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The Field of Ice

Page 17

by Jules Verne


  On the 29th of May, for the first time, the sun never set. Hisglowing disc just touched the boundary line of the horizon, and roseagain immediately. The period was now entered when the day laststwenty-four hours.

  Next morning there was a magnificent halo; the monarch of dayappeared surrounded by a luminous circle, radiant with all theprismatic colours. This phenomenon never lost its charm, for theDoctor, however frequently it occurred, and he always notedcarefully down all particulars respecting it.

  Before long the feathered tribes began to return, filling the airwith their discordant cries. Flocks of bustards and Canadian geesefrom Florida or Arkansas came flying north with marvellous rapidity,bringing spring beneath their wings. The Doctor shot several, andamong them one or two cranes and a solitary stork.

  The snow was now fast melting, and the ice-fields were covered with"slush." All round the bay large pools had formed, between whichthe soil appeared as if some product of spring.

  The Doctor recommenced his sowing, for he had plenty of seed; but hewas surprised to find sorrel growing already between the half-driedstones, and even pale sickly heaths, trying to show their delicatepink blossoms.

  At last it began to be really hot weather. On the 15th of June, thethermometer stood at 57 deg. above zero. The Doctor scarcely believedhis eyes, but it was a positive fact, and it was soon confirmed bythe changed appearance of the country.


  An excursion was made to Isle Johnson, but it turned out to be abarren little islet of no importance whatever, though it gave theold boatswain infinite pleasure to know that those sea girt rocksbore his name.

  There was some danger of both house and stores melting, but happilythis high temperature proved exceptional, the thermometer seldomaveraging much above freezing point.

  By the middle of June, the sloop had made good progress, and alreadypresented a shapely appearance. As Bell and Johnson took the work ofconstruction entirely on themselves, the others went hunting, andsucceeded in killing several deer, in spite of its being difficultgame to approach. Altamont adopted the Indian practice of crawlingon all fours, and adjusting his gun and arms so as to simulate hornsand deceive the timid animal, till he could get near enough to takegood aim.


  Their principal object of pursuit, however, was the musk-ox, whichParry had met with in such numbers in Melville Island; but not asolitary specimen was to be seen anywhere about Victoria Bay, and adistant excursion was, therefore, resolved upon, which would servethe double purpose of hunting and surveying the eastern coast.


  The three hunters, accompanied by Duk, set out on Monday, the 17thof June, at six in the morning, each man armed with adouble-barrelled gun, a hatchet and snow-knife, and provisions forseveral days.

  It was a fine bright morning, and by ten o'clock they had gonetwelve miles; but not a living thing had crossed their path, and thehunt threatened to turn out a mere excursion.

  However, they went on in hope, after a good breakfast andhalf-an-hour's rest.

  The ground was getting gradually lower, and presented a peculiarappearance from the snow, which lay here and there in ridgesunmelted. At a distance it looked like the sea when a strong wind islashing up the waves, and cresting them with a white foam.


  Before long they reached a sort of glen, at the bottom of which wasa winding river. It was almost completely thawed, and already thebanks were clothed with a species of vegetation, as if the sun haddone his best to fertilise the soil.

  "I tell you what," said the Doctor, "a few enterprisingcolonists might make a fine settlement here. With a little industryand perseverance wonders might be done in this country. Ah! if I amnot much mistaken, it has some four-footed inhabitants already.Those frisky little fellows know the best spots to choose."

  "Hares! I declare. That's jolly!" said Altamont, loading hisgun.


  "Stop!" cried the Doctor; "stop, you furious hunter. Let thepoor little things alone; they are not thinking of running away.Look, they are actually coming to us, I do believe!"

  He was right, for presently three or four young hares, gambollingaway among the fresh moss and tiny heaths, came running about theirlegs so fearlessly and trustfully, that even Altamont was disarmed.They

  It was a strange and touching spectacle to see thepretty creatures--they flew on Clawbonny's shoulders,etc.--P.169]

  rubbed against the Doctor's knees, and let him stroke them tillthe kind-hearted man could not help saying to Altamont--

  "Why give shot to those who come for caresses? The death of theselittle beasts could do us no good."

  "You say what's true, Clawbonny. Let them live!" repliedHatteras.


  "And these ptarmigans too, I suppose, and these long-leggedplovers," added Altamont, as a whole covey of birds flew downamong the hunters, never suspecting their danger. Duk could not tellwhat to make of it, and stood stupefied.

  It was a strange and touching spectacle to see the pretty creatures;they flew on Clawbonny's shoulders, and lay down at his feet as ifinviting friendly caresses, and doing their utmost to welcome thestrangers. The whole glen echoed with their joyous cries as theydarted to and fro from all parts. The good Doctor seemed some mightyenchanter.

  The hunters had continued their course along the banks of the river,when a sudden bend in the valley revealed a herd of deer, eight orten in number, peacefully browsing on some lichens that layhalf-buried in the snow. They were charming creatures, so gracefuland gentle, male and female, both adorned with noble antlers,wide-spreading and deeply-notched. Their skin had already lost itswinter whiteness, and began to assume the brown tint of summer.Strange to say, they appeared not a whit more afraid than the birdsor hares.

  The three men were now right in the centre of the herd, but not onemade the least movement to run away. This time the worthy Doctor hadfar more difficulty in restraining Altamont's impatience, for themere sight of such magnificent animals roused his hunting instincts,and he became quite excited; while Hatteras, on the contrary, seemedreally touched to see the splendid creatures rubbing their heads soaffectionately and trustfully against the good Clawbonny, the friendof every living thing.

  "But, I say," exclaimed Altamont, "didn't we come outexpressly to hunt?"

  "To hunt the musk-ox, and nothing else," replied Clawbonny."Besides, we shouldn't know what to do with this game, even ifwe killed it; we have provisions enough. Let us for once enjoy thesight of men and animals in perfect amity."

  "It proves no human beings have been here before," said Hatteras.

  "True, and that proves something more, these animals are not ofAmerican origin."

  "How do you make that out?" said Altamont.

  "Why, if they had been born in North America they would have knownhow to treat that mammiferous biped called man, and would have fledat the first glimpse of us. No, they are from the north, most likelyfrom the untrodden wilds of Asia, so Altamont, you have no right toclaim them as fellow-countrymen."


  "Oh! a hunter doesn't examine his game so closely as all that.Everything is grist that comes to his mill."

  "All right. Calm yourself, my brave Nimrod! For my own part, Iwould rather never fire another shot than make one of thesebeautiful creatures afraid of me. See, even Duk fraternizes withthem. Believe me, it is well to be kind where we can. Kindness ispower."

  "Well, well, so be it," said Altamont, not at all understandingsuch scruples. "But I should like to see what you would do if youhad no weapon but kindness among a pack of bears or wolves! Youwouldn't make much of it."

  "I make no pretensions to charm wild beasts. I don't believemuch in Orpheus and his enchantments. Besides, bears and wolveswould not come to us like these hares, and partridges, and deer."

  "Why not? They have never seen human beings either."

  "No but they are savage by nature," said Clawbonny, "andferocity, like wickedness, engenders suspicion. This is true of
menas well as animals."

  They spent the whole day in the glen, which the Doctor christened"Arctic Arcadia," and when evening came they lay down to rest inthe hollow of a rock, which seemed as if expressly prepared fortheir accommodation.



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