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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

Page 37

by Robert Iannone

  “A woman offers the brooch for the man to wear. It must be in the same color as his own wings. Have we not discussed this before?” He knew very well they had not.

  “No” she whispered.

  “So, you do not have the required brooch?”

  “No. Sorry, I just didn’t know.”

  “Well, it is a breach of protocol but perhaps you would accept this one to offer me?” and he reached inside a pocket and pulled out . . .

  Bree, her eyes wide, took the object – holding it reverently. “Kon’dee, why do you have this with you?”

  “We men are very sensitive. You women – you make us fall in love then you break our hearts by keeping us waiting.” He tried to sound serious but couldn’t keep the smile off his face. “Well, woman . . . have you nothing to say?”

  Bree looked at Egg who nodded encouragement. “Okay then.” Her face radiating joy, she turned back to her man. “Kon’dor, Sky’lord of Splendora and the love of my life, will you do me the honor and accept my proposal of marriage?”

  “From the instant I laid eyes on you coming out of the Reverie Glass, I knew this moment would come to pass. BreeZee of Zynn-Zaz’zia, I most certainly will,” and he accepted the feather from her.

  They stood there staring at each other – stupid grins on their faces. Egg rolled her eyes. “For the love of all that’s good, kiss her you fool.”

  And he did.

  Chapter 5 – Close Encounters of the Third Kind

  The Colonel was no longer stationed in Area 51 where they had first met. Spirit spent the better part of a week scanning news sources and other data banks trying to locate him. She finally succeeded.

  She was pleased because he had been promoted to General. It was odd – she hardly knew the man and yet felt an affinity to him. His promotion was gratifying; it somehow validated her belief that he was the right person to make first contact with . . . again.

  Another good omen, and one that made her smile, was that he now headed an organization known as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. How fortuitous was that?

  Colonel Korn . . . she corrected herself . . . General Korn worked in the country’s capital of Washington, DC and lived a few miles away. From what she could glean, he was unmarried . . . which would make her visit that much easier.

  Meggy had suggested that she should accompany her sister but Spirit demurred. “No thank you. I’m afraid you’re not alien looking.”


  “I was teasing. I would just rather do this myself. Okay?”

  “Sure. Besides, I need to get back to the others. Can you transport me to the Eiffel Tower?”

  “Are you three almost ready to return home? The cargo hold is completely full of your purchases.”

  “Tell Egg just a few more days. Did you want us to go back with you?” Meggy had Syl’s ring and could transport directly to Aerianna.

  “I’m hoping the earthman will come with me. So, I won’t be alone. Thanks for asking.”

  “Fair enough. See you back on Aerianna.”

  “Enjoy yourselves. Energizing,” and Meggy twinkled out of existence.


  Spirit waited until late evening before she beamed down. She had pinpointed the room which the General was occupying and she would simply materialize in front of him.

  As it happened, his back was turned and he was apparently deep in thought looking at some blueprints on his desk. Since the process of materializing is quiet, he did not hear her. But, like most of us, he felt her presence. Spinning around he stared at the apparition for a few seconds trying to get his mind around the image.


  “Hello, Korn.”

  For a second he had forgotten she was a telepath and her voice in his head stunned him. Then he smiled. “Sightseeing again?”

  “Not this time. I came to see you. I had a change of heart.”


  “Your world is still not ready for what is out there,” and she pointed skyward. “But you are. I would like to show it to you.”

  “I see.” This was all so sudden and obviously unexpected that he was still trying to get his mind fully engaged. “I’ll take that as a compliment but I’m not sure I understand. What purpose will it serve? What are you trying to achieve?”

  In his mind, he ‘heard’ Spirit laugh. “I doubt that there are very many individuals on your world who would respond as you have done . . . with calm and logic.”

  Now he smiled. “I’m not all that calm, believe me. As for logic, it’s my only defense to this extraordinary visit.”

  “May I sit?”

  For some reason, that simple statement struck him both as odd and reassuring. It was a very earthlike request. “I’m sorry. Please,” and he pointed to a couch. “Can I get you something to eat or drink?” He was terribly curious as to what she might want or need.

  “My metabolism is much like yours. Your nutrients would serve me just as well. However, no thank you.”

  Korn was beginning to relax. He did find it strange that he could feel so comfortable talking to this alien . . . and that he instinctively liked her. Wanting to continue the casual conversation he asked, “Where are your two friends?”

  “Serenity, the one in the chair, is back on Aerianna working on two projects that you might find interesting. One is tapping the energy from a black hole and the other is an anti-gravity device capable of floating an entire city.”

  That statement stunned the engineer inside of him. “How do you tap the energy from a black hole?”

  “A long story that will hold for later.”

  “Okay.” He didn’t want to push her faster than she was willing to go. “I thought she – Serenity - was from um . . . oh, yes, Laugh a lot? That isn’t really the name, is it?”

  “The entire planet is designed for recreation, hence the name. But she is now married and living with her husband on Aerianna.”

  “And where is Aerianna?”

  “It orbits the star you call Alcyone in the Seven Sisters constellation.”

  “That’s a long way away.”


  “What about the other one . . . the one in the Halloween costume.”

  She didn’t understand the reference, but she knew what he was asking. “Egg is also on Aerianna. She, too, is married and has recently been elected Queen. It was my idea to come to Earth, but with her permission.”

  “You still didn’t answer my original question. What do you hope to accomplish by showing me your world . . . or worlds?”

  “This will take a bit of explaining. Is now a good time?”

  “Seven years ago was a good time.” That’s when they first met, of course.

  She smiled. “My turn to ask, if you would like to get yourself some nutrients, please feel free to do so.”

  “I was about to have a cup of coffee. Would you care to try some?”

  Spirit had already tried it. “Thank you. Two spoons of sugar and a touch of cream, if you would.”

  Korn’s mouth dropped open. “In my wildest imagination, never would I have conceived of having this conversation with such an exotic alien.”

  “Exotic? That carries many meanings. Striking, interesting, bizarre . . . which definition applies?” She was enjoying the verbal sparring with the man.

  Not answering directly, he asked out loud, “I wonder, do alien woman accept compliments from men?”

  “Only if they are sincere.”

  He smiled broadly. “Wow. Then by exotic I mean that you are striking in appearance – obviously different than earth women but no less attractive. You are the epitome of interesting for obvious reasons. And bizarre can mean unusual, and you are certainly that.”

  “I could say the same of you,” and she returned the smile – but a little more coyly. Korn went to the kitchen and brought back two mugs of coffee and handed one to Spirit. The young woman inhaled the aroma then put the cup to her mouth and tasted the content
s. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, I am very eager to hear your answer – why me and why now.”

  “I am going to give you the abridged version because it is a lengthy story. If you accept my invitation, we can revisit it in more detail. The story begins a thousand years ago on Aerianna.”

  Korn’s eyes went wide. A story that covered a thousand years might take a bit of time to retell. He settled back in his favorite chair and sipped his coffee.

  About twenty minutes later Spirit had reached the part of the story where Egg defeated Mobius. “And she was nine years old?”

  “Yes. Now you can begin to see why she is so amazing . . . why we would follow her anywhere.”

  “Remarkable. An ordinary earth girl becomes an extraordinary galactic heroine. Can’t wait to see the movie.” Spirit didn’t respond for obvious reasons. “Not important. So, then what?”

  Spirit moved quickly through her story, stopping only when she reached the point of destroying the ship and her capture in Area 51. “And that is how I came to be your guest.”

  “These shadows . . . they would have destroyed life on Earth?”

  “Most certainly.”

  “And you simply blew up your ship to save us. Why?”

  “It is what the Hameggattic Sisters do.”

  “Dragons, sea serpents, green skinned girls, a telepath, girls with wings . . . it’s beyond difficult to imagine.”

  “You have partially answered your original question.”

  “I see your point. What’s the rest of the answer?”

  “Egg has saved literally billions of people, improved their lives enormously but she has not done the same for her home world. I felt that was wrong and convinced her to allow me to meet you. I want you to begin to understand what this galaxy is about, what technologies exists, what kind of beings populate it. Then I am hoping you can start the process of preparing Earth for the future.”


  “Maybe if you have one very clear goal, the peoples of Earth can put aside their petty differences and work together – to stop their warring, to help one another to achieve their full potential and to eventually reach the stars. The galaxy will be stronger with you than without.”

  “Wow. That’s pretty ambitious and . . . incredibly noble of you.”

  “Egg has taught me well. You will find that all conversations lead back to her.”

  He went quiet as he considered all that he heard. “Would I get to meet her?”

  “Of course.”

  “And she lives on a floating city?”


  “And I would get to meet dragons?”

  Spirit shook her head. “Why does everyone want to meet dragons? They can be so grumpy.”


  “I assume your ship is in orbit?”

  “Of course.”

  “How long will I be gone?”

  “A minimum of two months.”

  “And what is the maximum?”

  “That is entirely up to you.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  She smiled and took a moment to walk around the room and examine the various artifacts, drawings, and models. “I have the feeling that when you see our technology, and all the species of sentient beings, you may never want to leave.”

  He smiled in understanding. “I see your point. Will I be able to take any technology or any other proof of what I’m going to see back to Earth?”

  “You make take images of anything that you wish. As for technology, the final decision will be Egg’s. So, will you come with me?”

  “Are you kidding?”


  He needed a day to finalize a leave of absence. He asked for, and received permission, to take a six-month sabbatical. At the agreed upon time, Spirit once again materialized in his house.

  “I was a little afraid that you might have had a change of heart.”

  “Korn, from this moment forward, you may trust my word and you may trust me with your life.”

  He stared at her alien face trying to read ‘between the lines’. “Okay”.

  “If you are ready?”

  He picked up a small valise with his clothes. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  She offered him her hand and he took it – very curious as to what an alien felt like. He was relieved and disappointed that she felt human. With her other hand, she pressed the remote control and they both transported to the ship.


  “Welcome aboard the Gracie.”

  “An Earth name?”

  “Egg’s middle name. Have you ever been to space?”

  “No,” and he walked to the view port. “And I’ve never been beamed anywhere.”

  “Like your world from here?”

  “It is beautiful. What a shame that we are fouling the air and the water with our industrial wastes. The ambient temperature of the planet has been rising due to this pollution.”

  “Why don’t you stop? The results will be catastrophic.”

  “Greed. It cost money to clean the pollutants. Those in power would rather have that money in their own pockets.”

  “That is inconceivable. They would destroy their world for money?”

  “What’s even more ironic is that many of those individuals already have accumulated great wealth . . . more than they can ever use.”

  “That is not ironic. That constitutes crimes against humanity.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. That is why when you mentioned the black hole project, I was so excited. If we could do the same thing, then our problem would go away.”


  He turned around. “Why do you say that?”

  “It is similar to the axiom that you cannot legislate away prejudice. If people are inherently greedy with no moral conscience, they will find other ways to do harm. You must change attitudes first, then the technology.”

  “I’ll say it again – wow. Not only are you more advanced in that technology, but also in morality. We do have a lot to learn. Maybe too much. I’m not sure that I can initiate that change.”

  “Do not rule out the possibility – as remote as it may be – that I or one of my sisters will come to earth to help you.”


  “Possibly. But we get ahead of ourselves. Let me give you a tour of the ship then we will be on our way.”


  Bits and Pieces of Conversation During the trip to Aerianna

  “So this sea serpent . . .”


  “Yes, her. She modified the speed of the Aeriannian solar system to eliminate the time warp between Aerianna and the rest of the galaxy.”


  “And this is her?”

  “That’s K’ssss.”

  “Are all sea serpents that plump?”



  “This thing is a what?”

  “Their species are called Rak’nex.”

  “And they invented the technology to tap into black hole energy?’


  “You’re kidding, right?”


  “Are you telling me that this holographic projection is now one of your sisters?”

  “Yes. Serenity transferred her program, which is a very sophisticated Artificial Intelligence, into an avatar which she grew. This is her now . . .”

  “This avatar . . . it’s a living organism?”

  “Of course.”



  “No, I don’t believe it.”

  “Why not?”

  “You’re telling me that a nine-year-old girl stopped this monster of a man with a glue gun?”





  “So what happened to this amazing device?”

  “Are you referring to the Crystal Egg?”


g returned it to the Myst Tree at Sighing Whorl.”

  “That answer begs two questions. Why and what is this tree thing?”

  “The why is that the Crystal Egg was obviously too dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands – such as Mobius. As importantly, it stifled initiative. Why try to invent something when you can just think it into existence.”

  “And nine-year-old Egg decided that?”


  “Amazing. So, what is this tree?”

  “He was a representative of the Old Ones left behind to help Aerianna – but without direct interference.”

  “A talking Tree, unbelievable. What happened to him?”

  “When Egg became Queen, he said his work was done and he left.”

  “How does a tree leave?”

  “Ask Egg.”


  “And this is Q’umulus?”

  “Impressive, is it not?”

  “That’s one way to describe it. I can’t wait to see it.”

  “We’ll be there tomorrow.”



  “Thank you. You have been an amazing hostess. You’ve answered all my questions . . . that would be approximately a million. Your patience is . . . literally out of this world,” and he smiled.

  Spirit also smiled at the man whom she now considered a friend. “Please do not take this the wrong way,” and she walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  He smiled broadly. “Am I supposed to return the gesture?” he asked teasingly (I think.)



  They beamed down to Q’umulus materializing on the balcony where so many from Earth had landed. His reaction was like everyone else . . . more or less. “Wow.”

  “Breathtaking,” agreed Spirit.

  Then he pointed to something flying toward them. “Is that a dragon?”

  “Yes. In fact that is Rap’tor, Egg’s close friend and the Minister of Culture.”


  “You do realize you use that word a great deal,” she teased.

  “Sorry. I sound like a teenager meeting his favorite sports hero.”


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