Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel] Page 30

by Robert Iannone

  She nodded to her friend then began. “I am Zwam, a trans-evolutionary life form that you hold in much contempt. My fleet of ragtag ships manned by untrained personnel has captured every one of your vessels. The ships are now mine. The crews are my prisoners. And if I so chose, everyone one of them is subject to whatever punishment I choose to administer.”

  The crowd noise rose to a cacophony – fear, anger and confusion being expressed simultaneously.

  “QUIET” demanded Zwam and they reluctantly obeyed. “I am sure some of you are good and decent people. To you, I beg your indulgence. As for the rest, I am out of patience. You dare to look down your noses at me and my kind. You, with an abundance of riches, sophisticated societies and pretense of morality and goodness . . . you should be ashamed. The tortured lives of millions – and some of their deaths – stain your pretty clothes like blood.”

  Chapter 10 – Comes Around

  “We had hoped that if we defeated you in battle, we would win your respect. And with that respect, you would begin to honor the constitution that binds this Federation. Personally, I fervently wished we could appeal to your better nature – without the need for galactic law or violence – to have you reach out and help those less fortunate. How naïve I was.

  You have taken advantage of us at every opportunity. You have turned your backs on us in our hour of need. You laugh at us to our faces. And in the end, you sent your fleet to destroy us.

  And you have failed. Consider this - our failures come from the evolutionary forces beyond our control. Yours came from arrogance. Who should be judged more harshly?

  My new friends (and she looked at Egg) have told me you cannot legislate away prejudice and bigotry. Sadly, they were right. One either loves thy neighbor for whom she is, or one does not. No law can change what is in your heart.

  Having said all this, I have had a change of heart. On behalf of the planets of the Outer Reaches, we hereby withdraw from the Federation.”

  That took Egg by surprise . . . only because it was exactly what she would have done.

  Some truly arrogant fool yelled “What of our ships?”

  Zwam stared at the man . . . she too let the silence linger. “How telling. He does not ask about his people that are held captive. The men and women that put their lives at risk for his safety. All he wants to know is if he will get back his expensive toy. I will return the ships . . .”

  But Egg cut her off and finished her sentence. “. . . crews. However, the ships . . .”

  Zwam’s finished the thought since she understood what Egg was doing. “. . . are mine as spoils of war. I give you permission to send someone to the Outer Reaches and we will negotiate the price for their return.”

  Back to Egg. “Since the Outer Reaches is now part of a new commonwealth with Aerianna, Zynn-Zaz’zia and Splendora, we will take part in those negotiations.”

  Now Zwam . . . “With the revenue from the sale of these ships, the Outer Reaches will no longer require financial assistance from members of the Federation.”

  Shifting the subject, Egg called out “who represents the Solaxis Amalgamation?”

  “I do” and a gentleman stood. He was obviously not a king but some elected official. “My name is First Citizen Vayder.”

  “Is your son Captain Vayder?”

  “He is.” Now that should have been a surprise but Egg, over the course of her many adventures, was used to such weird things.

  “You should be very proud of him. If it wasn’t for a little misdirection, he would have captured the General and me. As it is, he did take my captain prisoner. Would the exchange of my officer for your ship and crew be fair?”

  “More than fair, Lady.”

  “Then I will release the ship shortly.”

  “You are very kind.”

  “Before we depart, I think you might like to know of a business opportunity you may wish to negotiate with the General.”

  “Aerianna and the Outer Reaches have a joint venture. They have the technology to tap the power of a black hole. We have the black hole,” explained Zwam.

  Egg finished with “it will take about three years to complete the project. When it is done, we will have literally unlimited energy that we can distribute to any world in the Federation. Each of your civilizations will be able to make a quantum leap forward in so very many areas.”

  The crowd started to buzz, as they all understood the benefits of this technology – and the disadvantage they would experience if they were not able to participate.

  First Citizen Vayder stood again and asked the pertinent questions. “Who will be eligible to participate in this program and what will you charge for this power?”

  Egg was about to answer but Zwam spoke first. “The price will be a mere three percent higher than our cost to produce and distribute it.” That wasn’t fair – it was a steal.

  “As to the first part of my question?” asked Vayder.

  “All participant will immediately establish embassies on each of the three worlds of the Outer Reaches.”

  “And” continued Egg “it will be staffed by experts in business, medicine, science and education. They will make recommendations on how the Outer Reaches can improve in those areas. If the recommendations are accepted, you will then send as many individuals from your home world as needed to assist in implementing those changes. We expect you to understand on the most intimate level what challenges face a trans-evolutionary species.”

  Zwam turned to Egg and smiled her approval.

  “Anything else, General?”

  “No. I believe we have stated our case.”

  “I agree.” To the assembly, Egg said, “I will have an outline of the black hole project distributed to any world that may wish to consider participation. For those who think that they will wait until the venture is complete then use military force to take it for themselves, let me dissuade you. We will have the Klat, the formidable soldiers from the Ark of Forever, protecting it. They will also have the disruptor weapons that we used against your ships. Not only will we defend ourselves, but we will declare war against any who try. The Commonwealth of Aerianna, with the help of the Hameggattic Sisterhood, will take your worlds from you and a caretaker government will be installed.”

  The crowd went silent as they considered Egg’s threat. It was finally broken when First Citizen Vayder stood and addressed her. “Lady Eloise, everything you and the General just offered shows a level of sophistication that quite frankly surprises me. Though my world never did anything against the Outer Reaches, neither did we do anything for them. For that General, I apologize. On behalf of the Solaxis Amalgamation, I will commit to the first embassies on your worlds. I cannot say I do this solely on humanitarian grounds. The prospect of inexpensive and inexhaustible energy is too beneficial to my people to turn my back on. But please believe me when I say that had the energy project not been of interest to us, I would still commit to extending my hand in friendship. I would also ask you to reconsider leaving the Federation. We are obviously stronger with you then without.”

  “Thank you, Vayder” said Zwam. “I do accept your words. However, my decision to leave the Federation is final.”

  “Our loss, madam.” He then addressed Egg. “Lady, your reputation as the leader of your sisterhood does not do you justice. To my understanding, you have had limited experience as a diplomat. Yet, today you proved yourself far superior to all of us here. With your permission, I would like to nominate you as the next President of the Federation.”

  Egg’s mouth dropped then turned up as she laughed. “You are one silver tongued devil . . .”

  “Excuse me?” Vayder thought he had just been insulted.

  “Sorry. That sounded offensive but on Earth it’s actually a compliment. It means that you have a wonderful way with words. As to your offer, no thank you. Apparently, I’m to be the next Queen of Aerianna. There are many changes that need implementation at home. Besides, there’s our new Commonwealth to work on. That should
keep me busy for a while.”

  Zwam leaned over and whispered into Egg’s ear.

  “Oh right.” She looked back at Vayder and said, “I’m also with child . . . my first. If my mother is to be believed, I will be rewarded with sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and hour after hour of loving, teaching and enjoying my new bundle of joy. As to your suggestion, I have a better idea. Since Aerianna has not yet resigned from the Federation, I, as their representative, can also nominate a person for the presidency. I nominate you, First Citizen Vayder. All in favor . . . “

  There was no way that the election of a new president would be easy. Over the course of the next hour, heated discussions and impassioned speeches preceded a couple of votes. In the end, Egg prevailed and the man was elected.

  “Congratulations. Please, the podium is yours” and she pointed to it.

  Vayder stood and started the long walk down the aisle and up the stairs.

  “Wait” called Egg. “Ring, tend to my suit” and Flying Girl flew down to stand before the man. She offered him a hand “care to go flying?”

  Vayder stared at the proffered appendage then smiled. “I believe I will, thank you.”

  “I know why you just smiled,” said Egg.

  “Do you? No offense, but I think not.”

  “Oh. So, you weren’t thinking about your granddaughters and how thrilled they would be to hear the story of how their grandfather went flying with Flying Girl.”

  Vayder’s eyes went wide . . . then he smiled. “Since the history books about you are true and not some fabricated story, I must assume that if I compliment you, it will not be gladly accepted.”

  “True dat.”

  “Did you know that there is now a whole compendium of what are called stupid earth sayings in those books?”

  “Really? No, I’ve never read them.”

  “At my earliest convenience, I shall look up ‘true dat.”

  “Knock yourself out.”


  They left Peekaboo Prime and headed for the rendezvous point with Captain Vayder. The conversation between Egg and the General went pretty much as you would expect.

  “You did fantastic. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thank you. But you were right, I spoke from my heart and the words flowed of their own volition. My nervousness left me as I walked to the podium and was replaced with indignation. My fear became anger. I never felt more proud to be trans-evolutionary than at that moment.”

  “Now you need to share the news with your crew. The future is looking very bright for the Outer Reaches.”

  Zwam eagerly complied. When she completed her message, she returned to Egg who was in her conference room. “How did it go?”

  “They cheered and they cried and they laughed. It was so glorious. Lady Eloise, how can I ever thank you?”

  “Well, to begin with, start calling me Egg.”

  “I cannot,” replied the horrified General. “That would be disrespectful.”

  “It’s what my friends call me.”

  Zwam stared at the young woman, her tongue darting in and out. “Very well. Egg, I wish to thank you on behalf of my people and myself. Without you this rebellion would have ended badly.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. But, you’re welcome just the same. Let’s enjoy our victory for the rest of today. Tomorrow we begin the real work.”

  “How is it that your enthusiasm never wanes . . . especially facing the prospect of an enormous effort to finish what we started?”

  Egg smiled. “I think I have to give the credit to my grandmother. In large part I am who I am today because of her and Rose’Alynnia.”

  “They must be extraordinary women.”

  “They are.”

  “I should like to meet then if it is permissible?”

  “Absolutely. Both of them would love to meet you.” At that point, they were interrupted by Lieutenant Amato. “Excuse me, Lady. You have an incoming call from the Prince and Captain Vayder’s ship is hailing us.”

  “Lieutenant, I’ll leave the arrangements to you as far as the rendezvous. Please send the incoming communications to this viewer.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “I will take my leave,” said Zwam.

  “I would ask you to stay but I think my husband is going to be very cross with me.”

  “He treats you unkindly?”

  “What? No. He’s the best husband I ever had.”

  “Is he not your first?”

  “I’ve lost count so I can’t answer that,” she said smiling. She waited for Zwam to leave then turned on the viewer. “Hi, Hubby. Miss me?”

  “Gracie . . . you are with child?”

  “Who was the big mouth that told you?”

  “You did.”

  “Me? What are you talking about?”

  “The meeting of the Federation – it was broadcast to all member planets. Perhaps forty or so billion people now know of your condition.”

  “I was on TV?”

  Forgetting for the moment he had seen it on Earth he asked, “What is TV? Never mind. You are with child; that is so wonderful. How do you feel? How far into the gestation cycle are you? When did you find out? Do we know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

  Egg giggled at her flustered husband. “Take a deep breath, big guy. First, I’m fine. Never felt better. Zwam is the one that told me. Somehow her species can sense such things. She says I’m not very far along. In fact, do you remember that one particular night at Se’rene?”

  The Prince turned purple (blue skin plus a red blush equals purple) as he recalled the night in question. “Perhaps you can refresh my memory when you return.”

  “I can definitely do that. Oh, she says it’s a girl. Not too disappointed, are you?”

  “Of course not. I’ve come to admire the fairer sex. Apparently, they are to be considered the equal of men.”

  “You’re lucky you are a few million miles away,” she teased back.

  “Are we to name her Ellie Rose as we discussed?”

  “We are. Then we’ll have to get to work in making her sister. Don’t forget the Myst Tree said she would become the next Flying Girl.”

  “I shall remind you of that thought in about six months. I do miss you so. However, I am still cross at what you and Xara did to me.”

  “Perhaps I can make it up to you?”

  He smiled lasciviously. “I am man enough to offer you the opportunity.”

  “You’re such a gentleman.”

  “I do try. As to your little revolution, congratulations. You were marvelous.”

  “Not me. It was Zwam . . . the general. She did great and I couldn’t be more proud of her.”

  He knew better than to argue with his modest wife. “Will I be meeting her soon?”

  “Probably not for a few months. There’s a lot of work to do. Listen, I have to go. I’m rendezvousing with one of the Federation ships to retrieve Kreed. I can’t tell you how great he’s been through all of this. You better promote him or something.”

  “I shall think of an appropriate reward. Take care of my daughter and I will see you soon. I love you.”

  “Not as much as I love you.”

  “Nonsense. On this issue, I am correct by a factor of at least two, perhaps three.”

  “You know nothing, Ben’Edikk,” and she threw him a kiss as his image faded away.


  “Lady Eloise, may I present Captain Vayder of the Solaxis Amalgamation. Captain Vayder, Lady Eloise.”

  The man stared, caught himself staring and went red, then went down to a knee and bowed his head. “An honor I shall never forget.”

  Egg rolled her eyes. “Captain, if you don’t stand up I’m going to vent you out the airlock.”

  “She’s not kidding,” teased Kreed.

  “I am so sorry. Please forgive me.”

  Ziz, who was once again on Egg’s shoulder, said “Barf.”

  “Be nice, you goofy bird. Now, take a picture of me and the Capta
in.” She walked to his side and grabbed his arm in hers. “Wait. Ring, tend to my suit,” and the Captain nearly wet himself. “Okay, cheese.”

  The captain took the image which had been transferred to a data pad. “My daughters will never believe me.”

  “Speaking of your daughters, your father got to go flying with Flying Girl.”


  She explained what had happened. “So, I flew him up to the podium.”

  “He’s the President of the Federation because of you?”

  “No, because of you. I figured that anyone as impressive as you must have come from some pretty great parents. Your dad proved me right. He’ll make an awesome president.”

  “Lady, you are a wonder. I am grateful beyond telling. On behalf of myself, my daughters, and my father, I thank you.”

  “Don’t forget my invitation to come to Aerianna. I’m looking forward to meeting your wife and kids.”

  “Sadly, I lost my wife a few years back. However, my daughters will nag me every day so it will be impossible to forget. Now with your permission, I will return to my ship.”

  “Drive safe.”

  “Excuse me?’

  “Ask you dad to look it up,” she replied mysteriously.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He turned to Kreed and offered his hand. “I’m glad we had this opportunity to meet.”

  “Likewise. And remember my invitation.”

  “I look forward to it.” He bowed once more and was transported back to his ship.

  Egg turned to Kreed. “May I ask what invitation?”

  “To my wedding if Sylvia will have me.”

  Chapter 11 – Her Grace

  This time it was different. Upon her return to Q’umulus, she walked into the Throne Room but wasn’t greeted by applause. Instead, everyone went to a knee and bowed their heads.

  She wasn’t having any of it. But, she was feeling giddy in anticipation of seeing her husband. To the gathered crowd she proclaimed, “If anyone is still kneeling after I count to three, I will have them beheaded.”


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