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The Throne of Fear: The Romano's

Page 5

by Stella Andrews

  “Mr. Romano, it’s good to see you and Harrison, I’m surprised to see you here at all.”

  Drew smirks and to his credit, Harrison just nods politely. “Congratulations, Drew, Ivy, I believe you have something to celebrate.”

  I feel physically sick as Drew pulls Ivy against him and I’m not sure if it’s my imagination or not, but I see her stiffen a little. Interesting.

  Then she raises her eyes to mine and I’m a drowning man. I see every emotion in those eyes. She’s nervous, obviously, but there’s a look in them that will haunt me to my dying day. There is no life in Ivy’s eyes. It’s as if the spark has left and been replaced with something I know a lot of—fear.

  Is she afraid of me, has she heard the rumors and rightfully made up her own mind? Is it Drew, does she fear him, or something, or someone else? I want to whisk her away and make her talk, tell me what’s bothering her but I can’t, not now, maybe not ever.

  Conscious I’m just staring, I extend my hand and smile politely, “Congratulations, Miss. Thompson.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice is soft and hesitant and slightly breathless, and as her small hand finds mine, it feels as if I’ve come home. A thousand volts of electricity shoot through my mind, body and soul and I resist the urge to hang on tight. The touch of her skin is like velvet and I don’t miss the huge fuck off engagement ring that I want to tear off in haste and toss into the ocean. He doesn’t get to walk through life with her, not him, not the bastard who is smiling pompously all around him like some kind of fucking king.

  I drop Ivy’s hand and it takes all my strength to do so and take a deep breath. I need to get my head back in business, so say curtly, “Please, enjoy your evening, if you’ll excuse me.”

  I head down below before my emotions get the better of me. Heading straight to my cabin, I slam the door behind me and take a few deep breaths as I prowl like a caged tiger. I can’t deal with this. Years of obsession have driven me to this point, and I’m not sure how to handle it. She’s here, on my yacht, and she doesn’t remember me. I could tell from her eyes there was no recognition. I would remember her for eternity because I have never forgotten the day we met. The memory has carried me through life and become my coping mechanism.

  She’s going to hate me for what I’m about to do, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

  Chapter 8


  I’m in awe of this boat, these people and most of Mr. Romano. I saw him as soon as I stepped foot on board. He was with a couple of people I recognize, but it was him that stood out. Dark, menacing and dangerous and so hot it burned. His dark good looks, smoldering eyes and sense of danger took my breath away. He is powerful; it surrounds him like a force field and I can tell he is a man who takes no shit. I’ve heard of the Romanos. Who hasn’t in Miami which made me curious as to why Drew brought me here? Somehow, I’ve always known that name, always known that family, and I’m not sure why. A distant memory from my past of a time I want to forget. A boy sharing his apple cake sitting in a tree. Is that him? The boy whose name I forget right now. The small child who even then had an aura that surrounded him and kept everyone away.

  I think of that day as if it was yesterday because that was the day I learned of the punishment room. Mom’s visitors left and my father was in a rage. Romano. The name sticks in my memory like a bad dream. That name echoed through the house as he screamed abuse at my mother and then punished me for spending time with a child who bore that name. Now Drew has brought me here; I wonder if my father knows. He would be angry, I’m certain of that at least. Why is Drew keeping the company of people my father hates? Romano, and something else. A name that somehow changed everything, but what was it?

  As soon as I met him, I couldn’t tear my eyes away. It was like staring into the pit of hell with the promise of paradise. Eyes that could turn a man’s soul to dust and a woman’s principles to follow. Dark and deadly and so attractive it took my breath away. Romano. What does that name mean for me?

  As soon as he held my hand, I felt a connection. It was as if the earth shifted and my course was altered. Soft and strong at the same time, a protector, a killer. It was all there wrapped in raw sex and I feel the burn just thinking about it. A real man, a dishonest one, an act of God.

  As soon as he left, I felt the loss. The space he vacated lost a powerful force and finally I could breathe again. I struggle to get my head back into business and try to listen to a conversation that already bores me to tears as Drew rattles on about preliminaries and polls. Harrison’s fiancée smiles and appears to take pity on me and whispers, “Shall we leave them to it and see what this beast is hiding?”

  She winks and the breath I’ve been holding gets its release. “Thank you.”

  I smile gratefully as she says loudly, “If you’ll excuse us, we won’t be a minute.”

  Before I can move, a hand snaps around my wrist and I am pulled toward Drew, who kisses me wetly on the lips and murmurs, “Don’t be long.”

  Resisting the urge to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, I just smile and nod. “Of course.”

  As I walk away, I shiver for a completely different reason than before. Disgust, repulsion and fear. Fear of what the evening holds and where my future lies.

  Stephanie guides me over to the rail and we grab two flutes of champagne as we pass. Leaning over, we look at the glittering lights dancing on the ocean and feel the soft sway of the biggest boat I have ever seen in my life. The Black Heart is as black as her name. Sinister, exciting and dangerous with the look of a predator, much like its owner. The inside is decadent with a cream interior mixing with crystal chandeliers and soft white carpeting. A millionaire’s plaything and way out of my league.

  Stephanie leans over the edge and says with interest, “Tell me about Drew, you must be so excited, we should compare notes, after all, our lives are set on the same course.”

  “Yes, it appears they are.”

  “I’m not going to lie, the politics bores me rigid but I love Harrison, so I will do anything to make him happy. What about you?”

  “Same, I guess.”

  My voice sounds pitiful even to my own ears because I can’t drop my guard for a second, especially with Drew’s nemesis. My unhappiness would be an interesting piece of information to a man in opposition to mine, and I will not be the person who opens a raw wound and pours acid on it. I know Drew hates Harrison, probably because he is tipped to go where Drew wants to. The Whitehouse, Washington, the throne of power, and yet even I can see Drew isn’t cut out for high office. But Harrison definitely is and I look at Stephanie with interest as she sighs and says in a whisper, “Look around you, Ivy, this is where the real power lies.”

  “In this boat?”

  “Sort of.”

  She giggles. “The family that owns it, maybe.”

  “Do you know them?”

  “Of them, of course, who doesn’t?”

  “I don’t know much, only that they should be avoided at all costs which makes me curious as to why we’re here at all.”

  “It’s how power operates, Ivy.” Stephanie shakes her head and sighs. “Men like the Romanos rule with violence and fear. They don’t follow the rules and use knowledge for personal gain. Everyone who has a weakness is exploited, and the information used against them, unless…”

  “They give them what they want.”

  “Exactly. Take Harrison, for instance. He can’t afford to be seen on this boat, cozying up to the mafia.”


  I say the word in a whisper because I suppose I have always known they are. I just didn’t know for sure.

  Suddenly, I feel scared and images of executions and violence take hold of my mind as I imagine waking up next to a horse’s head in the morning.

  Stephanie giggles. “Relax, they won’t affect us. All they want is power to live their lives under the radar and below ground. I wouldn’t mind a night with Romeo, though.”

  “I’m sorry,
what did you just say?”

  Suddenly, my past and present collide in a memory bomb that has just blown up in my face.

  “Romeo Romano, the man whose party this is. The super-hot, gorgeous demon who greeted us. No, I wouldn’t mind one night with him and I would pay for the privilege.”

  She laughs at the shock on my face, but she doesn’t know the real reason behind it. I lean against the rail and my mind is out of control. Of course, Romeo Romano, the small boy who is a bigger part of my past than he realizes. Does he even know it’s me? The girl in the apple tree. The girl who was punished every day since for daring to breathe the same air as him.

  I feel faint and Stephanie looks concerned.

  “Are you ok, Ivy, you look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “I’m sorry, Stephanie, maybe I should sit down.”

  I don’t notice her signal to a passing waiter, who in turn whispers to one of the emotionless men in black who surround the boat. Before I know what’s happening, a strong arm lifts my elbow and says gruffly, “Follow me, I’ll find you somewhere quiet to sit.”

  Stephanie walks beside me as we head deeper into the boat. All the while, my mind races out of control. How did I not recognize him on sight? He’s always been there, in my mind, in my soul. He may have left that day, but his memory stayed with me. Romeo Romano, the boy that changed my life, grew up into a man that steals my breath away.

  Chapter 9


  As soon as I calm down, I turn my head to business. In my absence, Richie has set the game up in a private cabin and the players are already in place. He whispered that Eddie had escorted Ivy and Stephanie to the forward cabin and was arranging refreshment. Apparently, Ivy felt unwell, which is a blessing in disguise. Now I just need to put my plan in action and get this bastard off my boat.

  Harrison is not present; he will make his excuses and leave within the hour after cementing more relationships with the VIPs on board. Stephanie will leave with him and Ivy will right where I need her to be. So far, so good.

  There are six of us in total, me, Drew and Richie, along with three of my usual preferred guests who love a good game of poker. Some healthy competition for a game I must win at all costs.

  Drew appears cocky and probably for a very good reason. He is good at this; I must remind myself of that because for all his faults he excels at gambling.

  The alcohol flows and a line of coke is tempting on a silver platter set behind Drew because I know he loves to indulge in a line every so often and it’s there for a purpose. I may supply drugs, but I never do them. My only vices are alcohol and sex, one in moderation to keep a clear head and one in overabundance to drive away the desire of what I can’t have. I make it my mission to take what I want from people who don’t want to give because it’s the only way I can settle the beast inside me. Why should they have something I can never have? All around me people live their lives with the woman they love. So, I take them, destroy their own cozy bubble because I can’t have one of my own. It helps me come to terms with the fact I will never be one of them. What can I say, I’m a bastard?

  The cards are dealt and silence prevails and you could hear a pin drop as the players study their cards. We don’t just use cash, we also allow wagers and any bid is honored, or death. Money, houses, cars, women, all change hands over this table and tonight I only have one woman in mind.

  There is a tense atmosphere as the game begins, and it takes a while before it gets interesting. Bill and Martin are out in the first round, and Bill is ten thousand dollars down to Martin’s twelve. A huge sum up for the taking. Richie bails next with the promise of $20,000 but he will never pay, he’s my unofficial brother and I would never collect. If Drew wins, I would pay up on his behalf. If Richie wins, he keeps the lot. I treat my staff well because they protect my life. A small price to pay for living, don’t you think?

  Soon it’s just the two of us and I can see Drew is sweating heavily, while I sit outwardly cool, but inside a tornado is spinning out of control. I can’t lose.

  We are up to $200,000 dollars, and I know this is Drew’s limit. He may have money, but it’s family money that he has limited access to. He seems confident though, which tells me he has a winning hand. Maybe it’s time to up the stake.

  “How are you feeling Drew, confident?”

  I stare at him with a blank expression and you can hear the heavy breathing of my guests as they wait for the game to fold.

  “Are you?”

  Drew cocks an eye and I feel like smashing my fist through his smug, shit face.

  “If that’s the case, how about we make this more interesting?”

  I hold my breath as he thinks for a moment. Then I see a gleam of greed in his eyes, telling me he is certain of winning. “Name your wager.”

  I smirk and lean back in my seat before raising my glass of whiskey to my lips. Richie pours us some more alcohol and sets a line of coke on the table in front of each of my guests, and I see Drew almost salivating at the thought of two certain kinds of highs. Winning and the euphoria the coke gives him, always a man’s downfall.

  His eyes flick to the line of coke and I wave my hand in its direction. “Feel free.”

  He needs no further invitation and I watch him snort the coke like an addict and know this image will soon be circulated on every internet site going. He leans back and smirks. “That’s good stuff. Now what are the stakes?”

  “I raise you, The Black Heart.”

  The greed in Drew’s eyes tells me my answer as the coke addles his brain. He is so high right now he would agree to anything, and the look on Richie’s face makes me laugh inside. He will be scared shitless right now because The Black Heart is our family boat and my brother Lucian’s pride and joy. If I lose this boat to Drew, I will have my brother’s anger to deal with, which won’t be pretty.

  “Name your price?”

  Drew is so certain of victory he has taken the bait, and I lean forward and stare at him hard in the eye. “One night with your woman. Tonight.”

  Drew looks shocked and the others shift awkwardly on their seats. The silence is oppressive as they wait for the bastard’s decision and he swallows hard.



  “But how?”

  I shrug, “To me it’s an easy wager. My boat in exchange for your woman. One night of fun and then you can have what’s left.”

  The words cause the bile to coat my tongue at the thought of ever giving her back but Drew doesn’t need to know it’s never gonna happen because when Ivy Thompson returns home, her fiancé will be otherwise occupied saving his political career from the shit storm I’ll unleash and it’s doubtful her family will even let him pass their gates.

  He swallows hard and says in a whisper, “If I do, she must never find out about this. I can say you took off with her and I did everything to get her back, promise me, my future depends on it.”

  It takes me a moment to get my murderous rage under control. The bastard is actually using her like a piece of collateral. He would sell his own damned fiancée for personal gain, and I want to take my gun to his head and blow his fucking brains out. One look from Richie brings me back into the room and I take a deep breath.

  “Do we have a deal? My boat for one night with your woman.”

  He nods and I see a spark of uncertainty in his eyes as he holds his cards in trembling fingers.

  “Then show me your hand.

  I think everyone in Miami holds their breath as one by one Drew lays his cards on the table.

  Four aces and the 9 of diamonds, four of a kind. Only two hands can beat this one, which is unlikely and only the beat of my heart can be heard as one by one I play my own hand.

  4,5,6,7 of hearts are laid in succession on the table. Only an 8 of hearts will win this for me, and the atmosphere is at breaking point.

  All eyes are concentrated on the final card and Drew is visibly sweating as he waits for victory or humiliation.

>   As I lay the final card, humiliation wins because the 8 of hearts mocks his failure and delivers my prize.

  He stares at the card and has the look of a dying man.


  “I win.”

  I stare at him long and hard and he looks around him in fear and confusion, as if someone will stand up and challenge me for cheating. I know it’s on the tip of his tongue, but the silent menace that surrounds him is enough to chase away the storm and a broken man sits before me. “But Ivy, she’s a virgin.”

  The blood rushes to my head as I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank God, I was just in time.

  He looks around wildly and starts to beg. “Please, Romeo, I’ll get you the money, anything, just not Ivy. She will never forgive me, her family, my future, please, not her.”

  “Good day gentlemen, my men will see you out.”

  I stand and he yells, “No, I won’t leave her. It was supposed to be my night, her parents expect it.”

  What the fuck? I turn and feel the rage burning out of control as Richie steps forward and places his hand on Drew’s shoulder, saying firmly, “This way, sir.”

  He reminds me I’ve won and not to mess this up, and I glare at Drew and say tightly, “Then you can tell them their daughter is no longer a virgin. They just don’t need to know who took it.”

  Drew looks sick and I take a moment of pleasure in watching Richie bundle him outside. The others follow quickly and I take a moment to settle my rage. I did it, Ivy is safe—from him at least, but for how long and will she thank me for it? I think I already know my answer to that, and once again the fear takes hold. I couldn’t live with myself if she hated me. I need to play this one right because the next game I play, I could end up losing.

  Chapter 10


  Stephanie was called away, leaving me with just a silent guard watching over me. I am sitting in a beautiful cabin on one of the most comfortable couches I have ever had the pleasure to sit on. The boat is dripping in luxury and all around me is decadence on a grand scale. A steward brought in a silver tray laden with food and a refreshing jug of crystal water. He explained that the food would help with my sickness and to wait until someone came to get me.


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