans, as though it’s so embarrassing.

  “I don’t get it, am I missing something?” Angie remarks, annoyed she would be concerned at all over which airport we landed in.

  I ignore them and begin devouring my brown food consisting of croissants, lemon bread with butter and coffee. Black will have to do as I quickly drink it down, grimacing at the horrible flavor. I will admit to being a coffee snob. I know what I like but desperate times when you’re on a plane and nowhere else to go, stale drip or instant will have to do.

  “We’re descending,” Angie squeals. I nod as I finish my canned fruit salad. I look over onto Mariana’s tray and scoop up her croissant just before the trays are cleared. She is the only one out of the four of us that insists on remaining a size two, although she prefers to be a zero. Sophie is naturally petite. She can eat anything and in any quantity and never gain a pound. Angie and I refer to ourselves as healthy, certainly not skinny. We are both gym members and appreciate a little muscle and curve on a woman’s physique.

  My mother has complained every time she sees me in a strapless dress, that my shoulders look too defined and my biceps are very unladylike. I’m far from being a bodybuilder. I like the slight definition and how toned they are though. At sixteen I had slept over at Angie’s house, she had fallen asleep but I couldn’t so I made my way downstairs to their den and found her brothers watching the original Terminator movie. They motioned to the free sofa so I sat down and was mesmerized watching Linda Hamilton doing pull ups. I’ve always wanted arms like hers. I’m still not even close but I’m satisfied with my body.

  Mariana scowls at me as I drop crumbs on my lap from the flaky pastry. I know she keeps baggies of celery sticks in her purse. I am determined to get her to eat an entire chocolate éclair in Paris, even if I have to get her drunk first. I want photos of her eyes turning up in her head like she’s having an orgasm when she takes her first bite. I know she’ll lick the chocolate from her fingers. I smile as we prepare to land.


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