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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

Page 21

by Robert Iannone

  “For you, Lady Eloise, I’d let her marry my son.”


  Sometime Later

  She had won one and lost one.

  Kru-Ella had appealed to her parents to intervene on this madness that Egg had inflicted on her and all her friends . . . and so they did. They went behind the Queen’s back and directly to Rose, with whom they were close. The outcome was to be expected. The parents’ Royal rank had been reduced two levels and Kru-Ella had been sent to Zynn-Zaz’zia and enrolled in a six-year studies program under the supervision of Aeri’elle.

  Once word got out, there were no other problems with the Nobility.

  Unexpectedly, she had won over Rap’tor. Considering that Dragons in general hated taking direction from humans, his change of heart was even more satisfying.

  He had asked for an audience and she had granted it. “Shall I stay?” asked Benny.

  “No, I’ll be fine. No goosebumps.”

  “Still, I will be in earshot should you need me.”

  She kissed him. “You’re such a nice guy. How did I get so lucky in catching you?”

  “You most certainly did no such thing. I caught you.”

  “Sorry to burst your bubble – but I let you.”

  “Will you leave me with no shred of dignity?” he teased.

  “Had you been a lousy kisser, I would have dumped you in a heartbeat. How’s that?”

  “I am, as always, your humble servant, madam.”

  There was a tap on the door. “Go let him in. I’m dying of curiosity to hear what he has to say.”

  Moments later, Benny had left and Egg was left standing there with the large dragon bowing his head. “Lady, thank you for seeing me.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Care to sit?”

  “Thank you, no. I will not take up much of your valuable time.”

  Since he didn’t continue, she asked, “What can I do for you? Not looking to drop out of the program, are you? The people you represent think you’re doing a wonderful job.”

  “That is very gratifying to hear. On the contrary. I came to apologize. Your plan has worked out brilliantly and I am glad to be a part of it. Thank you.”

  “What changed your mind?”

  “Two things. First, I have never felt so fulfilled as when I help my fellow dragons. I confess that I was shocked to experience such feelings.”

  “That’s wonderful to hear. And the second thing?”

  “I reread the history of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  “Okay. And?”

  He said nothing. He bowed his head, turned, and left the room.

  Egg stared at the door as it closed behind him. She wasn’t sure if she should smile or cry.

  She did both.


  Egg and Benny boarded the Royal Yacht. At Meggy’s request, they were going to represent her at the twentieth anniversary celebration of the Federation on Peekaboo Prime.

  “Why are we taking this ship?” asked Egg. It was small and slow, though very well appointed.

  “We are in no rush to reach our destination. I thought a two week’s leisurely cruise would do us both good.” He gave her one of ‘those’ smiles.

  “I am tired. It’s been such a busy time. I haven’t even had the chance to convene the Sisterhood meeting to present my plans. I should do that first thing when we get back. Then, I want to introduce some sporting events. On Earth, people take such pride in their teams. I think it will do wonders for the morale of everyone. Then I need to get with Aeri’elle on some programs I want to initiate for education. Oh, then I want to introduce a national holiday . . .”

  He grabbed his wife and cleverly maneuvered his lips over hers to force an end to her stream of consciousness ramblings.

  “What was that for?”

  “Insatiable desire to taste your lips. By happy coincidence, it forced you to slow down. You have been going nonstop for nearly three years with all your initiatives, councils, and clever machinations. You will burn yourself out at the tender age of twenty-three.”

  She was about to argue until her brain told her he was not wrong. “Sorry. You’re right . . . a couple week’s voyage with only you to think about will do me a world of good.”

  “That is why we are taking only a minimum crew . . . to insure our privacy.”


  They were about a day and a half out from Peekaboo Prime, still lounging in their cabin when the captain knocked.

  “Come,” called the Prince.

  “Sorry to disturb you, Sir, but I received a message from the Queen.”


  “She instructed me to unpack a crate that had been stowed aboard.”

  “Maybe it’s a gift,” suggested Egg.

  Benny turned to the Captain and smiled. “Please do not keep us in suspense.”

  “Sorry, Sir.” He stepped to one side of the door and in flew Ziz.

  The mechanical dragonetta flew around the room then settled on the headboard of the bed.

  “Hey Ziz, long time no see. How are you?” asked Egg playfully.

  Surprisingly, the silly thing answered in Serenity’s voice. “Shiny and well oiled . . . and happy as a lark,” was the sarcastic reply.

  “Is there anything else, Sir?” asked the Captain.

  “No, thank you. We will be fine.”

  “Sir,” and he left.

  To his wife, the Prince asked, “I thought that thing only responded to Jax’x and her Amber Heart?”

  “Sounds like our dear Sparky stuck an AI in it. Is that right Ziz?”

  The bird actually rolled its eyes. “Duh.”

  The two humans laughed. “Wonder why my sister sent us such an amusing gift?”

  “Ask her,” and Egg pointed at Ziz.

  “Clever, you are.” To the bird, he asked, “Why are you here?”

  “Meggy has a message for Egg.”

  “And why would she use you to deliver it?”

  “I’m not programmed to tell her for another thirty six hours.”

  It had been a big debate amongst the sisters on how to deliver the Myst Tree’s riddle at just the right time. Using Ziz was Jax’x’s idea.

  “How mysterious? Can you give me a hint?”

  “I could but we both know that’s not going to happen.”

  “Wow, you really are a winged version of Serenity.”

  “It’s what makes me so charming.”


  A few hours later an ominous and incredibly loud siren splintered the otherwise serene ambiance of the ship. Egg and Benny were in the midst of eating lunch. The Prince bolted to his feet, knocking over a water glass into the process.

  “What is that?”

  “Unidentified ship approaching.”


  “It is armed and refuses to answer our hails. Come with me,” and he grabbed her by the arm and ran to the bridge. “Status, Captain.”

  “I have identified the vessel. It belongs to Xara.”

  “Xara? Benny, tell them to stand down. She’s not going to do anything bad.”

  “Captain, stand down please.”

  “Sir,” and the alarm went silent.

  “Let me talk to her,” said Egg.

  The Captain looked at Benny who nodded.

  “Channel open, Lady.”

  “Xara, it’s Egg.”

  “Put me on screen,” came the familiar voice.

  A moment later, the former nemesis appeared . . .

  Her first words were confusing . . . but they still gave Egg goosebumps. “Sorry, girlfriend.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “There’s a fleet headed your way. I tried to outrun them so I could warn you in time to get away. But they’re only about thirty minutes behind me.”

  “Who are they?”

  “A break-away group of planets in the Far Outer Reaches.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “They’re not very happy with the Federation. They’v
e gone rogue and are looking for a symbolic victory to start their rebellion.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “They want you. They intend to take you hostage.”

  “Why me? I’m a nobody.”

  “Still annoyingly modest. Guess you can’t change the sunspots on a star. But, if I must draw you a picture . . . you are Flying Girl, the leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood, married to the Crown Prince and, as of this morning, the newly elected Queen of Aerianna.”

  “Say what?”

  The Red Queen

  Book 7 of Ever After

  Another Novel of

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  ©Copyright 2018, by Robert Iannone

  All rights reserved

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Rogues

  Chapter 2 – Campaign and Champagne

  Chapter 3 – All Lives Matter

  Chapter 4 – Vote Your Conscience

  Chapter 5 – Viva la Revolution

  Chapter 6 – Red Queen to King’s Pawn

  Chapter 7 – Check and Mate

  Chapter 8 – Disrupted

  Chapter 9 – What Goes Around

  Chapter 10 – Comes Around

  Chapter 11 – Her Grace


  The seven active sisters.

  Top left to right: BreeZee, Tee’ka, Bl’azzz and Jax’x.

  Bottom left to right: I’za, Serenity and Egg.

  Chapter 1 – Rogues

  Xara laughed. “You really didn’t know? How funny.”

  “That I’m Queen? I think you got some bad information.”

  During this exchange, Benny was studiously avoiding eye contact with his wife or Xara, for that matter. The girl on the screen took notice. “Ask your husband.” That caused the Prince to grimace involuntarily.

  Egg whipped around. “What’s she talking about? Did you know about this?”

  “Umm . . .”


  “Umm . . . well, it was my sister’s idea.” If he thought he was going to deflect blame by throwing Meggy under the bus, he was sadly mistaken.

  “What was?”

  “She abdicated her throne and forced an early election.”

  “Don’t make me hurt you,” she said impatiently. “Just spit it out.”

  “I really dislike that phrase.”


  “Sorry. For some time, she has found the weight of the Crown to be an ever more burdensome experience. She decided to abdicate when she thought you were ready to take on the mantle of Queen.”

  “How long have you known?”

  “For a while.”

  “And you didn’t think you should share that with me?” Now she was getting angry.

  “Your modesty would have prevented you from taking an active role . . . or even accepting the idea that you would replace M-egg’Alynnia. My parents . . .”

  “Your parents! Why am I not surprised? Who else knew?”

  “Towards the end . . . the entire Sisterhood.” As his wife’s facial coloring was turning and ever deeper shade of red, he hastily added, “You should know that the Myst Tree approved of your selection. In fact, he told Aeri’elle . . .”

  “STOP. Why was Big Bird talking to the Tree about this?” Her anger was interfering with her thought process.

  “She argued with my sister that a Dragon should ascend to the throne.”

  “So why did she talk to the Tree? To get his backing?”

  “No. Because Storm told her to talk to him.”

  “Storm?” Her head was spinning.

  “Yes. Sylvia asked Aeri’elle to talk to her grandfather.”

  “Oh, my gosh. Enough. Jump to the end part. Who exactly elected me?”

  “Well, almost everyone.”

  “Who is everyone?”

  “The entire voting population of Aerianna. You received ninety-nine-point seven percent of the vote.”

  “Are you nuts? Why would the people do that?”

  Xara was enjoying the exchange, but time was growing short. “I know it escapes logic, but they all love you. Virtually every person, sea serpent and dragon thinks you’re the sun in their sky.” She added mischievously “I don’t get it either.”

  “Well forget it. I’m not qualified to be Queen.”

  “The Myst Tree disagrees.”

  “He’s a talking plant, what does he know?”

  “Oh, that reminds me. He left you a message. That’s why they sent Ziz. She’s to tell you after you land on Peekaboo Prime.”

  “Benny, I’m going to kill you.”

  “Stupid earth saying, I hope?”

  “You two can sort this out later . . . assuming there is a later for you. We’ve got to move fast. Egg, sorry but you’re going to have to go it alone on this one.” [what a coincidence; that’s also what the Myst Tree had said].

  Egg put her head in her hands . . . her world was spinning out of control and she needed to think. “Tell me what you know of these renegades?” Worrying about the Queen thing at this point would be non-productive.

  “I know that they have some kind of a disruptor ray that will render your ship useless.”

  “Have you seen this device in action?”


  “Are the effects permanent?”

  “Don’t think so. It acts more like a dampening field. Once the disruptor is turned off, everything eventually goes back to normal.”

  “It does not matter,” stated Benny. “This ship is fast enough to outrun most. They will not catch us until we reach friendly space. I can have the fleet waiting to receive and protect us.”

  “It won’t work. They have you boxed in. The only temporary escape routes will take you into deep space and away from friendly planets. By the way, it sure sound like someone close to you is a traitor. These guys know too much for it to be coincidence.”

  “If you think one of my sisters . . .”

  “I wasn’t suggesting that. But, it has to be someone in your inner circle.”

  “Xara, any suggestions on how best to protect my wife?”

  “Yes, but you won’t like it.”

  “Just tell us,” demanded Egg.

  “He needs to leave the ship. I’ll get him back to Aerianna.”

  “Are you mad? I will not leave my wife.”

  “These guys will use you to get Egg to do their bidding. My guess is she won’t let them pull out your fingernails or . . . well, you get the picture.”

  The man involuntarily clenched his hand into a fist. “They can do what they wish to me. I will not leave Gracie’s side. Besides, if you can get me away, why can’t you get all of us to safety?”

  “If they don’t find Egg on her ship, then they will board mine and take it apart bulkhead by bulkhead looking for her. On the other hand, if they capture her, they won’t even bother me.”

  Egg understood Xara’s reasoning and agreed. “Won’t they find it unusual that I’m flying alone?”

  “Good point. I suggest you promote your cute captain to Admiral. That might be enough to fool them. Before I forget, I would hide your magic ring. They are almost certain to confiscate it.”

  Of all the news she had heard, that bothered Egg the most. She was Flying Girl – but only if she had access to her suit. “Understood. But I’ll need to find someplace to hide it where I can get my hands on it later.”

  “I’d use your dragonetta. There’s a hidden compartment in it that they will never find.”

  “But why would they let me keep Ziz?”

  “Tell them that she’s the new Royal symbol of the reign of Queen Egg. Have her perched on your shoulder when they board. They won’t be able to resist having that thing in their possession.”

  “Very clever.”

  “Gracie, none of this matters. I will not leave you and that is my final word on the matter.”

  The girl got up and threw her arms around her husband . . . and very subtly turned his face away from t
he view screen. “That is why I forgive you for conspiring behind my back . . . and why I will love you till the day that I die,” and she hugged him even tighter. She looked up at the face of Xara and nodded.

  The other girl understood. A second later, the Prince morphed into a cascade of twinkling lights. “Got him. I’m putting him in confinement until we get away.”

  “Be gentle with him.”

  “I promise.” Xara hesitated then added, “We’ll find a way of getting you back.”

  “I’m glad I can count you as a friend. How’s your mom?”

  “Still great. Reminding me of your gift for a reason?”

  “You have the safety of the man that I love in your hands.”

  “Understood. Good luck, Princess.”

  “Thank you, Xara,” and the connection went dead. She exhaled then turned to the captain. “Apparently, I am your new Queen. As such, I hereby give you the temporary rank of Admiral of the Royal Navy.”

  The captain, soon to be admiral, was none other than Kreed Ax’gard – Syl’s young man. Benny had warned his wife of Navy protocol before they had boarded the ship. “Since I am on a diplomatic mission and not the Sovereign, technically Kreed is in charge. We must not flaunt our close association with him while he is on duty. It would not sit well with the enlisted personnel.”

  Egg laughed. “The horror of it. If I call him by his first name, will the crew mutiny?”

  Benny smiled. “I would not be surprised.”

  “Very well. I shall comply with tradition. However, the price is a kiss. Are you willing to pay?”

  He was.

  Anyway, the man snapped to attention. “Thank you . . . Your Majesty. What are your orders?”

  “I believe you are out of uniform. Please find something more appropriate, Admiral.”



  The bad guys were now in visual range, though still five to ten minutes away. “Admiral, get the Queen on the view screen, please.”

  He turned around. “Ma’am?”

  “What? Oh. Sorry. Get the former Queen please.”

  A moment later, Meggy’s face appeared. “Sister, how goes the trip? You should be close to your destination.”

  “Why are you wearing my crown?”


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