Book Read Free


Page 72

by Tessier, Shantel

  The upper floor of the house is quiet because it’s off-limits to guests tonight. And I know that’s why he brought her up here. To be alone with her. The only sound is the song playing through the speakers.

  He releases her, and she immediately cradles her arm to her chest.

  “Fine.” He looks down at her with disgust. “You can have her.” He turns and storms back down the stairs, shoving a guy into a wall.

  “Demi …” I reach down to look at her arm, but she pulls away and turns, running over to her bedroom door.

  “Go,” Cole says, but I’m already moving.

  “Demi?” I call out, but she ignores me.

  I reach her before she can open the door and spin her around. She looks up at me with tears in her beautiful eyes. “You okay?” I ask, clearing my throat. I’ve had quite a bit to drink tonight, knowing that Cole was gonna be my DD. He doesn’t drink much anymore after the night of the car wreck. And if he does, it’s at his house.

  She sniffs and looks away from me. I step into her, grip her chin, and force her to look up at me. “I asked if you’re okay.”

  Her wet lips part, and she takes in a deep breath. “Fine.” She gives a clipped answer.

  “Let me see your arm,” I order. Surprisingly, she holds it out for me.

  Bruises are already forming, and I clench my teeth at the thought of him hurting her. “Does he do this often?”

  She drops her eyes to the floor again.


  “No,” she whispers. “He’s never done that before.”

  I run a hand through my hair. “What happened?” Not that whatever happened excuses what he did. I’m just being nosy.

  She sniffs. “He found out about us.”

  “Us?” I frown.

  She nods. “I was texting my best friend about what we did at Silence … and he read it.”

  “Fuck,” I hiss.

  She looks up at me, and the first tear runs down her cheek. “He thinks we had sex.”

  I have. Fuck, I have fucked her in so many different ways in my head. Each one more sinful than the last. She cried, she screamed, and she came so fucking hard. But I know the real thing could never live up to my imagination.

  Stepping into her, I reach up and run my knuckles through the single tear, smearing it across her cheek.

  Her hands come up and grip my shirt. “Deke.” She whispers my name, and it goes straight to my dick.

  The alcohol swirling around in my head tells me to kiss her, but another part says back away and leave. I’ve watched her since the moment I walked through her mother’s front door. I attempted to follow pointless conversations with kids from school, but nothing kept my interest. Nothing but her. No matter how hard I’ve tried, she is there. In my mind, she’s naked and begging me to fuck her. “You’re with Seth.” I find myself saying out loud as if I’m trying to talk myself out of it.

  Don’t touch her!

  Her bright blue eyes meet mine. “He already thinks I’ve betrayed him.” She licks her lips. “Might as well give him a reason to put his hands on me.”

  “Don’t say that.” I growl, stepping into her. I know there’s a darker side to Demi. I watched her the first night I snuck into her mother’s house. She sat on her bed watching that fucking documentary on YouTube about the serial killer. She’s curious, and that isn’t a good thing. She can push the wrong man to do something very bad to her. And my anger rises at that thought. If any man is gonna put his hands on her, it’ll be me.

  She tilts her head back, licking her plump nude-colored lips. “It’ll be worth it.”

  I slide my right hand into her hair, and her eyes close as she lets out a moan. Her hands go to my jeans, and she pulls my hips into hers. My hard cock aches as it rubs against the fabric of my boxers. Fuck, this can’t be happening. Someone needs to interrupt us …

  “Kiss me, Deke.”

  “I won’t stop,” I admit. I wanna hurt you, Demi. I want to show you what I can do as much as you want to see it. It won’t end well for her. But she may like it …

  Don’t do it. Walk away, Deke.

  Her lashes flutter open, showing me those gorgeous blue eyes once again, and I’m fucking done. I’m about to do something I’ll regret, and she knows it. She reaches back, turns the knob on the door, and pulls me inside the dark bedroom.

  I rip her shirt up and over her head, and I allow her to remove mine. She is fumbling with my jeans, and I’ve already got her jeans down to her ankles. “Light …”

  “Leave it off.”

  I yank her to a stop with my hands on her hips. I dig my fingers into them, holding her in place. “Are you shy, Demi?”

  I can hear her panting, and I want nothing more than to see her bare chest. “Kinda.”

  I smirk. “There’s nothing to be shy of, baby. I’ve already had my fingers inside you.”

  She whimpers. “Please,” she begs, and it does things to me that I can’t quite explain.

  She reaches inside my unbuttoned jeans and grabs my dick. I jump when her soft hand makes contact. “Fuck.” I groan, pumping my hips into her hand.

  “Yes, please …”

  My lips find hers in the dark, and we stumble backward. I dig into my back pocket and grab my wallet; I remove the condom and then shove my jeans down my legs along with my boxers. Somehow, we find the bed, or she leads me to it. I don’t know.

  “I Don’t Even Care About You” by MISSIO blares through the speakers as I crawl on top of her and slide my cock into her. No time for foreplay. No need for it. She’s soaking wet, and I’m fucking hard and have been waiting for it for what feels like forever. My teeth clench, and my breath catches at how tight she is. “Fuck, Demi!” I groan in pleasure. “God, you feel …” I push my hips forward, going in deeper, feeling her squeeze me to the point it’s almost painful. In the best fucking way.

  “Deke ...” She gasps, her nails digging into my back.


  Things begin to get blurry. In the darkness, all I can do is feel her. And I do. Every fucking inch of her tight cunt. She’s screaming my name. My hands are in her hair. My lips on her warm skin. The room is hot, almost suffocating. She’s coming once, then a second time. And I throw her legs over my shoulders as I fuck her with so much force, I can taste the salty tears that run down her cheeks when I kiss her.

  I don’t know how long I’m inside her; all I know is that it’s not long enough. And then I’m coming.

  Her body shakes uncontrollably. We’re both covered in sweat and trying to catch our breath. We lie silently next to one another as what we just did hits us with full force. And I fist my hands at the weakness I showed.

  I just fucked Demi Holt!


  The sad thing? I’m ready for round two. I wrap my arms around her small body and pull her back into my chest. I’ll do her from behind this time. But I pause because she’s shaking uncontrollably. “You okay?” I ask. Kissing her shoulder, I feel pieces of her hair stick to my lips.

  “Just go, Deke,” she whispers.

  “What?” I ask, pulling away from her.

  “I’m tired. Go.”

  I get out of the bed and begin to feel around the floor for my clothes. I find my jeans and shirt but can’t find my boxers. Fuck ’em! Once dressed, I stand in the darkness and just listen. A softer song plays in the house so it’s easy for me to make out her even breaths. She’s passed out.

  I exit the room and come face to face with Cole standing on the balcony leaning up against the railing. His eyes meet mine, and he frowns. They dart across the balcony to the other door and then back to the one I just exited.

  “What?” I snap. I’m fucking pissed at myself on one hand for doing what I did and on the other for wanting to go back in there and do it again.

  “Nothing.” He shakes his head. “Ready to go?”

  I don’t answer. Instead, I turn and run down the stairs and out of the fucking house. Once outside, the cool air hits my swe
aty skin, making me shiver. I inhale the fresh air and close my eyes.

  What the fuck did I do?

  You just fucked Demi, and she was right. It was better than Becky.


  Sophomore year

  “You’re okay.” I hear Eli’s soothing voice as he rubs my back.

  I’m on my knees hugging his toilet, puking my guts up. I can’t stop my body from shaking, and my eyes are so heavy. I’ve lost count of how many times I pass out and come to.

  “Here.” He hands me the cup of water, and I wash my mouth out with it and spit it into the toilet.

  I push myself off and lie down on the tile. The cool floor feels good on my warm face.

  “Come on, baby,” he says, bending down and picking me up off his bathroom floor. Then he’s laying me on his bed.

  “Where is your phone?” he asks.

  “Pocket,” I barely manage to mumble. “David’s … 1234 …” My eyes close.

  Seconds tick by, and then I feel the bed dip next to me. I open my heavy eyes to see him lying next to me. “Eli …”

  “I’m not gonna do anything, Demi. I promise.” His jaw clenches. “But I am gonna sleep next to you in case you get sick again.” He reaches out and pushes some hair behind my ear. “I’m sorry,” he whispers.

  And before I can ask why he’s sorry, my heavy eyes betray me once again and close.


  I stand in the kitchen, getting ready to leave for school Monday morning. It’s been two days since my Halloween party. I threw it on Saturday night, knowing that Halloween was on Friday night. I knew that Austin had plans on taking Lilly trick-or-treating, and that if Cole didn’t come to my party, Deke might not either. So I had to plan my party accordingly. I was a tad worried that Cole would bring Austin, but I was hoping she would stay home with Lilly. Thank God, I was right.

  I hear the front door open and close, and then seconds later, my mother’s housekeeper walks in. “Good morning, Demi.” She greets me with a nod of her head.

  “Isabella.” I smile at her warmly. “I spoke to my mother last night, and she said to give you the day off today.”

  She frowns, looking at the scattered cups and liquor bottles that litter the kitchen. I haven’t touched that shit. “The day off, ma’am?”

  I nod and slide the white envelope over to her. “Here. Take a day for yourself. Go shopping and get you something nice for Mr. Rodriguez.”

  Her chubby face lights up, and her brown eyes widen. The leftover trash from my party long forgotten. “Thank you. Thank you so much. Tell your mother thank you.” She nods quickly.

  I wave at her as she all but runs out of the kitchen and then the front door.

  That was easy.

  I hear the door open and close again, and I smile behind the rim of my coffee cup. That would be my sister. She walks in, pulling a rolling suitcase behind her. “God, I just saw Isabella leaving. Where the hell is she going? She needs to get in here and do her job. This place is disgusting.” She huffs as her blue eyes roam around the kitchen.

  “How was Collins?” I ask, ignoring her.

  Her lips pull back in disgust. “The same hellhole.”

  “Then why did you go?”

  She doesn’t answer. I think she’s seeing someone in Collins. Why else would she go back and forth so much? And it’s never for a week at a time. She only spends a day or two there.

  This time, she chooses to avoid answering my question and goes to walk out. “Oh, wait. Who is Evan Scott?”

  She comes to a stop and spins around to face me. “Why?” she asks slowly with narrowed eyes.

  “Because I got a friend request from him Saturday night. I have you as a mutual friend.” She snaps the phone from my hands. “Okay, then,” I say, taking a drink of my coffee.

  She begins to type on my phone.

  “What are you doing?” I ask her.

  “I’m sending this fucker a message.” She growls.

  “What? Why?” I reach for it, but she spins around, giving me her back. “Message him back from your own phone,” I snap, setting down the mug.

  “This motherfucker … talking to my sister.” She rambles to herself. I don’t correct her that he didn’t message me. He just sent me a friend request. “I’ll kick his fucking ass.”

  “Is he like an ex of yours?”

  She gives a rough laugh. “He’s an ex all right.”

  She turns to face me and holds out my phone.

  I look down and see she still has messenger open. “I’ll kill you, fucker.” I nod in approval. “Nice. I bet he’s scared to death.”

  “He should be.” She tosses my phone onto the countertop.

  “Thanks,” I say as it bounces a couple of times before stopping right before it falls off the edge. “Not like I have important shit on that or anything.”

  “Let me know if he says anything else to you.” She growls. “And by the way, tell Seth to lighten the fuck up.” She glares at my neck. “He’s a man, not a vampire.” She looks over my hickeys and bite marks.

  “Oh, you noticed them?” I ask, pressing my fingers to the sensitive skin. I’ve heard of a few tricks to get rid of them, but I chose to wear them with pride. I didn’t even bother caking on the makeup.

  “Of course,” she spits out. “Cover that shit up.”

  “Have a nice day,” I singsong as she walks out of the kitchen.

  I smile, picking up my keys and walk out the front door. The moment I sit down in my car, my cell begins to ring. “Hello, darling.” I greet Seth.

  He snorts at my pet name for him. “So did it work?”

  I smile to myself as I pull through the open gate, waving to the guard who sits in the guard shack. “A woman never kisses and tells.”

  “Deke wanted to kick my ass.” He growls.

  “He still might.”

  “Cole too. I might be able to take one of them, but not both.”

  I hide my laughter at that. Either one of them would knock his ass out with one hit. And I didn’t need to read Austin’s journal to know that.

  Sighing, he adds, “I hope it was worth it.”

  “It will be.” I hang up without telling him goodbye.

  Twenty minutes later, I pull into the high school parking lot and park my car. I’m going through my locker looking for my books when my cell dings.

  Smiling to myself, I pull it out of my back pocket knowing exactly who it is. And she doesn’t disappoint.


  “What has you in such a great mood today?” Laruen asks, coming up to me.

  “It’s Friday,” I answer.

  “No.” She frowns. “It’s actually Monday. Are you high?”

  I shrug. “Same thing.”

  My phone dings again, and I look down at it.


  My sister hates being ignored, so that’s exactly what I do. Instead of responding, I exit out of her message and look up Deke in my phone. The night he and Cole had broken into my house and he tied my hands behind my back, Cole had taken pics of me and Deke. I’m not sure why and haven’t asked, but Cole had sent them to an unknown number in my phone. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out it was Deke’s number. I pull it up and send him a message.

  Me: My sister knows.

  I stand in the hallway holding books in one hand and my phone in the other waiting for a response. He doesn’t make me wait long.

  Deke: What exactly does she know?

  I smile and type out my reply.

  Me: That you took my virginity. In her bed.

  Then I turn the bitch on silent and throw it into my locker with a smile on my face.



  I STAND BEFORE Deke with my head down, biting my lip to hide my smile. Did he really think I’d let Seth hurt me? Put his hands on me? I forget that he doesn’t know me all that well.

  “What ha
ppened?” Deke asks.

  I sniff for effect. “He found out about us.”


  It’s a long shot ’cause we both know there is no damn us, but I’m gonna work it. I nod. “I was texting my best friend about what we did at Silence …. and he read it.” I haven’t told a soul what happened at Silence or at my mother’s house. The only person who knows what is going on is Cole, and I’m not even sure how much Deke has told him. But I’m not one of those girls who runs to their friends and blabs about boys.

  “Fuck.” He hisses.

  I look up at him, a tear runs down my cheek, and he watches it. “He thinks we’ve had sex.”

  Have you thought about it, Deke? I have. Over and over. And every time, you get better and better.

  Stepping into me, he reaches up and runs his knuckles through the single tear.

  I place my hands on his shirt and grip it tightly. “Deke.” I whisper his name, and I pray that it’s enough to get what I want. We stood here days ago, and I watched him make out with my sister after he stayed the night, and I decided right then what I needed to do. I was gonna win him over. Becky can have him but not until I’m done with him.

  “You’re with Seth,” he says, and I know I’ve won. He’s thinking about it.

  I lift my eyes to meet his. He looks ready to throw me to the floor and fuck me right here. Caveman style. “He already thinks I’ve betrayed him.” I lick my lips. “Might as well give him a reason to put his hands on me.”

  “Don’t say that,” he growls, stepping into me.

  I tilt my head back. “It’ll be worth it.”

  He slides his hand into my hair, and I close my eyes, letting out a moan, and for once, since he followed us out of the kitchen, something I do is real. The butterflies in my stomach, the trembling in my knees—he does this to me. The last time I felt like this for a man was with Eli. And this time, the tears are real. The thought of him hurts my soul. I need Deke to cleanse it with his evil. Betrayal. Eli was as good as they came even though no one knows that but me. “Kiss me, Deke.”

  “I won’t stop,” he admits.

  I won’t let you even if you try.

  I look up at him, and I see it in his eyes. From the way his lips part and his breathing picks up, I know I’ve won. I reach back and turn the knob to the bedroom and pull him inside.


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