Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 31

by Robert Iannone

  Like a jack-in-the-box, everyone popped up not quite in unison.

  To no one in particular but to everyone there she said, “That’s better. Thank you but I’m not yet your queen. I’m just Lady Eloise or Egg – your choice.”

  They smiled. Egg couldn’t understand the love that these folks had for her. She was truly bewildered.

  Meggy who had been keeping ‘the throne warm’ until her sister returned, stood and hurried to greet her friend. She threw her arms around the girl then kissed her cheek. Teasingly she said, “You promised no children until you were at least twenty-five.”

  “By the time the baby is due, I’ll be just a few months short of my twenty-fifth birthday. But, not to throw him under the bus, it’s all your brother’s fault.”

  “I heard that.”

  Egg spun around and launched herself into Benny’s arms. Against all protocol, they kissed a tad too passionately.

  After an embarrassingly long minute, Meggy loudly cleared her throat. “Brother, do give the mother of your child an opportunity to breathe.”

  But it was Egg who responded. “Shut up Meggy,” and the crowd roared their approval. She took another few seconds to finish what she had started, then pushed away from her husband. Turning back to her sister, she asked, “So, what’s new with you guys?”

  Meggy wasn’t going to be distracted. In a loud voice so all could hear, she asked, “Lady Eloise, do you formally accept the will of the people of Aerianna and agree to be their next Queen?” It went so quiet, so fast that Egg actually glanced over her shoulder to see if everyone was still there.

  “I’m sorry . . .” she began then paused to the collective gasp of all. “I’m sorry but I never asked for this honor. So, if I’m a lousy queen, it’s your fault,” and she extended her arm to the audience so there was no doubt who would take the blame.

  It took a second or two for them to realize Egg was just being Egg and that she had accepted the Crown. The cheers and applause became deafening.

  Egg raised her hand for quiet. “I am going to assume that the applause was in honor of Queen M-egg’Alynnia who has done a wonderful job of governing this world. Am I correct?”

  They applauded loudly again.

  “Great. Now, I’m going to teach you an Earth custom; it’s called a golf clap.” She raised her hands for all to see, then clapped them together very quietly. “Now you try.”

  They did. The polite clapping was so subdued that it wouldn’t have startled a flock of nervous crows.

  “Perfect. That was for me. Everyone understand?”

  As one, they gently bowed their heads.

  “I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”


  There was so much to do and it all had to be done simultaneously. Drafting the Articles of the Aerianna Commonwealth, helping Zwam negotiate the sale of the captured Federation ships, organizing the scientific and engineering effort on the black hole project, helping the Outer Reaches with the new embassies that would soon be opening up on their worlds, helping them establish one on Aerianna, negotiating with Waldo to create a protective force for the new power project, deciding what to do with the disruptor technology, re-organizing the Hameggattic Sisterhood, presiding over the trial of Kru-Ella and her conspirators, and of course the Coronation Ceremony were just a few of the tasks to be dealt with.

  But before that, Egg needed to see her family and her sisters who would all want to congratulate her on her pregnancy. She needed to thank Xara, whose help was key to the success of her rebellion. And, for a reason she didn’t fully understand, she had the overwhelming urge to thank the Myst Tree for his last incomprehensible riddle.


  First things first, Family

  Meggy had organized a celebratory breakfast for just the family . . . with Rose and Z’kkk, Egg’s parents, Grammy and Ezra, Ashley, Sylvia (can’t leave out the guest of honor’s bestie) and, of course, Benny and the mother-to-be. For the next hour or two, no one was allowed to interrupt. Any emergency would be handled by Rap’tor, Jax’x and Kreed.

  They were all milling about awaiting Egg’s grand entrance. When she and her husband finally arrived, it was obvious the young woman was not well. Grammy smiled and walked up to her granddaughter and took her hand. “Morning sickness, dear one?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Try ginger . . . it’s an old Chinese cure.”

  “Next time you go home, buy some. I don’t think they have ginger on Aerianna.”

  “Oh. You’re right of course. I’ll send your sister,” and she walked off to find the other girl.

  “You didn’t listen to me.” It was Sylvia.

  “About what?”

  “The yellow duckies. You would never be preggers if you kept wearing them.”

  “Don’t you dare make me laugh,” and naturally they both did. “What does Kreed think of them?”

  “What makes you think he’s seen them?”

  “I said – don’t make me laugh.” And, again they both did.

  They went and sat down. Egg refused all food, though she accepted a glass of what passed for orange juice on Aerianna.

  “Honey,” said her mother. “Dry toast is good for an upset stomach. You really should eat something.”

  For some weird reason, Egg turned to Ashley and they both burst out laughing.

  Benny stared at the two then asked his father, “Is this a normal pregnant woman’s response to toast?”

  “I am fairly certain that it is not.”

  Naturally, Sylvia understood her friend’s reaction. “They’re laughing because of the unintentional absurdity of Mrs. G’s statement.”

  “What did I say?” asked the confused woman.

  “You just told your daughter that she needed to eat something. Fifteen years ago that was good advice for a silly young girl. But that little girl of yours is now married, with child, a day away from being crowned Queen of the Planet, the Leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood, the heroine of Aerianna . . . and just for the fun of it, she went out and declared war on the Federation. Oh yeah . . . and she won.”

  “Someday you’ll realize that your little girl will always be your little girl,” came the defiant response. “Isn’t that right, Rose’Alynnia?”

  “I object,” interrupted Lord Z’kkk. “The same sentiment holds true for fathers as well as mothers.”

  Benny couldn’t resist and said, “Ah, Daddy, that’s so sweet,” and everyone burst out laughing.

  “On the other hand, one does sometimes wish their sons would grow up.”

  “You can’t have it both ways, old man.” Benny’s use of earth English was really improving – much to the consternation of his parents.

  At that point, Ezra raised his hand to be heard.

  “Yes, Ezra?” said Benny.

  Everyone went politely quiet since the man’s speech was still much impaired. “I . . . I . . . waz wond’ring if you have decided on a nnnamme?”

  “We have,” answered Benny. “However, I will let my blushing bride tell you what we have decided.”

  “I’m not blushing . . . I’m trying not to barf.”

  “How delightful,” he replied teasingly.

  She stuck her tongue out at her love. To Ezra she said, “Her name is Ellie Rose.”

  And right on cue, Grammy began to tear up. “Oh dear, oh dear.”

  Ezra smiled and managed to say, “I like it.”

  Rose was trying valiantly not show her emotions . . . then threw in the proverbial towel. “Now you have done it,” and she burst into tears of joy.

  “What did I do?” asked Egg.

  Meggy replied, “You made my mother cry in public. It has never been done before.”

  Syl let the sniffling continue for a minute then stood up with her glass of juice. “I would like to propose a toast,” and everyone picked up a glass. “To my best friend in the universe and to the pretty great guy she married, I congratulate you on the first of at least two d
aughters you will have. With both your family lines finally joined, your offspring can’t help but be extraordinary. The Myst Tree has foretold that your youngest daughter will be the next Flying Girl. I will be even bolder and predict that Ellie Rose will be her Feminion. And I can tell you from personal experience, trying to think for two is no easy task. May the courage of her younger sister provide the same inspiration that my best friend gave me. To Ellie Rose . . .”

  And they clinked glasses and took a sip.

  Egg’s sip made it about half way down when it came right back up.

  Sylvia shook her head in amusement at her heroic friend’s losing battle with breakfast. “Was it something I said?”


  “Come in.”

  “Hey Princess.”

  “Hey, Xara. Thanks for coming. Would you slap me if I gave you a hug?”

  “Normally yes. But I’m told you have a little princess growing inside.”

  “I’ll take that for permission,” and Egg walked up to her former nemesis and gave her a great big hug. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t make a big deal about it. I was bored and was looking for something to do,” she lied.

  Egg smiled. “That’s what I figured. But, I have to pretend to be thankful now that I’m going to be a mother. My daughter’s listening.”

  “Well, you’re just making me uncomfortable so I should leave.”

  “No, you don’t. It’s time you came in from the dark side. I want to give you a job.”

  Xara’s mouth dropped open. “Does pregnancy make you crazy?”

  “Apparently yes but not in this instance.”

  “You don’t owe me anything.”

  “Let’s see. You risked your life to warn me and you saved my husband. I think that’s worth something.”

  “That silly hug was enough. See you around, girlfriend.”

  “If I have to call the guards to force you to hear my proposition, I will.”

  “I’ll give you one minute . . . starting now.”

  “I want you to go to the Outer Reaches and help them negotiate the sale of the ships they appropriated during the rebellion. Somehow I think you might get more for them then they could.”

  “How much?”

  “How much what?”

  “I’m not doing it for free. How much will you pay me?”

  “I’ll give you fifty percent of any money over the fair market price of the ships. I want you to gouge them . . . really make it hurt.”

  “Princess, I love this side of you. Sounds like fun so I’ll do it.”

  “Go see General Zwam. I’ll let her know of our agreement.”

  “Fair enough. Thanks.”


  The woman turned around. “Yeah?”

  “Thank you.”

  Xara stared at Egg obviously struggling with some thought or emotion. To Egg’s shock, she walked over and gave her a hug. “You’re welcome, your Majesty.”


  She wanted to visit the Myst Tree but the stupid coronation ceremony got in the way.

  “Can’t you just put the crown on my head and shake my hand?”

  Meggy laughed. “Not hardly. And do not forget, you get to give an inspiring speech at the end.”

  “Oh joy.”

  “First things first. You need to choose a crown.”

  “What about the one I’m wearing?”

  “That’s fine for after. But for the ceremony, it must be large and gaudy otherwise the people feel cheated.”

  Egg took a deep, calming breath then let it out noisily. “Okay, let’s get this over with.”

  “That’s the spirit.”

  They went to a wing of the palace that Egg had never seen. They walked up a spiral stairway then down a long corridor to a large, ornate door. “Here we are.”

  “What is this place?”

  “This, my dear sister, is the room where my grandfather kept the Crystal Egg.”

  “Oh, cool.” Egg smiled and said mischievously, “You weren’t even born yet when I sent Aeri’elle here to steal that evil thing.”

  “And now I am ten years your senior.”

  “More like twelve years.”

  Meggy stuck out her tongue then turned and opened the door. The room was well appointed with maybe ten pedestals spread throughout the room. “Feel free to try on any that catches your fancy.”

  “This is like the Tower of London where they keep the British Crown Jewels.” Egg sauntered from pedestal to pedestal examining the crowns. As she was doing this, Meggy said, “After you make your decision, we will choose an appropriate gown for you to wear.”

  “I’m wearing my red dress. My baby bump doesn’t show yet.”

  “But everyone has seen you in it. No, that will never do. My seamstress can design whatever your heart desires.”

  “I desire my red dress. It’s either that or I’ll wear my jeans.”

  “You jest.”

  Egg turned from looking at the display and faced her sister. “Red dress or jeans. Do you have a preference?”

  Meggy sighed in resignation. “I do believe the red dress will be perfect. It brings out the evil in your heart.”

  Egg laughed. “My heart is pure. I do have a wicked stubborn streak however.”

  “I have never noticed,” and they giggled.

  “Let’s try on this one,” and Egg opened the case and put the crown on her head. “Is there a mirror?”

  “Of course” and Meggy pointed.

  Egg walked over, looked at herself and laughed . . .

  “I look like a clown.”

  “You most certainly do not. You look every inch a Queen.”

  “Nope,” and she took it off and replaced it. When she reached the next display case she snorted. “Looks like something a jester would wear.”

  “It is the one I wore.”

  Egg grimaced. “Sorry.”

  “As Sovereign, one needs to be a bit more circumspect in her comments,” chided the Queen-Regent.

  Egg shook her head. “This whole queen thing might be a big mistake.”

  “Given time, you will learn the subtler points of being a monarch. You may even grow to enjoy all the pomp and circumstance.”

  “Yeah . . . not so much.”

  Meggy turned serious. “This world needs you Lady Eloise. There is so much good that you can do. Please do not let silly things like this dissuade you from your true destiny.”

  “Meggy, you’re the only person on this planet that I can vent my frustrations to. Please don’t take that away from me. If Aerianna needs me; I need you just as much.”

  The girl had been feeling relieved and sadden by this transition. Hearing Egg’s words made her feel less like yesterday’s news. “I shall always be here for you,” and yup, they hugged it out. “Come over here, I think I have the perfect crown for you.”

  They reached another display and Egg looked it. “Oh, I like it. But I thought it had to be big and gaudy?”

  “Not in this case. This was the crown my grandfather wore at his coronation.”

  “Really? Then I can’t possibly wear it. No one can replace King M’earth in the history of Aerianna. It would be sacrilegious for me to put that on my head.”

  “Egg, you are the only person that can wear it. Please . . .” and she took it out and handed it to her friend.

  Egg refused to touch it. “You put it on me.”

  And Meggy did. “Come take a look.”

  Egg walked over to the mirror and smiled. “He had good taste.”


  The coronation was the usual affair . . . though with some variations insisted upon by Egg. The procession began with the Monarchs of the Dragons and Serpents and their mates, then the Queen Mother Rose’Alynnia and her husband Lord Z’kkk followed by Egg’s parents, her sister, and grandparents. Behind them were the Hameggattic Sisters (even Spirit had come from Paradox to be there for the ceremony) and Zazzi, Waldo and Jynx – the three honorary members of the
sisterhood (each wearing their green scarves). In a complete break from tradition, Egg insisted that the next group were others that she felt very close to: Molly, Kreed, Skotti, Aero, Rap’tor, Grex and Kon’dor plus the husbands of I’za, Soo and Sassi. Finally, came the heads of the other noble families. As part of this group, the current members of the Citizens’ Council were also included.

  Normally this parade of dignitaries would be accompanied by trumpets and drums and whatever other instruments they used on Aerianna. Egg replaced it all with the music (without the voices) of Fandango Sally. It was totally inappropriate and perfectly Egg. It took every ounce of self-control for Lord Z’kkk not to take his own life when he heard the music.

  The members of the procession made their way (painfully slowly) to the front of the hall and took their seats. The music stopped and the traditional trumpets announced the arrival of the Queen-Elect. The Hall’s great doors opened and there was Egg, framed by some colorful trees, looking radiant . . .

  The music switched to the traditional Aeriannian royal march and our heroine walked slowly towards the dais where M-egg’Alynnia sat upon the Throne for the last time. Next to her was Prince Ben’Edikk holding the legendary sword Dazzle which would be used in the ceremony.

  Egg’s face was a study in concentration. She was willing herself not to laugh at all this foolishness and, more importantly, not to trip and fall either on her face or on her royal butt. She had decided that if either event happened, she would turn and run out of the Hall and transport herself to Earth and join a convent. Some humiliations were simply too much to bear.

  The five-minute walk down the aisle took approximate three years by her reckoning. There were thousands of folks all staring at her with various expressions upon their faces. She kept looking straight ahead – Meggy had told her that’s what a Queen should do. Stupid queens.

  An eternity later she reached the steps to the dais and her husband walked down and offered her his hand. She absolutely refused to look at his face because she could feel him smirking at her discomfiture. She vowed he would be appropriately punished that night.


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