Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 28

by Robert Iannone

  Egg chuckled. “Funny, I think every young girl on earth dreams of marrying a prince, having a dragon for a friend or becoming a princess. I got all three. Anyway, I’ll keep in touch.”

  “Good luck, sister. I look forward to your safe return.”

  Chapter 8 – Disrupted

  The other four ships had finally caught up to the Royal Yacht. Egg instructed all six captains to transfer over so they could be brought up to speed on what was about to happen.

  At the end of presentations by Gilly and Kreed, Egg told the gathering, “We are now going to head directly towards Peekaboo Prime. I want the enemy to know we’re coming and I’m expecting that every planet of the Federation will send a ship to destroy us.”

  The six rebel captains all gasped. Kreed and Zwam sat impassively as Egg knew they would. She thought Gilly would do the same . . . and was not disappointed. The young man didn’t even bat an eye.

  One of the Captains had the courage to raise his hand. “Do you have a question?” asked Egg.

  “Sorry to be stupid but I usually pilot a freighter and not a vessel of war. But it seems to me that your plan lacks . . . um . . . logic. You did say you were on our side, right?”

  Egg smiled. “One for all and all for one. I’ll let the General explain our strategy.”

  “The Queen is brilliant and we are very lucky she is helping us. All the heads of state for the Federation are now at the Capitol for the anniversary celebration. That means they all transported over from their respective planets in their top-of-the-line warships.” She paused to let that sink in.

  The same guy asked, “And that’s a good thing why?” It was painfully obvious that he and the rest were not militarily trained.

  “Our victory will be all the more impressive if we defeat the best that they can offer.”

  “General, if I may finish?” asked Egg.


  “Thank you. They are not expecting the technology of the disruptors. Once they have us surrounded and demand our surrender, we will fire at the modified probes that we will have previously deployed. They in turn will split the beams from seven to one hundred as Gilly explained. The Federation fleet will be rendered useless in a matter of seconds.”

  The captains all looked at one another and finally began to smile. “Then what happens?” one asked.

  “Then I will take this vessel to Peekaboo Prime and capture the heads of state that will be gathered at the Great Hall. After that, the General will negotiate a peace treaty that will give your worlds everything you want.”

  Zwam didn’t know that last part and couldn’t help but jerk around and glare at Egg. “I will negotiate?”

  “Sure. You’ll do great. We’ll practice before we get there.”

  “But you are a Queen.”

  “No. I’m the queen-elect. I haven’t decided to accept the position. So, at the moment I’m just a rebel like the rest of you.”

  The captains (and Gilly) liked the sound of that and smiled broadly. Unseen by Egg, Kreed rolled his eyes then put his hand over his mouth to hide his smile. This amazing woman had the knack to win over anyone and everyone. Those heads of state didn’t stand a chance.


  “But I cannot possible negotiate with these people.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well . . . well they are heads of state and I am just the head of a small clan.”

  “You are also the head of the revolution.”

  The tall blue woman looked pleadingly at her new friend then dropped her head in defeat. “You are right, of course. If the Outer Reaches is to earn any respect, I must negotiate with these individuals as equals. If I allow you to do it . . . they would have no reason to change their opinions.”

  “Zwam, it won’t be difficult, I promise.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “Because you hold the winning hand. Their fleet will be ours which means their best captains or admirals are prisoners-of-war. More importantly, when you explain about the unlimited power that they can share for virtually nothing, they’ll be tripping over themselves to sign a treaty.”

  “That’s it? Talk about those two issues?”

  “No. First you will embarrass them with tales of how they have treated you and your people. You will shame them until they won’t be able to look you in the eyes. Make them realize that morally and legally they are personally liable for crimes against humanity.”

  “You will help me with those words?”

  “Maybe on the legal part. On the morality issue, you know better than me what they did. Talk from your heart and don’t mince words. Make it as painful for them as it has been for you.”

  “I will try.”

  “You’ll do great. Besides, I’m going to lend you Ziz to sit on your shoulder. She can protect you in the unlikely event someone tries anything undiplomatic. Secondly, I’ll be listening. If you need help, I’ll be able to whisper in your ear.”

  “Oh, that does make me feel so much better. Thank you, thank you.”

  “You won’t need me but I’ll be right with you. By the way, I’ll start the proceedings because I want to fire the Federation President. He doesn’t deserve the position.”


  “I don’t believe in revenge. Let’s just call it payback.”

  “Is that not the same thing?”

  Egg just smiled. “Before we practice what you’re going to say, you and I need to finalize our treaty. Can you represent the Outer Reaches?”

  “Yes. What in particular did you want to reach an agreement on?”

  “First, when this is over, I want all seven disruptors. That technology can cause real problems. You can’t uninvent something but we can make sure that we find a way to counter the beam’s effect. Second, the Outer Reaches agrees to house the terminus of the space tunnel to the black hole then to redistribute the energy to any that agree to our terms. Your people will be trained to operate and maintain the equipment. But, I will hire a security force to protect it (she was thinking of Waldo’s people).”

  “Done and done.”

  “Two more things. I want Gilly to be assigned to me for a length of time that is acceptable to him, regardless of duration. I also want to establish an Outer Reaches embassy on Aerianna for cultural exchange.”

  “Again, done and done.”

  “Oh, one more thing. I want you to promise me that you will resign your generalship and return to your clan. That’s where you belong.”

  “If it is acceptable, I would rather be one of the individuals to staff this new embassy?”

  Egg smiled warmly. “That is a great idea.”

  “May I ask you a personal question?”

  “The answer is yes. I will accept the people’s vote and become the next Queen of Aerianna. It should be a hoot.”


  “Your Majesty, our long-range scanners have detected the Federation fleet. They should intercept us in about an hour.”

  “Thank you, Captain. Bring our ships to a halt and deploy the beam-splitting probes.”

  “Yes, Ma’am. As we discussed, I will transfer the seventh disruptor back to the General’s ship.” When Egg went to Peekaboo Prime, the six rebel vessels (and six weapons) would only be able to disrupt ninety of the enemy’s ships. Egg had gotten goosebumps when they had told her but kept that bit of information to herself.

  “Please let me know when all is ready.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Egg stood up from the command chair. “General, I believe this is where you should be sitting.”

  Zwam took a deep breath then sat down. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. We’ll keep the camera close-up on your face so they can’t see me. I’ll be right here to help you if you need it. Okay?”

  “Not really.”

  Egg squeezed her shoulder. “Just liked we practiced and everything will be fine.”



  “Kru-Ella, thank you f
or seeing me.”

  “I was surprised by the request. You certainly were showing no enthusiasm for my candidacy.”

  Rap’tor eeked in pretend amusement. “Sorry to be so obvious but you’re right. I was jealous that you had been so terribly clever about all of this. With everyone else dropping out, it’s just you and Lady Eloise.”

  “But we both know how popular that impostor is with the general population. I have no chance to win.”

  “Probably true. But as the individual who receives the second most votes, you will be a heartbeat away from the Throne. With all her exploits with the Sisterhood, your opponent is always putting herself in danger. I would say your odds of ultimate victory are more than reasonable.”

  “But you think it should be you not I?”

  “Well, that’s a bit complicated. On one hand, anyone but that pretender would be better for us nobles. On the other hand, I’m predisposed to believe that it is a dragon’s turn to rule. I will also argue that after two Queens, a King would be a refreshing change.”

  The nasty woman stared back at the dragon . . .

  “The arrogance of men and of dragons is so tiresome.”

  “No need to be rude. I came here to offer my support.”

  “I find that hard to believe. Your enthusiasm for Lady Eloise’s little mentor program seems genuine. What changed your mind?” As Egg had observed, Kru-Ella was no fool.

  “Come, come, dear girl. It should be obvious. The woman is married to the Prince and is sister and sister-in-law to the Queen. Why would I want to do anything but be in her good graces? If I must get into the muck, so to speak, to win her affection, I am not too proud to do so.”

  It sounded quite believable and Kru-Ella accepted that statement on face value. “It is good to have you on my side. You and I are so much alike and I treasure your counsel.”

  “You’re too kind. So how can I help?”

  “Not much for you to do at this point. As you said, I am the only other candidate. All I need is one vote and I will come in second.”

  “True enough. On the other hand, you and I should consider ways to put the Lady Eloise in danger. The sooner she is unable to serve, the quicker you will acquire the Crown.”

  The woman gave the dragon a very smug smile. “There-to your assistance is not required.”


  “As we speak, Lady Eloise is in imminent danger of being taken hostage by the creatures from the Outer Reaches. At best, she will be their prisoner for a very long time. At worse – for her – she may not live to be coronated.”

  “I have heard none of this.”

  “My sources are obviously better than yours.”

  “How did this come about? It seems too fortuitous.”

  Kru-Ella paused to consider her next words. “Before we continue, when I am Queen, will you serve as my Prime Advisor?”

  “Of course. It would be an honor,” he replied in a voice dripping with sincerity.

  “Very well. Since there is no proof of what I am about to say, there is no harm.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “I had learned that the Outer Reaches were going to rebel. It was I that sent them a message that Lady Eloise was in route to Peekaboo Prime in an unprotected vessel. I suggested that her capture would serve their cause very well.”

  “How very clever. Do you know what happened?”

  “I have had no further news. I expect to hear forthwith.”

  “Well, I am impressed. I always knew you were intelligent. But I never understood the degree of cleverness and ruthlessness. You will rule with an iron fist.”

  Kru-Ella gave her ‘friend’ a slight bow of the head as she accepted the compliments. “Thank you, dearest Rap’tor. And my first order of business will be to put the common folk back in their place. We nobles represent less than one percent of the population, but we control the bulk of this world’s wealth and, I dare say, most of its intelligence. The natural order of things must be restored.”

  “This calls for a celebration. However, we must keep it small until you obtain the news that you await. Perhaps us two plus any other close friends that you have shared this with – at my place tonight. I promise you an intimate and memorable night.”

  “That sounds delightful. I will contact the others.”

  “I will see you all at . . . shall we say seven?”

  “Seven it is. I am of the understanding that seven has been the Hameggattic Sisterhood’s lucky number. Beginning tonight, it will be ours.”

  Rap’tor bowed very low. “Your Majesty,” he said in mock seriousness, “Until this evening.”


  Somewhere in Space

  “We are being hailed,” announced Kreed.

  Zwam took a deep breath. “On screen.”

  The face of some dapper, middle-aged, well-decorated officer appeared. “I am Admiral Pythe, temporarily in command of the amalgamated Federation fleet. To whom am I addressing?”

  “I am . . . I am General Zwam, leader of the combined forces of the Outer Reaches. What can I do for you, Admiral?”

  “Where is Lady Eloise? I would speak with her.”

  “Lady Eloise is indisposed. Regardless, I am in charge. If you have something to say, please begin . . . otherwise move your ships out of my way.”

  The Admiral’s eyes widened. “My dear woman, in case your crew failed to inform you, there are ninety-four ships-of-the-line surrounding your motley collection of bolts and rust. If I give the signal, all seven ships will be vaporized. However, I would like to avoid bloodshed if possible. Power down your vessels immediately.”

  “Or what? Planning on vaporizing the next Queen of Aerianna?”

  That gave the Admiral pause. “I will send a shuttle to fetch her to my ship. Have her ready to transport.”

  “Actually Admiral, I will give you ten seconds to surrender.”

  The man laughed. “Very bold, I’ll give you that.”

  “One, two . . .”

  “If you open fire, I will be forced to reciprocate.”

  “Three, four, five, six . . .”

  “Don’t do something stupid, woman,” he said disparagingly. “You are outnumbered fourteen to one.”

  “Seven, eight, nine . . .”

  “Your last chance . . . power down.”

  “Ten,” and the six ships fired their seven disruptors at the pre-planted probes. Instantly, the beams split and each of the Federation ships was rendered inert. “I did warn you, Admiral.”

  He couldn’t hear since all his systems had gone dead. And she couldn’t see him – and that was too bad because the look on his face was priceless.

  “Well done, Zwam,” congratulated Egg. “Kreed, tell the others we’re going. Remind them of their orders. Then head for Peekaboo Prime.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”


  Aerianna, 7pm

  Rap’tor lived in Fire’s Breath, one of the three major castle-cities of the Dragons. As wealthy as he and his family were, they owned a complete spire that towered over most others. Precisely at seven, his guests arrived.

  “Welcome, friends. Please come in.”

  Besides Kru-Ella, there were three other humans and two dragons. He was not surprised by their identity since all were very close to the would-be queen. He was also not surprised that there were no serpents. Very few of them had any serious complaints about life on Aerianna. Their kind were left to themselves as was their preference and they were afforded every opportunity to learn and to invent – the two passions of his sea brethren.

  After the usual greetings and refreshments, they made their way to the main hall to make themselves comfortable as they talked.

  “Are we expecting anyone else?”

  “No. This is our brain trust, as it were. Speaking for the others, we are very glad you have joined us. We all hold you in such high regard.”

  “You are too kind. But, please don’t keep me in suspense. What word of our dear Eloise?”<
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  “I have been sitting on this news for hours waiting for us to gather. The Lady Eloise has been captured by the rebel alliance. I dare say her life is in great peril.”

  The others applauded much to Rap’tor’s disgust. He joined in as was expected. “I believe this calls for a toast,” and he passed around a libation. “Please, Kru-Ella, the honor is yours.”

  “Thank you, kind sir.” She raised her glass and turned to face each of the others. “To the Lady Eloise . . . may her demise be quick and painless.” She smiled smugly and took a sip.

  As she finished her drink, her self-satisfied face turned to surprise then shock as, one by one, her cohorts in crime disappeared into a shower of twinkling lights. “What? What is happening?”

  Rap’tor waited a few seconds until the last of his guests were teleported to the waiting naval vessel hovering just out of sight of the city. “They have been taken into custody for treason, of course.”

  She was about to suggest that she and Rap’tor make a hasty escape when she realized it was he that had arranged all of this. “Why?”

  “You are a disgusting little person who has committed sedition against the Crown. For your crimes, I presume you will pay the ultimate price.” Treason was punishable by death though no one had ever committed the crime.

  “You stupid fool. We could have ruled this world for many, many years. Power and wealth beyond imagining would have been ours.”

  “Neither is a sufficient excuse nor motivation for such treachery. Time to go, my dear.”

  “But you have no real proof. I will be exonerated.”

  Rap’tor tapped a control sitting on a table and Kru-Ella’s voice wafted out. “Very well. Since there is no proof of what I am about to say, there is no harm.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “I had learned that the Outer Reaches were going to rebel. It was I that sent them a message that Lady Eloise was in route to Peekaboo Prime in an unprotected vessel. I suggested that her capture would serve their cause very well.”

  “What is that thing?”

  “It is a voice recording device. I am told that they are used on Earth to record messages or singing or music. Jax’x of the Hameggattic Sisterhood created this for me so I could record your confession.”


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