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The Throne of Fear: The Romano's

Page 15

by Stella Andrews

  There are no awkward pauses and the conversation flows naturally as we chat, laugh and discover that we share the same likes, dislikes and yearning for a future that includes the other one in it. If I ever had any doubts, they are long gone because Ivy lives up to the dream and beyond.

  In between discovering her mind, I take the greatest pleasure in discovering her body and love how the slightest touch affects her so much. Her moans and little gasps of delight set me on fire and I find that making Ivy happy makes me happy. Gone is the selfish bastard who takes and casts aside, and in his place is a lover that only wants to give pleasure more than receiving it. Making Ivy happy is now my number one priority, and it’s only our need for food that drives us downstairs.

  As we shower and dress, we make plans and it’s only when Ivy removes the journal from her bag that I remember it’s there at all.

  She hands it to me, looking apprehensive. “Here, I don’t want this, and if I’m honest, I don’t want to know what’s inside. Do what you want with it, I never want to see it again.”

  I take the journal and wonder about the secrets it keeps. I’m sure there must be some explosive stuff in here and yet, like Ivy, I’m not keen to see what they are. Luckily, I know a man who does, so I take the journal in one hand and Ivy’s hand in the other and smile. “Come, let’s go and eat and as for this journal, I know just the person to give it to.”

  Our progress to the kitchen is slow because Ivy is excited to discuss the many paintings and objects we pass, showing her obvious love of history and art. I love seeing her so happy and am keen to make her feel at home.

  After studying a well-known master, she turns to me and I love the sparkle in her eyes. “I can’t believe you have one of these. You are so lucky.”

  “I guess.”

  “Honestly, Romeo, Art is wasted on you because in your eyes, this could just be any old painting. It’s not, it’s very special and I could stare at it all day.”

  “I could stare at you all day, preferably dressed in nothing but a smile.”

  “Um, I expect that could be arranged.”

  I see the heat and spark of lust in her eyes, as she licks her lower lip and I groan and push her against the painting that rocks on the wall behind. She pushes me off in horror, “Oh my god, careful, Romeo, you’ll damage a masterpiece.”

  “I thought I already had.”

  I grin and her laugh lights up the usual dismal hallway and I love the way it sounds.

  She giggles as I take her hand, and I wonder what my grandmother will think when she sees the blush to Ivy’s cheeks and the sparkle in her eyes. It’s obvious we’ve fucked all afternoon and Ivy looks happy and so god damned beautiful, I want to commission my own painting of her to hang in this masterpiece’s place.

  We head to the kitchen and as I expected, we are not alone. Lucian watches our approach like a black panther stalking its prey. I see his eyes flash as he sees the journal held in my hand, and we share a look that needs no words. His wife, Riley, smiles at Ivy in a welcome she needs right now and says happily, “You must be Ivy, I’m Riley and this is Lucian, Romeo’s brother.”

  Ivy holds my hand a little tighter as she smiles at Riley and nods, saying shyly, “Hi, I’m pleased to meet you.”

  I notice Riley nudges Lucian, who says in his dark drawl, “Ivy.”

  Riley rolls her eyes and pats the seat beside her.

  “Come and sit beside me. I am beyond excited to have another female to chat to, other than nonna, of course. Feminine company is in short supply at the moment because Isabella and Dante have taken Luca away for a few days.”

  Ivy looks at me and I smile. “Go and chat to Riley, just don’t let her put you off me.”

  Riley laughs. “I doubt Ivy would listen, anyway.”

  I can’t stop smirking as they see what Ivy would be mortified to know. She looks so fucked she almost can’t walk straight, and the bastard in me loves every minute of it.

  Lucian stands and says in a low voice, “We need to talk.”

  We leave the women to get acquainted and I follow him to the den. As always, we start with a splash of whiskey and settle in our usual chairs and get down to business.

  “Is that it?”

  Lucian nods to the journal and I hand it to him without even a flick of the pages. “Yes, hopefully it makes for good reading.”

  “You haven’t looked?”

  “No, brother, I haven’t looked because I had much better things to do if you must know.”

  He grins and shakes his head. “Yes, it was a little obvious; as if that poor girl hasn’t suffered enough.”

  He grins and reaches for the journal and flicks through the pages with interest. “I’ll go through it and hope there’s something we can use. What’s your plan?”

  “Deal with Drew Warner first, who is currently waiting in the warehouse.”

  Lucian nods. “I heard.”

  I’m not surprised because Lucian makes it his business to know every move we make, given the fact he runs this family it has to be this way and he says with interest, “What have you got planned for him?”

  “Punish him for laying his hands on Ivy and damaging her lovely face. We stopped him just before he forced himself on her; his future isn’t looking good.”

  Lucian nods. “It’s not.”

  Taking a sip of whiskey, I feel the delicious trail it burns through my body and then say darkly, “Governor Thompson will soon wonder where his daughter is. I need something to prevent him from interfering in our business. I’m guessing he’ll be unhappy when he discovers he is soon to have a different son-in-law to the one chosen.”

  Lucian nods and flashes me a rare smile. “When is the happy day?”

  “Soon, I just need to tell Ivy about it first.”

  We share a grin because some things never change. There is no ‘if’ always ‘when’ where it concerns us, and Ivy will be married to me within the month.

  “Did you ask Lorenzo?”

  I’m interested to hear what my brother made of the news and Lucian nods. “He’s getting Ryder to check for any heat on Governor Thompson. Hopefully, he’ll find something we can use, but if not, I’m guessing this journal has a few gems we can use. Leave it with me, I’ll find something you can use to keep him away from us.”

  “How long are you staying for?”

  “The night. Riley wanted to make friends with Ivy, I think she’s missing female company since Isabella went away. It suits me though because I have rather a lot of reading to get through.”

  “Suits me too, I have urgent business anyway and am keen to get started—wanna come along for the ride?”

  Lucian’s eyes flash and ordinarily he would jump at the chance to play with a prisoner, but the journal is burning hot in his hands and he shakes his head. “I’ll catch up with my reading. I’m keen to discover the ending of this particular story.”

  Shrugging, I slam my glass on the table and stand, “Then I’ll leave you to it.”

  Heading off, I call Richie and tell him to meet me outside in five minutes. Yes, I’m keen to show Drew Warner just what happens to someone who touches my girl.

  Chapter 31


  I really like Riley. She is such good company, and any awkwardness is soon pushed away as she spills the secrets of this house.

  Romeo came back and told me he had to go out for a while, and as soon as he left, Riley sighed.

  “Get used to that, honey, they’re always coming and going, if you know what I mean.”

  She winks and I giggle as her meaning is clear.

  She looks at me thoughtfully, “So, I must say I was surprised when Lucian told me Romeo had met someone.”

  “Why is that a surprise?”

  “Because he’s been out of control for months now.”

  “In what way?” I feel a little anxious as I sense I’m not going to like what she’s about to tell me, and she shrugs. “I don’t know. Stories about him losing his shit and stirrin
g up trouble that was unnecessary. He appeared on edge and this is the first time I’ve seen him relaxed, probably ever. Whatever you’re doing, keep on doing it because I’ve never seen him so happy.”

  “Really, I can’t imagine him any other way.”

  For a moment Riley looks at me as if she’s unsure whether to say anything, and then she sighs and shakes her head. “Listen, don’t take this the wrong way, but I really think you need to know what you’re dealing with. This family is unlike most and the guys can be a little hard to handle. I’m guessing you already know their business, it’s not something I like to dwell on, but sometimes Lucian comes home and the look in his eye scares me.”

  I fall silent because I was right, I’m not liking what I’m hearing.

  “You see, Ivy, living here can be the best experience mixed with the worst. Most of the time it’s good. More than good, fantastic in fact. Then there are those dark times when business comes home with them. It takes someone special to understand a man like that and bring him back to earth. Isabella struggled at first with Dante. Most of the time he stayed away rather than have her face the reality of who he was. They worked it out and have the tightest relationship as a result.”

  “And you?” I feel as if I’m prying, but I’m mesmerized when Riley’s expression changes and it’s as if she’s somewhere else.

  Her eyes shine and her mouth curves in a smile and she looks so happy it goes against every word she’s just spoken. “They’re the times I love the most.”

  She blinks and looks at me with a wicked grin. “Lucian is the hottest part of my soul and when he’s back from business, I look forward to the whole of him. I love the dark side of my man probably more than the lighter one and don’t get me wrong when I say it’s a lot to deal with. It can also be the most intoxicating experience of your life.”

  I’m feeling a little uncomfortable as I wonder what that will mean for me. Up until now Romeo has been the perfect gentleman and I can’t imagine him being anything like his brothers.

  Thinking of Lucian, I shiver inside. As soon as I saw him watching me, I died a little. He is so dark and has a danger that hits you as soon as he concentrates his attention on you. Riley seems so open and friendly, and I can’t imagine her life with him. Maybe opposites attract because they seem poles apart, yet from the look in her eye, she is so far gone it’s doubtful she will ever return from the place she lives inside her head with him. Am I so different though? Just the thought of Romeo brings a smile to my lips, and maybe they just deal with their emotions in different ways.

  Riley interrupts my thoughts and says softly, “You may get the chance to find out yourself first hand.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s gone out and I doubt it was anything other than business. Watch him when he returns, Ivy. He may be a little different to when he left. How different will tell you the extent of the madness this business brings? To be honest, I never ask because I’d rather not know, but if you stand any hope of living here, you’ll find a way to handle whatever Romeo throws at you.”

  Luckily, nonna comes into the kitchen and Riley throws her a megawatt smile. “Hey, Nonna, do you have some of those cookies you keep hidden away for Luca?”

  “Of course, just don’t tell Romeo where they are, he’ll eat them all, he’s always been a man of extremes.”

  Riley throws me a knowing look and I feel a little awkward. The image she paints is scaring me. I’m not an idiot, I know what their life involves, but will he be different somehow and what if I don’t like it? I’ve lived with fear my whole life and thought I’d left it behind forever. It appears it’s a different kind now, and it leads me to wonder why his mom killed herself. Is there something I’m not seeing here in this mansion because I am getting increasingly nervous the more time I spend here?

  Chapter 32


  Drew is sitting tied to the usual chair set on top of a plastic sheet to save us from cleaning the human waste that usually follows our business meetings. He looks in bad shape because I instructed my men to make him uncomfortable while he waited.

  Richie walks by my side, and I know we are intimidating. I thrive on it because it puts our enemies at a disadvantage, and Drew Warner became my enemy the moment he laid hands on Ivy.

  Grabbing a chair, I sit astride it and look at him thoughtfully and love the way he looks at me fearfully. His stupid white suit is splattered with blood and dirt, and his slicked back hair is all over the place. For a man who likes to be in control and manipulate, this must be hard to handle and I nod to one of my enforcers standing nearby and say in a pleasant voice, “Please remove our guest’s gag, I’m sure he has an apology to make.”

  The enforcer rips off the tape and I relish the sight of Drew wincing at the pain. His lip is bloody and bruised, and I picture Ivy’s face that is also turning a deep shade of purple right now.

  “What do you want, I have money?”

  I laugh and look at Richie, who grins.

  “You think I want money?”

  “Don’t you?”

  “Far from it. You see, Drew, the moment you overstepped the mark with Ivy, you unleashed the beast inside me.”

  “You want Ivy?”

  Drew blinks in disbelief and I laugh. “Finally, you get the message. Yes, I want Ivy, in fact she was always mine. The minute you made that deal with her father, you changed the direction of your life. You see, I know you, Drew. I’ve watched the type of person you are, gambling, women, drugs, need I go on. Do you really believe I would stand back and watch you ruin Ivy’s life?”


  Drew looks bewildered and I laugh. “Bad luck, you got involved with the love of my life and when you tried to force yourself on her, I kind of snapped. Now, what would be the perfect punishment as payback for that I wonder?”

  I appear thoughtful and Drew starts to shake. “I never knew, I would never have touched her if I did. You’ve got to believe me, I promise I will never contact her again, never even look in her direction. I’ll break up with her, nobody ever needs to know about your involvement with her, just please let me go, I’ll do anything.”

  I pretend to think about it and the look of disgust on my men’s faces says it all, as they witness a man throwing everything he’s got at me to escape his fate, regardless of the reason he’s here in the first place—Ivy. It makes my blood boil as I think of him anywhere near her and I say sharply, “So, for the second time you would rather bargain for something you want with another. You would disregard Ivy to save yourself, not very noble is it, Richie?”

  Richie says ominously, “Shocking.”

  Drew begins to shake as his pleas fall on the cold concrete below and I sigh heavily.

  “The thing is, Drew, I have no problem with you other than the fact you hurt Ivy. I couldn’t care less about your money, the life you lead, or you, as it happens, but I love her and the fact you tried to force yourself on her and physically assaulted her cannot go unpunished. It’s an eye for an eye in our business and you need to step up and take it like a man because you deserve every moment of the punishment waiting for you.”

  He looks as if he’s about to hurl and then I say thoughtfully, “Unless…”

  You could hear a pin drop as he waits for something that could spare him and I appear to be considering it before saying with a trace of humor in my voice, “Unless I decide to ruin you, your future, your position, your life. Yes, I think that’s a much better punishment, don’t you?”

  Scraping back my chair, I approach him and love the way he cowers back in anticipation of the pain that’s heading his way. Grabbing his stupid hair, I twist it and pull his head back and snarl, “I think I’ll choose both. Just so you know, I’m releasing our little video to the media as soon as I’m finished here. Goodness, it will be all over the breakfast news, you’ll be a star. Up-and-coming politician crashes and burns after snorting cocaine on a mafia yacht. The same up-and-coming politician enjoying three in a be
d in a private orgy, goodness, the list is endless.”

  Drew shakes uncontrollably and says fearfully, “Please, I’ll do anything.”

  Releasing his head, I stand back and using my full force punch him hard in the face, like he did to Ivy and relish the sight of the blood spurting from his nose.

  The bruise starts to form immediately, and I love how much of a rush I get from revenge. I could kill the bastard and not break a sweat. I am out of control and I know it, but releasing Drew to face the wrath of his adoring public, not to mention Governor Thompson, is too good an opportunity to pass up.

  Drew Warner is a ruined man and will be lucky to get a job as a parking attendant after this, and Governor Thompson will see just who he’s dealing with.

  So, I walk away and say over my shoulder, “Goodbye Drew and just so you know, your membership to my club has been revoked. Tony, he’s all yours, show him what happens when he pisses me off and then drop him a few hours’ walk from home. I’m out of here.”

  The sound of Drew screaming in pain fills the air as Tony gets to play, and Richie laughs softly. “I wouldn’t want to be him right now.”

  I laugh and love the thought that Ivy is waiting for me at home. It feels good knowing I’m not alone anymore and I am eager to get back - to her. I was never going to kill Drew, just make his life a misery, and if anything, I’ve saved the public from another corrupt politician. It feels good to be me.

  Chapter 33


  It doesn’t take long to get back, and I quickly exit the car and head off to find Ivy. Before I do, Lucian appears and nods toward the den and I fight the frustration that brings. Great, more shit to deal with.

  I follow him in and he points to my chair and pours me a large glass of whiskey, before saying in a rough voice, “You’re going to need that.”


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