Jude's Salvation: This Love Series

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Jude's Salvation: This Love Series Page 2

by Smith, Nicole



  The airport is bustling once we finally pass through customs. Sophie leads the way, bringing us straight to the hired car waiting for us by the first exit doors of our terminal. There is a driver holding up a sign reading Strickland.

  “We’re seriously taking a hired car to a hostel, Sophie Strickland? Really? I thought we were roughing it,” I groan, looking around for a bus. I thought we had all agreed on buses, sardine packed tubes and walking whenever possible. I was looking forward to showing Beth my blisters when I get back. I may be alone in this dream as I watch the three of them hand over their backpacks to the driver. Well, at least I got them to use backpacks. I laugh as I throw my pack in with the rest of them. Sophie gives the driver the address to our hostel and we sit back in silence as we travel down to the heart of London.

  Double Decker buses, men in suits and more scooters then I’ve ever seen race past me as I stare out the window. How many roundabouts can there be in a thirty minute drive? I sit back, grateful I’m not navigating these streets. Back at home, Beth and I spend most of our time in L.A. so we never drive anywhere anyway. My parents have always had drivers for us.

  Once we are checked into our very first hostel we make our way up a long narrow flight of stairs that creek with every step. The lighting isn't the best either, casting eerie shadows behind us.

  "Does our buddy have to be responsible for getting our drunk asses up these stairs too?" Angie asks seriously. I laugh, reaching the top and grab Angie’s hand.

  “I gotcha Buddy,” I tell her with a wink. She laughs this time. We all try and peek inside as soon as Mariana opens the door to our room, almost afraid to enter.

  "It's cozy," Mariana says, trying to sound positive. Once we choose our beds the four of us just stand there dumbfounded as we look around the sparse room. There is an old alarm clock radio on one of the nightstands, two lamps and a dresser. In the far corner a small television sits on a shelf. The thing looks older than me.

  “This will be fun,” Angie mutters sarcastically. We’ll be spending four nights here in downtown London before moving on, if we make it that long. I watch the frown form on Mariana’s face when she lifts the old wool blanket from her bed and places it on the floor. I know she’ll be examining each bed before she let’s us sleep tonight. The other two are logging onto the free Wi-Fi and sending messages to their boyfriends. Although Sophie still hasn’t admitted they are dating yet. Quinn loves her without a doubt though. Everyone seems to see it but her. The two of them are inseparable. I think the only time they are not together is if they are in classes or sleeping. Sophie is studying to become a professor and Quinn an engineer.

  She has told me that they have both put their studies above all else but I’ve seen the way Quinn’s eyes close and he inhales when he kisses her hair. Sophie’s eyes always light up when he’s around her. She likes to try and convince us that they are just friends, only study partners that keep each other focused. I think she’s just trying to tell herself that so she doesn’t get hurt. Quinn Martin could definitely be a heart breaker. He’s not only smart but very easy on the eyes. His blonde spiky hair and clear blue eyes fits nicely with his strong physique. Sometimes he looks like a jock instead of a man determined to ace his classes and graduate with honors.

  Angie’s man is a whole other story. When the two of them are together you wouldn’t be able to slip a feather between them, they are always touching, kissing and hugging. Their public displays of affection I swear crosses the line sometimes and yes I am a little jealous. Although I have my limits with them when I'm around, there is only so much I can take. When they get too heated I can’t help but tell them to either leave or cool it off. Her boyfriend is hot, the only one that’s close to being my type. He swears a little too much, his hair is always disheveled, the ‘I just had sex’ look mastered and his clothes are expensive but he always wears them as though they are not. He’s tough, he has an edge to him but I’m not sure why. I really don’t know much about him, I’m not even sure Angie knows. They are cute together but Angie doesn’t usually date the same guy for long. I would never take her sloppy seconds but Trey is very tempting.

  Mariana’s boyfriend is friends with my sister’s fiancé and their relationship is the same. She tells me she loves him, that they are a good match on paper. Her parents adore him. Mason will be a doctor in a few more years. “He is very smart and respectful,” she tells me. “Uh huh, good qualities in a mate, as long as there is love and passion too, right?” I asked her. I feel as though I’ve had this conversation too many times. Maybe I’m just not getting it. Maybe I’ve set my standards and my list of requirements too high. I know she doesn't love him, she thinks she might someday though. I refuse to marry for anything less than butterflies in my stomach and fireworks when he kisses me.

  I leave them to their messaging and take the shower first, washing away the grime of traveling. I wonder how long I’ll last on this trip before I cave and seek out the first five star hotel I see. The water is cold and the tiny towel barely wraps around me. I dry as quickly as possible, jumping into my leggings. Once my long sleeved knit sweater is pulled on, I run my hands vigorously over my arms to warm myself up. For July there is a nip in the air and the cold shower experience didn’t help. An unsettling chill runs through me.

  After an afternoon of strolling through Hyde Park and looking at monuments we're all feeling the exhaustion of travel but decide to finish our first day in London with a few pints at the closest pub. I lock arms with Angie as we walk towards a place we saw on our way in this morning. Sophie and Mariana are in front of us, talking and walking quickly. I glance across the street and take a peek behind us. Aside from a few young girls walking in a group and a business owner busily locking up for the night the street is rather quiet. It is only nine but I assume people have gathered for dinner by now and our enjoying their evening.

  "Are you okay Eden, you seem a little on edge?" Angie asks. I take a deep breath and nod.

  "I'm fine, really, just looking around," I tell her and she pulls me tighter.

  "We both know you are not fine, don't lie to me. I know you better than anyone," she reminds me. Better than anyone that's known me in the last six years, before then I don't know who knew me. Angie is the first friend I can remember ever having. We laugh at the same jokes, buy the same clothes, our music and movie choices are pretty similar too. She has the prettiest dark brown eyes and long wavy light brown hair with golden highlights strategically placed to make it look like she spends her days on the beach.

  "Sorry, I just had a strange feeling, like I'm being followed or watched. I'm sure it's just jet lag, I must be tired still. I didn't sleep well last night either," I inform her. She takes this opportunity to look around herself.

  "Nope, no one following us except for that strange, large man hiding in the shadows wearing a black trench coat," she says in a low, sinister voice and I know she's making fun of me now.

  "Oh my god, where," I squeal, pulling her in for a hug. We both break out in laughter, causing Mariana to stop and turn around.

  "Are you two done, we're about to enter an adult establishment," she says in her motherly voice. Her dark hair pulled back in a red headband and the white lace on her collar are just the right touches to go with her demeanor.

  "An adult establishment? Why didn't you tell me we were going to see strippers tonight Mariana? I hope they are male," Angie says with a wink as we walk into the pub. We pass a few full tables finding an empty one closer to the back.

  Once seated I still can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me. I casually look around the pub but no one seems to be interested in us. It's fairly busy, looks like a meeting spot for friends. The patrons seem well dressed making me think they arrived here after work to meet up.

  Once the first round of drinks are finished and the second are being poured I begin to relax. Angie is going on about the last rave she attended when a voice slices thro
ugh my thoughts, instantly sending a tingle down my spine. I roll up the sleeve of my sweater and see goose bumps on my arm. Quickly rolling it back down, feeling aware of being watched again but this time I don't feel frightened. The sound of a man's voice just gave me goose bumps, now that is worth being frightened of. The owner of this deep delicious voice is just a few tables over. I’m a little afraid to look, just in case his appearance doesn’t match up with the warm, sinful vibration skimming across my flesh. His accent isn’t as thick as the other mens in this place but he does have one.

  I listen to his voice and my eyes close. I only want to hear him, not the music, not my friends, just his voice. I’ve heard him speak before, it feels like a delectable dream, my cheek resting against a warm solid chest. A comfort in the cold. He brushes my hair back from my face and kisses my forehead. I can hear his heart beating. He eases my fears, he is an angel, he was my savior. My eyes flutter open, a panic rushing through me. I don’t know the owner of this voice and why I would have such a vivid dream in a bar frightens me. I glance around the table and thankfully no one has noticed my temporary bout of insanity. I take a large sip of my beer. I can’t stand the taste of beer actually but Angie insisted we drink Stella in London.

  I take a deep breath and against my better judgement I take a peak, curiosity winning out. I need to know what this guy looks like, either way, hot or not. I can’t deny the effect he is having on me. Slowly turning my head, scanning the group the sound came from. For some reason I thought I would instantly just know who I was listening to but there were several males in that general area. My heart is beating way too fast, like he’s watching me intensely, waiting for me to find him, which is crazy. I don’t think I’ve said more than two words since I heard his voice, there is no way he’s interested in me. I glance over the men again, my gaze settling on a pair of deep blue eyes staring back at me. His slightly unshaven chin accompanies soft, kissable lips which are now turning up into a smug yet still sexy grin. I quickly turn away, feeling the heat in my cheeks. I must be red, feeling totally embarrassed that I was caught staring at him but he was actually looking at me before I turned to him. Yes, I am whining internally.

  My pride forces me to at least attempt to focus back on my friends and ignore this alluring man. I struggle to listen to whoever is talking now but I can’t concentrate. I can feel his eyes on me still. When his voice assaults me again I take a chance and look back over at him, just to make sure he really is the one that's making me shiver. He’s standing now, a man in front of him blocks my view but I can tell he’s tall with broad shoulders and hair that I want to run my fingers through. A stylized messy, sun lightened head of hair and matched with those deep ocean blue eyes that I catch finding mine again. Damn, caught twice. Another embarrassing smile crosses my face as I turn away although he’s smiling too. I shouldn’t like it but I do. Our table has gone quiet and they are all staring at me.

  “What?” I ask, wondering what I missed.

  “We are done here Eden, will you be returning with us this evening?” Mariana jokes, I think.

  “Yes, fine. I’m good. Let’s go then, I guess,” I mumble, not really wanting to leave now though. Angie strolled off with Sophie to the washroom, buddy system in full effect and I went with Mariana to settle our tab. I gather up my hair and drape it over my shoulder. With Mariana turned away from me, I feel a heat warm my back and a faint cool breath on my neck.

  “Excuse me miss,” that voice rumbles through me and shivers follow. Does this man have a clue what he’s doing to me? I left my trusty vibrator at home and I’m sleeping in a closet with three other girls. How am I going to relieve this fire he’s started? I don’t think I’ve ever been this worked up in my life. I turn slowly towards him, afraid my face will reveal my dark and dirty desires. I manage a smile, my eyes focused on his, telling myself not to look at his lips. Do not look at those luscious, bitable lips. Self control is eluding me tonight.

  “This is out of character for me but would you consider, and please don’t slap me for asking this,” he says with his hands slightly raised in a surrender position and I stare at him, wondering why in the world I would hit him. I’m intrigued as I nod for him to continue, knowing my eyes must look like a deer caught in the headlights.

  “Would you consider joining me for a late breakfast tomorrow morning?” he asks, sounding confident with just a touch of nervousness. I break out in a bigger smile.

  “Breakfast? Interesting, possibly but you don’t expect me to spend the night with you do you? Because, I mean I don’t go home with strangers,” I reply, feeling unsure of what he’s actually asking me. He smiles, looking relieved.

  “I am happy to hear that. I actually don’t take home strangers myself which is why I would like to meet you, so we're not strangers anymore. Would you consider meeting me over breakfast tomorrow?” he asks again and I feel my cheeks heat. I glance back at Mariana who still seems preoccupied but I know she’s almost finished. If I want to see him again I can’t play coy, I don’t have time.

  “Are you staying around here?” he asks, catching my nervous glance. His eyes hold mine, actually warming me with his intensity.

  “Yes, at the Acacia hostel, um, where should I meet you for breakfast?” I ask, sounding breathless, cursing myself for telling a stranger where I am staying. He doesn’t break eye contact when I reply. Feeling overwhelmed, I look away trying to hide my blush. I catch Sophie and Angie stop mid stride and stare at me, both of them looking shocked. He seems to understand my indecision when he spots my friends watching us. I look back up at him and he ever so slowly, almost reluctantly takes his eyes from me and pulls a card from his pocket then hands it me, his finger slightly grazing mine.

  “Here’s my cell number, text me when you can and I’ll give you the location of the best place in London for an authentic English breakfast,” he says with that grin again before disappearing further back into the pub leaving me with his scent. I inhale deeply, my eyes closing. So male and clean but disturbing in the most sensual way. I open my eyes to try to find him again but he’s gone. The scent of him almost brought back a memory but I can’t claim it. Angie’s voice breaks through my thoughts.

  “Wow girl, picking up a hottie on the first night, sweet," Angie says excitedly, wrapping her arm over my shoulder. I smile, catching Mariana’s disapproving glare.

  Once back in our room she breaks her silence. “You know I have to come with you tomorrow morning right? Buddy system, remember?” I should have known she heard everything.

  “I don’t think so darling. I love you and all but dates I do solo. Anyway, it’s just breakfast in a public place. I’ll be fine. If you want I’ll meet you guys when it’s over,” I tell her.

  “I want to know details Eden, his name, where you’re going, the time you’re meeting him too,” she continues on.

  “You are going to make a great mother some day Mariana,” I laugh. Picking up my cell, I enter in his number. The business card he gave me only has the initials J. E. with his number below it. The card looks professional, solid paper, silver bubbled letters on a black satin sheen card. I assume he gives them out for business and not just hook ups. Maybe I shouldn’t pursue him. I mean what guy in his twenties gives out business cards to girls. He is no doubt trouble masked behind that gorgeous smile and perfect cheekbones. I glance at Mariana and see her studying my face, knowing that I’m having second thoughts. I can tell a lecture of ‘I told you so’ coming on. I shake my head then look back at his card. I wave it in front of my face and I actually think I can smell his cologne, masculine and refined. I sigh as I pick up my cell and unlock it. I have no doubts that I am going to text him. I am going to see him again.

  “I’m going to find out his name now,” I grin, knowing it will tick her off even more. Sophie looks up from her book, a confused expression on her face.

  “You are going out with a guy but you don’t know his name?” she asks, raising her eyebrow at me.

  “Not yet,
but I will before the date starts,” I inform them. Returning to my bed I open his number again, adding his contact name as ‘the voice’. Oh that voice. When he whispered so close to my ear I swear I almost moaned. He is too hot. It should be illegal for him to speak in public. I feel giddy as I begin to text him, like a high school girl with a secret crush.

  Me: Hi strange man I just met in a pub on my first evening in London. I’m the American girl that you asked out for an authentic English breakfast in the morning. Just wondering if we are still on for this feast?

  I wait for his response, cell in hand, only shaking slightly. Shaking? Am I nervous? I put the phone under my pillow and change into my pajamas before sneaking a peek at it again.

  “He replied,” I squeal, causing a pillow to fly across the room and hitting the side of my head. I glare over at Angie and she laughs. I throw it back to her and read his response.

  Him: Absolutely beautiful girl. I’m staying at the Wiltshire, just a few blocks from you. I looked it up because I have no idea where hostels are. I can meet you out front your building at nine thirty?

  “He called me beautiful girl,” I squeal again. Another pillow flies across the room and hits me but I continue smiling.

  Me: Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you at nine thirty.

  Him: We can walk to the cafe, it isn’t far. If you would like, you can invite your traveling companions as well.

  His concern makes me feel warm. He must be a nice guy. I know my friends will follow me but I want to meet him alone.

  Me: I think I can handle breakfast with a charming, polite English man on my own. You haven’t told me your name yet, what should I call you?


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