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The Field of Ice

Page 19

by Jules Verne


  Next day the weather changed, the cold returned. Snow, and rain, andtempest came in quick succession for several days.

  Bell had completed the sloop, and done his work well, for the littlevessel was admirably adapted for the purpose contemplated, beinghigh at the sides and partly decked so as to be able to stand aheavy sea, and yet light enough to be drawn on the sledge withoutoverburdening the dogs.

  At last a change of the greatest importance took place. The icebegan to tremble in the centre of the bay, and the highest massesbecame loosened at their base ready to form icebergs, and drift awaybefore the first gale; but Hatteras would not wait for theice-fields to break up before he started. Since the journey must bemade on land, he did not care whether the sea was open or not; andthe day of departure was fixed for the 25th of June--Johnson andBell undertaking the necessary repairs of the sledge.

  On the 20th, finding there was space enough between the broken iceto allow the sloop to get through, it was determined to take her atrial trip to Cape Washington.


  The sea was not quite open but it would have been impossible to goacross on foot.

  This short sail of six hours sufficiently tested the powers of thesloop, and proved her excellent qualities. In coming back theywitnessed a curious sight; it was the chase of a seal by a giganticbear. Mr. Bruin was too busily engaged to notice the vessel, or hewould have pursued; he was intently watching beside a seal hole withthe patience of a true hunter, or rather angler, for he wascertainly fishing just then. He watched in absolute silence, withoutstirring or giving the least sign of life.


  But all of a sudden there was a slight disturbance on the surface ofthe water in the hole, which announced the coming up of theamphibious animal to breathe. Instantly the bear lay flat on hisbelly with his two paws stretched round the opening.

  The poor seal struggled desperately, but could notfree himself from the iron grasp of his enemy.--P.184]

  Next minute up came the seal, but his head no sooner appeared abovethe water than the bear's paws closed about him like a vice, anddragged him right out. The poor seal struggled desperately, butcould not free himself from the iron grasp of his enemy, who huggedhim closer and closer till suffocation was complete. Then he carriedhim off to his den as if the weight were nothing, leaping lightlyfrom pack to pack till he gained terra firma safely.


  On the 22nd of June, Hatteras began to load the sledge. They put in200 lbs. of salt meat, three cases of vegetables and preserved meat,besides lime-juice, and flour, and medicines. They also took 200lbs. of powder and a stock of fire-arms. Including the sloop and theHalkett-boat, there was about 1500 lbs. weight, a heavy


  load for four dogs, and all the more as they would have to drag itevery day, instead of only four days successively, like the dogsemployed by the Esquimaux, who always keep a relay for theirsledges. However, the distance to the Pole was not 150 miles at theoutside, and they did not intend to go more than twelve miles a day,as they could do it comfortably in a month. Even if land failedthem, they could always fall back on the sloop, and finish thejourney without fatigue to men or dogs.


  All the party were in excellent health, though they had lost flesh alittle; but, by attending to the Doctor's wise counsels, they hadweathered the winter without being attacked by any of the maladiesincident to the climate.

  Now, they were almost at their journey's end, and not one doubtedof success, for a common bond of sympathy bound fast the five men,and made them strong to persevere.

  On Sunday, the 23rd, all was ready, and it was resolved to devotethe entire day to rest.

  The dwellers on Fort Providence could not see the last day dawnwithout some emotion. It cost them a pang to leave the snow-hutwhich had served them in such good stead, and this hospitable shorewhere they had passed the winter. Take it altogether, they had spentvery happy hours there, and the Doctor made a touching reference tothe subject as they sat round the table at the evening meal, and didnot forget to thank God for his manifest protection.


  They retired early to rest, for they needed to be up betimes. Sopassed the last night in Fort Providence.



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