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Gracie - Box Set #6, Part 2 of Ever After [an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

Page 42

by Robert Iannone

  She waited to see if there were any more questions. Everyone just sat there and either smiled back or had a vacant stare.

  “Okay, then. I’ll finish up my little presentation by teaching all of you a couple of songs by an Earth band called Fandango Sally that the Sisters think of as their own.”

  To Egg’s surprise, about ten appendages shot up. She chose someone she had not called upon yet. “And you are?”

  “I’m Gusti, Egg.” She was obviously a Wind ‘dancer.

  “What’s your question, Gusti?”

  “Weren’t these songs the ones that drove Mobius and Bl’uddd crazy? The history books tell us that the Sisters are famously awful singers.” She could barely contain her smile.

  “Hey, I resemble that remark,” Egg teased back.

  Rosie didn’t wait to be called on. She stood and said, “On behalf of all my fellow initiates, we challenge the sisters to whatever game or games you want. If we lose, we’ll learn the songs and we’ll listen to you . . . to all of you old ladies sing them. If we win, we get to write a new song that represents this first class of the new generation of Sisters.”

  Her fellow mates, at first, didn’t react – the girl had practically insulted the Leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood (not to mention Queen of the Universe). Then Bl’azzz inadvertently set the tone.

  “Hey, who you calling an old lady?” and everyone cracked up. To Egg’s surprise, even the two Klat were belly laughing.

  The laughter was loud and raucous and lasted a good ten minutes. When it finally died down, Queen Eloise said, “I like you attitude, Ro. As we say on Earth – bring it on.”

  “And you won’t hold it against us when we beat you like a drum?” asked Jayde.

  Egg smiled broadly. “Sisters, what say you to this group of impertinent young hooligans?”

  Leave it to Tee’ka to say the perfect thing. “Can I be on their side?”

  Chapter 10 – The First Hameggattic Conclave

  Egg’s Final Weeks

  “Gracie, this man claims that he kissed you. Is that true?”

  “Oh, no, Your Highness. I said she kissed me.” The guy was white in the face.

  “Are you accusing my wife, the Queen of Aerianna, of inappropriate behavior?”

  “What? No, no. Oh Sir, you . . . I mean that I . . .”

  “Stop it, you two. Hey Doc, nice to see you again.” It was the same Medicus that Egg had met after Spell ‘Bound. She had shaken the guy’s hand and then, on impulse, gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Your Majesty, please believe me - I was not impugning your reputation in any way.”

  “Relax. My husband was just teasing you. He’s under the mistaken idea that he’s funny. Between you and me, he’s not.” Egg’s sense of humor was inversely proportional to the size of her belly.

  “I am still funny. Your stomach is just too large for you to see it,” he teased.

  “Barf. So what brings you around . . . sorry, I don’t even know your name.”

  “I am Captain K’lutz, Highness.”

  Egg couldn’t stop the smile. “Klutz – really?”

  “Yes, Lady.” He didn’t understand the Earth term she was referring to.

  “And you are here why?”

  Instead of answering, he turned to Benny. “He’s been assigned to follow you everywhere . . . though at a discrete distance. Should you go into labor, I want someone close by who can attend to your needs.”

  She stared at her husband but surprised him with her response. “That’s very thoughtful. Thank you. You too, Captain Klutz.”

  “It is truly my pleasure. I know that I am not your regular Medicus, but would you mind if I gave you a quick exam. It will help me to be better prepared in case my services are needed?”

  “Okay. But no kissing. Well, at least not until my husband leaves.”

  Egg and Benny’s sense of humor were well known to one and all. Feeling more at ease with the situation, K’lutz responded, “I will endeavor to restrain myself, Madame. Though in all honesty, it will be difficult.” He gave a small smile hoping he hadn’t gone too far.

  Benny looked at his wife who winked back. “Excuse me for a moment. I need to fetch my sword.”

  Klutz’s eyes went wide until Egg said, “Don’t worry about it, doc. He’s a lousy swordsman.”

  “Perhaps, but I should point out that I am unarmed.”

  “Just take out your largest needle. Not to stab him, just to make the big chicken faint.”


  Egg had just a few things to attend to before tomorrow’s Sisterhood Conclave. First on the list was to meet with General Korn and Spirit. She was in her office chatting with K’lutz when the two made their entrance.

  “Captain, this is General Korn from Earth. General, this is Captain K’lutz, a Medicus in our navy.”

  The two shook hands. “I heard there was a visitor from Her Majesty’s home world. It is an honor to meet you, Sir.”

  “Likewise. A Medicus is a doctor, correct?’

  “Yes. I am a generalist; when one serves aboard a naval vessel, the array of maladies and injuries can be entertainingly diverse. Now, if you will excuse me, I shall wait outside.” He nodded to Egg, Spirit and the General and made his exit.

  “Well General, do you have what you need to take back home?”

  “About a thousand images. Unfortunately, I don’t think they will convince many people that I was actually here.”

  “Probably not. However, I’ve decided to give you something that might.”

  “Really? What would that be?”

  “Spirit, in the top drawer of my desk is a box, would you get it for me, please?”

  “Of course, Sister. She walked over, opened the drawer, and withdrew the item. She handed it to Egg.

  “Here you go,” and Egg handed it to the General.

  The man held it as if it contained the secrets of the universe. “May I ask what it is?”

  “It is a box of serpent’s crystal. It is the foundation of their science.”

  “And what does one do with them?”

  “Our serpents have invented everything from space tunnels to translation crystals using these. So, go crazy and see what you can come up with.”

  Korn continue to gawk at the box and its magical contents. “I can’t thank you enough. I did not expect to be able to bring home any of your technology.”

  “In truth, those are just the building blocks of technology. You have to figure out the rest. But it does come with one string attached.”

  He forced himself to look up. “You want me to share it with everyone on Earth.”

  “Sounds easy but I know it won’t be. But, that’s for you to figure out. I’ve asked Spirit to visit you every year or so to see what progress you’re making. If we like what’s going on, we might give you more stuff. Maybe another visit. Okay?”

  “More than okay, Egg. It is incredibly generous of you.”

  “Thank this exotic beauty – she’s your champion, not me.”

  “I will. I do hope we can do something truly beneficial with this opportunity.”

  “I have it on good authority that you will.”

  “Sorry? What?”

  “Spirit has a couple of talents she might have neglected to tell you about. She’s a healer and she can perform Thought Weaves.”

  Korn looked at Egg then at Spirit. “I don’t know what that is.”

  “I can see future events as glowing threads. The brighter the glow, the higher the probability that it will come to fruition.”

  “You can see the future?” He was shocked.

  “Just probabilities. And the one where Earth makes good use of this gift glows very brightly.”

  He could only stare for a time. He finally found his voice and asked, “What exactly is it that we do with the gift?”

  “She’s under my orders not to tell you. Don’t want to interfere with the future, now do we?”

  “Wow. You people are . . . out of this

  “Well General, time for you to go home.” She smiled then added, “Would you believe me if I tell you it will take just a blink of an eye to get you there?”

  “Let me guess, all I have to do is tap my Ruby Slippers and repeat there’s no place like home.”

  “Good luck, General,” and Egg nodded at Spirit. The girl had borrowed Sylvia’s ring and she touched it . . . and they were gone.


  Zwam entered Egg’s office. “Friend, it so good to see you again.”

  “Get over here and give me a hug.”

  The blue-skinned exotic did just that. “I see you are very close to term.”

  “Any day now. By the way, I’m having twins.”

  Zwam’s tongue darted in and out. “Both are girls.”

  “So I’ve been told. Can you . . . um . . . can you sense anything else about them?”

  “I sense nothing out of the ordinary. Is there a problem?”

  “No, not really. I’ve just been getting a bad feeling about all of this.”

  Zwam did her tongue gymnastics again. “You are not well.”

  “Is that a statement of fact or a question?”

  “I believe that your worry is causing a metabolic imbalance. You must relax and allow the natural order of things to occur.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “Your Healer can prescribe something.”

  “No, no. I’m not taking anything that might affect my twins.”

  “Your imbalance may cause you harm. How will that affect your offspring?”

  Egg began to tear up. “I’m just so worried. I don’t know what to do.”

  “That may be the first time in your life that you have had such feelings.”

  Egg actually smiled. “I picked a fine time to be insecure.”

  “My dear friend, the children you carry are healthy. If they were not, I would sense a disturbance in their life force. There is none. Soon you will have two strong and vigorous progenies that will require your love and support. If you need something to worry about, I could offer you several alternatives.”

  “Like what?”

  “In a dozen years or so, there will probably be young men whose intentions towards your daughters you will find suspicious.” Zwam smiled – a somewhat disturbing look on the reptilian species.

  Egg giggled. “I was ten when I met Zeke.”

  “And, one of your daughters will be the next Flying Girl.”

  “I’m not really worried about that.”

  “Your Myst Tree counselled you that they must take their own path. Even though I am told that you wish to wait until they are in their early twenties before you pass down your flying suit . . . I believe you are much too optimistic.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “The Tree warned you that when the girls are eleven, they will begin to seek that path. Knowing you as well as I think I do, your children will be as rambunctious as you were at that age. Flying Girl will be airborne and causing mischief well before she turns twenty-one.”

  “And I should worry about that?”

  “You are soon to be a mother. You will worry about everything when it comes to your twins.”

  Egg went silent as she considered her friend’s words. “Thank you, Zwam. I actually feel much better.” Sometimes it’s who delivers the message that makes a bigger impact than the message itself.

  “Your well-being is, and will always be, my first concern. You risked everything to help me and my people. I promise you – on my life – your fears for your daughters are unfounded.”

  Egg believed her. She wasn’t quite sure why, but she did. Grabbing her friend in a heartfelt embrace, she quietly sobbed on the woman’s shoulder. It was going to be okay – and for the first time in months, she truly felt it.


  The Conclave

  They were seated around a large round table – Egg’s symbolic gesture to the fact that at this meeting – while deciding the future of the Sisterhood – they were all equal.

  Egg took a seat between Sylvia and Serenity.

  Sparky looked at her friend’s enormous stomach and flinched away. “That thing,” she said pointing, “is not going to explode, is it?”

  “Why would it explode?”

  “How should I know? At some point your water is going to break – so why wouldn’t your stomach explode?”

  “You are completely whacky . . .”

  “Stop. I’m just teasing you. Look who’s the grump now.”

  “I’ll remind you when you’re nine months pregnant.”

  Serenity grinned mischievously. “Just don’t explode.”


  “Enough, you two. Egg, gets this meeting going; I’ve got stuff to do.”

  “Sorry, Jax’x. Okay, everyone, quiet down.” They did . . . eventually. “First, I have to say that the meeting with the new initiates went way better than I had hoped. The girls were great and it didn’t take long for them to start ribbing us old ladies.”

  “I agree,” concurred K’ssss. “They were all intelligent, engaged and entertaining. I look forward to their development.”

  “Egg,” asked Aeri’elle “shouldn’t we have had this meeting before we met with them? If the sisterhood is going to change, maybe we would have selected different applicants.”

  “The fundamental charter of the Sisterhood will never change. We exist to help those that need it. I think the girls we chose will do a wonderful job of fulfilling that objective. Having said that, I do apologize. It was always my intention of holding this conclave first. It just didn’t work out that way.”

  “That’s okay. You’ve been a whirlwind of activity this last year . . . and that’s saying something.”

  “Well, once the twins are born, all my frenzied activities will, at least for a while, come to an end.” As soon as she said, she gasped. One of her daughters had kicked hard and her arms had broken out in goosebumps.

  “You okay?” asked Syl.

  “Your namesake just gave me a particularly sharp kick.” It was a half-truth.

  Syl stared at her best friend. “If you say so.” She knew Egg was not telling her something, but now wasn’t the time push.

  “Egg, you could go into labor any minute,” observed Meggy. “Why don’t you move this meeting along so we don’t have to postpone it again?”

  “I’m trying. Let me just lay out what I’m thinking. If anyone has a question or wants to offer a better suggestion, just do it. Or, just think about what I propose and get back to me later. So, first off – everyone here has responsibilities outside of the Sisterhood. Whether it’s a husband, children, scientific research, engineering . . . whatever, every minute spent on away missions is time not spent on your personal endeavors.”

  “No more missions?” I’za was surprised as was everyone else.

  “Yes and no. I’ll get back to that in a minute. Anyway, the first of the changes has already taken place in the form of the twenty-six initiates. Having seven active sisters was a tradition without merit. If seven of us can do good; what can seventy or seven hundred do? Expanding membership was a high priority. In addition, having all those girls that didn’t make it to the finals as additional resources is a bonus - not only for the Sisterhood but for the girls. Sassi is going to make sure that they stay focused on improving themselves and offering help if they get off track.”

  “By the way, Ashley and Molly showed great enthusiasm to join in the effort,” added Sassi.


  “Well, at least they pretended with great conviction.”

  “That’s more like it. Anyway, as you mentor the finalists, if they’re making good progress, then they should be invited to the next annual meeting.”

  “Even though they haven’t been inducted into the Sisterhood?” asked Bl’azzz.

  “Yes. So, everyone here, regardless of your situation, is on active status helping train the next generation. Anyone have an issue with that?�

  No one did.

  “Okay. Next on the changes – I want every Sister involved in their society. This is aimed more at the new recruits but it goes for everyone.”

  “What does that mean?” asked Jax’x.

  “Charity work, politics, school boards, sports for kids in school, volunteering at hospitals . . . all the elements that make for a great society. Get involved in whatever interests you. And make sure you’re visible – flaunt the fact that you’re a Sister. I want people to feel comfortable with us as part of the fabric of their lives. We shouldn’t just be the superheroes that save worlds. Let’s save – or at least help – one person at a time. And . . . get out of your comfort zone and do these things we other species. Questions?”

  “It sounds good but let us think about that,” said Aeri’elle.

  “Sure. The next is a minor point. I want all sisters to wear a symbol of their membership in the sisterhood. If people don’t recognize a face, they’ll recognize this symbol. Obviously, when we have hundreds of new members, it becomes more important.”

  “You’re not suggesting a uniform, are you?” asked Jax’x.

  “No, no. No red hoods or anything. Sass, maybe you can design a ring for humans, a talon bracelet for dragons, maybe a necklace for serpents . . . whatever is most comfortable for each species.”

  “Sure. What symbol were you thinking of?”

  “Let’s do the Sword and the Rose in honor of Dazzle. Just make it a little different from the royal sigil that I wear.”

  “Can do.”

  “Okay, so the last item for this meeting . . .” Egg yelped.

  Syl and Serenity immediately stood and held on to their friend. “What is it?”

  “A contraction.”

  “I’ll get your doctor.”

  “No, not yet. Nothing’s going to happen for a while. Let me finish this meeting.”

  “You got five minutes . . . talk fast.”

  “Okay, already. The last item is the away missions. Not only will we respond to emergencies like before, we’re also going to make diplomatic visits to all the worlds in the Federation and Commonwealth. We’re going to maintain a very high profile.”


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