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Page 29

by Tessier, Shantel

  His eyes trace the marks around my neck, and I swallow the lump in my throat but say nothing. There’s nothing to say to him.

  Then, without a word, I walk around him, down the steps, and out the front door.



  I WAKE HEARING loud voices. I make my way down to the office and crack the door open. My father stands behind his desk.

  My mom sits in one of his black leather chairs. Tears run down her cheeks.

  “I’m pregnant,” she whispers.

  He runs a hand down his face. “Is it even mine?”

  She sniffs. “I don’t know …”

  “How long have you been fucking him?” he growls.

  “I didn’t ….”

  He slams his fists down on the table. “You’re fucking pregnant, Betty!”

  “He raped me,” she cries.

  “Because you let him.” He slaps her across the face.

  I go running in. “Mom!”

  “Get the fuck out of here, Cole!” my father growls.

  “Go, Cole.” She shoves me out of the room and shuts the door. I place my ear against it and listen.

  “Fuck! How could you let this happen?” he demands. “Now, you’re just another broken bitch. Like all the rest.”

  “I’m leaving, and I’m taking Cole with me,” she says, ignoring his words.

  “You’re not going anywhere. And you sure as hell aren’t taking my son with you.”

  “You’re not gonna put your hands on me,” she snaps.

  “I’ll do whatever I damn well please.” I hear him slap her again, and I try to open the door, but it’s locked. She cries out.

  “Mom!” I say, pounding my fist on the door. “Mom, open the door.”

  “You think I’m gonna let you leave me? You think I’m gonna let this town think you fucked another man who didn’t fucking want you or his child?” His voice rises. “You and Cole will stay where you belong. Under my roof. Under my fucking control.”

  “I don’t need you,” she shouts angrily. “We don’t need you.”

  I hear books crashing to the floor and her strangled cry. “You’re right,” he growls. “You don’t. But if you walk out that door, I will take Cole from you and this baby as well. I will dump you out in the mud with nothing but the clothes on your back. You may have come from money, but I hold all the power in this house.”

  I stand in the loft, facing the bed. The front door slamming pulls me out of my memory. The sound of Austin leaving me. She deserves better. Someone who isn’t so fucked up. A man who treats her better than every other fucking bastard in her family.

  I run a hand through my hair. My head pounding.

  I hurt her. And the worst part is that I liked it. My body physically craved her to a point it was unhealthy. Her cries. Her tears. I fucking took and took. And she didn’t stop me. Why would she? I told her what I wanted to do to her, and she willingly challenged me. She was testing me. And I failed her.

  I’ve become my father. The man I despise.

  He destroyed my mother. He quit loving her and gave up on her, but I never did. I loved her so much. It didn’t matter that he thought she was broken. To me, that made her special. She was a fighter. Just like Austin is.

  Reaching down, I grab the empty bottle of Jack and throw it at the far wall with a shout. It shatters into a million fucking pieces.

  My heart pounds in my chest, and I’m gasping for air. The pounding in my head intensifies, making my ears ring. I charge into the bathroom and open the cabinet. Grabbing a couple of Advil, I turn the sink on, cup my hand, and swallow some water to take them. Hoping they will dull the pain enough for me to think straight. To figure out what to do.

  Deke was right, once again. Bastard! She’s not safe at her dad’s house. She’s not safe with me either. And she can’t go back to her mom’s.

  What are you gonna do about it?

  I should protect her. I can protect her. That’s what a man does.

  She looked at me as if I planned all of this. My sick game. That I had a vendetta against her from day one due to what her father did to my mother. It wasn’t about that. It wasn’t her fault. Just like it was never Lilly’s fault.

  My phone rings in the other room, and I make my way to it. Deke lights up my screen.

  “What?” I bark. I’m pissed at him even if he was right. She deserved to know her life is in danger.

  “She went home, Cole!” My jaw tightens. “I tried to stop her—”

  “You should have fucking forced her,” I snap, interrupting him.

  He sighs. “The thought crossed my mind, but Becky was right there. I couldn’t …”

  “Couldn’t what?” I question when he trails off.

  “Hurt her.”


  “I’m going home,” I tell Deke as we stand outside the clubhouse.

  “No, you can’t …”

  “I need answers.” And we both know that Cole isn’t going to give them.

  “I won’t let you.” Deke comes to stand in front of me. He’s crossed his arms over his broad chest and glares down at me.

  At one time, I feared Deke, but that time has passed. “I’m not going to stay with Becky because I’m not going to risk her life. And you’re not going to either.” With that, I yank open my door and get into my car. And take off.

  I storm into my father’s house. “Dad? Dad?” I shout.

  “What the hell …?” Celeste comes running down the hall. “What happened to you?” she asks wide-eyed, looking over my neck at the bruises and hickeys Cole gave me.

  “Where’s my father?” I ask, ignoring her concern.

  “He left for Florida earlier this morning. Why? Is something wrong?”

  “I know.” I cut to the chase. I’m not in the mood for small talk. I’m fucking pissed.

  Her already big eyes grow bigger, and her face pales. “Austin ...”

  “I fucking know,” I shout. “You think you could keep that from me?” I shake my head. Would they have ever told me that I had a sister? “That I wouldn’t find out?” I dig into my pocket and rip my phone out.

  “What are you doing?” she asks in a panic.

  “Calling him …”

  The phone is ripped from my hand.

  “Give me my phone,” I demand.

  “You can’t,” she says as tears start to well in her brown eyes. “Please. It was supposed to be a one-time thing, but then it happened again. And again.” Her first tear falls. “I’m so lonely,” she admits, and I stand confused for the second time tonight. She sniffs. “Cole came to me and told me to get him off your back. And I’ve tried, Austin.” She drops my phone and places her hands on my shoulders. “Please understand I’m trying. But Kellan won’t let it go.” She pulls me into her and buries her head into my chest and sobs. “I’m so sorry. I called out Cole’s name while I was with Kellan. Please forgive me.”

  What. The. Fuck.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Kellan wanted me to do it, so you would leave Cole. He wants to hurt him.” She sobs.

  I pry her hands from my shoulders and take a step back from her.

  “Kellan wants you out of the group. He knows you had something to do with Cole not doing his dare,” she rattles off, “but he can’t prove it. He was so mad that you outsmarted him.” She reaches up and wipes the tears from her face. “I told him you’re smarter than they are.”

  Damn right I am.

  But I’ve underestimated all of them, though. Even Cole.

  “Austin, I …”

  “I’m done with this conversation,” I say, interrupting her.

  She swallows nervously. “Please. Please don’t tell Bruce.”

  I look her in the eyes and smile. The terror on her face makes me want to laugh. “Your secret is safe with me.” Then I reach down, pick up my phone, and walk down the hallway and out the back door, wanting some fresh air.


  I spent all day
Saturday and Sunday relaxing in the pool. Celeste steered clear of me. If she wasn’t in her room, she was out. Probably fucking Kellan somewhere. At this point, I don’t care who she screws. My father raped a woman, got her pregnant, and then tried to kill her son. My father deserves to pay for that. And his trophy wife fucking a senior in high school isn’t enough if you ask me.

  Cole blew up my phone Saturday night like he finally had something to say to me. I ignored them all. But I made sure to read his messages just so he would see that I saw them. He was on the top of my shit list. And it seemed to be growing by the second.

  I spoke to Becky and told her that my father was out of town. His calls stopped after that. I only did it because I knew she would tell Deke, and he would pass the message on to Cole.

  Monday finally rolled around, and I got up, got ready, and drove myself to school. I sat down in first period and spoke to Becky like nothing ever happened. She stared at me like I needed to be admitted to a psych ward. I just smiled. Because in a way she was right. I officially no longer care about anything but revenge. I’m going to do what they all did. Turn off my emotions and play the fucking game. Like I should have done from the beginning.



  SHE’S AVOIDED ME completely this week while at school. Five whole days of not a single word. Not even a glance my way. And it’s not like I haven’t tried. She just acts like I don’t even exist. It’s taken all I have not to pin her up against a locker and choke her until she’s clawing at my arms and chest, silently begging me to let her breathe. But I know Austin Lowes. She would willingly pass out before she begged me for anything.

  And I no longer want to hurt her.

  “You okay, man?” Deke asks as we walk to our cars in the parking lot of the school after practice.


  He sighs. “Becky’s worried about Austin.”

  I come to a stop and turn to face him. “Why? Did Austin say something to her?”

  He shakes his head. “Just that she isn’t herself.”

  I snort. “Of course not. She’s been blackmailed and lied to.”

  “Hey, guys. Wait up.”

  We look over at the door to see Shane and Bennett approaching. “What do you think it’s about?” Shane asks.

  “Think what is about?” Deke asks him.

  “The text Austin just sent us,” Bennett answers.

  I dig in my pocket as Kellan joins us. Deke and I no longer speak to him either.

  Austin: Clubhouse ten tonight.

  Kellan smiles. “Maybe she’s finally pulling out.”

  She wouldn’t do that. Not now. I’m not sure what she’s thinking but running isn’t something she does. He’s stupid to even think that.

  “Guess we’ll find out at ten,” Bennett says.


  I pull up to the clubhouse at ten on the dot. Her car is already parked outside along with Deke’s Range Rover and Bennett’s white Mercedes. I had every intention to be here early and try to talk to her, but I had a phone call that ran longer than planned.

  I walk inside to see her sitting on the couch with her eyes looking down at her phone. She wears a pair of black shorts and a black top. Her hair is down and straight, and she looks absolutely amazing.

  My chest tightens when I think about how I’ve hurt her. Lied to her.

  Ever since she walked out of this door a week ago, she has consumed my thoughts. Fuck her dad for trying to kill me. He’ll pay for that in time. Right now, I gotta do whatever I can to get her back.

  “Why are we here?” Kellan demands, walking in and not wasting a second of his time.

  She places her phone on her lap and then stretches her arms out on the back of the couch, looking up. She smiles. “As you all know, Cole and I are no longer”—she pauses, thinking of the right word—“anything. But I’m not dropping out.” She looks at Kellan. “Thought I would get that out of the way since you were hoping for that.” His mouth sets in a hard line. Her smile widens. “And I know you are fucking Celeste, so you can stop having her scream out Cole’s name.” Shane starts to choke, and Deke chuckles. Her eyes meet mine for the first time in a week. And they look as cold as ice. “Plus, I no longer care who Cole fucks,” she says, voice flat.

  “Austin …”

  “How did you find out?” Deke asks, interrupting me.

  “I went home and demanded to speak to Bruce, but Celeste told me he had already left for Florida. I then told her that I knew. I was referring to Lilly being my sister, but she thought I meant her fucking Cole. Or Kellan. Or who-fucking-ever.” Kellan’s eyes narrow. He opens his mouth, but she continues. “But that is not why I called this meeting. There is something we need to take care of.”

  “What?” Deke asks her.

  “Jerrold.” Her eyes meet mine. “I think he’s earned his death.” Then she looks at all the guys.

  Kellan walks over to the couch, and I take a step closer but both ignore me. He stops and looks down at her. “If we do this, you’re involved. One hundred percent.”

  “Absolutely not—”

  “I’m in,” she says, interrupting me.

  “Austin!” I snap.

  She continues to stare up at Kellan with a look of indifference. But he could be setting her up. Now that she knows he’s screwing Celeste, he could want her dead so she can’t tell Bruce.

  “She’s not doing anything,” I add when no one else objects.

  “I have a say, Cole. I’m part of this group.” She fucking smiles at me. “Isn’t that what you wanted?’

  “She’s playing him.” We all hear Shane whisper to Deke.

  Austin directs her attention to Shane. “The only thing I’m playing is the game,” she corrects him.

  “It’s too risky,” I say, shaking my head.

  “Since when do you care about my life?” she asks.

  I run a hand through my hair. “Since I found out that your dad tried to kill me, and he is working with a guy who you stole that information from.”

  “That didn’t stop you from putting your hands around my neck,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest.

  My teeth grind. I want to say I would never hurt her, but that would be a lie. That’s all I’ve done to her.

  “Right!” She looks back up at Kellan at my silence. “So what’s it gonna be?” she asks him.

  He looks down at her. “Tonight.”

  She nods.

  “Home invasion,” he tells her.

  I go to open my mouth, but she snorts. “No.”

  He raises a brow at her.

  “The six of us are not doing a home invasion unless you want us to get caught. And I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not go to jail.”

  He crosses his arms over his chest. “Then what do you suggest?”

  She gives him a big smile. “You guys are sharks. Time to act like it.”

  I turn to Deke, and he’s already staring at me with a look of concern in his features. I walk outside for some fresh air, and he gets the hint, following me.

  “What do you want me to do?” he asks the moment he gets outside.

  “Austin and I will ride with you.” My jaw tightens. “But she never gets out of the car.”

  “She’s gonna be pissed.”

  “I don’t give a fuck,” I snap. At this point, her safety means more to me than her being mad at me. I can deal with her anger. Kellan setting her up or her getting hurt is a different story.

  He nods once. “She never gets out of the car,” he agrees.

  I spin around to see the door open to the clubhouse, and she walks out followed by Shane and Bennett. Kellan walks out with a smile on his face. And I fist my hands. There’s no way he should be happy right now. Not after she called him out about sleeping with Celeste.

  “Austin, we’re riding with Deke.”

  “No. I’m driving. I don’t wanna come back here …” I grab her upper arm. “Cole!” she snaps. “Stop!”<
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  I ignore her and drag her over to Deke’s SUV and toss her in the back seat. She curses me as I slam the door shut.

  “You don’t know the plan,” Kellan says.

  I ignore him. I go over to my car and retrieve my black bag out of the trunk, grab what I need out of my console, and then jump in the passenger seat of Deke’s Range Rover. I look in the back, and she sits by the door, looking out the window. Her eyes narrowed on nothing.

  Deke gets in and looks at me.

  “What’s the plan, Austin?” I ask.

  She says nothing.

  “I’m not gonna ask you again,” I growl.

  Her head snaps over to look at me. Her green eyes burn with rage, and I smile at her. She’s so gorgeous. “Bennett said he likes to take late-night swims, so I suggested we drown him in his own pool,” she huffs.

  I nod and turn back to face the front. “Head to his house.”

  Deke starts the car and “With Me Now” by Blacklite District blares through the speakers.

  I smile. Good plan, sweetheart.


  We pull up to the house a block away. I remove my seat belt and turn to face her. “You’re staying in the car.”

  “Cole …”

  “This is not up for discussion, Austin!” I pick up my bag at my feet and unzip it. I pull out my gun and place it in the back waistband of my jeans. Just in case. Then I place my rope and set of handcuffs on the center console.

  “What do you need those for?” she growls. “You have to make this look like a freak accident. If he has marks around his wrists and ankles, then they will know he was murdered.”

  “Those are for you,” Deke tells her as he eyes her in the rearview mirror.

  “What?” she snaps. She’s no longer scared of him, and that has me worried. A part of me knows that if he puts her in a situation that she needs to get out of, she would do anything to get free. That’s why I’m glad Deke is stronger than she is.

  He nods. “You try to leave, and I have permission to do whatever is necessary to keep you in the car.” He gives her a big threatening smile.

  She looks at me, her eyes narrowed. “He’s bullshitting me, right?”


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