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Flame's Embrace

Page 39

by Pillar, Amanda

  I walked without watching, without caring. Her fingers speared through my hair, nails dragged down the length of my back, and it was as though my life had been heading to this moment for eternity.

  To be needed and wanted…and not just because of what I was, but because of who I was. Connected. That’s what I felt when I braced one hand against the bed and lowered us down.

  I felt connected.

  I lifted her hand, palm toward me, tender kisses on her wrist and her flesh.

  Something dark whispered inside my mind. Something that came from her…and it was deeper than any Night Walker could contain.

  I pulled away, and stared into her eyes. There was a look of innocence, of vulnerability that echoed inside me. I wanted to ask the question again…what are you? But I had a gnawing feeling she didn’t know.

  Night Walker…lover of the night and dark magic. It was a blanket name used to describe anyone with a natural gift outside a mortal scope. I wanted to see her power, wanted to know what she could do.

  There was more to her, so much more.

  I pressed my lips to the inside of her wrist and then down to her palm once more and felt that calling—that hunger. It rose inside her, making her eyes flutter, making her pulse race.

  I pushed upwards, taking her mouth, trailing my thumb softly down the line of her throat and then captured her jaw. She was so perfect, pliable under my hands, as I eased her head to the side. Soft skin trembled under my lips. Her pulse was racing, throbbing against my fingers. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  She broke my hold and turned to meet my gaze.

  There were a thousand emotions inside her soul, all twisted and tangled, knotted until they were choking her. Words just weren’t enough…deflected by her armor of snark and smiles. So, I needed to show her instead.

  I sank low, dragging the hemline of her shirt high and kissed her stomach. Butterflies were trapped, fluttering against my mouth as I moved higher and higher.

  “This okay?” My breath warmed my lips against her body.

  There was a tiny nod, before she licked her lips, deep, throaty words slipping through; “Yeah, yeah it is.”

  I pushed her shirt higher, cresting over the swell of her breast, leaving it to bunch at her neck. Her nipples hardened to tight peaks under the soft white cotton. I dragged down the strap of her bra, kissed one nub, drawing it between my lips as a moan tore free.

  I dragged the cloth aside, exposing soft, tender skin. Dusty pink nipples puckered, and then grew warm under my lips. Her hips moved against me as she fisted the mess of sheets underneath us.

  This moment was all about her.

  I pushed her shirt higher, sliding it over her face until it tugged free. The hooks of her bra was next. And then she was bare, gloriously perfect and pale.

  “You next,” she murmured, dark eyes filled with hunger.

  The mattress groaned with my weight as I rose high above her and worked the buttons of my shirt. A shirt bought for me, just like everything else I had.

  She reached up, snagged the bottoms and yanked. Buttons popped, flying to ping against something in the room. But her gaze was fixed on my chest, and the thick black markings of my kind. Black pupils widened. Hands dropped to her side.

  “Have you seen these before?” I shrugged one side over my shoulder, and then the other, letting the shirt fall away.

  There was a shake of her head before she murmured, “No. What are they?”

  Ownership. Hateful, vile ownership.

  I wanted to say the words, but the truth would taint this moment faster than any lie. So I trailed my fingers over the markings along my chest. “This is the mark of a dark Sidhe. This is of a warrior…and this…this the mark of the Queen’s personal guard.”

  Please don’t ask me…please don’t say the words.

  “I never knew the Unseelie were so beautiful.” She reached up, trailing the tips of her fingers along my stomach and the higher. I closed my eyes and swayed. No one wanted to touch me, not like this…

  You are owned. You are nothing more than a piece of flesh to be owned and used. You want to be used, don’t you, Redemption?

  A tremor broke free. I snapped my eyes open as the past sank its claws deep. It wanted me back there, back in the cold, with the scent of sex heavy in the air, and the echoes of my screams rebounding against the walls.

  Lorn’s hands slipped lower, against the ridges of my stomach to the thin trail of hair. She cupped her hand, moving over my cock. “So beautiful,” she murmured and stared into my eyes. “I never knew you were so beautiful.”

  My cock twisted at the sound of her words, punching against the zipper, desperate for the feel of her skin, her hands…her lips. But there was something I wanted more. I pulled away from her as her hands went for my belt. “We’ve got all night. If there’s one thing I want you to remember about tonight, is that I was a complete and utter gentleman.”

  I splayed my fingers wide and slid from the bed, until I knelt between her legs. She pushed her elbows against the mattress and lifted her head. My fingers worked fast, popping the button of her jeans and then easing the zipper low.

  Utter gentleman…the words were a lie. I was selfish, taking more of her than I could give of me. I slid my fingers under the hemline at her hips and dragged the jeans down.

  Her thighs jiggled as she clenched her ass and drove her hips into the air—I’d never seen anything sexier in my damn life. I ran my hand under her thigh, and then down her leg until I gripped the heels of her boots.

  I tugged one free and then the other, dropping them with a thud on the floor. The rest of her jeans came next, sliding down the length of her legs. I took my time, revealing her inch by inch. A spark danced in her eyes, like the tiny flicker of a flame, and I captured that glint…just like I held onto that deep throb of power as I kissed her palm.

  What are you? The question haunted me. I wanted to voice the words, wanted to dig under the surface of this woman. I wanted to know all of her.

  And the image of her mother echoed back to me. It was her face I saw now, her words I heard…

  Promise me…

  “What did you say?” Lorn murmured and pushed higher. “Promise you what?”

  Fear punched through my chest. My mind raced, fumbling and falling.

  “I want you to promise me.” Fear mingled with desire, and darkness spilled…true darkness…Unseelie darkness. I lifted her hand, kissed her knuckles as I curled her hand into a fist and pressed it between her lips. “Not…to…scream…too…loud.”

  Her eyes widened, but she parted her lips, white teeth biting down on her flesh as I jerked the last of her jeans from her body and then grasped the edges of her panties.

  Cotton tore with one jerk. There was no going back now, even if I wanted to. I’d opened the gates of that Unseelie side of me, and a hunger waited. I lowered my head, kissing the tops of her thighs as I yanked the remnants of her panties aside.

  God she was perfect. So utterly perfect. She parted her thighs, widening as I pushed in deeper. So warm…so alive. I slid my finger down the line of her slit, until she trembled under my touch and dropped her head to the mattress.

  The whisper of darkness coiled along my spine, a serpent ready to lash out. But the poison was all mine…always mine.

  Fingers speared through my hair. But I was lost now, lost to the taste of her body, lost to that hunger riding that edge inside—lost to her moans in my ears as I dipped lower, driving my tongue deeper and then pulled away.

  Stars collided in her gaze as I fumbled with my button and then my zipper, shoving my trousers until they fell in a heap at my feet. Her gaze skimmed my body, stopping at my cock as she lifted her hand. I moved higher, letting her fingers graze what they wanted to, until she clasped her fingers around my cock.

  Her legs widened, letting me see what I wanted to see, guiding me until the tip met her warmth. Just a little…that’s all I wanted. Just a god
damn little.

  Her eyes closed as I slid inside, taking it slowly, pushing her until her muscles tightened, and then I eased back out. “Look at me, Lorn,” I murmured. “Let me see your eyes.”

  Her eyelids fluttered open as I drove deeper, all the way in, until her fingers trembled against my shoulders. And there was that slow slide again, pushing deeper, just a little bit more every time, until tenderness gave way to need.

  One brutal thrust had her arching her back. A cry tore from her lips, nails gouging my flesh until the slick sounds of our bodies echoed inside the room.

  I wanted her, wanted to be closer. I curled my spine, dropping down to my elbows. Harder, faster until the huh…huh…huh…of her breath filled my ears.

  And still it wasn’t enough.

  It could never be enough.

  I drove my cock home one last time, and spilled inside her. I knew I was gone, lost in a sea of this woman. There was no going back now, no undoing what had already been done.

  I collapsed on the bed beside her and tried to catch my breath. She was still for a moment, and then rolled to curl her body against mine. It felt so fucking easy…and so right. She lifted her head as I slid my arm underneath her neck, and closed my eyes.


  That’s where I was right now.

  And I didn’t find it in another realm.

  Or in a cold, stony castle.

  I found it in a woman…

  The one I’d sworn to protect.

  Chapter Four

  The blare of a horn woke me. I rolled, a stream of sunlight catching my closed eyes. The sound came again, urgent and angry. I cracked open my eyes to the soft white curtains that whipped gently as they rode a breeze.

  Fragments came back to me. The car…the job. The bar. The Orc…and her.

  My heart thundered, lunging frantically against my chest as I shot up in bed. The smell of sex was thick and heady. I glanced down to the edge of a white sheet draped across my body and a groan tore free. “You stupid sonovabitch. What the fuck have you done?”

  I shoved the sheet aside and scooted toward the edge of the bed as remnants of last night came crashing down. My pulse sped at the thought of her, my heartbeat stuttering and roaring like a damn fool.

  A twinge of something else came with the rush.

  Something cold…something filled with rage.

  Someone’s coming—

  For the thing she once owned.

  An Unseelie portal beckoned, calling forth both the beast that broke through—and the man who left the Unseelie world far behind. I grabbed my trousers, yanking them on before I stepped into my boots.

  Paper fluttered to the ground beside me, seized by the same breeze that ruffled the curtains. I grasped the note and flipped it opened.

  I lied…well, kinda. I want to see you again if you want to. No hard feelings if you don’t. I thought I’d let you sleep while I went to work. Here’s my number, call me if you’re free anytime, or don’t, it’s all good.


  I stared at the mess of her writing and couldn’t help but feel the heady rush of excitement. I folded the paper and shoved it into my pocket as I grabbed my shirt from the floor and raced for the hallway.

  The squeal of the apartment door tore through the space as I slipped out of the front door to her apartment and pulled it closed behind me.

  “Who are you?”

  I flinched and turned, fumbling with my shirt as I slid my arms inside and searched for the remaining buttons. An archangel stood at the top of the landing. Blue eyes blazing as he glanced from me to the closed door behind me. Angel’s wings flared as he arched them out wide, blocking off my exit. “What were you doing in Lorn’s apartment?”

  His gaze slipped low and caught on the back markings along my chest and his top lip curled. The bitter scent of jealously and lust mingled as I took as step toward him. “She’s not there, if that’s what you’re wondering,” I gave him nothing more, stepping closer until he took a step back and drew his wings against his body.

  “You stay away from her,” he snarled as I raced down the stairs. “You hear me! You stay away!”

  It was too late. Even if I wanted to, there was no going back now. The goddamn woman was Hellfire, burning all the way through my veins. I wanted more, so help me God, I wanted more.

  I shoved through the front door to the apartment building and stumbled down the stairs. Cars whipped past, and I felt for my wallet. A black and white cab turned the corner. I lunged out into the middle of the street and waved the thing down before racing to the rear door.

  The musty stench of shifter wafted out as I yanked open the door and snarled, “Get out.”

  The male never argued, taking one glance at my open shirt and scurried for the door handle. “Here.” He threw the cabbie a fifty and barreled through the open door.

  I spoke fast and climbed in, giving him the directions to the same crossroad that had ripped my life apart…and now strangely put it back together.

  The power of the portal was calling me was urgent. I leaned back against the seat as the driver turned the car around and punched the accelerator.

  Please let me be there in time…please. Desperation grew with every street corner we passed, until we turned one last time and the old cannery came into view. “Here, here’s fine.”

  I shoved my last fifty dollar note toward him and shouldered open the car door. The place was quiet and empty. Signs still hung in the same spot as they had before. I glanced toward the ground, waiting as the cab pulled away from the curb and slipped away.

  A deep throb echoed through the air, making the hairs on my arms stand. I lifted my head, to the warm rays of the sun and then took a step through the gap in the fence and then inside.

  The temperature plunged sharply, stealing my breath and the steel in my spine. Of all the places for the portal to the Unseelie world to haunt, it shouldn’t be here, not after last time.

  I stepped closer, sinking into the shadows and my pulse raced.

  Inside, machinery crammed the space along both sides of the wall. But the portal to the Unseelie realm swirled in the middle, dark and dangerous, calling me like it’d never called me before. It was the same place I found myself after crawling broken and bleeding from the Unseelie world.

  I opened myself, just a little searching for that taste of other…making sure no one had slipped through, that she hadn’t come through.

  “Were you looking for me?”

  It was the sound of a Viper…the sound of death itself. I stilled, fear cutting me open and spilling me dry. Don’t move…don’t say a thing.

  Fabric skimmed the ground as she stepped from the shadows, coming closer…closer, until the bitter cold leaked from her body to dance across my skin. “You smell like sex and lust.”

  I closed my eyes. Those words on her lips.

  “I know the fragrance well.”

  Lorn filled my mind, smiling, cocky, so full of fire and life. So very different to everything I’d known before. My heart tightened, squeezing and releasing a little tighter each time.

  “Who is she? Who is the vile fucking bitch who’s taken what’s mine?”

  My lips trembled, as images filled my mind, all the things she’d do to Lorn and to me. Lie…lie to her like Lorn’s life depends on it…because it does. “I don’t love anyone.”

  “Liar,” Queen Mab hissed and stepped around me, meeting my gaze. “Look me in the eye and say it again.”

  I shoved the truth down, all the way under the sickening images of my past, until there was nothing left but an empty shell of a man. I stared into the soulless eyes of the Unseelie Queen and this time, I gave her what she wanted. “You’re right, I am a liar. You want to know who my heart belongs to? Then look in the mirror. I made you an oath, and I plan on keeping that oath.”

  Her breath caught, dark eyes glinting a little bit sharper. Then the Viper opened its mouth wide and leaned closer
, her lips were cold, almost as cold as her heart. My stomach rolled, until I clenched it tight. I lifted my hands and slid them along pale skin until I gripped her waist and drew her hard against me and broke the kiss.

  She tasted of blood.

  And cum.

  “Feel this?” I thrust my hips against her, grinding against her body, making her feel like she had all the fucking power. “This is the goddamn truth.”

  Her breath caught, and that hollow thud inside her chest sped. She clutched me harder, digging long red nails into my arm. Blood beaded under the crescent cuts, slipping over my flesh to fall to the ground.

  “Remember who you belong to Redemption,” she warned. “I am not the sharing kind.”

  Her hand dropped from my arm as she stepped away. The shimmering portal opened wide, waiting for her to step through. She turned, glancing over her shoulder one last time before she stepped through and returned into the Unseelie world.

  The power ebbed, sparking with the force of her…and then in an instant it was gone, leaving me shaking and shuddering. Revulsion gripped me, as my stomach clenched again and again.

  I lunged forward as acid spilled from my mouth to splash between the machines.

  “Good thing you lie well.”

  I stiffened, and then spun. An older woman stepped out of the shadows behind me. She took one look at the spot where the portal had disappeared and then turned back to me. “I see you’ve taken a shine to my granddaughter, warrior.”

  Alma Goodchild. I glanced to her hands and the pistols on her hips. “It was consensual.”

  “Oh, I know. Very consensual if the smile on her damn face has anything to say about it. But, you see, I’ve now got myself a problem.” Her sharp eyes missed nothing. “I don’t know you, Unseelie, and I sure as Hell don’t trust you.” She looked back at to where the portal stood. “So, I’m going to change that. I’m going to offer you two things, and in turn you’ll offer me one, that is, if you ever want to see my granddaughter again.”

  I lifted my hand and swiped my mouth. “What exactly am I to offer?”


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