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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

Page 17

by Robert Iannone

  Egg had asked for a moment alone with her sister. “I just wanted to say goodbye privately.”

  “Why? So you can make me cry?”

  Egg smiled at her sister’s teasing. “Promise me you’ll never change. If ever there was a person born to be a cantankerous curmudgeon, it’s you.”

  “You have your modesty, Syl has that ridiculous grin, Jax’x has her smugness . . . so the only thing left for me was grumpiness.”

  “Really? That was the only one left?”

  “Yeah. I checked,” and they both laughed.

  Egg turned serious. “I know taking marital advice from someone married for a month might seem inherently wrong, but . . . “She left the sentence unfinished.

  “Please. You know as well as I do that I can make a mess of this before we leave orbit.”

  “Well, the good news and the bad news is that you put yourself in an impossible situation – locked up in a little ship for two half-year trips.”

  “I get the bad part, what’s the good part?”

  “If you two survive with your love intact, nothing will ever separate you.”

  “So how do I tilt the odds in my favor?”

  “First, the romance part is beyond wonderful. But the white-hot spark will eventually cool to a warm glowing ember. You’ll need to find other things to do to stay interested in each other.”

  “I think we’re pretty compatible in that respect.”

  “You are. But when he wants to build an electronic doohickey instead of snuggle, don’t take offense.”

  “He builds the best doohickeys,” and she smiled.

  “Of course he does. Here’s the last piece of advice. If he does something that offends you, don’t hold it in. Talk about it . . . quietly and with an open mind. If you let emotions fester, they can get pretty hurtful in the light of day.”

  “Love, laugh and learn from each other – does that sound about right?”

  “SPARKY! That’s perfectly poetic and girlishly romantic.”

  Serenity walked over and gave her sister a big hug. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  Egg returned the embrace just as fiercely. “Make this a great adventure – something the two of you can tell your kids all about.”

  “No adventure can ever top what the Hameggattic Sisters have experienced.”

  “Maybe not. Anyway, stay safe and don’t forget to drop me a postcard once in a while.”


  A few months later

  “Greetings, Brother.”

  “And to you, dear Sister. Shall I fetch Egg?”

  “Is she nearby?”

  “No, but I’m sure I can round her up in short order.”

  “In fact, I was hoping to talk to you alone.”

  “As my dear wife would say, I’m all ears.”

  “I see she’s working her magic on you. Contractions and earth idioms; I wonder what will be next?”

  “She has been insistent that I take her to a place called Dizzy-world and ride something called the Tea Cups. She assures me that the experience will make me a better man.”

  Meggy laughed. “It is Disneyworld and if you cherish your pride, refuse to go on that particular head-spinning, stomach-turning horror. Unless you are under the age of seven, it is not safe.”

  “Unfortunately for me, I find it exceedingly difficult to refuse my wife anything. So, how may I help you?”

  “I read your last report. Egg apparently helped negotiate a very favorable agreement with the Sky’lords’ southern neighbors.”

  “Very clever, that girl. She calls it revenue sharing where in the Sky’lords split all profits with the resort owners. In return, they will participate in the management of the resort – lending their stature as the long-lost mythical winged beings of ancient lore. Both sides are excited by the partnership.”

  “And how have the Sky’lords taken to Egg?”

  “They truly love her. Wherever she goes, she draws a crowd of well-wishers. It’s not only the fact that she can fly – though that certainly doesn’t hurt – it is also the fact that they can relate to her on some basic level. It is extraordinary to witness.”

  “Did you know that she believes she lacks the skills to be a diplomat?”

  Benny barked a laugh. “I would say it was just her modesty. However, I don’t think it is that. Her skills come so naturally – she simply is being herself – that she doesn’t give credence to the thought that it is a skill at all.”

  “Interesting observation.”

  “So tell me – Meggy (a name he never called her) – what is going on in your devious mind?” She obviously had concocted some scheme concerning Egg.

  Tired of keeping her ambitions a secret from her brother, she decided to confess. “I am going to abdicate my Throne and I intend to make your wife the next Queen of Aerianna.”

  Benny arched an eyebrow but remained silent as he considered what he had heard. He decided he was not in the least bit surprised. “I take it our parents are in full agreement?”

  Meggy smiled at his reaction. “Indeed.”

  “Well, you have my full support. However, I cannot imagine that she will ever accept such an honor. She would be forced to surrender her position as leader of the Sisterhood . . . and that is something I cannot imagine.”

  “I beg to differ. When she married you, the opportunity of her becoming a mother increased dramatically. She would never knowingly endanger herself and leave her children’s future to others.”

  “Not even her husband . . . their father?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do. However, if you expect me to expedite parenthood just so that your plans will come to fruition, you are mistaken. When she is ready, she will let me know.”

  “That goes without saying. All I am suggesting is that her mindset may not be as rigid as you think. However, it might be a moot point. A few months ago she told me that she needed to talk with Sylvia and myself to discuss the future of the Sisterhood. It would not surprise me in the least that she is already given this some thought.”

  Benny smiled. “Nor I.”

  “Furthermore, do remember that this time around, the people will vote for the next monarch. She will have a difficult time to deny them their choice.”

  “And how can you be certain that she will be that choice? I can certainly see humans voting for her. What of Serpents and Dragons? Especially Dragons.”

  “I have talked to Queen S’eeee-sik. As I suspected, she expressed a distinct disinterest in ruling Aerianna. She also assured me that her people find little interest in such things. When the time is right, the Queen will campaign vigorously for Egg.”

  “And what of our winged neighbors? They would dearly love to rule the entire world.”

  “They would indeed. But I intend to elicit help from someone that commands their greatest respect. I foresee no problems with Dragons.”

  “Really? And who might this paragon of veneration be?”

  “Storm, of course.”

  Chapter 8 – As Time Goes By

  They were finally headed home. It had been a tumultuous, but incredibly rewarding, ninety days. However, they were all exhausted and looking forward to some rest and relaxation.

  Onboard were Kon’dor, Feather and TK. Bree’s parents had invited the young man to visit and he had accepted. It wasn’t hard for Zephyr and his wife to sense their daughter’s intense interest in her rescued Sky’lord.

  It was Bree who received permission to invite the two children. She was growing very close to the girl and wanted to show her Zynn-Zaz’zia. Kon’dor suggested they also take her brother. To his mind, both children would one day be the new leaders of Splendora and he wanted to begin the grooming process. This visit was an opportunity too good to miss.

  T.K. was particularly attracted to Bl’azzz and Aero. Then, again, what teenage boy wouldn’t be attracted to dragons. He took to following them everywhere on the ship. “So did you ever eat a person?” The Kid had a
thousand of them – questions apparently designed to make a dragon crazy.

  “Your turn,” Aero told Bl’azzz.

  Bl’azzz was quite amused by the whole thing – not so much her human-averse boyfriend. “See these,” and she opened her mouth to show him her teeth.

  “Wow. I bet it only takes you two bites to eat an entire man. Do you spit out the bones or do you eat those too?”

  Despite himself, Aero growled an “eek.” Besides the questions being totally outrageous, TK almost never gave them a chance to answer before asking the next one.

  “The bones are the best part,” replied Bl’azzz.

  “What about the person’s clothes. Bet they taste yukky?”

  “TK,” called Kon’dor.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Give those two a break. Go find your sister and take her to the VR Chamber.” That was a recreational compartment where you could ask the computer AI to create most anything your mind could conjure and experience it in virtual reality.


  “Now, young man.”

  “Oh, all right.” To the dragons, he said, “Sorry, I gotta go.”

  Bl’azzz liked the boy and decided to give him a parting gift. “TK, watch this,” and she blew out a tongue of fire.

  “NO WAY. You’re a fire-breathing dragon? That’s the most awesomest thing I’ve ever seen. Did you ever . . .”

  “TK,” called Kon’dor again. “Move it.”

  “I never get to have any fun,” he mumbled as he left, but loud enough to be heard.

  “Sorry guys,” apologized the Sky’lord. Then he added with a grin – “But a fire breathing dragon is just so darn phantasmagorical.”

  “We understand,” replied Aero. “But it’s tough being so adored by so many.” Bl’azzz whacked him with her wing.


  A few days later, they were half way to Aerianna. The Sky’lords were going to pay their respects to the Queen then take the Space Tunnel over to Zynn-Zaz’zia. All three were impatient to see this floating city everyone was talking about.

  Then there were the underwater cities filled with sea serpents and mountain top castles filled with dragons. TK was driving everyone crazy with his questions about these wonders. It got so bad that Kon’dor had to pull the young man aside and have a heart-to-heart talk about proper behavior with extraterrestrials.

  Over dinner, the conversation meandered from topic to topic. Bree noticed Feather getting increasingly nervous as the minutes ticked by. She leaned over and whispered to the girl, “Are you okay?”

  “Oh yes. This is so, so exciting.”

  “You seem distracted.”

  “I want to ask Lady Eloise a question. I’m just not sure if I should.”

  “Lady Eloise would love to hear your question.” To Egg she called out, “Feather has a question for you, Lady Eloise.” The moniker came with a big grin.

  “Feather, you may ask me anything . . . but only if you call me Egg.”

  “Oh no, I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “You’re a Princess and Flying Girl and the Leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood and the Heroine of Aerianna. I read all about you.” The words came out in a rush and the poor girl was red in the face.

  Before anyone could laugh, Egg gave them all a warning look. “Most of that stuff isn’t true. I’m just like everyone else – I put my flying suit on one leg at a time.” She said it so deadpan that everyone gawked. Then she burst out laughing. “I’m kidding.”

  Poor Feather didn’t understand the reference. “You don’t put your suit on one leg at a time?”

  “Actually no. Ring tend to my suit,” and a moment later Flying Girl was sitting where Egg had sat.

  Both the Sky’lord kids stared. TK was the first to recover. “You guys are the best. I want to become a Hameggattic Sister.” He was serious but the others had to laugh.


  “You’re a silly gosling,” scolded his sister. “You’re not a girl.”


  “It’s a Sisterhood – they only allow girls to join.”

  “That’s not fair. Boys are stronger.”

  Bl’azzz looked at the kid. “You want to wrestle, little man?”

  TK turned white. “No,” he whispered. The dragon flashed her teeth and the boy sank into his seat cushion.

  “Feather, sorry about the teasing. What was your question?”

  The girl’s heart was beating faster and faster. This is what a level nine must feel like in the Reverie Glass, she thought. “It’s what he said.”

  It took a minute for the others to realize what she meant. “Oh, you want to know how someone becomes a Hameggattic Sister.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Jax’x decided to answer. “Usually Egg has to save your life first.”

  “That’s not true,” complained her sister.

  “Oh really? You saved my life.”

  “No. Benny’s doctors did.”

  “No, you did. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be the Librarian on Spell ‘Bound.”

  Egg dismissed the argument with a shake of her head.

  “How about me?” added I’za. “I was stuck on a space rock that was about to explode. If that didn’t kill me – which it most certainly would have - the PhoG would have.”

  “How about me?” chimed in Tee’ka. “I wasn’t even alive and now I am. Egg was my very first friend ever. And now I love a beautiful man and he loves me. But we can’t have babies.”

  TK blushed because he had no idea what that meant but it sounded way too female for him. He recovered and asked, “What about you, dragon lady? Did Princess Egg save you too?”

  “Absolutely. I was a nobody with no prospects in sight. If she hadn’t recruited me, I shudder to think what my life might have been like. I owe her everything.”

  “Okay. Enough.”

  “Sorry, no,” said Kon’dor. “Bree, what’s your story?”

  “Much like Bl’azzz. A nobody with no prospects. She also saved our world from this evil man called Mobius. If she hadn’t, I can’t imagine how ugly life would have been for all of us Wind ‘dancers.”

  For some reason, Feather had a look on her face of pure joy. “Then can I become a sister?” she blurted out. “Lady Egg saved all of us Sky’lords.”

  Everyone turned from the girl to the Princess . . . waiting.

  “Feather, I did not save the Sky’lords. I didn’t even know you existed. It was BreeZee, Jax’x, Serenity and Skotti who deserve all the praise. Benny and I just helped a little.”

  “But they work for you so you get the credit.” It was the same argument that Meggy had used.

  “No. No I don’t. Thank you for thinking that but stop thinking that. I’m not that special.”

  “Yeah you are,” yelled TK. “You’re amazing.”

  Egg smiled. “You mean for a girl?”

  He was about to say yes but Feather kicked him under the table. “Ouch.”

  But there was a question hanging out there that required an answer. “Feather, first, the active sisters need to vote in a new member. It used to be all sisters but the others just agree with whatever we want. Second, we need to know you . . . I mean really know you. What are you like, can you be trusted with our lives, are you willing to sacrifice your life for us . . . or for total strangers that may be counting on you? Does your personality fit in with ours? Could we spend months and months cooped up in a ship with you and still enjoy your company. All that takes time.”

  “So I guess the answer is no.”

  “I didn’t say that. The fact that Kon’dor and BreeZee think so highly of you speaks volumes. In time, I think you might very well make a great sister. Let’s see what happens. Is that fair?”

  On impulse, the girl stood up, ran to Egg and gave her a hug.

  “There you go. You just passed your first test.”

  “I did?”

  “Yup. The ability to hug is very important to


  Later that night, everyone had retired to their cabins. Benny was already in bed reading some military reports. Egg eventually came out of the bathroom wearing new pajamas covered with a nauseating amount of yellow ducks.

  Her husband looked up and smiled. “If you think that outfit will destroy my will to live or, at the very least, dampen my amorous feelings, you are fiendishly clever for you have succeeded.”

  Egg laughed. “I told Syl that’s why she was single and would probably die alone.”

  “And how did she take such an insightful observation?”

  “She sent them to me. These are hers.” She pulled back the covers and climbed into bed. “I don’t know about you, but I’m bone tired.”

  “I will be the gallant Prince and shall stay on my side of the bed.”

  “No, you ninny. I meant these last three months have been exhausting. But it was great. My sisters and I rarely get to stay and do the hard work. As you well know, either you or someone else sent by Meggy comes in afterwards and cleans up our mess.”

  “Nonsense . . . this is the easy part. It’s what the Hameggattic Sisterhood does first that is the most difficult.” He leaned over and kissed his wife. “So, what is your next great adventure?”

  “Oh please. We never plan anything. Stuff just happens.”

  “Then how shall we spend our down time until the next cosmic event overtakes you?”

  “Whatever you want to do. But, I’ll need some time with Meggy and Syl. I think the Sisterhood needs to change. To evolve.”

  “How so and why?”

  “Everyone’s got a significant other. Eventually they’re going to want to start families or at the very least, spend more time with their partners than gallivanting amongst the stars. I can’t keep taking them away from those that they love.”

  “And what about us?”

  This time she leaned over and kissed him. “That includes us.”

  “Any ideas on what should come next? Please remember, the Hameggattic Sisterhood is too important to Aerianna and the entire Federation. I, for one, would not want to be the cause of its demise.”


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