Book Read Free


Page 31

by Tessier, Shantel

  I nod. “I hate that I haven’t gotten to see her.”

  She gives me a soft smile. “You can spend the day with her alone if you want. I can go home—”

  “No,” I interrupt her. “We can have a girls’ day. We can take her to a movie and then go for ice cream.”

  She nods. “Sounds good.”

  I pick up my phone and go to Shark and send a text.

  Me: Is Lilly free for the afternoon? I would like to spend the day with her. Wanna take her to a movie and to get ice cream.

  I set my phone down and take a bite of my pancakes. “Mmm,” I mumble my approval.

  I look up when Celeste walks in. “Happy Birthday,” she says with a soft smile. We’re still not talking much either.

  “Thanks,” I say with a head nod.

  She sits down next to me, and I stuff another bite into my mouth. “I spoke to your dad this morning. He won’t be able to make it for tonight.”

  Thank God. I don’t want to see that bastard.

  “For your birthday, we decided to give you a trip.”

  I swallow my bite. “Trip?”

  She nods. “For you and a friend to go anywhere you want for a week.”

  I look at Becky, and she smiles.

  “Thanks,” I say, although I won’t use it. I want nothing from my father or her. One is a rapist. The other a cheating, lying bitch.

  My phone rings, and I look down to see Shark written across my screen. I let out a deep breath. I’ve avoided speaking to him, but since I messaged him wanting to see Lilly, I answer. “Hello?”

  “Hey.” Cole’s raspy voice comes over the line. He’s just waking up. And my legs tighten, knowing he’s still in bed.

  I hate how much my body still wants him. That’s why I’ve avoided him. I can’t afford to let him back in. To make me look like an idiot once again. “Hey,” I reply.

  “Happy Birthday, sweetheart.”

  My chest tightens at the softness in his voice. He is a lie. It’s all a lie. “What do you want, Cole?”

  He sighs heavily, and I imagine him running his hand through his disheveled morning hair. “I just wanted to call you and tell you happy birthday. Instead of texting.” I remain silent. “And of course, you can spend the day with Lilly.”

  I smile at that. “Thanks. I’ll be over to get her in about an hour?” I ask.

  “I can bring her to you,” he offers.

  “No,” I say, shaking my head at myself. I want to pick her up so I can leave afterward. If he brings her over here, he may try to stay and visit.

  “Okay,” he says slowly. “I will get her ready.”

  I hate how much I’ve missed of her life, but I can’t deny that Cole has been there for her. That he stepped up and did what neither my father nor Cole’s would do.

  “Thank you,” I say.

  “No need to thank me, Austin.”

  I say goodbye and hang up before he can say anything else. Placing my phone on the table, I go back to eating my pancakes and ignore the looks I can feel Celeste giving me. I still haven’t told her that I know Lilly is my sister. Not like it would matter. Plus, I’m sure Kellan has already told her. At one point, I thought I could trust Celeste, but now I know I can’t. Nor can I believe anything she says. Becky is my only true friend. I can trust her with anything.


  Becky and I did exactly what we had planned to do. We picked Lilly up from Cole’s, and he didn’t mention anything due to her being present. He kissed and hugged her goodbye. She jumped into my arms, and we left. I took her to the newest Disney movie, and I couldn’t even tell you the name of it. I spent the entire time looking over at her. I watched her laugh and smile. I cried, and when she asked what was wrong, I told her I thought the movie was sad. My chest hurt at what my little sister has been through. I still don’t know how their mother died. Does Lilly remember her? She never talks about her.

  The time with her went by too quickly, and afterward, we took her back and dropped her off. Once again, Cole didn’t try to speak to me.

  As soon as we got back home, we started decorating the house. I had finally accepted Deke’s friend request weeks ago, and I saw his invite to my party. More people than I could count said they were coming. Deke loaded Becky’s car with alcohol the day before, so we set up everything in the kitchen and then went upstairs to start getting ready.

  Just as I was putting on my heels, my mother called me. I stared at it for a few rings and then sent her to voicemail. She immediately sent me a text.

  Mom: Have your father call me.

  That was all it said.



  I PULL UP to Bruce’s house. The party isn’t supposed to start for another hour, but the driveway is already packed full of cars. I’m not surprised.

  Kids litter the front yard and porch. They nod their head to me and call out my name. Like always, I ignore them.

  The past couple of weeks have had me on edge. I’ve been in a pissy mood because Austin has been ignoring me. And because I’ve been too busy with swim meets to try to spend extra time with her. But yesterday was Friday, officially kicking off spring break. I have no obligations this weekend and no school next week. So tonight I plan to corner her and talk to her. Make her talk to me. She can cuss, she can yell, and hell, she can even slap me. We are getting to the bottom of this shit tonight.

  I don’t care if it’s her birthday. I have waited long enough.

  I enter the house and make my way down the hallway. People move out of my way. I enter the kitchen, expecting her to be in here, but she’s not.

  “You looking for Austin?”

  I turn around at a male’s voice and come face to face with Bryan. I fist my hands.

  He takes a step back, raising his, not wanting me to beat his ass like I did at the beach. “I don’t want trouble. It was just a question.”

  I unclench them. “Where is she?” I ask, cutting to the chase.

  “Last I saw her, she was in the game room playing beer pong.”

  I shoulder past him and move farther down the hallway. I keep an eye out for Deke because I saw his SUV parked in the driveway.

  I round the back corner and open the door that I know is their game room. “Bite Your Kiss” by Diamante blares through the speakers. I spot her immediately. She’s standing at the end of the ping pong table. The guy opposite of her makes his shot, and everyone cheers as she throws back whatever was in the cup.

  She smashes the now empty cup on the table, and her eyes meet mine. “Cole,” she shouts excitedly, and my jaw tightens.

  She’s fucking trashed. Her party hasn’t even started yet, which tells me that she’s been drinking for a while.

  Everyone turns to look at me, and the guy across from her steps back from the table. “Here you go, man,” he says, offering up his spot.

  She waves him off. “He doesn’t drink, Myers.” She hiccups and then laughs at herself.

  “You obviously have had enough for the both of us,” I state.

  “It’s my birthday.” She holds her hands out wide before they fall to her sides, slapping her bare thighs. “I can do whatever the fuck I want.”

  I don’t like the way she says it. As if she could kiss any guy in here. Fuck any guy in here. “Austin,” I growl.

  She narrows her eyes on me, then looks around at everyone in the room like she is sizing them up. I notice the way a girl by the name of Amanda looks me up and down before giving me a big smile. Austin sees it, and she rolls her eyes before they come back to me. “I’m curious … how many girls in here have fucked Cole Reynolds?” she asks as if reading my mind. Deke stands off to her right with Becky, and his brows rise. Everyone stares at her, wondering what the hell is going on. “Come on. This is just for fun,” she says, encouraging them.

  One by one, the girls slowly start to raise their hands. Including Amanda. All but a few, Becky included, keep their hands down. I never slept with her. I would have,
but she was always Deke’s. We all knew that.

  Austin spins around, looking at all of them, and then smiles at me. “Pick someone else, Cole. Because I’m done being yours.”

  My hands fist down by my sides.

  “Okay, I think we should—”

  “Play strip beer pong,” she interrupts Deke. “For every one you miss, I’ll take something off.” She tosses the ball to me. I catch it midair. “What do you say?”

  “Don’t,” I growl in warning.

  She tilts her head to the side. “Don’t wanna play my game, Cole?”


  “How about …” She leans over the table. “I dare you.”

  “Not gonna work, sweetheart.” I give her a threatening smile.

  She looks at the guy she called Myers and smiles at him. “You’ll play with me, right?” she asks, placing her hands on her hips.

  She looks like a fucking doll dressed in a short, black tulle skirt and black t-shirt that reads BIRTHDAY across her chest in gold letters with her favorite pair of black heels. She’s worn them before while I fucked her. Her long hair is down and straight, and her eyes are lined with black. And red fucking lipstick.

  I promise, there’s not a guy in this house who doesn’t want to play with her—my toy.

  He takes a step back up to the table. I grip his shoulder and yank him back. “Everybody out!” I shout.

  They all turn toward the door and run out. All but Deke and Becky.

  Austin pushes her right hip out and picks up another red Solo cup. She drinks it.

  “Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I snap.

  “Why are you even here, Cole?” she asks, ignoring my question.

  I step to her, and she tilts her head back to look up at me. “Was I not invited?” I ask, arching a brow.

  Her green eyes hold mine for a long second before a drunken smile grows across her face. “I already told you once, Cole. I no longer care what you do.”

  The door opens, and I spin around to yell at them to leave, but Bennett and Shane walk in. Then Kellan.

  She picks up another Solo cup and begins to drink it as well.

  “You’ve had enough,” I snap and yank it from her hand.

  Her green eyes narrow on me. “That’s it,” she snaps. “I’ve tried to be nice …”

  Kellan’s laughter cuts her off.

  She glares at him and then returns her attention to me. “I’m done. Done letting you all boss me around like I don’t have a say. Being told what to do and how things are going to be. And all these secrets. Well, guess what? I have secrets of my own.” She smiles at me. It’s not soft or inviting. “I’ve got insurance too, Cole.”

  “What are you talking about?” Kellan asks nervously.

  “Every time we’ve been sitting at the clubhouse and you all thought I was playing around on my phone, I was really recording you.”

  “Shit.” Deke chuckles impressed.

  “So go ahead, push me a little more and see what I do with all that information.” She shoves me out of the way and goes to storm out, but I grab her upper arm.

  “You’re bluffing,” I say. She has to be.

  “I am?” She tilts her head to the side. “Wanna take that chance, Cole?”

  My eyes narrow on her as “Go to War” by Nothing More starts to play in the room.

  She jerks her arm out of my hold. “I didn’t think so.” With that, she walks out.

  Shane runs a hand through his hair. “She has to be joking.”

  “Doubtful,” I say. She’s a shark just like us, after all.

  “What the fuck?” Kellan shouts. “This is all your fault.” He points at me. “You wanted to bring her in. You wanted to fuck her. And you kept secrets from her.”

  “Me?” I demand. “You gave me a dare to fuck another girl when you knew we were together.”

  He snorts. “You were never together. You have forced her along this entire time.” He reaches for the closed door. “And now she’s gonna fuck us! Just like I told you she would!”

  Bennett and Shane both turn and follow him out.

  “What do you want me to do?” Deke asks as Becky runs out after her.

  “Nothing you can do. I fucked up.” I should have just come out and told her the truth in the beginning.

  He sighs heavily. “You could tell her about—”

  “She doesn’t wanna hear about that right now,” I interrupt him.

  “Why did you come, man?”

  I turn around and face him. “Why wouldn’t I?” I snap.

  He runs a hand through his hair. “Are you trying to piss her off?”


  “Then maybe just give her some time to cool off,” he offers.

  “It’s been two weeks. How long does she fucking need?” I demand.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say.” He throws his hands up in the air. “Or what you want me to do. Fuck! You two are going round and round in circles and not getting anywhere,” he growls. “You hated her. Now she hates you …”

  “I never hated her.” I wanted to destroy her. There’s a difference.

  He sighs heavily. “I … don’t know why you can’t just tell her.”

  My heart starts to pound in my chest. “Tell her what?”

  “Come on, Cole? Playing dumb with her may work, but it’s not going to work with me. I’ve known you all my life.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “And?”

  He steps into me, eyes narrowed. “And I don’t know why it’s so fucking hard for you to be a man and tell the girl you love her.”

  “I don’t!” I snap.

  He throws his head back, laughing. “So you don’t plan on her moving to Texas with you after graduation?”

  “That is for her to be close to Lilly,” I growl. I should have never told him my plans.

  He stares at me, and I arch a brow. Throw something else at me, Deke. I’ll block it.

  “You know.” He uncrosses his arms over his chest. “Everyone always talks about how fucked up you are.” My hands clench. “But I never believed them. Until now. You can kill someone without a second thought, but you can’t admit you love someone?” He shakes his head. “Never thought I’d see the day when you actually surprise me.” Then he turns and exits the room.


  I walk into the kitchen and grab the Fireball and take a sip from the bottle.

  “What the hell was that?” Becky demands, running up to me.

  “Me putting them in their place,” I say and tip it back again.

  She sighs. “What do you have on them?”


  She rolls her eyes. “That’s not what I asked, Austin.”

  I take another drink as Deke walks into the kitchen. I don’t expect to be invited back to the clubhouse anytime soon. But too bad. Because my ass isn’t walking away. Not this far into the game.

  He comes over to us, his eyes on Becky. “We’re leaving, babe,” he says, and my eyes catch Cole storming past the kitchen and out the front door.

  I take another drink.

  “I’m staying again tonight,” she tells him.

  He nods, already knowing that. Then he looks at me. He opens his mouth to speak and then closes it.

  “What?” I snap.

  He just shakes his head. “Nothing.” Then gives Becky a kiss before he turns and walks out.

  “You can go with him if you want,” I offer.

  She shakes her head. “Absolutely not. I’m your only friend, remember?” She gives me a smile before taking the bottle from my hand. “Someone has to watch over you.”

  I roll my eyes but sigh in disappointment. I’ve never had a good birthday. I’ve never spent it with family or real friends. Since I left California, I’ve learned a lot. And one thing is that those friends were as fake as a blow-up doll. I hate that I’m fighting with Cole. I hate that he put me in this position. That he lied to me about something so important it could cha
nge my life.

  Where do we go from here? Will I ever get to see Lilly after we graduate? My chest tightens with that thought.

  Becky places her hand on mine and gives me a soft smile. “You should give him a chance.”

  “Some people don’t deserve a chance,” I say simply.


  “I don’t wanna talk about it,” I interrupt her. “Can we just get drunk?”

  She chuckles, handing me back the bottle. “Drink up, birthday girl.”


  I open my eyes at the sound of thunder and groan.

  My head pounds, and my mouth is dry. Lightning strikes, lighting up my room, and I run my hand along my bed, looking for my phone. I find it face down and press the button to light up the screen. I squint and it reads 4:25 a.m. I’ve only been asleep for an hour. The party ended hours ago, but Becky and I weren’t ready to call it quits just yet.

  My hand grips my cell, and I sit up slowly, letting my body adjust to being awake. Everything aches.

  Becky is passed out in bed, her back toward me. Throwing the covers off, I make my way into the bathroom. I come to a stop in front of the sink and turn on the water. Lightning lights up the room through my large oval window and then thunder booms, rattling the walls.

  I place my phone on the countertop and open the medicine cabinet. I pick up the Advil and shut the glass cabinet just as the lights go out.

  “Shit.” I sigh.

  The lightning strikes, lighting up the bathroom once again, and I see a dark form in the mirror. “What the …?”

  A hand fists my hair, and when my head is yanked back, I drop the pill bottle to grab at them. But before I can get a hold of anything, my head is slammed forward.



  I WAKE UP to my phone ringing.

  “Hello?” I mumble, without looking to see who it is.

  “Get your ass up!” Deke says in greeting.

  I run a hand down my face. “What do you want? What time is it?”

  “Eight. Get up and get your ass over to Shelby’s.”

  “Why?” I yawn.


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