Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 29

by Robert Iannone

  “But how did you know that I was plotting this intrigue?”

  “This is the delicious part. Apparently, Lady Eloise sensed your involvement and asked the Queen-Regent to recruit me to prove either your innocence or guilt. Sadly, for you, it was the latter.”

  “I . . . I do not understand. How could she intuit my involvement? That is not possible.” The young woman was stunned and shocked by all that was transpiring. Oh, she was also scared out of her mind at what would happen to her.

  “Never underestimate our next Queen. You do so at your own peril.”

  Chapter 9 – What Goes Around

  Of the hundred Federation ships, ninety-four had intercepted, and fallen prey to, Egg’s little fleet. Of the remaining six, three belonged to the rebels and one was Egg’s yacht, since she represented Aerianna.

  Sunnyside, the planet that Peekaboo Prime revolved around, had no navy. If they had a warship, it would have been number ninety-nine.

  Egg, in her planning, failed to account for a latecomer. In this case, ship number one hundred was from the Solaxis Amalgamation. The citizens of this world were similar to those on Aerianna – moderate in their beliefs and generous of nature. Their vessel, like the others, was state-of-the-art. However, their space Navy was defensive in nature – designed and manned to protect their cargo ships. Even so, their cannons could still blow a ship out of the sky.

  As if to confirm that fact, the vessel fired a flash-bomb that exploded just in front of the royal yacht. The concussion from the explosion rattled the ship and caused a shower of sparks to fall from a power conduit.

  “A Federation ship on an intercept course just fired a warning shot,” called Kreed.

  “Rats and double rats. Just our luck that they came late to the party. What do they want us to do?”

  “They want us to cut power. Should I return fire?”

  “No. Full stop.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” A moment later he announced, “They’re hailing us.”

  “On screen.” To Zwam she said, “I’ll handle this one.”

  “It was your turn, anyway.” The General, for the first time, was teasing her new friend.

  Egg looked at the woman and saw the twinkle in her eyes and laughed. “There you go.”

  The screen came alive and the face of the ship’s captain appeared. “Lady Eloise, I am Captain Vayder of the Solaxis Amalgamation.”

  “Greetings Captain. Why did you fire on us?”

  “Following orders. I was made to understand that you have declared war against the Federation. Is that true?”


  “But why?” The man was truly dumfounded by the idea.

  “Do you really care or are you just stalling until the other Federation ships join you?”

  “Our sensors indicate that those ships appear dead in space. Did you destroy them?” He couldn’t conceal his disbelief or horror.

  “No, we just hit them with a dampening field that temporarily disrupts their systems. The crews are alive and well.”

  “I did not know that the Outer Reaches had such technology. Did you provide it to them?”

  “No. It’s their own.” Not quite true but close enough.

  “I have no wish to cause you harm so I fervently hope that you don’t attempt to do the same to us.”

  His surprisingly heartfelt and earnest sentiment gave Egg one of ‘those’ feelings. “I would if I could, but I can’t so I shan’t.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m not carrying the weapon. In fact, your ship most likely is better armed than this one. Under normal circumstances, I would be at your mercy.”

  The Captain stared at Egg trying to understand why she was being so honest. “I take it that you don’t consider this a ‘normal circumstance’?”

  “No. You see, I have right on my side. The Federation has violated its own constitution and has also flagrantly disregarded common decency.” She took a minute or two to summarize the reason for this conflict.

  “Lady, would you excuse me for a moment. I would like to finish this conversation in private and need to go to my ready-room.”

  “Be my guest.”

  While they waited, Kreed and Zwam turned to look at Egg. They both had the same question. “Did you not ignore common military tactics by revealing our weakness?” asked Zwam.

  “It’s just a hunch that this guy meant what he said and doesn’t want to do battle with us. Solaxis is a pretty mellow place from what I understand.”

  “You would risk all of our lives on this hunch?”

  “Can’t change the stripes on a zebra.” Translation: Egg had to be Egg.

  Kreed couldn’t help it and he barked a laugh. He was all too familiar with the concept of stupid earth sayings. “Apologies, Ma’am.”

  At that moment, the Captain reappeared on the screen. “Sorry for the delay.”

  “What did you wish to discuss in private, Captain?”

  “First, I can’t tell you what an honor it is to meet you. You are a legend among my people. Your exploits with your Sisterhood are followed by every child, and most adults, with great enthusiasm. I have heard my two girls on many occasions pretend to be Hameggattic Sisters battling against the forces of evil. You inspire these young ladies to believe they are the equal of any young man; that they can aspire to do anything their heart desires. As the father of two extraordinary daughters, I sincerely thank you.”

  “You are very kind. When this is over, I invite you and your girls to Aerianna. I will personally introduce them to all my Sisters.”

  “Truly? They will be so excited that it will be impossible to get them to sleep until this comes about.”

  “In fact, I’ll send you home with a selfie of us.” Before he could ask the obvious question, Egg continued with, “If I may finish your thoughts on the matter at hand – you are ordered to stop and arrest me. However, you would rather be fighting alongside of us. But you can’t. So, the dilemma is how to show your superiors that you did all that you could but were unable to complete your mission because of circumstances outside your control. Does that about sum it up?”

  The man’s eyes grew wide. “Apparently, the legend of the Heroine of Aerianna is to be believed. Yes, Lady, that is my problem.”

  “I believe I may have a solution.” She turned to the dragonetta and asked, “Ziz, can you project an image of anyone or just Mobius and Bl’uddd?”

  “I only carry their likenesses. However, given any digital facsimile, I can project it.”

  “That’s what I was hoping you’d say. Take a picture of me. Wait. Ring, tend to my suit,” and a moment later out of the grey fog stood Flying Girl. “Okay, go.”

  While this was going on, the Captain watched in pure amazement. Seeing Egg turn into her legendary persona sent shivers down his spine. He couldn’t wait to tell his daughters. However, he needed to ask, “Lady, what is that thing?”

  “This is Ziz, a dragonetta. She belongs to my sister Jax’x.”

  “Ah, the one from Spell ‘Bound.”

  Egg smiled. “That’s her. Anyway, Ziz is going to project an image of me that your crew will be able to pick up on their sensors.”

  “To what end?”

  “I will send her back towards my other six ships . . . as if the Lady Eloise was trying to make an escape.”

  “How very ingenious. I presume I will follow in pursuit while you and your ship head to the planet?”


  The man looked embarrassed, took a deep breath then said, “Forgive me for asking, but what are your intentions on Peekaboo Prime? I cannot, in good conscious, allow you to capture or injure any of the heads of state. My duty in that respect is very clear.”

  “Would my word suffice?”

  “If it were just me, the word of Lady Eloise would be more than enough assurance. As Captain in the Solaxis navy, simply your promise to do no harm is insufficient. I apologize.”

  “No need to apologize, Captain. Any suggest
ions to resolve this impasse would be welcomed.”

  “With your permission,” asked Kreed.

  “Go ahead, Captain.”

  “Perhaps Captain Vayder will accept me as a hostage as a show of good faith?”

  “I can’t ask you to do that, Kreed.”

  “With respect, Ma’am, you can ask me to do anything and I would oblige.”

  Egg smiled at her friend. “If you ever get into trouble with Sylvia, I’ll put in a good word for you.”

  “Are you referring to your Feminion?” asked Vayder.

  “Yes, my best friend.”

  “She is almost as famous as you, Lady. Your friendship has been well documented.”

  “Then you may be interested to learn that Captain Ax’gard here is very, very close to my sister. In fact, as soon as he finds his courage, he might ask her to marry him.” That got her a smile from Kreed.

  “In that case, I accept the Captain’s offer. I will take both your word and him as prisoner in exchange for allowing you to proceed to Peekaboo Prime.”

  She turned to her friend. “Kreed, are you sure?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Okay, we have a deal. But there’s one problem. Ziz can fly in the atmosphere; however, she can’t propel herself in the void of space.”

  “If I may, attach the thing . . . “

  “Her name is Ziz.”

  “My apologies. Attach Ziz to a torpedo and fire it in the direction of your fleet.”

  Egg turned to Kreed. “Is that possible?”

  “It would take only a few minutes to arrange.”

  “Perfect. Ziz go with Lieutenant Amato. You understand what we’re trying to do?”

  “Affirmative” answered the mechanical doohickey and the lieutenant simultaneously.

  “Okay you two, hurry along.” To Captain Vayder she said, “As soon as we launch the torpedo, I will transport Captain Ax’gard to your ship. When you pursue Ziz, you may fire your weapons at her though it will do no good as she is protected with shields. However, when you are able, I would take it as a personal kindness if you would beam her aboard your ship and return her to me when we meet to reclaim Captain Ax’gard.”

  “Will I be able to present Ziz to you in person?” He couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way. Oh, one last thing. If you proceed to rendezvous with your fleet, my ships will hit you with the disruptor beam. That should convince your boss that you did the best you could.”

  “Your Majesty” came Amato’s voice over the intercom. “We’re ready.”

  “Wait till I give the word. Captain Vayder, it’s been a pleasure. I look forward to meeting your daughters. Oh, and tell them if they get your permission, Flying Girl will take them flying.”

  The man broke into an ear-to-ear grin. “That would assure my place as the greatest father in the universe. Good luck, Lady Eloise. I will now return to the bridge and demand your unconditional surrender.”

  “You men are all alike,” she teased.


  “Lady, Ziz . . . I don’t have Ziz” cried the panic-stricken General.

  Egg looked around to see where the dragonetta had gone off to – then realized she had sent her on the proverbial ‘wild goose chase’ into space dressed like Flying Girl. “Oh yeah. Zwam, calm down. I’ll stay by your side the whole time. In fact, we’ll double team them.”

  “I do not know what that means.”

  “It means we’ll both talk. You say something and I’ll add to it. I’ll say something then you’ll add your thoughts. It’ll be like one brain in two bodies.” She smiled to herself as she remembered that was what she had always said to Grammy.

  “Is that a technique you use often?”

  “Depends on whom I’m with. Syl and I, or my grandmother and I could do it.”

  “I will do my best not to let you down.”

  “You’re going to be great. Are you ready?”

  The General lifted her chin and extended her long body to its full height. “I am.”

  Egg and Zwam had materialized in the hall just behind the speaker’s balcony. This is where anyone could address the heads of state in attendance seated in the chairs below. It was also where the President sat as the theoretically neutral arbiter of all matters of the Federation.

  He was at the podium addressing the dignitaries. Egg and Zwam remained in the shadows to listen to the pompous fool. He had just been asked a question.

  “No, we have not heard from the fleet in more than two hours. However, please do not be alarmed. There is no way that those creatures from the Outer Reaches could do any harm to our ships with their pathetically outdated fleet. After all, it was we that sold them those buckets of scrap at a handsome profit, I might add.”

  “What of Lady Eloise?” someone asked. “She is a formidable foe.”

  “Nonsense. She is but a young woman too full of her own self-importance - dabbling in affairs that she knows nothing about.”

  “Did Aerianna condemn her actions or are they joining in her crusade?” asked another.

  The President cleared his throat nervously. “It is disappointing but the Queen-Regent has notified my office that she and the Hameggattic Sisterhood stand fully behind Lady Eloise. Apparently Zynn-Zaz’zia and Splendora – though not members of the Federation – are also supporting her actions. However, bear in mind that whatever fleet they send will take more than a week to reach us. By then, Lady Eloise will be our prisoner and this ridiculous nonsense will be over and done with. At that point, it will be within our rights to seek reparations from those three planets. We will all be well compensated for this foolishness.”

  As his last words died out, there was a collective gasp from those seated below. The President felt, rather than saw, Egg approach. He spun around, turned white then backed away – putting the lectern between him and this woman.

  Egg walked up to the podium – taking her time as if she was on a casual stroll without a care in the world.

  What she didn’t know was that this anniversary meeting was being transmitted to all one hundred worlds of the Federation. In effect, she was on TV.

  She stared out at the kings and queens and presidents of the Federation – scanning left then right. Intuitively she knew that the longer the silence the more the tension would build . . . and she milked the moment for all it was worth. But sooner or later, you have to say something.

  “My name is Eloise Grace Graystone, formerly of Earth and now resident of Aerianna. My friends call me Egg. For those of you who aren’t particularly clever, those are my initials.

  I am also the leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood. It is conceivable that some of you may feel that you owe my sisters and me a debt of gratitude since we deposed the Empress Violetta and freed every one of your worlds from her tyrannical rule. However, as most of you probably know – and more than likely cannot possibly understand – we did not do it for the adulation nor for wealth. We did it because many people were suffering and we had the ability to help.

  My mentor and your first President, Rose’Alynnia, codified that concept into your constitution. Section nineteen, paragraph four states unequivocally that any world that requests humanitarian, cultural, commercial or scientific help can expect it from their fellow members of the Federation. After all, why form this union if it is not to help one another?

  That leads me to the first order of business. As the representative of Aerianna I move that the current President be stripped of his duties . . . immediately for cause. I have his words recorded as he summarily dismissed the need to offer assistance to the worlds of the Outer Reaches.”

  The man of which she was speaking began to yell, “I object. This woman has no right . . .” but the rest of his words were drowned out by his own screams.

  As he began his protest, Egg said her magic words “Ring, tend to my suit” and out of the grey fog stepped Flying Girl. The audience gasped again for none had ever seen the transforma
tion. Many even doubted that it was possible – probably just propaganda to impress the masses. Egg stepped forward and grabbed the arm of the President whose back was to her and leapt skyward. She flew over the heads of the heads of state – making sure they all had a good view. To her passenger she said, “You have two choices. Resign immediately or I will drop you so you can resume your duties. I should warn you that at this height, you may not survive without some serious injuries.”

  “You can’t.”

  She let go for a split second then caught him again. As his stomach ‘fell’, the man vomited – an unfortunate occurrence for those directly underneath. “Last chance, what’s your choice?”

  “I . . . I . . . I will resign.” It wasn’t a difficult decision since he was probably going to lose the no confidence vote for a number of reasons.

  She brought him back to the balcony. “Make it convincing,” she warned.

  He took a moment to gather himself while the audience sat transfixed. “Lady . . . that is Lady Eloise is correct. I did violate my oath of office and the constitution on this matter. For that I sincerely apologize. Also, my decision to send the fleet into battle was ill conceived. I ask that you accept my immediate resignation.”

  “Good job.” To the people below, she said, “I vote that we accept the gentleman’s resignation. All in favor?”

  Into the silence, there was a scattering of voices that yelled “Aye.”

  “All those opposed?”

  No one spoke up.

  “Well, I do believe the ayes have it. Mr. President, you are relieved of duty and you have our permission to leave . . . not only this hall but Peekaboo Prime as well.”

  Without another word, the man turned and ran off.

  “Next order of business . . .” but she didn’t finish because someone yelled a question.

  “What of our ships?”

  “My friend will answer that question. May I present General Zwam, leader of the rebel forces of the Outer Reaches.”

  Hearing her cue, the blue lady walked as regally as she could to stand at the podium. Some in the audience were making derisive sounds so Egg said “Ring tend to my suit” and she returned to her beautiful red gown. That was enough to get everyone’s attention. “If anyone dares to interrupt the General, or fails to pay close attention to her every word, I will take personal offense. I strongly suggest you refrain from discovering how I react to such insults. General, the floor is yours.”


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