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Lion’s Honor (Paranormal Shapeshifer BBW Romance) (Ridgeville)

Page 3

by Celia Kyle

  “Honor?” The soft rap of knuckles against the door came just before Maya eased into the room.

  She forced a smile to her lips. “Hi. What’s up?”

  The normally boisterous Prima was quiet, almost subdued, as she approached Honor and finally settled on the other end of the window seat. A tremulous case of nerves fluttered in her stomach and a hint of fear slithered into her. The woman was never silent and always spoke with a roar. Quiet was scary.

  “We’re having a guest for dinner.”

  A knot formed in Honor’s stomach and a ball took up residence in her throat. “Wh-what?” Panic assaulted her. “I’ll-I’ll stay in here and hide and you won’t…”

  The Prima snatched Honor’s hands and tugged her forward, forcing her to focus on the lioness. “Stop it.”

  She shook her head. No, she didn’t think she could stop. Not when the terror stole conscious thought from her.

  “Yes. Quit it.” The Prima’s golden gaze focused on Honor. “You’ve been here for two weeks and we’ve turned everyone away. Your parents, your brother and sister, and the guards. But even worse, we haven’t allowed Grayson—your mate—to return to the house.”

  Honor shook her head faster. Was she denying Maya’s words or Grayson’s status as her mate?

  “Yes, and we’re done bending the law.”

  Yes, they’d been stretching it pretty hard. No one was allowed to separate mates. Even if incarcerated, they couldn’t be kept from one another.

  He’d recognized her as his long ago and her lioness had been… intrigued by him. Now that she’d gone through her first heat, the cat craved him.

  Her first heat… Pain… Desire… All the blood…

  She should have never gone to England. What a colossal mess that became. Now she was damaged, parts of her broken, and all because she wanted a life before tying herself to Grayson. She was so fucking stupid.

  “No.” She whispered the word, hoping her anguish filled the single syllable.

  “Yes.” Maya nodded. “We’re taking baby steps and he, more than anyone, deserves to see you first.”

  Honor reached for the Prima, grasping the woman’s hands and squeezing tight. “You don’t know how broken I am, Maya. You don’t understand. I can’t…”

  She couldn’t scent him, couldn’t allow her body to overtake her mind again, and couldn’t let the lioness burst free. Honor wasn’t sure if she could survive another battle with the cat.

  Maya eased her hands free of Honor’s hold and cupped her cheeks. “You’re not broken beyond repair. My pride is stronger than that and I refuse to let you think of yourself that way. I don’t know what’s wrong with you, Honor, and you don’t have to tell me. Ever. But Millie was able to overcome thirty years of Freedom’s treatment and no longer feels the need to fry everyone. If she can get over the urge to kill every man on sight, you can sit down to a meal with my family and our Second.”

  Tears stung Honor’s eyes and she sobbed, a harsh, low sound escaping her throat before she could call it back. “No…”

  She’d want him, crave him, and her cat would do anything to get him in their bed. Even if the human was disgusted by the animal’s need.

  “Yes. I’ll make it an order if I have to. Do I need to do that?” The Prima’s voice was hard.

  Honor let her gaze wander back to the tree line. It was three in the afternoon and he was in his usual spot, lazing in the shade beneath a massive maple tree. He’d never approached the house or pushed her boundaries too far. When he first appeared, she went directly to Alex and begged him to send Grayson away.

  “A male can’t be expected to leave his female unprotected.”

  “No,” she whispered now. “You don’t have to make it an order.”

  “Good.” Maya grinned. “Because I suck at giving orders. Plus I bet Alex I could get you to agree without pulling the ‘Prima’ card. Thank you for not making me a liar.” The Prima winked. “Though, the winner got the sexual favor of their choice.” Maya shrugged. “If he won, he would have gotten a blow job and his cock is—”

  “Maya!” the Prime roared and the Prima grinned, drawing a smile to Honor’s lips.

  Maya gently squeezed her hands one last time and then released her as she rose to her feet. “Dinner’s at five. That’ll give Grayson time to run to the hotel and get cleaned up.” Honor nodded and the Prima turned toward the door, taking a handful of steps before refocusing on her. “You know he hasn’t been staying at the hotel, don’t you? Since he was given permission to guard the house from the forest, he hasn’t left. He hasn’t slept in a bed, and his food has come from the land. He’s worried about you, about any threat that still hovers over you. Think about that, Honor.”

  With that, the Prima retreated, leaving her alone once again. She let her gaze stray to the window, to the lion lying in the shadows. Alex strode across the expanse of land that separated the house from the forest and Grayson quickly sprang to his feet. The tension in his muscles was easily seen, his entire body taut as he waited for the Prime to reach him.

  She watched the confrontation, the way Alex crossed his arms across his chest and stared down at the lion. The way the lion went from determined to wary and then his body relaxed while joy overcame his features. The Prime had invited her mate to dinner.

  Minutes ticked past, the cat entirely focused on the pride’s Prime, and before long, Alex was on his way back to the house while Grayson… stared at her. She wasn’t sure how much he saw, if his enhanced vision allowed him to get a clear look at her. Regardless, she felt the need to reach out to him. She traced his visage, pretending to run her fingers over his fur and stroke the soft hair that covered the bridge of his nose. When she was shifted, she loved to have her nose scratched. Would he feel the same?

  Grayson tilted his head to the side in question, seeming to ask if she really wanted him there. No, no she didn’t. But she should. She couldn’t hide inside forever, couldn’t cower behind Alex until the day she died. Allowing Grayson to get close was a step in the right direction and he was the perfect person to have at her side.

  With anyone from her family or longtime friends, there would be expectations, hurt feelings, and a long history of experiences clouding the encounter.

  Regardless of the years she’d spent growing up in Ridgeville, Grayson was mostly a stranger.

  Which made him the perfect choice. It didn’t hurt that her lioness agreed.

  * * *

  Sweaty palms gripping the steering wheel, Grayson drove down the road leading to the pride house. Nerves tumbled in his stomach and his whole body vibrated in anticipation mixed with a hint of fear.

  The fear annoyed his lion. He was the big, bad Second of the Ridgeville pride. Behind Alex, he was one of the strongest males in the United States. If he wanted, he could lead his own pride. He just didn’t have the desire to be the one who decided between life and death. Let his Prime deal with the political bullshit and passing judgment. He was fine with taking orders.

  Except the one directing he keep his distance from Honor. That nearly broke him. For two weeks, the lion scraped and tore at him. If it hadn’t been for Alex’s demand for submission and the threat of a true, bloody battle, he would have claimed his mate by now.

  But two weeks of watching also made him realize how much she’d changed.

  Four years ago she’d been a teasing, taunting high school graduate. A woman who tormented him by flirting with a few of the other local boys in his presence.


  It was a complete one-eighty.

  His battered truck hit a pothole, drawing him from his musings and forcing his attention on driving. The asphalt had thinned and broken away in spots. He’d have to get the guys in the city office to send someone out to repair it. He couldn’t drive his mate anywhere if it meant bouncing in her seat. She should always be comfortable, should always…

  Shit, he’d turned into a pussy-whipped version of Alex and he hadn’t even spoken with Honor in years.
He was so gone.

  Grayson approached the final turn, pulling onto the long as hell driveway. His nervousness rose, but he pushed it down. No matter the problems surrounding Honor, nothing could stand between them. They were mates. Period.

  At least, he was ninety-nine percent sure. All those years ago her scent told him she belonged to him, but the overwhelming sexual side of the attraction remained banked until she entered her first heat that hit between twenty and twenty-two.

  He didn’t want to think about her sating her need with someone else, though he couldn’t blame her. Without the first flush of sexual desire, her beast hadn’t recognized him as her mate. But now… now she’d know. One hint of his scent and the truth would be revealed.

  Would she accept him?

  Gray wasn’t so sure and that scared the hell out of him.

  A quarter mile into his trip down the one-mile driveway, his cell phone rang and he dug it out of his pocket while also slowing. He’d been hoping for an update about the situation in London. Maya had at least given him that much information.

  “Honor is emotionally fragile. I don’t know what happened in London, but it has something to do with the pride there.”

  His Prime and Prima hadn’t needed to order him to look into it. Before he’d walked through the door of his hotel room, he had one of his contacts in Chicago on the phone. It was good to have friends in high, deadly places.


  The caller grunted. Stone wasn’t big on hellos. “The council is sending in a few more operatives.”

  “A few more?” As a favor, the gorilla had deployed a single Tracker to check things out.

  “Yeah, well, things escalated.” The anger in his friend’s voice was unmistakable.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The Prime there has his own little fiefdom. He’s declared London outside the council’s control. Things there…” A growl reached Grayson. Stone was pissed. The male was typically unshakable. “Are less than ideal.”

  He imagined Stone was reading a line passed down by the council.

  “Uh-huh. What does this mean for Honor? Did your guy find out what happened?”

  The gorilla sighed. “No, not yet. The Prime arrested our guy on the charge of espionage. The male is crazy. The council is trying to negotiate with him, but the leader is pretty set on hanging, drawing, and quartering him.”

  “Hanging…” The whole idea sickened him. They’d hang the guy almost to the point of death, gut the male, and then cut him to pieces. Bile rose in the back of his throat and he swallowed hard, fighting the urge to vomit.

  “Yeah. I feel for Honor. I want to tell you it’s taken care of so you can help her heal, but I’ve got bigger problems right now.” The weariness in Stone’s voice was unmistakable.

  “Right. Right. Let us know if there’s anything we can do.”

  “Keep her safe. I’ll call if we need you.” Stone ended the call, not even waiting for Grayson to say his goodbyes.

  Keep her safe. Yes, that was something he could do.

  He hit the button to end the call on his side and then tossed the phone onto the passenger seat. He wouldn’t take it in with him. If it was important enough, the person could call Alex. Tonight was about being close to Honor, whether that meant touching her or watching her from across the table. He’d take what he could get.

  Grayson resumed his travel down the driveway, heading around the last turn and then finally emerging into the house’s parking area. With all the lions who came and went, plus those who lived there permanently, they needed the big space.

  He threw the truck into park and cut the engine before climbing from the vehicle.

  Alex waited on the front porch, the Prime’s thick arms crossed over his chest. It was as if the lion stood guard. Against him? Or something else?

  When he placed his foot on the bottom step, the man spoke. “Second.”


  “Prime.” He tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck, offering his submission and trust.

  “She’s nervous. Scared.”

  That had him straightening. “Of me? I’d never—”

  “I know. Deep down, she knows, too. She’s afraid of how her cat is going to react to you.”

  Grayson furrowed his brow. “It’ll probably realize we’re mates. It’ll want to…” He blushed, actually blushed, and didn’t finish his sentence.

  “Which is what she’s afraid of.”

  “She told you that?”

  Alex shook his head. “No, but she has nightmares. We’ve heard her screams.”

  Shit, fuck, damn, and growl. He’d laugh at the fact he’d adopted one of Alex’s favorite sayings if the situation weren’t so serious.

  “Do you think she was…?” More bile crawled into his throat. Had she been raped?

  “I don’t know.” The Prime shrugged. “I heard from Stone a minute or two ago.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, me too.”

  “So, we know things were fucked in London and they did something to our girl.”

  Our girl.

  Fangs burst from Grayson’s gums before he even recognized his lion was close to the surface. The single, challenging word launched from his lips before he could call it back. “Mine.”


  The echoing snarl, the reverberating “mine,” made Honor jump, and her nerves flared to life. She knew that voice, knew that tone. Her lioness reacted as if it’d been whispered in her ear and not roared.

  It craved the source, urged her to hunt, find, and claim that male.

  Too bad the cat wouldn’t get her way.

  Not after last time, not after she’d last been assaulted by the animal’s instincts. Like before, she’d resist. Honor had proven her human half was stronger than the beast.

  I did it once, I can do it again.

  Instead of hunting Grayson, she remained in place, sitting on the back porch perched on the edge of a deck chair. Nerves wouldn’t allow her to relax as she waited.

  The scratch of metal against metal sounded as the sliding glass door opened. Since her back was to the house, she relied on her nose. She drew in the new scents coming from the home, sorting through the now familiar flavors and easily identifying the source before the visitor had a chance to speak.

  “Honor?” Maya’s voice was unsure and soft. Not a tone she ever expected from the boisterous, obnoxious Prima.


  “Your—Grayson is here.”

  She nodded and grimaced. “I know, I heard.”

  “How do you want to do this? I know we pushed this, but the rest of the night is your call.”

  Her call. She kinda liked the fact that nothing had been her decision until this point. Being forced to do as her Prime and Prima demanded was easier than voluntarily choosing how the rest of the evening would unfold.

  Did she want to see him in the house? In the living room or dining room? On the porch? In the field? Shifted or skin?

  So many choices and she was afraid of each.

  High-pitched laughs intermixed with childlike snarls reached her, reminding her of the tiny cubs in the house. East and West tried to be fierce lions like their dad, but they were still children. The last thing she wanted was to hurt them if she panicked.

  A cornered cat was a dangerous cat.

  She stared at the massive expanse of land spread before her, at the forest that lay beyond the cleared area. She had plenty of places to run, if not hide.

  “Here.” She cleared her throat when she realized her voice was barely a croak. “Out here is good.”

  “With or without me and Alex?”

  The Prime and Prima had already done so much, witnessed breakdown after breakdown. She didn’t think she could endure an audience. “Just us.”

  “Okay, I’ll send him out.” The door slid shut once again, signifying the woman’s retreat.

  Honor forced herself to relax against the deck chair, demanded the cat submit to her desires and retreat. H
er human half would handle what came next. It whined, begging to be allowed to scent Grayson, to find out once and for all.

  She wasn’t sure she wanted to know either way. The male, the pride’s Second, deserved a mate who could stand at his side, not cower in a corner.

  The sound of the door reopening filled the evening’s silence. His steps were soft as he emerged onto the wood porch and the slide of the glass easing shut even quieter.

  She was being treated like a newborn cub, a cornered lion. How true that was.

  The wind picked up, sifting through her hair, carrying the scents of the coming storm, dirt, grass, and…



  Grayson but so, so much more.

  Honor drew in more of the aromas, pulling them into her lungs and sorting through them. Sweet. Hot. Deep. Musk. Man. Hers.

  The lioness whined, cat begging to go to him, to present herself for claiming.

  She held the cat back. It wouldn’t rule her ever again.

  Grayson didn’t immediately step into view, didn’t move a muscle as far as she could tell, but he did breathe. Deep and long, he drew air into him and then let it out just as slowly. Still in place, he repeated the action, sounding more like a steam train than a man.

  Eventually he spoke, releasing a single word on a soft sigh. “Honor.”

  Carefully, as if he were afraid of spooking her, he gradually eased closer, his presence teasing her peripheral vision before he finally stepped into view.

  He seemed bigger than she remembered. His shoulders were broader, muscles piled on top of muscles. He had a scar along his jaw she didn’t think he had four years ago. His nose had been broken a time or two. A scruff peppered his cheeks. It was dark and natural. Not a golden yellow from his beast’s presence.

  Because, yes, the animal was very, very present.

  Grayson’s normally blue eyes were a deep amber, practically glowing in the waning light of day.

  And yet, as near as his cat was to the surface, he kept his distance.


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