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The Throne of Fear: The Romano's

Page 12

by Stella Andrews

  “That feels so good, please don’t stop.”

  Her soft voice reminds me what an angel sounds like and I quickly dispose of my clothes, desperate to feel her soft skin on mine.

  She reaches for me and I love feeling her trace a path to my cock where she strokes my shaft with an eagerness that has developed as she grows more confident. Teaching Ivy the pleasures of love is intoxicating and makes me higher than any drug ever could. It’s a natural high that has me craving more and I groan as she pumps my cock, eager to return the pleasure I’m giving her.

  She moans as my fingers curl inside her and she bears down on my hand as I whisper in her ear, “Does that feel good baby?”

  “Yes, oh god, please don’t stop.”

  She trembles under my hand and I smile against her skin as I kiss every inch of it, breathing in the sweet smell of a woman on the brink of ecstasy.

  Reaching for a condom, I roll it on and prepare myself for the ultimate pleasure of being inside this amazing woman and as I poise at her entrance, she gasps, “I love you Romeo.”

  Stroking her hair, I gaze deep into her eyes and whisper, “Me too, baby, me too.”

  She smiles sexily as our eyes connect and I move in slowly, deeply and love the feeling of her juices encouraging me inside. She moans as I fill her completely and then rock gently, causing friction, letting her feel the length of me, owning her, loving her and worshipping her. Sex with Ivy is an act of love, and it feels different. Emotions are now involved that cause a deeper pleasure, a sensation that isn’t just physical. Never before have I wanted to please a woman as much as I do her, and that shocks me because I have never wanted to before. The thought that Ivy will be the only woman I fuck for the rest of my life makes me happier than I ever thought possible and giving her back in a few hours’ time will be the hardest part of all because now I have her, I’m scared to let her go.

  Three hours later and Ivy stands beside me in a very different mood from earlier. Dressed in the clothes she came here in; it feels as if the last few days have been a dream. Her hand is holding onto mine tightly with that hated ring weighing heavily on my nerves, reminding me it wasn’t a dream at all, just the prolog to my nightmare when I have to give her back to him. I stand beside her with murder in my sights because if any fucker hurts my beautiful girl, they will die a horrible and painful death.

  My men are in place, an intimidating sight designed to instill fear because that’s what we do. Use fear as a weapon and Drew better feel the full force of it because one step out of line and he’s a dead man and it won’t be quick.

  As we head onto our mooring, I see him waiting anxiously on the dock and whisper, “You ok with this.”

  “Yes, don’t worry, I can handle it. As soon as I get the journal, I’ll call.”

  I don’t like this plan; it doesn’t sit well with me, and yet Ivy is determined to do something that I have no right to prevent. I’m not a controlling bastard like my brothers. I want Ivy to be free in my company and not worry about being herself, ever. I may be the biggest bastard that ever lived when it concerns my enemies, in fact, I relish the pain I inflict on others who go against me and my family. I love tearing a man apart and hearing him scream and where my brothers need a different kind of release to deal with the pain of being a Romano, I just crave the love of Ivy to settle my heart. She is the single most important thing in my life and I am just about to hand her to another.

  As soon as the plank is extended, Ivy turns her back on Drew and smiles softly into my eyes. “Trust me, Romeo, I’ll be quick, I promise.”

  Keeping my expression blank, I let my eyes do the talking and fucking hate the way she turns and walks away from me to Drew.

  His hand reaches for hers and helps her from the boat, and I don’t miss his anxious guilty expression as he whispers something to her. Ivy just nods and walks quickly away, dropping his hand as if it burns, leaving him to scurry after her. I swear I don’t move a muscle as I watch them disappear to a car parked at the end of the jetty and Richie stands beside me and says darkly, “We’ve got a man on them. She’ll be safe.”

  “She fucking better had be, otherwise there will be hell to pay.”

  As Ivy leaves in Drew’s car, it feels as if I’ve been killed a million times over and it hurts so bad as I watch her pulling away from me. My mind closes down with practiced ease as the car disappears from view and I face my men with the cold, blank eyes of a man who has no feelings. Now it’s time for revenge and it will be the sweetest of them all.

  Chapter 24


  Drew looks at me anxiously. “Did he hurt you, honey? I tried to stop the boat, I did everything I could to find you and I just want you to know I have been so worried.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Those are the first words I have spoken to the man who makes my skin crawl. He disgusts me in every way because he is the lowest human possible and he isn’t Romeo.

  Walking away from Romeo felt as if I was walking against the tide. Stepping into an angry sea and submerging myself into a nightmare. The sooner I get this over with the better and that doesn’t include making this creep feel any better about what he did.

  “Please, Ivy, he didn’t hurt you, did he, please tell me he didn’t?”

  “Do you really care about that Drew?”

  “What do you mean, of course I care? That bastard took you and I was so scared for you. I promise I would never have taken you there if I thought he had that in mind. The man’s a monster and if you want, we can make him pay. We’ll go to the police, report him for kidnapping and…”

  He breaks off because he can’t even say the word and I say angrily, “Rape, Drew, is that the word you’re looking for? Do you think that Romeo raped me against my will for a bit of fun? Why would he do that? I mean, he can have any woman he wants. What I don’t understand is why he wanted me? There were many women on that boat throwing suggestive looks his way, why me? Can you shed some light on that because I can’t?”

  I smile inside as Drew desperately tries to answer a question, I already know the answer to. He doesn’t get the luxury of an explanation. I want him to think the worse because he deserves that and more. The image of him snorting cocaine and bargaining with my virginity will stay with me forever. The diamond ring he gave me weighs heavily on my finger as I long to toss it out of the window and break up with him, but I can’t. I need to use him as he used me, to get what I want, and the rewards are far more valuable than a boat. I’m gambling with my future and I can’t let Romeo down.

  So, I bite my tongue and say wearily, “If you must know, Romeo didn’t rape me at all.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It means what I say. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d rather not talk about it. It’s been a very emotional few days and I just want to go home. What did you tell my parents?”

  “That you were sick and needed a few days to recover.”

  I feel disgusted as I picture what they must be thinking. I’m guessing they believe we’ve been at it for the entire time, and I will hate the smug looks on their faces as they think their plan has worked. If only they knew what I’ve actually been doing, it would almost be worth it just to wipe that smug look off their faces.

  Drew coughs nervously. “We won’t mention this. Let them think we’ve been cementing our relationship. They need never know and we can put this behind us and carry on. Please don’t hate me, Ivy, I couldn’t bear it if you did.”

  I want to smash his face into the windshield I hate him so much but I just nod and say wearily, “We don’t have any other choice, Drew. We can’t change what happened and just have to move on from it.”

  He relaxes and I hate him even more if that’s possible. The bastard thinks he’s got away with it. I try not to listen to his whining voice telling me what happens next because every word he speaks is grating on every last nerve I possess.

  “Anyway, let’s not think about what happened. We will carry on our
path and not let the likes of Romeo Romano alter our plans.”

  He grabs hold of my hand and says smoothly, “At least he didn’t force you to… well, you know what I’m saying and now we can plan our future. Maybe we should tell your parents you want to stay over on the weekend. Let me make it up to you, pick up where we left off and cement our union properly.”

  I actually can’t believe what I’m hearing and want to castrate him rather than feel him anywhere near me, but instead, I say weakly, “I’m tired, Drew, I need some space. I’m not sure what I’m thinking right now and just want to go home and think about things.”

  “Think about what, you do still want to get married, don’t you?”

  He sounds worried and I smile. “Of course, I still want to get married.”

  He looks relieved, but I’m guessing it’s because he thinks I’m talking about him. I’m not, the man I want to marry is back on that boat and the sooner I join him the better.

  The car sweeps into the driveway of my family home and it feels as if I’ve been sent to prison for life.

  As the gates click shut behind me, I try to set my head in business.

  This will be hard, but I’ve trained my whole life for this, so I set my expression to the usual empty one and allow Drew to help me from the car. His hand remains in mine and I try to ignore the fact I just want to snatch it away.

  We head inside and my mother meets us in the hallway and smiles with satisfaction when she sees Drew’s hand holding mine so tightly. I try to act as if I’m in love with the creep and just smile shyly, as if I’m embarrassed at what I’ve done. I’m not, but they don’t need to know that.

  She nods with satisfaction and says briskly, “Come and say ‘hi’ to your father. We’ve been waiting for you to return.”

  We follow her into the garden room and I shiver inside as I see my father watching us keenly from his chair by the fireplace. Jumping up, he slaps Drew on the back and they share a look that makes me sick to my stomach. Admiration for making a woman of his little girl makes me want to hurl and then he turns his attention to me and I feel the heat rising as he winks and says jovially, “Good to see you looking so well, honey. Drew obviously agrees with you.”

  I just smile politely and sit beside Drew on the couch opposite them and mom pours us both a glass of champagne and says briskly, “We have cause for celebration. To your future; Drew and Ivy, the future Mr. and Mrs. Warner, soon to be Senator Warner if we have our way.”

  “To Mr. and Mrs. Warner.”

  I smile and pretend that everything’s good because I don’t have any other choice. I must do what’s necessary to retrieve the journal and get the hell out of the twilight zone because this isn’t living. It’s a fabricated life of what they think should happen. Never once have they asked me what I want and the fact my father is seriously creeping me out by sharing knowing looks with Drew is leaving a bitter taste on my tongue.

  Mom is talking about wedding preparations and I am feigning an interest I certainly don’t feel inside.

  By the time Drew leaves, I’m feeling exhausted and it’s even worse when he draws me close in front of my parents and I feel his wet lips on mine. Then he forces his tongue in my mouth in a seriously disgusting show of public affection in the worse possible taste. My father booms, “Put her down boy, typical young stud, can’t leave the goods alone now he’s had a taste. There will be plenty of time for that later, maybe you can spend tomorrow night together. I know what it’s like, I’m guessing you both just want time alone as much as possible.”

  He laughs loudly and Drew winks at me and turns to mom and says politely, “Thank you for your hospitality, Mrs. Thompson, if it’s ok with you, I will collect Ivy at 7 pm tomorrow, we have dinner plans that may require an overnight stay.”

  Mom just nods and smiles her approval. “Of course, you need to spend time together and I have no use for Ivy until our dress fitting on Saturday.”

  She turns to me and says sharply, “Two o’clock at Chernya Bridal House. We will go together and later have an appointment with the wedding planner at five. Make sure you dress accordingly.”

  Then she turns back to Drew and kisses him on both cheeks before saying coyly, “Ivy is a lucky girl, you will make a fine husband.”

  They couldn’t fawn over Drew more if they tried, and I’m left feeling like a spare part as the three of them decide my future without asking what I want.

  I’m used to that, and so it’s with considerable relief that Drew finally leaves and I look forward to retreating to my room to plan my escape.

  As I turn to leave my father says sharply, “A word please, Ivy.”

  My heart sinks as I hear the tone of his voice and mom says blankly, “I have some business to attend to, dinner is at seven.”

  She leaves and I’m left to follow my father back to the hated garden room and I shake inside as he closes the door behind us.

  As always, I perch on the chair opposite him and squirm as he looks at me for the longest moment.

  Then he leans forward and says bluntly, “Did you do everything he asked of you?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He leans back appearing satisfied with my response.

  “Good, never say no to your husband, Ivy, you don’t want him looking elsewhere because no politician needs a scandal. From now on, Drew is the master of you and you will bow down to him, do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” I grit my teeth because I can’t believe this man. He is despicable, and it makes my decision even easier.

  He laughs softly and lifts a glass of champagne to his lips and says thoughtfully, “I won’t sugar coat this. Men like Drew may occasionally look outside the home for entertainment. You must prepare yourself for that, and I wouldn’t be doing right by you if I didn’t warn you. If it happens, you should turn the other cheek because once you are married, there is no going back. If you satisfy him in every way, you may be spared, but knowing men like Drew, I doubt it. You will always have your role with him, but that may change over time. As soon as you become a mother, he may need to look elsewhere for a while to satisfy urges that all men have. There’s nothing wrong in it, he will always stay true to you. I just want you to know that’s normal in a marriage and there will be no whining and begging to come home because once you leave, there will be no coming back, do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” God can I hate him anymore because with every word that falls from his lips, he is driving me further down a destructive path—his destruction.

  He laughs softly and reaches for a silver photo frame of him and my mother when they were newlyweds and says, “We were at it like rabbits back then. Now, not so much.”

  I feel physically sick and he laughs at my expression. “Don’t like to think of your parents in that way, do you girl? Well, let me tell you, sex isn’t just for the young, make sure you allow your husband a little slack some time. Let him indulge a little and he will always come back. It’s the secret of a happy marriage. Take this as my gift to you. Anyway, you must be exhausted, you should go and shower and change.”

  He winks and I don’t miss his meaning and can’t get out of there quickly enough. Standing, I nod respectfully. “Thank you, sir, I’ll see you at dinner.”

  I’m not sure how I walk and not run out of that room. Did we really just have that conversation? God knows what Romeo is going to find in that journal when he gets his hands on it, I don’t think I can bear to find out.

  Chapter 25


  The first place I headed for was home. Not my apartment in the city, my family home, and it feels a little different than usual. I try to spend as little time as possible here because it stifles me. Set by the water’s edge, it always sparkles like the rarest jewel. Many would kill to live in such a place but I prefer my apartment. There I’m not required to explain myself to anyone. Here, it appears everyone wants a piece of me and as I hug my grandmother, she pulls back and looks at me keenly and I see something I
’d rather not—pain.

  She reaches up and strokes my cheek as she always has, since I was a small boy seeking comfort in the only woman who has always been here. When mom died, nonna took her place as much as she could and I know it’s been hard for her coping with four destructive small boys, who turned out to be the worst kind of bastards.

  She smiles and says softly, “You need to eat mio angelo, you are too thin and I can tell something is on your mind. Do you want to talk about it?”


  She looks surprised because she was probably expecting the usual brush off and she just nods. “Then follow me to the kitchen, I have some spaghetti that needs using up.”

  Nonna always has something that needs using up, and it’s the simple side of her that I love and crave more than anything. Eating pasta with my grandmother in the kitchen is the simplest of pastimes, yet I am always more relaxed doing it. She doesn’t see the hard-assed bastard, just the small boy who has always struggled to come to terms with the blows that life dealt him and being the only female in our lives, means she is the most important one in it. My brothers have found their own female company that has turned their worlds upside down and until my own one is signed, sealed and delivered; I am anxious.

  Nonna dishes up the largest plate of spaghetti and pours a glass of red wine, then sits watching me keenly as I eat.

  “There’s something different about you, Romeo, something’s happened and it appears you don’t know how to deal with it.”

  As usual, nonna is spot on because I am struggling to deal with everything I’ve learned these past few days.

  “Nonna, what do you remember about the day before mom died?”


  She looks sad, and I hate the fact I have dusted off a memory that really should have been put to rest by now.


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